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1. Vital Signs – also called cardinal signs (T, PR, RR, BP)
2. Pyrexia – elevated body temperature; fever; hyperthermia
3. Hyperpyrexia – very high fever; temp is 41 deg Celsius
4. Hypothermia – subnormal or low body temp (e.g., 35.5 deg Celsius)
5. Tachycardia – rapid pulse rate, above 100 beats per minute in adults
6. Bradycardia – slow pulse rate, below 60 beats per minute in adults
7. Eupnea – normal breathing, it is quiet or noiseless, effortless and rhythmic breathing
8. Tachypnea – rapid breathing, above 20 breaths per minute in adults
9. Bradypnea – slow breathing, less than 12 breaths per minute in adults
10. Hyperventilation – deep, rapid respiration, also called kussmaul’s breathing
11. Hypoventilation – slow, shallow respiration
12. Polypnea – deep respiration, rate is not affected
13. Oligopnea - shallow respiration, rate is not affected
14. Dyspnea – difficult and labored breathing
15. Orthopnea – difficulty of respiration in supine or lying position, relived by upright or sitting position
16. Apnea – absence or cessation of breathing
17. Systolic pressure – pressure of blood during ventricular contraction
18. Diastolic pressure – pressure of blood during ventricular relaxation
19. Pulse pressure – is the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure (systolic pressure – diastolic
pressure = pulse pressure; e.g., 120mmHg – 80mmHg). normal is 30 to 40 mmHg
20. Hypertension – high blood pressure; over 140mmHg systolic pressure and/or above 90mmHg diastolic
pressure for at least 2 readings, 30 days apart
21. Hypotension – low blood pressure, systolic pressure below 100 mmHg or diastolic pressure below 60
22. Normotension – is normal blood pressure, average blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg in adults
23. Inspection – assessing using sense of sight
24. Palpation – examining the body by using sense of touch
25. Percussion – tapping body parts to produce sounds
26. Auscultation – listening to body sounds with the use of stethoscope
27. Dorsal or supine position – back lying position
28. Fowler’s position – head of bead is elevated at different angles (low, semi and high fowler’s)
29. Lithotomy position – back lying position with legs supported in stirrups at 90 degree angle
30. Genupectoral or knee chest position – kneeling position with torso at 90 degree angle to hips
31. Lateral position – side lying position
32. Sim’s position – semi prone, side lying position
33. Prone position – abdomen lying position with face turned to the side, also called face lying position
34. Overweight – the weight of the person is 10% greater than IBW
35. Obesity – the weight of the person is 20% greater than IBW
36. Dehydration – fluid loss, inadequate fluid
37. Gastric gavage – nasogastric tube feeding; NGT feeding; osteorized feeding
38. Gastric lavage – irrigation of the stomach through NGT
39. Gastrotomy feeding – feeding a client through a tube inserted directly into the stomach through an incision
over the abdomen (gastrotomy tube)
40. Jejunostomy feeding – feeding a client through a tube inserted into the jejunum through an incision over
the abdomen (jejunostomy tube)
