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1.Are you any hobbies that you think are not worthwhile? (Bạn có sở thích nào mà bạn
nghĩ là không đáng giá không?)
I think there is no such thing as an unworthwhile hobby. Every hobby, gaming included,
has certain positive impacts on people, such as increasing the level of creativity and
problem – solving skills. However, we should understand the importance of our actual
work and try to balance the time spent between our work and our hobby.
2 Why do people have hobbies? (Tại sao mọi người có sở thích?)
In my opinion, many people have hobbies because they have many different interests.
Hobbies are ways to relax and unwind, to develop skills and discipline and ways to
make new friends and socialise with those who have similar interests. I think hobbies
are especially important for people who don’t truly enjoy their jobs, they’re a creative
outlet where these people can work on the things they are truly passionate about
3. Do you think it’s important for people to have hobbies? Why? (Bạn có nghĩ rằng điều
quan trọng đối với mọi người là sở thích? Tại sao?)
Hobbies are indeed essential in our life. Because we find a hobby that we truly enjoy
and are passionate about, we become hooked. It becomes part of our lives and captivates
us in a very personal way. When we are under pressure from work, we turn to hobbies to
relax our brains to connect with friends with similar interests to enjoy life.
4. Can hobbies have any negative effects? (Sở thích có thể có bất kỳ tác động tiêu cực
nào không?)
Yes, if you spend too much time on your hobby, it can affect other parts of your life.
We should understand the importance of our actual work and try to balance the time
spent between our work and our hobby.
Your interests hobbies PARTNER
Do you any hobbies?
Definitely yes, my hobby is reading books. I really like reading books because it helps
me to broaden my perspective on life.
Do you like listening to music?
Yes, absolutely. In fact, I think everyone is a music lover. I love music, it helps me relax
and enjoy life from the stories conveyed through the music.
What hobbies do you do in your free time?
In my free time, I tend to do many things, depending on my mood. For example, when
I’m in a good mood, I prefer hanging out with my friends. However, when I am
unhappy, I would like to stay at home and listen to music on my own.
Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?
Yes, I think so. For example, I am a student. If I spend much time going for a walk, I
would not have enough time to finish my assignments at school.
Is it important to have a hobby?
Yes, of course. From my point of view, having a hobby can help people to relax after
hard-working time


1. Why is it important to protect the natural environment? (Tại sao bảo vệ môi trường tự
nhiên lại quan trọng?)
The natural (ná trô) environment is probably the most important resource around us as it
pretty much protects and governs our lives by providing us with whatever we need to
survive. It provides us with food, water, oxygen(ó ộp shen), power, energy and many,
many other things. It also helps us to live a healthy life by clearing the pollution of our
atmosphere. Finally, it is important to protect the natural environment around us in order
to maintain the biodiversity for the overall well-being of our planet. Our very existence
in this world is dependant on the natural environment we live in. So we should take
every step possible to protect it for our own survival.
2. Should countries try to solve the climate problems together or individually?
In my opinion, countries should try to solve the climate change problems collectively, as
opposed to doing it individually, because while countries may have “land boundaries”
between them, they don't have any boundaries between the oceans, they share, or any
“wall” to separate (sốp rịch) the “air” between them.
3. Why should people be concerned about the environment? (Tại sao mọi người nên
quan tâm đến môi trường?)
I think it’s because the environment directly influences human life. Human life will also
be threatened and severely (səˈvirlē) affected when the environment is polluted. People
may have diseases of the lungs, heart and liver children will have reduced intelligence.
Therefore, the urgent need to do now is to protect the environment from the most minor
actions such as not throwing garbage, turning off the electricity when not needed,
planting more trees, and limiting the use of plastic bags. Protecting the environment is
about saving our lives.
4. Does the responsibility for protecting the environment lie with government or with
individuals? (Trách nhiệm bảo vệ môi trường thuộc về chính chính phủ hay cá nhân?)
In my view, the responsibility lies with all of us, However, individuals, at least in my
country, aren’t taking action of their own accord, and nor are businesses ; they are just
out to make a profit (p ro phịt). Therefore, it falls to governments to force (fors) people
to be more green, for example by fining companies that release toxic (ˈtɒk.sɪk ) waste
into our rivers, or incentivising ‘us to recycle.
How green are you? PARTNER
How can you protect the environment?
Turn off appliances (əˈplaɪ.əns) when I’m not using them. Minimize my water and
electricity consumption.
Do you buy drinks in bottles? What do you do with the bottles when they are
Yes, absolutely. After drinking all the water I will take the plastic water bottles and
recycle them into decorations for my house.
Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room?
Definitely yes. I am a prudent and always make sure that the lights are turned off before
I leave the room to minimize the waste of energy to protect the environment.
How do you travel to school ?
I prefer going by bicycle because I can save our lives reduce CO2 emissions


