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I. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions
1. On the surface, his decision seems like a mistake, but looking at the big ______, it was the right
A. multi-talented B. superstition C. routine D. picture
2. It's difficult for a teacher to ______ her students' interest for a whole semester.
A. sustain B. resist C. account for D. recognize
3. Although I explained the situation he didn't seem to ______ the degree of danger he was in.
A. seize B. grab C. catch D. grasp
4. In many places in Wales we found that place-names in English had been ______ with green paint
- the work of ardent Welsh Nationalists.
A. suppressed B. disguised C. obliterated D. destroyed
5. When he turned up in a ______ new sports car, I thought he must have won the football pools!
A. glittering B. glowing C. shimmering D. gleaming
6. The candidate still expects to be re-elected ______ the results of the latest opinion poll.
A. apart B. without C. nevertheless D. notwithstanding
7. Look at this plant. Someone has broken the stem. Well I never!
A. I can’t believe it! B. It’s nothing to do with me!
C. I’m sure it will recover! D. I didn’t do it!
8. Of course you won't become more intelligent if you eat a lot of fish - that's just an old ______
A. maids' B. ladies' C. mothers D. wives'
9. Not until Kentucky's Mammoth Cave had been completely explored in 1972 ______.
A. when was its full extent realized B. that its full extent was realized
C. was its full extent realized D. the realization of its full extent
10. We are prepared to overlook the error on this occasion ______ your previous good work.
A. with a view to B. thanks to C. in the light of D. with regard to
11. Living by the ocean really ______ your ______. Once you've lived there, you never want to
A. came in - heart B. get in - heart C. get in - blood D. came in - blood
12. There is no ______ for hard work and perseverance if you want to succeed.
A. alternative B. substitute C. equivalent D. imitation
13. Does Sheila work full time at the supermarket? - No, only ______ when they need extra staff.
A. in and out B. on and off C. by and by D. up and around
14. Those campers are really ______. They have no idea how to set up a tent.
A. white B. blue C. green D. black
15. The investigation was instigated ______ the Prime Minister.
A. on the part of B. consequence of
C. subsequent to D. at the behest of
16. They were ______ tempted to relieve the shopkeeper of his three juiciest looking apples.
A. sorely B. utterly C. badly D. powerfully
17. Because of the baby boom of the 1980s, preschools in the U.S. have proliferated.
A. changed in philosophy B. become more expensive
C. become more crowded D. increased in numbers
18. Tim: ‘______? You look so concerned.’
- Terry: ‘My final exam is coming.’
A. What for B. How do you feel
C. What’s up D. Where did it go
19. The word ‘put’ rhymes with ______
A. suit B. foot C. cut D. blood
20. Trade ______ from bad to worse and staff ______ redundant now.
A. has gone - are being made B. have gone - is made
C. went - has made D. had gone - are made
II. Read the following text which contains 10 mistakes. Underline the mistakes and write the
corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes.
Lines Electromagnetic Fields
1 Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are produced any time an electric current runs through a wire or an
2 appliance. Wherever you find electricity, you will find EMFs. In today electrical environment,
3 EMFs are everywhere. Atlantic Gas & Electric has detected them near power generations, around
4 radio and transmission stations, under power lines, and near electrical outlets, lights, office
5 equipment and computer terminals.
6 The idea that electromagnetic fields could be dangerous to your health is entirely new. Soviet
7 scientists began reporting on them as early as 1972 when they noticed that switchyard workers
8 who were regularly exposed high levels of electromagnetic fields near the Omsk Power Station
9 experienced strange health effects. There were increasing levels of heart disease, nervous disorders,
10 and blood pressure changes, as long as recurring headaches, fatigue, stress and chronic depression.
11 Today, power companies cannot avoid the EMF issue. Medical evidence has taken it to the fore.
12 Concerned citizens have effectively organized themselves to attract the attention of the medium,
13 their public officials and, in one instance, the management of the Oakville Power Authority. Their
14 goal is to identify the EMF problem clearly, target their objectives carefully, then make their
15 demands known as the Public Utilities Commission. If enough reports reach the Commission, it
16 will become clear that these are not isolated instances. Citizens must demand that utility companies
17 prove there is a strong need to put through more power lines in residential neighborhoods.

Your answers:
No. Lines Mistake Corrections No. Lines Mistake Corrections
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

III. Fill each blank with a suitable preposition.

1. If you are an ambitious person, you want to succeed in life and get …………… of other people.
2. Quick action by the police prevented fighting from breaking ……………between rival groups of
fans after the football match.
3. The group rounded ……………the concert with their greatest hits. So everyone went home
4. Mrs. Harris has died, and six people now lay claim ……………her house.
5. I really can’t understand why you always find fault with me. Stop making digs ……………me.
6. The children are ……………a cloud because of their bad behaviour.
7. Martin needs to get a grip ……………his finances if he’s not to face serious difficulties with the
8. I can hold his failure ……………him because he never tried for a passing grade.
9. We had ……………in St. Louis for two hours, waiting for a plane to Seattle.
10. Can you put that CD on, please. I work better with music ……………the background.

