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Form Number SAF-25

Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03

Revision Date 2020.08.25

: Take photos or video(If necessary) and Keep them.

: Check corrosion by Test Hammering
: Major Detention Item

1. ISPS Check

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

1.1 Security Display ship's Security Level around Gangway or Pilot Ladder
Level Display while at ports. (Anchoring / Berthing)
(P.I.C : C/O) - Prepare the Panels for Security Level Display.
- For Tankers, Additional Precautions shall be specified.
(Ex, No Naked Light, No Ignition Device, No Cell phone,
No Camera)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

1.2 Gangway Continuous strict gangway watch

Watch - Duty Crew keeps gangway watch separate from day work.
(P.I.C : C/O) Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

1.3 Visitors Log Visitors shall be presented Photo I.D and Visitors Log shall be firmly recorded by duty crew.
(P.I.C : C/O) - Search visitor's belongings according to Security Level specified in SSP.
- Duty crew write down the Visitors Log directly.(Visitors no writing)
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

1.4 Restricted Display restricted area and precautions in according to SSP.

Area - Check the condition on locks in Eng. Rm and exit to S/G room
Management related to ship’s security and safety.
(P.I.C : Capt) - Check access control of restricted areas. (Pad Locks and Seals)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

2. Meeting Room

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

2.1 Certificates Check the validity of each certificates and endorsement of class inspection.

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 1/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

(P.I.C : Capt) ① Class Certificates ② SOLAS Certificates (SC, SE, SR, ISM, ISPS Cert.)
③ Load Line Certificate ④ MARPOL Certificate (IOPP, IAPP, ISPP, IAFS)
⑤ Safety Manning Cert ⑥ MLC Certificate
- Officer & Crew Certificates (According to SMC, STCW)
- Listing the valid dates per each certificates (Recommendation)
- Record on SE Certificate (Check with Form E)
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

2.2 Stability
(P.I.C : Capt)

Booklets originally approved by Class (Stability Booklet, Grain Loading Manual)

- Cargo Securing Manual, SOLAS Training Manual, P&A Manual(Only Tanker),
concerned documents & etc shall be maintained on board.
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

2.3 Survey Below reports shall be maintained on board. (Only for the ships belonging to ESP)
Report ① TS Report (Tank Survey Report)
File ② EH Summary (Executive Hull Summary)
(ESP only) ③ The records for Thickness (Since the First Renewal Survey)
(P.I.C : Capt) (*ESP : Enhanced Survey Programme for Bulk Carriers, Crude Oil Tankers and
Chemical Tankers. Applies to ships with ESP on the Class Certificate.)
④ Survey Programme (Prior to Survey)
⑤ Keep latest version
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

2.4 SOPEP & ① Update Contact List of Coastal State & Company
SMPEP - ANNEX I: At the end of year
(P.I.C : Capt) - ANNEX II: Every quarters
② Approved by Flag State
③ Update management status of
Shipboard Oil Spill Equipment
- According to SOPEP Appendix 8. Handling of
Shipboard Oil Response Equipment
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

2.5 Oil Record Accuracy of records (Especially, The discrepancy between Sound Log Book and Oil Record Book)
Book, ① Confirmation Tank names and Sizes with IOPP Certificates
Garbage ② Sludge incineration quantity (Quantity of Discharge ashore shore / on board )
Record Book ③ Incinerator operation time record (Start / Complete)

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Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

(P.I.C : 2/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

2.6 Garbage ① Garbage Record Book

Management - Record of discharge to shore reception
Plan facilities.
(P.I.C : C/O) ** The Quantity on the Discharge Certificates
and Garbage Record Book.

② Garbage Management Plan

- Storage capacity comparison plan capacity &
actual capacity.

** Ships with over than G/T 400 ton or manned by 15 crews should maintain Garbage
Management Plan(administration approval is not required), Garbage Record Book and the
procedures for disposal of garbage. The placard shall be displayed for crews and passengers.
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

2.7 Rest Hours Observation of Minimum rest hour

of Crew - Cautions : Entering/Leaving, Bunkering,
(P.I.C : 3/O, Passing Channels, Stand By time shall be recorded
3/E) as Over time(OT).

