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Movement Enhancement Module 1&2

Movement Enhancement (Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges)

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Academic Year: 2020-2021

COURSE DESCRIPTION : This PE-I Movement Enhancement is one of the important

courses to develop and understand the scientific basic movements to help the students
to be aware of physical literacy, which help an individual to move competently and
confidently in all types of environments. This course is being offered to prepare the
students for the advance learning of movement.



After the completion of this course, the students will able to:

CO1: Discuss the nature and legal bases of Physical Education.

CO2 : Relates health behaviors (eating habits, sleeping pattern, and stress
management) to health risks factors and physical activity (PA) performance.

CO3 : Recognize the role of PAs in managing one’s stress.

CO4 : Self- assesses health- related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to PA participation,
and one’s diet.

CO5 : Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and /or maintain HRF.

CO6 : Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s health through participation in PAs.

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Hello my dearest students! Welcome to this module! As a college student, you
must be driven to start with the learning activities that I prepared for you. The activities in
the module have been designed to help you develop your personal and professional
competency before you step on the next stage of your student life with rich and stimulating
learning experience that will help you understand the Movement Enhancement 1.
General Rules
1. DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THIS MODULE. For this subject. All your written activities shall
submit on time indicating with your name, program, section, date, module no and your instructor’s
name. Please be guided.
2. We can only meet twice in four weeks so you would have longer time to do all your activities
by group/individual. For your convenient and to lessen your burden, you don’t have to come to
school every week to get your module in this subject. Let’s see each other again during your
prelim to get your test examination papers from me.
3. Please be on time with the submissions of the activities. Late outputs are still be accepted
but expect the points’ deduction. This will serve as your training ground, make use of your time
wisely. Your activity will serve as your attendance in each meeting that we supposedly have.
4. Always review your answers in some of your written activities. Remember to check your own
answers. No copying of answers. Once caught cheating, papers will be terminated: to the
person who cheated and the one who were cheated on.
5. Further information will be disseminated through our group chat. Please update me with your
activities so I can guide you along the way. I will monitor your group activities because we don’t
have much enough time to undo your mistakes. Once the output is submitted, that is final, no
revisions. Do not hesitate to ask your questions in our group chat. Enjoy your activity!

Instructor’s Personal Background:

Name: Emerson B. Bernados,LPT

Age: 39 y/o
Address: 128 Guno- Gundaya Sts. Gingoog City
Fb name: Prince Emerson King
Contact# 09059409949/tm

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IV. PRE – TEST: Write in a ½ sheet of yellow paper. (5 points each)

In your own opinion;

1. What is Physical Education?

2. What is Fitness?
3. What is Health?



Physical Education came from the Latin word “physica”, meaning physics and “educatio”,
meaning the training of the bodily organs and power with a view to the promotion of hearts
and vigor (Wikipedia 2015).

To have a sound body, one must have a sound mind; thus, being in a state of mental health.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical,
mental, social wellness, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

The definition emphasizes health as a positive state of well-being not just absence of disease.
People in a state of emotional, physical and social well-being fulfill life responsibilities
effectively in daily life, and are satisfied with their interpersonal relationships and themselves.

Physical Education is an integral part of general education which aims to develop the
physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and the mental traits of man through the physical

The philosophy of physical education emphasized using activities to reach valuable

educational goals, the mental, social, spiritual, and moral goals.

The main idea of Physical Education is to help the student acquire skills and develop an
affection for the activities themselves.

It aims to help students develop physical competence skills and good habits. It assists in
developing smart, competent intelligent individuals. It refers to the individual growth and
development of the total body movement, safety when it comes to physical activities.

Instruction in various kinds of physical activity promotes the physical development and well
-being of the individual.

Physical education is generally taught in pre-school, elementary, secondary, and tertiary


Sports and Recreation and Leisure is the proper classification of physical education both from

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logical perspective. It provides opportunities for socialization as well as for the development
of the capacities of the individual.

Legal Bases of Physical Education

In accordance with the pertinent provision of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as
the “Higher Education Act of 1994” in pursuance of an outcome-based quality assurance system
as advance under CM 046s 2012 and virtue of commission.