IV. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word

At the first recess a large boy approached him, hit him hard in the face. They fought and Francis was
beaten (1. DISASTER) ……………………. However small boys are not skilled fighters, and though
he was hurt and (2. SHAKE) ……………………., he suffered no serious damage. But after recess he
sat at his desk, (3. WRETCH) ……………………. and aching, and Miss Mc Gladdery was angry with
him because he was (4. (ATTENTION) ……………………. Miss Mc Gladdery was fifty-nine, and
she was soldiering through her teaching career until, at sixty-five, she would be able to retire and, with
God's help, never see any of her former pupils again.
A strong Scots (5. GROUND) ……………………., and thirty years at Carlyle Rural School, had made
her an expert (6. DISCIPLINE) …………………….. A short, fat, (7. PLACE) …………………….
woman, she ruled her three groups not with a rod of iron, but with a leather strap that was issued by the
school board as the ultimate instrument of (8. JUST) ……………………. She did not use it often; she
had only to take it from a drawer and lay it across her desk to quell any ordinary disobedience. When
she did use it, she displayed a strength that even the biggest, most (9. LOUT) ……………………. boy
dreaded, for not only did she flail his hands until they swelled to red, aching paws, but she tongue-
lashed him with a (10. VIRTUE……………………. that threw her classes into an ecstasy of silent


I. For questions 1–10, read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best
fits each gap.
There is a revolution in the retail world that cannot fail to attract shoppers’ noses. In the latest
marketing ploy, smells are created in laboratories to be wafted around stares in order to (1) ______ the
unsuspecting into spending more money. Secret (2) ______ of the 'designer' smells are going on in
more than a hundred stores across Britain, including bookshops, petrol stations and a chain clothes
shops. The tailor-made aromas include coconut oil in travel agents (to (3) ______ exotic holidays), and
leather in car showrooms (to suggest lasting quality). Marketing Aromatics, a camp any specializing in
this area, believes that odours are under-used as a marketing (4) ______. Until now the most frequent
application has been in supermarkets where the smell from in-store bakeries has been blown among the
(5) ______ to boost sales of fresh food. "We are taking things one stage further," said David Fellowes,
the company’s commercial director. "We can build on customer loyalty by making customers (6)
______ a particular smell with a particular store. It is not intrusive. If it were it would defeat the
The smells are designed to work on three levels: to relax shoppers by using natural smells such as
peppermint; to (7) ______ memories using odours such as a whiff of sea breeze; and to encourage
customer loyalty by using a corporate perfume 'logo' to express a company's (8) ______. Dr George
Dodd, scientific adviser to Marketing Aromatics, believes smells can affect people's moods. "It is a
very exciting time. Smells have enormous (9) ______ to influence behaviour," he said. Critics say
retailers are resorting to subliminal advertising. "Not telling consumers that this is happening is an (10)
______ invasion of their privacy. People have the right to know," said Conor Foley of Liberty, the civil
liberties association.

1. A. entice B. trap C. force D. deceive

2. A. analyses B. investigations C. operations D. trials
3. A. remember B. arouse C. evoke D. desire
4. A. tool B. advertisement C. gadget D. gimmick
5. A. walkways B. gangways C. corridors D. aisles
6. A. join B. associate C. bond D. merge
7. A. take off B. bring back C. get through D. make up
8. A. picture B. feature C. attraction D. image
9. A. strength B. concentration C. potential D. ability
10. A. unjustified B. undeserving C. unlicensed D. unofficial

II. For questions 1–10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use
only ONE word in each gap.

The largest land mammal alive today is the elephant. Today, there are two kinds of elephants - the
African elephant and the Indian elephant. (1) ……………………., this has not always been the case.
Until about 10,000 years ago, there was another group, the mammoths, which unfortunately are now (2)
……………………. Mammoths, which lived in the intense cold of northern Russia and North
America, looked very similar to modern elephants. A difference, of course, is that adult mammoths had
a double layer of long hair (3) ……………………. their whole bodies.
Some scientists point a (4) ……………………. at humans as the factor responsible for the extinction
of the mammoths - supposedly (5) ……………………. mammoth bones have been found in places
where humans lived. However, thanks to recent evidence, many researchers now believe changes in
weather is a (6) ……………………. accurate explanation for the extinction of mammoths. The climate
changed, and with it, the types of plants (7) ……………………. changed. This in (8)
……………………. affected the mammoths, which now had trouble finding food. The changes in
climate probably took place quite suddenly, and in fact, whole mammoths have been found perfectly
(9) ……………………. in the ice.
Because mammoths and modern elephants are somewhat similar, some scientists think it might be
possible to bring (10) ……………………. the animals by mixing DNA taken from frozen mammoths
with that of an elephant.