** Minimum rest hour shall be more than 10 hours of

24 hrs, which shall be not divided more than twice
and one of them shall be at least six hours.
(Refer to MLC2006/A.2.3)
① Calling while off-duty due to UMA cause interrupt normal rest hour.
② Implementation of master’s instructions for instant of ship, life and cargo or saving life at
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

2.8 MLC related ① Retention of Crew employment contract and fulfillment of Contract contents.
matters - Wage, Medical Service, etc.
(P.I.C : Capt) ② Confirmation that procedure of complaint is onboard and provided to seafarers
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 3/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

2.9 Cargo The verified packed container weight shall be provided to container ships.
Information ① SOLAS 2014 Amend/Chap. VI/ Reg.2 (Effective 2016. 07.01)
(P.I.C : C/O) ② Ship shall be provided cargo information from shipper such as cargo specification, gross
weight, cargo characteristics. Ex) Verified Gross Weight for Container ships.
③ In the absence of the shipper providing the verified gross mass of the packed container, the
container should not be loaded on to the ship.
(MSC Circular / MSC.1/Circ.1475 paragraph 14)

In case of shipment of harmful chemicals to Tanker, etc.

① Check whether it is explosive and toxic according to
MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheets) and keep in
mind first aid in case of exposition.
② MSDS should be in CCR

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

3. Bridge

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

3.1 Chart & Notice ① Prepare harbour and approach charts according Passage plan.
to Mariner (Entering without concerned charts is prohibited)
(P.I.C : 2/O) ② Latest Chart and Correction (Including latest NTM on board)
③ Latest Chart catalogue on board.

-NTM Correction List-

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 4/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

3.2 Publication ① Light List, Tide Table, Sailing Direction and correction for concerned area
(P.I.C : 2/O) ② Latest IAMSAR Manual on board.
** SOLAS Ch.V Regulation 27 "Nautical charts and nautical publications, such as sailing
directions, lists of lights, notices to mariners, tide tables and all othernautical publications
necessary for the intended voyage, shall be adequate and up to date.”.
Refer to MSC MEPC.2/Circ.2

e-NP Correction


Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

3.3 Deck Log Book ① Plan of each drills and entries in Logbook according to SOLAS Convention.
(P.I.C : 3/O) (TRA-14, Fire Fighting / Abandon Ship, E/Steering & Entering enclosed area etc.)
② Photo taken during the drills for PSC inspection as evidence.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

3.4 Life Jackets / ① Lighting, Whistle, Ship’s name/Port of Registry and condition of appearance, etc.
Immersion ② Approved by Administration.
Suit ③ Condition (glue/zipper/sewing parts, detached or sticked, etc)
(P.I.C : 3/O)

Lightingand Visual Inspection Ship name/Port of Registry

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

3.5 Standard ① Dimming, Bubble (Eliminate bubble with tools or replace with new one)
Magnetic ② Annual check Deviation Curve making and inspection of the margin of error.
Compass (FYI, Panama Flagged ships are required the deviation less than 5 degree in
(P.I.C : 2/O) according to Circ. 138.)
GLASS Bubble Inspection

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Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

Deviation Curve

3.6 VHF, MF/HF ① Retaining BQ/RQ Test Record under the condition in Main Source and Em’cy Source.
Radio ② Check Radio Log weekly & Test/Inspection and article records.
(P.I.C : 2/O) ③ Familiarization of P.I.C(Radio Officer)

** BQ : ACKBQ/RQ Test
Back Request Radio Log Test Record
RQ : ACK Request
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

3.7 EPIRB ① Test Certificate on board(Annual inspection by Shore-Based Maintenance

(P.I.C : 2/O) Provider (Issued by EPIRB Shore-Based Maintenance Provider (MSC Circ.1039))
② Hydrostatic Releaser expiry date and visual inspection
③ No Obstacles around EPIRB. (Interference of EPIRD Auto release operation)

Test Cert. H/Releasor

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :
3.8 AIS, Echo ① Ship’s information on AIS Display. (Sailing / In port)
Sounder, ② ECHO Sounder operating condition (Date, Time, Depth etc.)
VDR ③ VDR Alarm/ Normal Operation condition
(P.I.C : 2/O) ④ Posting Back-up procedure & Top bridge status.



3.9 Water Ingress 1 Normal Operation ② V/V Remote Control condition ③ Indicator & Panel Test

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Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

System ** This regulation is subject to the Bulk Carriers such as Ore carriers specified on SOLAS XII.
(if Installed) Single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers shall be fitted water level detectors according
(P.I.C : C/O) to SOLAS II-1/25
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :
3.10 Daylight ① Em’cy power supply ② Both Side (P&S) available
Signal Lamp 2 Portable embedded battery and at least three spare bulbs.
(P.I.C : 2/O) (If K/L on or after 2002.07.01)
④ Lamp Condition
** Since K/L 2002.07.01
Spare 3 Bulbs
All ships of 150 gross tonnage and upwards shall be fitted with
a signalling daylight lamp, or other means to communicate by light
during day and night using an energy source of electrical power
not solely dependent upon the ship's power supply
(Reg.V/19.2.2 in SOLAS 2000 amendments ) Operation Test by Battery