1. How easy is it to travel around your country? (Làm thế nào dễ dàng để đi du lịch
khắp đất nước của bạn?)
In Viet Nam have a good number of public transportations including bullet trains,
modern buses and aeroplanes (ˈeə.rə.pleɪn ) and I would say someone can travel in my
country very easily. Major cities in my country have airports and it makes commuters’
life hassle-free. Cheap car rental services are popular with tourists, it's easy to rent a
motorbike and you can go around the city.
2. Which method of travel do you consider safest? (Phương pháp du lịch nào là an toàn
In my opinion, I believe airways are the safest (say phịt) means of transportation. We
have frequent national and international flights and the service (ˈsɜː.vɪs) is really
excellent. Aviation accidents are deadly and claim the lives of many, and such accidents
often make headlines which gives an impression that air travel is nocuous. However, if
we compare air casualties with that of road accidents, we can easily learn that air travel
is the safest. Flying is the most secure way to get around in my country as flights are
well-organised and the air traffic is controlled more efficiently by trained professionals.
3. Has travel become safer in recent years? ( Du lịch đã trở nên an toàn hơn trong
những năm gần đây?)
I'm sure that travelling in recent years has significantly ( sɪɡˈnɪf.ɪ.kə improved and
offers more convenience to commuters. In recent years, we have more strict traffic
rules, acute safety measures (may sờ) including biometric checking, and modern
transportations which are built considering safety in mind.
4. How do you think people will travel in the future? ( Bạn nghĩ thế nào mọi người sẽ đi
du lịch trong tương lai?)
That’s an interesting question. I believe people will prefer to take aeroplanes and speedy
trains soon to travel to long-distance and flights will be cheaper to attract more
passengers. Cars would be our constant companion and we would rely on our
automobiles more than ever to travel within the city.
Your most memorable journey PARTNER
Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?
I would say that I’m kind of an introvert so I would rather travel alone to some tranquil
and peaceful beauty spots than travel with a group of people during the holiday.
Do you like travelling?
Yes. Travelling just changes your mind and refreshes you and makes you forget the
busy work schedule. When you start enjoying yourself for some time, you get charged
In which seasons do you prefer to travel?
I prefer travelling in winter because the weather and atmosphere remains cool and
soothing and it feels good to travel when it’s cool and soul-satisfying.
What places would you like to visit in the future?
I would like to visit New York and also Switzerland. These are my most favourite and
desired destinations because of their scenic beauty and also the people who are very
generous and sweet.
What do you do while you are travelling?
When travelling in a car I just sit back and enjoy the scenery. When on the train I really
prefer sleeping and if I’m travelling by flight I would prefer reading a novel with my
music on.


