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Orthopedic D2 yaqeen

1)At which view we can see scoliosis hump: not sure

A. posterolateral
B. sagittal
C. axial

2) Lachman test is presented to examine:

ACL anterior cruciate ligament injury
3)damaging at which nerve causes drop wrist:
Radial nerve
4)all these structures are parts of proximal carpals except:
A. Styloid process
B. Triquetrum
C. pisiform
D. lunate

5) all are true about simple benign cyst except:

Fracture aggravate the healing process…

6)all can cause shoulder pain except:

A. Biceps tendon rupture
B. Frozen shoulder
7)the most important pathological emergency:
A. neck of femur fracture
B. acute osteomyelitis
C. acetabulum fracture

8) 6 y old boy get trauma in knee few days ago, fever ..all can be
differential diagnosis except:
A. osteosarcoma
C. contaminated hemarthrosis
9)all are not life-threatening early complications of fracture except:
A. Neck of femur fracture
B. Shoulder dislocation
C. Cauda equina syndrome
D. Compartment syndrome
E. Sciatic nerve damage

10) all are true about compartment syndrome except:

A. Unproportionable pain
B. More in elderly
C. Pain increase with twisting pressure
D. Stiffness
E. Fibrosis and contracture

11) all are true about healing phases except:

Faster healing if fracture in diaphysis
12) all are true except:
A. Osteosarcoma mostly affects diaphysis
B. Ewing sarcoma causes Codman's triangle

13) valgus of the knee means: Not sure

A. knees are away from midline

B. Knock foot
D. knock-knee

14)one is true about club foot:

A. Flexible type can be effectively treated with pop casts
B. Flexible type cannot be treated without surgery
C. Rigid type does not need surgery

15)one is false:***
A. Fracture in middle column is stable fracture*
B. Femoral shaft fracture is unstable
C. Bimallcolus intra-articular

16) about x-ray view one is false:

A. We should see the cortex and medulla clearly
B. Can see intra-articular joint clearly*

17) one is false about septic arthritis of hip:

Cause flexion and adduction
** The exam was 20 questions, but only we remember these, we hope they are correct
good luck ..

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