41. Defecation – is expulsion of feces from the rectum, also called bowel movement
42. Constipation – is passage of small, hard, dry stool or no passage of stool for a period of time
43. Diarrhea – is the frequent passage of watery stool
44. Fecal impaction – is the collection of hardened, putty like feces in the folds of the rectum
45. Obstipation – is the collection of hardened, putty like feces in the colon
46. Flatulence – is the presence of excessive gas in the intestines, also called tympanites
47. Fecal incontinence – is the involuntary elimination of bowel contents
48. Feces – waste products of digestion present in the colon
49. Stool – waste product of digestion expelled into the external environment
50. Acholic stool – gray, pale or clay colored stool, this is due to absence of stercobilin in biliary obstruction.
Stercobilin is the bile pigment derivative that gives the yellow or golden brown coloring of the stool
51. Melena – passage of black, tarry stool due to upper gastrointestinal bleeding, the gastric acid turns the
blood black or tarry
52. Hematochezia – passage of stool with bright red blood due to lower gastrointestinal bleeding. The blood
is bright red because there is no acid in the lower GI to act on the blood
53. Steatorrhea – is greasy, fatty, bulky, foul smelling stool, it is due to presence of undigested fats like
cholelithiasis (gallstone) and pancreatitis (inflammation of pancreas)
54. Enema- administration of fluids or medications into the colon through a rectal tube
55. Micturition – is the act of expelling urine from the bladder, it is also called urination or voiding
56. Hematuria – is the presence of blood in the urine
57. Pyuria – is the presence of pus in the urine
58. Bacteriuria – is the presence of bacteria in the urine
59. Albuminuria – is the presence of albumin in the urine
60. Proteinuria – is the presence of protein in the urine
61. Cylindruria – is the presence of casts in the urine
62. Glycosuria – is the presence of glucose in the urine
63. Ketonuria – is the presence of ketones in the urine
64. Polyuria – is the excessive urine production, more than 100mls/hour or 2500 mls/day or more, also called
65. Oliguria – is inadequate urine production, less than 30mls/hour or less than 500 mls/day
66. Anuria – is the absence of urine production by the kidneys, 0 to 10mls/hour, also called urinary
67. Frequency – voiding at frequent intervals
68. Nocturia – frequent voiding at night
69. Urgency – it is strong desire to void, there may or may not be a great amount of urine in the bladder
70. Dysuria – voiding that is painful or difficult
71. Hesitancy – difficulty in initiating voiding
72. Enuresis – repeated, involuntary voiding beyond 4 to 5 years of age. Nocturnal enuresis is involuntary
voiding during sleep
73. Pollakiuria - frequent, abnormal urination during the day
74. Urinary incontinence – is the involuntary passage of urine
75. Urinary retention – is the accommodation of urine in the bladder, 500mls or more, associated with inability
of the bladder to empty itself, also called urinary stasis
76. Crede’s maneuver – is the application manual pressure over the suprapubic area to induce voiding
77. Acne – is an inflammatory condition of the skin which occurs in and around sebaceous glands
78. Erythema – is redness of the skin which may be associated with rashes, exposure to sun, elevated body
79. Hirsutism – is excessive growth of hair especially among women
80. Hyperhidrosis – is excessive perspiration especially in palms of the hands and soles of feet
81. Bromhidrosis – is foul smelling perspiration
82. Vitiligo – are patches of hypopigmented skin caused by destruction of melanocytes in the area
83. Alopecia – hair loss or baldness
84. Pediculosis – infestation of lice
85. Body mechanics – is the efficient, coordinated and safe use of the body to produce motion and maintain
balance during the activity
86. Muscle atrophy – decrease in size of muscles
87. Osteoporosis – weak and brittle bones
88. Ankylosis – is stiffness and rigidity of joints
89. Contracture – is inability of muscles to shorten or lengthen, limiting joint mobility
90. Thrombophlebitis – inflammation of the vein due to presence of blood clot
91. Atelectasis – collapse of the lungs
92. Anorexia – loss of appetite to eat
93. Pressure sores – reddened area, sores or ulcers of the skin occurring over body prominences, they are due
to interruption of the blood circulation to the tissue, resulting in a localized ischemia and necrosis
94. Ischemia – decreased blood flow or perfusion of tissues
95. Hypoxia – decreased oxygenation of tissues
