NS4 Cam Liv Things Activity Book Answerkey

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Living things
 omplete the definitions of the three life processes.
 Nutrition is getting nutrients from food. Interaction is reacting to
the environment. Reproduction is making more living things of the same type.

2.  Think Draw the living thing from a different kingdom and write a sentence.

mushroom  cat  jellyfish  bee
own answer
student’s own answer

rose  mushroom  mould  yeast
own answer
student’s own answer

onion  carrot  tomato  octopus
own answer
student’s own answer

3. C
 ompare the living things in each row. Complete the sentences.

1. They are different because

student’s own answer

2. They are similar because

student’s own answer

four 4
4. C
 orrect the crazy sentences about invertebrates.
a) Most invertebrates are very big.

Most invertebrates are very small.

b) There are many more vertebrates than invertebrates on the Earth.

There are many more invertebrates than vertebrates on the Earth.

c) All invertebrates have a backbone.

All vertebrates have a backbone.

d) Invertebrates only live in water.

Fish only live in water.

e) Molluscs are the biggest group of invertebrates.

Arthropods are the biggest group of invertebrates.

5.  Think Complete the table. Find more information to put in the last column.

Where they live: land, Other

Group Examples Characteristics
land/air, water characteristics

soft muscular body The name molluscs

Molluscs land and water
often have shells means soft.

soft body, long student’s own

jellyfish water tentacles answer

soft bodies with student’s own

sponges water small holes answer

6.  Do! Draw an insect, an arachnid and a crustacean. Write what’s the same and what’s different.

student’s own answer

own answer

Unit 1 5 five
 Think Write the words in the correct column. Complete the sentence.

omnivore  viviparous  backbone  gills  herbivore  hard shell  lungs
bones  eggs  carnivore

Reproduction Nutrition Respiration Skeleton

viviparous omnivore gills backbone

eggs herbivore lungs bones

hard shell carnivore

All vertebretes have a backbone .

 Think Write about the respiration, reproduction and nutrition of these vertebrates. Draw
and write about another one.

1. It breathes with lungs . It is viviparous

It is a herbivore.

2. It breathes with gills. It is oviparous. It is an omnivore.

3. It breathes with lungs. It is oviparous. It is an omnivore.

4. student’s own answer

six 6
9.  Do! Write the formula for photosynthesis and for respiration using the words. Draw a
diagram of each process.

carbon dioxide  sunlight  water  oxygen  glucose  minerals  water

Photosynthesis: carbon dioxide + sunlight + water = glucose

and releases oxygen into the air.

Respiration: oxygen + glucose releases carbon dioxide and water

into the air.

10.  Do! Look and complete the texts.

energy  nutrition  chemical  soil  sunlight  roots  water leaves

There are minerals in the soil . The roots absorb minerals

in the water . Plants need minerals for nutrition .

In leaves there is a green chemical called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll

absorbs energy from sunlight .

Unit 1 7 seven
11. Write asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction and complete the texts.

sexual reproduction asexual reproduction

Pollen goes to the pistil Buds grow on tubers

of a flower from the stamen of under the ground . The buds

the same or a different flower. grow into new plants .

 Think Match and complete the sentences. Then draw.

is when the wind carries the
A runner
pollen to a different plant.

is when the pollen goes from the
Animals stamen to the pistil of the
same flower.

is a stem that grows along the ground.
Wind pollination buds grow from the stem and
make new plants .

can carry seeds away from a
Self-pollination plant and drop them somewhere else
to make a new plant.

eight 8

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