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Proven Sales Script That

Converts $1000+ Client

Within 30 Mins effortlessly👋

1. Subject Line
Your message in the subject line should be catchy! Remember to include the
word "YOU" or "YOUR".

✏️Now this will hurt... but one of the biggest lessons in business is that No one
cares about you, or your services. They only care about what you can offer
them and how that will benefit them.

Your Subject Line Should be about them and not you. It's always a good idea to test
out two or three lines and choose the best.

2. The First Line ✨

This line determines if they will continue reading or not, so make sure you
grab their attention by getting straight to the point. Your message should be
tailored towards what your client NEEDS - which usually is one of the

Growing their Business

Acquiring more clients
Making More Revenue

✏️Can you help your client reach any of their business goals? Most people
introduce themselves and start talking about their own business in the first line
which often repels clients.
Attract clients by showing you CARE ABOUT YOUR CLIENT'S BUSINESS...
3. The Third Line💡
Put a gentle call to action like-

If you like the graphics I sent. just revert to this email with your
requirements and I'll get back to you!
Let me know if you would like to know more. I'd love to get on a call!
If you feel you're ready to grow your business to attract more leads. Book
a 30 Min FREE Discovery Call With Me here: (insert Calendly link)

4. The Pitch 🎉
Now that you have their attention, introduce yourself, and tell them why you
are the best fit for them. Use Less than 5 lines. No one has time to read an
800-word essay in a cold pitch so make sure you keep it short.

✏️The pitch should clearly define:

-How you help your client

-In what period of time you can help them?

-What kind of results they can expect from you!

Basically, you need to address a pain point and offer them the solution.

5. Call-To-Action👫
Ask them to get in touch by reverting to the mail/ or get on a call with you for
knowing more.

Also, ask if they are the correct person to talk to about this, and if they are
not who should you get in touch with?

Follow these tips and get 2 - 3 Clients Every Week-


Google Search
LinkedIn Search
Instagram Search
Facebook Groups
Ads Targeted to You
Any other place where you have spotted them

Success Formula-
Choose a high ticket service a lot of people are spending a lot of money to buy.
(Top Services List = Easy)

You find the freelancers for the service you chose, ask for some examples, and they
email them to you. (Low-cost freelancers want to work with you = Easy)

Find leads from 3 methods used in the webinar and copy-paste the sales script (Easy)

Result - You can make a lot of passive income with Drop Servicing (Easy).

You can use your freelancer's testimonials. But, Before sharing testimonials with your
client please ask your freelancer if he is comfortable with that.

By Yashika💜

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