96. Necrosis – is death of tissues due to impaired circulation and oxygenation
97. Dorsal recumbent position – supine position with knees flexed
98. Trendelenburg position – supine position with head of bed lower than the foot part
99. Modified Trendelenburg – supine position, with the lower extremities elevated at 20 to 30 degree angle,
up to 45 deg angle
100. Reverse Trendelenburg position – supine position with the foot part lower than the head
101. Supination – is moving the forearm with the palms facing upward
102. Pronation – is moving the forearm with palms facing downward
103. Plantar flexion – moving the feet downward
104. Dorsiflexion – moving the feet upward
105. Eversion – moving the foot outward
106. Inversion – moving the foot inward
107. Abduction – moving an arm or leg away from the body
108. Adduction – moving an arm or leg toward the body
109. Insomnia – difficulty in sleeping
110. Hypersomnia – excessive daytime or nighttime sleep
111. Narcolepsy – uncontrollable falling into sleep, also called sleep attack
112. Sleep apnea – is periodic cessation of breathing during sleep, it is characterized by snoring
113. Somnambulism – is sleep walking
114. Soliloquy – sleep talking
115. Bruxism – clenching and grinding of teeth during sleep
116. Libel – is defamation by means of print, writing or pictures
117. Slander – is defamation by spoken word, stating unprivileged or false words by which a reputation is
118. Assault – an attempt or threat to touch another person unjustifiably
119. Battery – the willful touching of a person, including person’s clothes or something the person is carrying
that may or may not cause harm
120. False imprisonment – is the unlawful restraint or detention of person against his or her will
121. Malpractice – is the negligent act of a person engaged in professions or occupations in which highly
technical or professional skills are employed
122. Senescence – the normal aging process
123. Senility – aging process characterized by severe mental deterioration
124. Suffix “ectomy” – removal of an organ
a. Appendectomy – removal of appendix
b. Hysterectomy – removal of the uterus
c. Oophorectomy – removal of the ovary
d. Mastectomy – removal of the breast
e. Tonsillectomy – removal of the tonsils
f. Nephrectomy – removal of the kidney
g. Pneumonectomy – removal of the lung
h. Thyroidectomy – removal of the thyroid gland
125. Suffix “plasty”, “orrhapy”, “pexy” – involve repair of congenitally defective organ or damaged organ
a. Cheiloplasty – repair of cleft lip
b. Uranoplasty – repair of cleft palate
c. Herniorrhaphy – repair of hernia
d. Orchidopexy – repair of undescended testes
e. Rhinoplasty – repair of the nose
f. Blepharoplasty – repair of the eyelid
126. Wound dehiscence – disruption in the coaptation or approximation of wound edges, it is wound
127. Wound evisceration – disruption of wound with protrusion of intestines
128. Hematoma – seepage or collection of blood under the skin, also called bruises or blue and black mark
129. Oncology – is the medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and study of cancer
130. Hyperplasia - increase in cell number
131. Hypertrophy – increase in the size of cell
132. Cachexia – severe weight loss and tissue wasting due to cancer
133. Epistaxis – nose bleeding
134. Suffix “itis” – refers to inflammation
a. Sinusitis – inflammation of the sinuses
b. Tonsillitis – inflammation of the tonsils
c. Laryngitis – inflammation of the larynx
d. Stomatitis – dry, sore, inflamed mucous membrane of the mouth
e. Pharyngitis – inflammation of the pharynx
f. Conjunctivitis – inflammation of the conjunctiva
g. Appendicitis – inflammation of the appendix
h. Arthritis – inflammation of the joint
i. Gastritis – inflammation of the stomach
135. Pneumothorax – presence of air in the pleural space
136. Pleural effusion – presence of fluid in the pleural space
a. Hemothorax – presence of blood in the pleural space
b. Pyothorax – presence of pus in the pleural space, also known as empyema
c. Hydrothorax – presence of water in the pleural space
137. Pulmonary edema – presence of fluid in the alveoli and in between the alveoli
138. Flail chest – fracture of 2 or more adjacent ribs or detachment of the sternum
139. Hypoxemia – low oxygen levels in the blood
140. Gangrene – decomposing necrotic tissues
141. Aneurysm – is localized, irreversible dilatation of an artery due to an alteration in the integrity of its
142. Arteriosclerosis – is the hardening of the arteries
143. Atherosclerosis – narrowing or occlusion of lumen of arteries due to accumulation of fatty plaques
