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Name : Shandy Liana

NIM : 23020223130075

Louvre Pyramid

One of the place that must be visited when travelling to Paris besides the Eiffle Tower
is the Louvre Pyramid. The pyramid is in the main courtyard of the Louvre Place in Paris,
France, surrounded by three smaller pyramids. It designed by the Chinese-American architect
Ioeh Ming Pei. Completed in 1988 as a part of the broader Grand Louvre project, it has
become a landmark in Paris.

The Louvre pyramid is along 21.6 meters tall. It

consists of 603 diamond-shaped and 70 triangular glass
panes set into a metal framework. The pyramid served as the
main entrance to the Louvre Museum. The Louvre Museum
houses as extensive collection of art and historical artifacts.
One of the popular ones is The Mona Lisa painted by
Leonardo da Vinci. We can also find sculptures, decorative
arts, artifacts, European history, Asian art, Islamic art, and
many more in this museum. At night, the pyramid is
beautifully illuminated, adding a touch of enchantment to
the Parisian skyline.

The Louvre Pyramid has become an enduring symbol of the Louvre Museum and
Paris itself, representing the timeless intersection of art, culture, and innovation in the heart
of city. In summary, the Louvre Pyramid is not only worth visiting but also serves as your
gateway to a world of art and culture within the Louvre Museum. It’s an essential part of the
Louvre experience and am attraction in its own right.

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