NS4 Cam Body Systems Activity Book Answerkey

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Body systems
1. W
 rite the words in the right system.

esophagus  kidneys  mouth  urethra  stomach  bladder
small intestine  ureters  large intestine  anus

esophagus kidneys
mouth urethra
stomach bladder
small intestine ureters
large intestine  anus

2.  Think Correct the crazy sentences. Write the sentences to do with the digestive system in
blue and the excretory system in red.

1. Food goes down the esophagus to the anus.

Food goes down the esophagus to the stomach.

2. We have one kidney and two bladders.

We have two kidneys and one bladder.

3. Gastric juices pass into the blood in the small intestine.

Nutrients pass into the blood in the small intestine.

4. The food is broken up by the teeth in the large intestine.

The food is broken up by the teeth in the mouth.

5. Urine is stored in the kidneys.

Urine is stored in the bladder.

Unit 2 9 nine
3. Find the words and label the drawings.

vein shea tw ork
rtbeat n e
capillarie s

heartbeat network heart

veins capillaries arteries

4. Use the words in activity 3 to complete the text.

The heart is a pump. Each time it pumps is called a heartbeat . It pumps the blood

around the network of blood vessels. Blood vessels going towards the heart are called
veins and blood vessels going away from the heart are called arteries . Veins and

arteries get smaller and smaller until they end in capillaries .

5. Read and write the number.

1 4
 2 a) Blood enters the right side of the heart through the veins. 1
b) Blood is pumped through the heart to the lungs. 2

c) Blood is pumped through the arteries to the rest of the body. 4

ten 10
6.  Do! Label the drawing of the respiratory system. Then draw orange arrows for oxygen and
green arrows for carbon dioxide entering and leaving it.

nostrils lungs


trachea alveoli

7.  Think Look at the drawings and circle the correct words to explain how breathing works.
Write the answers below each picture.

The diaphragm contracts / relaxes and goes up / down and the chest gets bigger / smaller.
This means there is less / more space inside the chest. Air is pushed out of the lungs / pulled in
through the nose. It travels down / up the respiratory system and into the lungs / out of the nose.

The diaphragm contracts and goes down

and the chest gets bigger. This means
there is less space inside the chest. Air
is pulled in through the nose. It travels
down the respiratory system and into
the lungs.

Unit 2 11 eleven
8. Circle the words with orange for the nervous system and purple for the locomotor system.

senses   muscles   nerves   bones   spinal cord

ribs   brain   joints    skull

 Think Choose words from activity 9 to complete the sentences.

1. We have five senses that give us information about the world around us.

2. The brain controls all the voluntary and involuntary things our bodies do.

3. The nerves carry messages and instructions to the other parts of our bodies.

4. Most messages reach the brain via the spinal cord .

5. Muscles and bones help us to bend our body at joints .

 Do! Order the pictures of the story and invent and draw an ending. Number the sentences
and invent a sentence for your picture.

3 2

1 4

student’s own

1 Pat’s sight sends a message to her brain. It’s snowing!

2 Pat’s brain sends instructions to her locomotor system… Run outside to play in the snow!
3 Pat’s skin sends a message to her brain. It is very cold!

twelve 12
11. Number the pictures in order. Write a word about each phase.

4 2 1 3

baby embryo fertilisation fetus

 Think Write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences.

1. It takes nine months for a fertilised egg to become a baby. T

2. The sperm is fertilised by the egg. F

3. Nutrients pass from the mother to the embryo through the mother’s milk. F

4. At three months the fetus is the size of an avocado. T

5. The egg divides again and again and becomes attached to the wall of the ovary. F

The egg is fertilised by the sperm.

Nutrients pass from the mother to the embryo through the umbilical cord.

The egg divides again and again and becomes attached to the wall of the uterus.

 Do! Label the diagrams with the reproductive organs. Draw arrows to show the route an
egg takes each month. Draw arrows to show the route of the sperm.

ovaries  testicles  fallopian tubes  urethra  uterus  vagina  penis

fallopian tubes penis


Unit 2 13 thirteen

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