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Branch: ECE Semester: V Date:08/09/2023(FN) Duration: 90 min

Subject code & Name EC3551-Transmission Lines & RF Systems Max. Marks: 50
Course Outcomes: RBT

CO1 Compute line parameters and various losses of transmission lines [AP]

Calculate the standing wave ratio and input impedance in high

CO2 [AP]
frequency transmission lines

Part – A (10 x 02 = 20 Marks) RBT CO Marks

Answer All Questions
1 When will a transmission line deliver maximum power to the load? U 1 2
2 A 50Ω line is terminated into an infinite line. If it is fed by a 10V.50Ω
AP 1 2
source .Find the reflected and power transmitted into infinite line.
3 Why we need loading in transmission lines? U 1 2

4 Calculate the load reflection coefficient of an open and short

AP 1 2
circuited line.
5 If a line is to have neither frequency nor delay distortion, how do you
relate attenuation constant and velocity of propagation to U 2
6 What are the assumptions made for the analysis of performance of
U 1 2
the lines at high frequency?
7 For the line of Zero dissipation, what will be the values of attenuation
U 1 2
and propagation constant?
8 Compare the expressions for inductance L of open wire line and
U 2 2
coaxial Line?
9 Distinguish between the nodes and antinodes on a Transmission lines U 2 2

10 Write the expression of voltage and current equation of dissipation

U 2 2
less line?
Part – B (02 x 15 = 30 Marks) RBT CO Marks
Answer All Questions
11(a) Define wave form distortion on a transmission line. Determine the
condition for distortion less transmission line. How can a U 1 (15)
transmission line be made distortion less?

11(b) What are the salient aspects of primary constants of two wire
transmission lines? Determine the voltages and current expression U 1 (15)
of two wire transmission lines?

12(a) A generator of 1V 1kHz supplies power to a 100km long line

terminated in Z0 and having the following constants.
R=10.4Ω/km, L=0.00367H/km, G=0.8 X10-6 mho/km,
AP 1 (15)
C=0.00835X10-6 F/km. Calculate Input impedance attenuation
,propagation constant wavelength and phase velocity. Also
Calculate received current, voltage and power.

12(b)(i) The constants of transmission lines are R=6Ω/km, L=2.2mH/km,

G=0.25 X10-6 mho/km, C=0.005X10-6F/km. Determine the (8)
characteristics impedance and propagation constant at 1000Hz.

(ii) A 2 meter long transmission lines with characteristic impedance AP 1

of 60+j40Ω are operating at 106 rad/sec has attenuation
constants of 0.921 Np/m and phase shift constant of 0 rad/m. If
the lines are terminated by a load of 20+j50Ω, determine the
input impedance of this line.

Faculty-In-Charge IQAC-Coordinator HoD/ECE Principal

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