III. For questions 1–10, read the text below and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Continents and ocean basins represent the largest identifiable bodies on Earth. On the solid
portions of the planet, the second most prominent features are flat plains, elevated plateaus, and
large mountain ranges. In geography, the term "continent" refers to the surface of continuous
landmasses that together comprise about 29.2% of the planet's surface. On the other hand,
5 another definition is prevalent in the general use of the term that deals with extensive mainlands,
such as Europe or Asia, that actually represent one very large landmass. Although all continents
are bounded by water bodies or high mountain ranges, isolated mainlands, such as Greenland
and India-Pakistan areas are called subcontinents. In some circles, the distinction between
continents and large islands lies almost exclusively in the size of a particular landmass.
1 The analysis of compression and tension in the earth's crust has determined that continental
0 structures are composed of layers that underlie continental shelves. A great deal of disagreement
among geologists surrounds the issue of exactly how many layers underlie each landmass
because of their distinctive mineral and chemical composition. It is also quite possible that the
ocean floor rests on the top of unknown continents that have not yet been explored. The
continental crust is believed to have been formed by means of a chemical reaction when, lighter
1 materials separated from heavier ones, thus settling at various levels within the crust. Assisted
5 by the measurements of the specifics within crust formations by means of monitoring
earthquakes, geologists can speculate that a chemical split occurred to form the atmosphere, sea
water, and the crust before it solidified many centuries ago.
Although each continent has its special features, all consist of various combinations of
components that include shields, mountain belts, intracratonic basins, margins, volcanic
2 plateaus, and blockvaulted belts. The basic differences among continents lie in the proportion
0 and the composition of these features relative to the continent size. Climatic zones have a crucial
effect on the weathering and formation of the surface features, soil erosion, soil deposition, land
formation, vegetation, and human activities. Mountain belts are elongated narrow zones that
have a characteristic folded sedimentary organization of layers. They are typically produced
during substantial crustal movements, which generate faulting and mountain building. When
2 continental margins collide, the rise of a marginal edge leads to the formation of large mountain
5 ranges, as explained by the plate tectonic theory. This process also accounts for the occurrence
of mountain belts in ocean basins and produces evidence for the ongoing continental plate

1. What does this passage mainly discuss?

A. Continental drift and division B. Various definitions of the term "continent"
C. Continental structure and crust D. Scientific analyses of continental crusts
2. According to the passage, how do scientists define continents?
A. As masses of land without divisions B. As extensive bodies of land
C. As the largest identifiable features D. As surficial compositions and ranges
3. In the first paragraph, the word "bounded" is closest in meaning to ______.
A. covered B. convened C. delimited D. dominated
4. The author of the passage implies that the disagreement among scientists is based on the fact
that ______.
A. each continent has several planes and shelves
B. continents have various underlying layers of crust
C. continents undergo compression and experience tension
D. continents have different chemical makeup
5. The word "specifics" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A. specialties B. speculations C. exact details D. precise movements
6. The word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. sea water B. the atmosphere C. the crust D. a chemical split
7. The author of the passage implies that ______.
A. it is not known exactly how the continental crust was formed
B. geologists have neglected the exploration of the ocean floor
C. scientists have concentrated on monitoring earthquakes.
D. the earth's atmosphere split into water and solids
8. According to the passage, what are the differences in the structure of continents?
A. The proportional size of continents to one another
B. Ratios of major components and their comparative size
C. The distinctive features of their elements
D. Climatic zones and their effect on the surface features
9. In the last paragraph, the phrase "This process" refers to ______.
A. continental collision B. mountain ranges
C. the rise of margins D. plate tectonic theory
10. The author of the passage implies that ______.
A. the process of mountain formation has not been accounted for
B. mountain ranges on the ocean floor lead to surface mountain building
C. faulting and continental margins are parts of plate edges
D. the process of continent formation has not been completed


I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the one printed
before it.
1. There is no question of my lending you my mobile phone.
On …………………………………………………………………....………………………....
2. I have frequently made stupid mistakes like that.
Many's ……………………………………………………………….………………………....
3. Tom reckoned that his success was due to incredible luck.
Tom put ……………………………………………………………...………………………....
4. I was the one charged with breaking the news to him.
It fell …………………………………………………………………………………………....
5. People are persuaded by adverts to spend more than they can afford.
Adverts tempt ……………………………………………………….………………………....

II. Rewrite the sentences below in such a way that their meanings stay the same. You must use
the words in capital without changing their forms.

1. Our children are crazy about Korean singers. HEAD

2. Were you at all worried about telling the truth. MISGIVINGS
3. He was shouting as loud as he could. TOP
4. The company have been reviewing their recruitment policy for the last three months. REVIEW
5. The prisoner was recaptured as he rushed towards the gate. DASH

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