The following policies, standard and guidelines are hereby accepted and promulgated by the
commission for the purpose of nationalizing physical education in the country with the end in
view of keeping pace with the demand by great competitiveness; and pursuant to Article XIV,
Section 19 of the Philippine Constitution which mandates that the state shall promote physical
education and encourage sports programs, league competitions, and amateur sports, including
training for international competition, to foster self-discipline, team work, and excellence for the
development of a healthy and alert citizenry. All education institutions shall undertake regular
sports activities throughout the country in cooperation of athletic clubs and often sectors.

A. Legal bases, acquisition and importance of physical education as part of the curriculum.
The importance of physical education as part of the curriculum is in the 1986 Philippine
Constitution, Article XIV, Sec 19 which states the “the state shall promote physical education
and encourages sports programs, league competitions and amateur sports, including training for
international competitions, to further self- discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the
development of a healthy and alert citizenry.
B. The curriculum Philosophy of Physical Education Movement Enhancement
For those reasons that same mandated that:
All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country
in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.
C. Constitutional Provision
These Constitutional provisions can be achieved in Physical Education. According to David
(2010), physical education is basis to the best development of child and youth. It should be a
process of experience, progressing from the simple type, for small youngsters to non- advance
D. Learning Outcomes
The curriculum develops them to grow physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally as
individual and members of a group.
E. Learning Approaches
It should develop interest and attitude that will enable youth to feel that they have a place
in this world, can give great contribution in building the society. This is a well- planned program
of Physical Education to ensure effectiveness of instruction.

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You only get one body, it is the temple of your soul.

Even God is willing to dwell there, if you truly treat your body
like a temple, it will serve you well for decades.
If you abuse it, you must be prepared for poor health and
a lack of energy.

-Samuel Aunweor

This chapter highlights the importance of good health education to support healthy lifestyle, to
improve nutrition and to engage in various exercises.

It contains information to increase physical and health literacy competencies that will enable the
learner to set fitness and health goals for themselves.

The definition implies that physical fitness is a personal matter and it is viewed within the
context of an individual. It is a personal responsibility. A person’s physical fitness is determined
by age or heredity, and his or her behavior. Although many people cannot control their age or
heredity, their lifestyle can help them become physically fit and stay that way. Everyone is
unique and varies greatly in his/ her capacity to do work for physical activities. But anyone can
improve by doing exercises regularly.

A person’s level of physical fitness largely on how frequently he/ she performs physical
activities or actual exercises.

Moreover, physical fitness in the optimum levels of fitness varies, depending on age, gender, and
the physical ability, and overall health. Despite these variations, there is general agreement
among experts that the components of physical fitness should be grouped into broad categories
that correspond to two levels of performance: athletes and non- athletes.

The general health and fitness exercise during the actual activities is recommended that you do
some moderate intensity for a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes a day.

FITNESS- refers to the quality of being able and suitable to do a certain task or demand. Fitness
covers physical well- being, balance mental state, emotional stability, and spiritual soundness.

HEALTH- is defines as “ a state of complete physical, mental, and social well- being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity’ (WHO 2003).

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Factors in Achieving Fitness and Health

A fit and healthy mind and body can be attained through proper diet, regular exercise and
balanced lifestyle.

Proper diet- includes Go food for energy, Grow food for bones, muscles, and teeth;
Glow food for skin, hair, and eyes.
-Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and food that are low in
fat, sodium, and sugar content. Choose food that are baked, boiled, and broiled.
Limit your food intake and do not overeat.
Regular exercise- helps improve blood circulation, so that the bloodstream will be able to
continuously supply oxygen and nutrients to the vital organs of the body. Regular exercise also
helps reduce stress, increase energy, control weight and brighten your mood. Choose exercises
that suit your body. Start with moderate activities and progress in vigorous ones.