144. Pallor – paleness due to decreased peripheral blood flow and oxygen supply
145. Cyanosis – bluish discoloration of the skin due to inadequate oxygenation
146. Hyperlipidemia – elevated blood lipid levels
147. Thrombus – a blood clot attached to the blood vessel wall, the condition is called thrombosis
148. Embolus – a blood clot in blood circulation, the condition is called embolism
149. Homan’s sign – pain in the calf of leg
150. Varicose veins – dilated veins, usually in the lower extremities
151. Thromboembolism – presence of blood clots attached to blood vessels and blood clots in the circulation
152. Intermittent claudication – leg pain on activity and exercise, like walking, relieved by rest
153. Erythrocytes – red blood cells
154. Leukocytes – white blood cells
155. Thrombocytes – platelets
156. Polycythemia – elevated red blood cells and hemoglobin levels
157. Polycythemia vera – elevated red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets level
158. Anemia – low red blood cells and hemoglobin level
159. Syncope – is faintness due to cerebral hypoxia, there is sudden and temporarily loss of consciousness
160. Paresthesia – tingling and numbness, usually in the arms and legs due to inadequate blood flow and
oxygen supply
161. Vertigo – is dizziness
162. Tinnitus – is ringing in the ears
163. Dysphagia – difficulty in swallowing
164. Odynophagia – painful swallowing
165. Cheilosis – cracks at the lateral angle of lips
166. Koilonychia – spoon shaped fingernails
167. Pica – uncontrollable craving of non-edible substances like clay, crayons
168. Hemosiderosis – iron overload, it is increased level of iron in the blood
169. Leukemia – malignant disorder of the blood and bone marrow
170. Teratogenic – a substance or drug that causes congenital defects
171. Leukopenia – low white blood cells
172. Leukocytosis – elevated white blood cells count
173. Erythrocytosis – elevated red blood cells count
174. Thrombocytopenia – low platelet count
175. Thrombocytosis – elevated platelet count
176. Hernia – protrusion of an organ through weakened muscle wall
177. Jaundice – yellowish discoloration of the skin due to elevated bilirubin levels
178. Pruritus – itchiness
179. Immunocompromised – having low resistance to infection
180. Hepatomegaly – enlargement of the liver
181. Splenomegaly – enlargement of the spleen
182. Gynecomastia – enlargement of breast in male
183. Atrophy – reduction in size of cells in an organ
184. Pustule – is pus-filled lesion less than 1cm
185. Papule – elevated solid lesion less than 1cm
186. Nodule – elevated solid lesion, extending deeper into the dermis, larger than papule
187. Asterixis – flapping tremors, liver flap. Is a course tremor characterized by rapid, nonrhythmic extension
and flexion on the wrist and fingers
188. Cholelithiasis – presence of gallstones
189. Cholecystitis – inflammation of the gall bladder
190. Gigantism – exaggerated growth in height and weight due to hypersecretion of growth hormone in
191. Dwarfism – failure to grow in height due to hyposecretion of growth hormone
192. Galactorrhea – excessive milk production due to hypersecretion of prolactin
193. Dyspareunia – painful sexual intercourse
194. Diaphoresis – excessive sweating
195. Exophthalmos – protrusion of eyeballs
196. Hemorrhage – bleeding
197. Hyperthyroidism – hypersecretion of thyroid hormone
198. Hypothyroidism – hyposecretion of thyroid hormone
199. Goiter – enlargement of the thyroid gland
200. Dysrhythmias – abnormal heart rhythm, also arrhythmias
201. Hyperglycemia – elevated blood glucose level
202. Hypoglycemia – decreased blood glucose level
203. Stridor – noisy breathing due to laryngospasm
204. Polyuria – excessive urination
205. Polydipsia – excessive thirst
206. Polyphagia – excessive hunger
207. Pyorrhea – infection of the gums
208. Furuncles – boils that grows singly
209. Carbuncles – boils that grow in groups
210. Cellulitis – diffuse inflammation of tissues, there is swelling, redness and pain. It is due to bacterial
211. Alexia – inability to read
212. Expressive aphasia – inability to speak clearly
213. Receptive aphasia – inability to understand or interpret sounds and language
214. Agraphia – inability to write
215. Apraxia – inability to do activities performed by fingers
216. Ataxia – uncoordinated movements
217. Ageusia – absence of taste
218. Anosmia – absence of sense of smell
219. Nystagmus – rolling of the eyeballs
220. Diplopia – double vision
221. Strabismus – deviation of eyeballs, also squinting, cross-eyedness, heteropia
222. Stupor – a state of unconsciousness when the individual responds only to noxious, strong or intense
