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Starters Entry Level Test


Họ và tên:………………………… ……………..…….Ngày sinh:………..........……………….

Trường, lớp đang theo học :………………… …………………....................................................
Địa chỉ: …………………………………………………………...........………..………………..
Điện thoại cá nhân (nếu có) …………………………………………………………....…………
Facebook học viên: ……………………………………………………………………………….
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Mục đích học tiếng Anh: ………………….………………………………………………………
Biết đến Anh ngữ A plus qua: …………………………………………………………………....

Thời gian học viên có thể theo học:

Thời gian T3-T6 T4-T7 T5-CN T7-CN
17h30– 19h00
19h30 – 21h00
15h00 –16h30

Thời gian kiểm tra: ………….Giờ……Ngày… Tháng……Năm 2019

Kết quả kiểm tra: ......................../100

+ Listening: ................................/20
+ Reading and Writing: ............/30
+ Pronunciation:......................./10
+ Speaking: ................................/40
Comment: Review: Recommendation:
Part 1. Listening
Write a number (1-4) to put the conversation in order. Write the number on the answer sheet.

Part 2. Reading and Writing

Task 1 – Look and read and write yes or no
The boys are wearing blue shorts. _____yes________
Two cows are looking at the sun. ______no________


1. The children are fishing in the sea. __________________

2. There’s an old boot in the water. __________________
3. You can see three fish in the picture. __________________
4. The child with black hair is sitting down. __________________
5. There’s a green frog on the bag. __________________

Task 2 – Look at the picture. Look at the letter. Write the words.

Task 3 – Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct words next to number 1 -5.
There is one example.

Horses are beautiful animals. The one in the picture has four long ....legs........ two big
(1) ................ and a long face. It has a brown (2) ............... on its body too. Lots of
(3) ................. enjoy riding horses. Some families have a horse for a pet. At the end of
the (4) .................., they clean their horse and give it (5) ................... and water. Horses
like eating apples and carrots!
Part 3. Speaking
The examiner will asks questions using the photos below.

Task 1: Questions about the pictures

Task 2: Picture Scene
Starters Entry Level Test
Answer Key
Part 1. Listening

1. 2
2. 3
3. 1
4. 4

Part 2. Reading and Writing

Task 1.
1. No
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes

Task 2.
1. Paper
2. Ruler
3. Eraser
4. Pencil
5. Teacher

Task 3.
1. Eyes
2. Tail
3. People
4. Day
5. Food

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