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Empowerment Technology WEEK 1 & 2 Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

 Empowerment ICT is an umbrella term that includes any

communication device or application, encompassing:
Refers to the process of giving yourself, or other people,
radio, television, cellular phones, computer and
the capacity to achieve a specific end-goal.
network hardware and software, satellite systems and
 Technology so on, as well as the various services and applications
associated with them, such as videoconferencing and
The application of scientific knowledge for practical distance learning.
purposes, especially in industry.
Mobile Media
 Empowerment Technology
This refers to “media devices such as mobile phones
Refers to computer technology that we use almost and PDA’s were the primary source of portable media
every day, which enables us to do tasks that in the past from which we could obtain information and
require help. communicate with one another.
 ICT AND SOCIETY Online systems
 Communications
Are online versions of information systems, which is
Social networking sites instant messaging and video “the process of and tools for storing, managing, using,
calls Forums and webinars (web seminars). and gathering of data and communications in an
 Education organizations.

Source of learning, teaching, and research materials Social Media

online learning communities recording and computation Are computer-mediated tools that allow people or
of grades Managing records and other administrative companies to create, share, or exchange information,
purposes. career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual
 Economics communities and networks.

Online marketing, convenient business transaction, Follow the criteria below when Evaluating your source
online payment gateways. of material.

 Travels  Currency – Is the information up-to-date?

 Security – Does the site ask too much personal
Online booking and reservation, online tracking of information?
reservation.  Scope – Is the information in-depth?
 Authority – Does the information come from a
 Assistive Media
trusted expert?
a component under Assistive technology (AT), which is a
Computer Ethics
generic term used to refer to a group of software or
hardware devices by which people with disabilities can Is a new branch of ethics that is concerned with
access computers. standards of conduct in the use of computers. It deals
with computing professional should make decision
 Collaborative platforms
regarding professional and social conduct.
Is a category of business software that adds broad social
networking capabilities to work process.

 Convergent Technologies

An extension of the term convergence, which means a

“coming together of two or more disparate disciplines
or technologies.
Ten Commandments of Cyber Ethics Internet ethics, or netiquette

1. Thou shall not use a computer to harm other Is a set of rules that determines how properly
people. communicate and browse the web.
2. Thou shall not interfere with other people’s
The following are some of the good practices when
computer work.
using the Internet:
3. Thou shall not snoop around in other people’s
computer files. 1. Always keep your software or application updated
4. Thou shall not use a computer to steal. and uninstall the ones that you not use.
5. Thou shall not use a computer to bear false
witness. 2. Do not divulge sensitive information online, especially
6. Thou shall not copy or use proprietary software on unsafe websites.
for which you have not paid. (without 3. Be careful when dealing with emails from unknown
permission) sources or spam.
7. Thou shall not use other people’s computer
resources without authorization or proper 4. Run your antivirus software before going online.
compensation. 5. Think before you click. What you post on the Internet
8. Thou shall not appropriate other people’s may stay online forever.
intellectual output.
9. Thou shall think about the social consequences  WEEK 2 EMTECH
of the program you are writing or the system
Contextualized Online Search and Research Skills
you are designing.
10. Thou shall always use a computer in ways that Contextualized search can be defined as a skilled or
ensure consideration and respect for your optimized way of searching the Internet based on the
fellow humans. “context” provided, therefore narrowing down the
results given back to you by the search engine.
Is the act of saying mean things online, usually in ALL
CAPS, and often in a public forum with the intention to Is a systematic inquiry that attempts to provide
humiliate Flame wars can occur easily online, as it can solutions to existing problems and questions using facts
be difficult to figure out people’s intentions or emotions and data.
Several Forms of Research
 Original research (primary source)
Is the illegal act of sending emails or messages that  Scientific research (providing explanations
appear to come from authentic sources, but really come about the world)
from spammers. Phishers often try to get people to  Humanities research (as in historical and
send them their personal information, everything from sociological research)
account numbers to passwords.  Artistic research (practice-based research).
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Research on healthcare is especially important.
Without further research or verification, a claim may
Protects the rights of people to maintain legal
mislead people or even endanger lives. Even in this day
ownership of their works and ideas. It covers right to
and age, there are still gaps in the body of knowledge
control how their work can be consumed by the general
that humankind has produced, especially in medical
public, including whether their work can be acquired or
used at a cost.
What are the Research Skills I need to develop? - has evolved from its infancy as a simple search
According to Scholastic, the following are the online engine into a smart one, capable of searching
research skills students need; (Hudson, 2017) the web through voice input and filtering the
results according to your behavioral data.
 Check Your Sources
Evaluate the information you gather from your sources,
whether they are from books, online articles, news  Google Scholar
sites, or websites.
Another product from Google, gives users, especially
 Ask Good Questions researcher, a simpler way to research for scholarly
literature on the Internet. Using this, you can search for
Be specific when entering queries into search engines. It
research papers, articles, books, court rulings, and other
gives the search engine proper context regarding what
sources of scholarly information.
you are looking for, therefore enabling the engine to
give you betters search results.  Online Journals

 Go Beyond the Surface In turn, are scholarly publications released in a format

accessible via the internet. In other words, the journals
Be persistent in looking for more information regarding
that are kept in your school libraries and other libraries
your topic. One common lapse of student researcher is
in the world are kept in the Cloud, or Internet, in digital
that they only look for information in the first search
result they find on search engines. Try looking for other
sources rather than sticking to one.  Academic Websites

 Be Patient Wikipedia is a common starting point when conducting

research. However, the content that you are going to
There are times when the Internet does not provide the
use when writing your paper must be taken from the
information you are looking for. You may not find the
cited references for the Wikipedia article and not the
exact answer to your query, but bits of data are
article itself.
scattered all over the Internet.
 Respect Ownership
Remember that everything on the Internet, be it text,
images, ideas, audio, or any other form of information,
has its own respective owner. Illegal acquisition,
distribution, or reuse of any of these may result in
copyright infringement.

 Use Your Network

Social media can provide various and nuanced
perspectives on the information you need. Sources like
Wikipedia, however, should be evaluated before you
use the information from it.

ICT Tools Useful in Research

 Google Search

One of the most popular search engines in the 21st

century. Owned by the multinational technology
company Google, this search engine –

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