A balance lifestyle- helps reduce the risks of diseases and increase your chance to live longer. It
makes you feel and look good. Apart from diet and exercise, a balanced lifestyle includes the

1. Enough rest and sleep

2. Optimistic outlook in life
3. Organized and realistic priorities
4. Good relations with family and friends
5. Various interest and hobbies that develop your intellect, talents, and skills
6. Strong determination to succeed and become a responsible and responsive member of society
7. Good hygiene and healthy habits
8. Holistic set of ethics, values, and spirituality

Seven Dimensions of Well- Being

Although fitness and health have their respective definitions, they are closely interrelated.
Together they pertain to wellness, the integration of the seven dimensions of well- being,

1. Physical wellness- refers to the health of your physical body.

2. Emotional wellness- pertains to your psychological and emotional perspective about yourself
and the world around you.
3. Intellectual wellness- encompasses your open- mindedness and intelligent responses to stimuli,
decision- making skills, and lifelong learning.
4. Social wellness- covers your interaction and relationships with others.
5. Career wellness- includes personal satisfaction from your career or job and contribution as a
productive member of society.
6. Environmental wellness- relates to your responsibility to take care of the environment.
7. Spiritual wellness- deals not only with your religious beliefs and practices but more so with their
effects on the other dimensions of your well- being.

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FITT Principle of Exercise

How do you get started with physical fitness? Most importantly, make it a goal to lead an
active lifestyle that you must sustain throughout your life. The FITT (Frequency, Intensity,
Type, Time) principles of exercise or workout can help you achieve your goal to stay fit.

Frequency- refers to how often you will exercise. Find a balance exercise that provides
challenge to the body and also allows enough time for rest and to adapt and heal. Some
exercise routines must be done two to three or three to five days each week.

Intensity- pertains to how much effort you will exert in exercise. Be careful not to overload
or overstrain your body to avoid injury or burnout. Monitor your heart rate and resistance as
you exercise.

Type- determines what kind of exercise will help you achieve your fitness goal. Will it be for
the heart or for the muscles? Running, cycling, and swimming are good exercises for the
heart, while lifting weights is for the muscles.

Time- relates to how long you exercise per session. Will it be for 20, 30, or 60 minutes per
routine? Time is based on the intensity and type of exercise.

Examples of exercise plans based on the FITT principle

FREQUENCY 4-5 times a week

INTENSITY 3 kilometers (100 meters per minute)
TYPE For the heart: brisk walking
TIME 30 minutes (15 minutes to and fro)

FREQUENCY 2-3 times a week

NTENSITY 1-3 sets of 6- 10 repetitions
TYPE For the muscles: lifting weights (dumbbells)
TIME 20 minutes

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Make your own fitness plans for three days based on the FITT principle. Keep in mind that the
commitment and balance are keys to an achievable and sustainable long- term fitness. You may
not follow the acronym in order. You may begin with the type of exercise. Choose one that you
like and fits you. After all, may you have the perfect frequency, intensity, and time, but if you do
not actually like the type of exercise that you will do, then you will surely have a hard time doing
Not determine the frequency and time. Consider how much time each week you can devote to
your workout. Avoid setting expectations so high that you might not be able to do it. According
to research, it is advisable to plan your workout at least three to five time per week, so the best
way to start is plan for a three-day workout.
Set your intensity level or how hard your workout session should be. For example, will you jog
for 100 meters or walk for 300 meters?


Make a video presentation regarding to your workout plans using the FITT principle, from Day
1,2 and 3. You can do it individually or group. Indicate the names of your group members in the
video. Submit it into my messenger account on time. Deadline of submission will be on
September 17,2021. Duration of video will consist only 4 minutes.

Reminders: Wear proper attire like jogging pants, t-shirt, shoes, facemask and always maintain
the social distancing. Before doing the actual workout plans always do it first the Warm- up



Creativity 30
Sequencing of Movements 40
Mastery of Movements 10
Endurance 10
Execution 10
TOTAL= 100%

IX. SUMMARY: These modules consisting the topic about the meaning of Physical Education
and its Legal Bases of Physical Education and also the Fitness and Health that includes the
factors in achieving fitness and health, FITT Principle and Exercises..

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