1. Do you think festivals are important for the society? (Bạn có nghĩ rằng lễ hội là quan
trọng đối với xã hội?)
I literally believe /that festivals /are an expressive/ way to celebrate glorious heritage,
culture and traditions. They are meant to create a special moments and emotions in our
lives/ with our loved ones. Connecting us with our families and backgrounds/ also help
us to keep connection with our roots, culture, origin and preserve it.
2. How do people celebrate festival in your country? (Mọi người tổ chức lễ hội ở nước
bạn như thế nào?)
Since Tet is the most important holiday of the year, people pay great attention to
everything they do and say during this occasion. Some common plans include cleaning
and decorating the house, buying new clothes, making “Chung” cake, making offers for
the ancestors, giving out “lucky money”, visiting temples and pagodas… and so on.
3. What is the most important festival in our country? (Lễ hội quan trọng nhất nước ta
là gì?)
I assume one of the most important holidays in Vietnam is the Lunar New Year, which
occurs in late January ( chén niu rè ry) and early February (fép bua rè ry) . The official
Lunar New Year or Tet holiday is celebrated from the 31 st(Thirty-first) of December till
the 3rd of January according to the Lunar calendar. Nonetheless, the break is often
extended to 5 or 7 days later and even longer for students. As a tradition, we strongly
believe that if we spend Tet properly with a smile on our faces, we may expect a
more prosperous (prop prepous) and favorable year.
4. What special food are associated with festival in your country? (Món ăn đặc biệt nào
gắn liền với lễ hội nước bạn?)
In Viet Nam, “Banh Chung” is a traditional and irreplaceable cake of Vietnamese
people in the Tet Holidays. For the Vietnamese, making “Banh Chung” is the ideal way
to express gratitude(ˈɡradəˌt(y)o͞od) to their ancestors and homeland. Besides, it
emphasizes the important role of rice in the water rice culture.
Festival in VietNam PARTNER
Do you like festival?
Actually, I’m a big fan of festivals. I love to immerse myself in the joyful atmosphere of
special occasions when everyone is excited to let their hair down and be able to spend
quality time with their family and friends.
Which are your favorite festivals?
I have to say that Lunar New Year, which is known as Tet in Vietnamese, is my favorite
festival of all time. It usually lasts a week or longer, we may all look forward to the
upcoming year of our life to arrive with great joy and optimism.
What do you usually do on holidays?
Sometimes I travel to broaden my horizons, to admire the beauty of nature and to plunge
myself into the picturesque landscape in other regions in my country. Every now and
then, I just stay at home with my family and have a little get-together to celebrate the


1. Do you think that the government should invest more in transport projects?( Bạn có
nghĩ rằng chính phủ nên đầu tư nhiều hơn vào các dự án giao thông không?)
In my opinion, I think that the government should focus on upgrading roads and
highways because road transportation is the quickest and the most common traffic
system. If the roads are in bad conditions, not only will they be a big inconvenience, but
also, they can cause major traffic accidents.
2. What kind of improvement have the been in transport in your country in recent years?
(Loại phương tiện nào đã được cải tiến ở Việt Nam trong những năm gần đây?)
There have been several ways that transport has improved. More major roads have been
built which means it is easier to travel long distances. there has been the introdution of
mass transit in many cities, such as trams and trains. In our capital city they have also
extended the underground system so it now links many more areas of the city. This has
helped many people as commuting times are horrendous if you must travel on the roads.
Those are the main improvements.
3. How the types of transport people use changed much over the last year decides? (Các
loại phương tiện giao thông mà mọi người sử dụng thay đổi nhiều như thế nào trong
những năm qua?)
I don’t think they have really. Of course, cars have become much more popular as
people’s incomes have risen which accounts for the problems we see on the roads today
such as congestion and more accidents and pollution. This has probably led to some
changes within cities. Many have now introduced environmentally friendly forms of
transport such as trams and guided buses that don’t run by gas and means that people
can travel without the use of the car.
4, What types of transport do you think we will use in the future? (Loại phương tiện nào
bạn nghĩ chúng ta sẽ sử dụng trong tương lai?)
I'm not sure, but hopefully we'll have cars that drive themselves and never crash. I
think we'll probably fly more, and it might become normal to have your own plane. On
the other hand, many cities are building more bicycle lanes, so maybe we will use cars
less for getting around towns and cities.
Your favourite means of transport. PARTNER
How did you get here today?
I got here on a bike. I don’t know how to ride a bike so I got a GrabBike here. It’s quite
a cheap ride to be honest, much cheaper than what a cab ride would cost! That’s why I
always tend to travel by bike instead of car.
What is your favourite mode of transport?
That’d be bicycles. That’s simply because bikes are environmentally friendly and they
are good for your health too! The only downside I can think of is that bikes can rarely be
used in long-distance trips as it’ll be too exhausting!
What is the difference between taking a bus and taking a train?
Well, bus tickets are cheaper than train tickets. But to be honest I think these means of
transport serve different purposes. Buses are meant for short trips whereas trains are
usually for long-distance travels.

Nha Trang 19/12/2022 đã hoàn thành lúc 10:53 pm

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