223. Cephalgia – headache
224. Hemianopia – loss of half of the visual field
225. Hemiplegia – paralysis of one side of the body (either left or right)
226. Quadriplegia – paralysis of the four extremities
227. Paraplegia – paralysis of the lower half of the body
228. Monoplegia – paralysis of one extremity
229. Otorrhea – cerebrospinal leak from the ear
230. Rhinorrhea – discharge from the nose, e.g., cerebrospinal leak from the nose
231. Shuffling gait – tiptoe walking, it is experienced by people with Parkinson’s disease
232. Ptosis – drooping of an organ
233. Scoliosis – exaggerated lateral curvature of the spine
234. Kyphosis – exaggerated antero-posterior curvature of the spine, also known as hunchback
235. Lordosis – exaggerated lumbar curvature of the spine
236. Mydriasis – dilatation of pupils
237. Miosis – constriction of pupils
238. Cataract – opacity of the lens
239. Glaucoma – eye disorder characterized by increased intraocular pressure
240. Enucleation – surgical removal of the eyeball
241. Hyperopia – farsightedness
242. Myopia – nearsightedness
243. Presbyopia – eye disorder that causes farsightedness due to hardening of the lens
244. Astigmatism – irregular cornea, entry of the light into the eyes is unequal
245. Presbycusis – hearing loss of the elderly due to degeneration of nervous tissues in the ears. Deafness is
predominantly in high pitched sounds
246. Edema – accumulation of fluids in between the cells
247. Hyponatremia – low serum sodium level
248. Hypernatremia – high serum sodium level
249. Hypokalemia – low serum potassium level
250. Hyperkalemia – high serum potassium level
251. Hypocalcemia – low serum calcium level
252. Hypercalcemia – high serum calcium level
253. Hypomagnesemia – low serum magnesium level
254. Hypermagnesemia – high serum magnesium level
255. Hypovolemia – decreased blood volume
256. Hypervolemia – increased blood volume
257. Anaphylaxis – severe allergic reaction
258. Hemoptysis – coughing out of blood
259. Sepsis – the body’s extreme response to an infection
260. Septicemia – presence of severe infection in the blood
261. Amenorrhea – absence of menstruation
262. Dysmenorrhea – painful menstruation
263. Menorrhagia – excessive bleeding during menstruation
264. Metrorrhagia – bleeding in between menstrual period
265. Menopause – the physiologic cessation of menses/menstruation
266. Vesicles – fluid filled lesions, less than 1cm
267. Bullae – fluid filled lesions, greater than 1cm
268. Emesis – vomiting
269. Mastication – chewing
270. Deglutition – swallowing
271. Encopresis – bowel incontinence
272. Satiety – feeling of having had eaten enough
273. Carcinoma – cancer, malignant tumor
274. Benign tumor – a harmless, non-cancerous
275. Glycogenesis – conversion of glucose to glycogen
276. Glycogenolysis – breakdown of glycogen to glucose
277. Gluconeogenesis – breakdown of fats and proteins into glucose
278. Lipolysis – breakdown of fats
279. Suffix “oscopy” – direct visualization of an organ or body cavity
a. Esophagoscopy – direct visualization of the esophagus
b. Gastroscopy – direct visualization of the stomach
c. Duodenoscopy – direct visualization of the duodenum
d. Proctosigmoidoscopy – direct visualization of the rectum and sigmoid
e. Colonoscopy – direct visualization of colon
f. Cystoscopy – direct visualization of the urinary bladder
g. Laparoscopy – direct visualization of the abdominal cavity
h. Arthroscopy – direct visualization of the joint
i. Bronchoscopy – direct visualization of bronchi
280. Suffix “centesis” – aspiration of fluid from a body organ or cavity
a. Thoracentesis – aspiration of fluid from the pleural space
b. Paracentesis – aspiration of fluid from the abdominal cavity
c. Arthrocentesis – aspiration of fluid from the joint
281. Suffix “algia” – pain
a. Arthralgia – joint pain
b. Myalgia – muscle pain
c. Otalgia – ear pain or ear ache
282. Suffix “ostomy” – opening of the outside of the body
a. Colostomy – opening of the colon to the outside of the body
b. Tracheostomy – opening of the trachea to the outside of the body
c. Ileostomy – opening of the ileum to the outside of the body
d. Vesicostomy – opening of the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
283. Prefix “dys” – painful, difficult, abnormal
a. Dyspnea – difficult or labored breathing
b. Dysphagia – difficult swallowing
c. Dysuria – difficult or painful urination
d. Dysmenorrhea – painful menstruation
e. Dysplasia – abnormal cell formation or development, normal cells change in size, shape and

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