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 7/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

3.11 Fire Alarm & ① Sensor condition and operation by Em’cy power source
Fire Detection ② Alarm response within 2 min. and confirm the distance between Manual Call
System Point.
(P.I.C : C/O) ** FSS code Chapter .9 /2.5
The activation of any detector or manually operated call point shall initiate a visual and
audible fire detection alarm signal at the control panel and indicating units. If the signals
have not been acknowledged within 2 min, an audible fire alarm shall be automatically
sounded throughout the crew accommodation and service spaces, control stations and
machinery spaces of category A. This alarm sounder system need not be an integral part of
the detection system
** Manually operated call points shall be installed throughout the accommodation spaces,
service spaces and control stations. One manually operated call point shall be located at
each exit. Manually operated call points shall be readily accessible in the corridors of each
deck such that no part of the corridor is more than 20 m from a manually operated call
(SOLAS 1983 Amend/ II-2, Reg.13.2)
③ Control Panel Fault alarm (Before berthing, surely check alarm status.)
④ The maximum spacing of detectors shall be in accordance with the table below
(SOLAS 1981 Amend/ II-2, Reg.13)
Type of Max. floor area per Max. distance apart Max. distance away
Detectors detector between centers from bulkheads

Heat 37 ㎡ 9m 4.5 m

Smoke 74 ㎡ 11 m 5.5 m

FIRE CONTRAL PANEL shall have no Alarm (Normal Condition)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 8/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

3.12 Navigation ① Alarm Test ② Pilot Lamp Test

Light Panel ③ Em’cy Power source Test
(P.I.C : 2/O) **In case of loss of main source, Em’cy power source
shall be provided to navigation lights as quickly as is
safe and practicable. Unless Em’cy Generator starts
supplying the required load within 45 sec, the ship shall
be provided with a transitional source of emergency
power source.(SOLAS Ch.II-1, Reg.43. 3, 4) Navigation Light Panel

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

3.13 Emergency ①Em’cy power source Test

Lighting ② Inspection for Normal condition.
(P.I.C : 3/E) ③ Em’cy Light Marking
Lighting test by Em’cy source

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

3.14 ECDIS ① Reflect SMS of Company – Critical Equipment list, Passage planning/Education,
(P.I.C : 2/O) Check interval.
② Officer Familiarization for Safety setting (Safety Depth, Anti-Grounding), Passage
plan, Positioning(GPS & RADER), ENC chart version checking.
③ Em’cy source connection condition.
④ ECDIS Backup Arrangement
⑤ Latest ENC
⑥ Check Sensor Error
⑦ Officer Training record on board – Generic / Specific Training Record
⑧ Type Approval Certificate
⑨ SE Certificate typographical error etc.
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

3.15 Table of ① Duty Table shall be posted.

Shipboard 3 Minimum rest hour shall be observed.
Working ③ Check if it matches the number of crew
Arrangement ** Refer to “NAV-25 Table of Shipboard Working
& Muster List Arrangement"
(P.I.C : 3/O,

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

4. Wing Bridge

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 9/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

4.1 Quick release ① Quick Release condition

Life-buoy ② Self Igniting Light condition
(P.I.C : 2/O) ③ Smoke Signal condition and
expiry date
④ Life Buoy appearance,
Marking condition and weight
(over than 4kg)

No Obstacle for dropping Expiry Date

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

4.2 Navigational ① Condition of Matt Black paint in Box

Light ② Angle in compliance with COLREG.
(P.I.C : 2/O) (Class approval / Name Plate)
③ Repair Damaged Lights or Replace them.


Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

5. Outside of Accommodation

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 10/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

5.1 Battery Room ① Em’cy Battery condition

(P.I.C : 3/E) (including for GMDSS)
② Charging condition and
Expiry date
(Check Indicator glass) CABLE Connection
③ Cable connection /
Charging Condition
disconnection condition
④ Status of explosion proof lamps in Battery Room.
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

5.2 Em’cy ① Operation condition

Generator ② Gauge condition
Room ③ Fuel oil tank Quick Closing Valve operating condition (N/A)
(P.I.C : 2/E) ④ Fuel storage (for over than 18hrs)
⑤ Check ACB auto connecting condition at blackout test. (Test Mode)
- Posted Kw Gauge photo before & after Test operation.
(If possible, Take video & Keep it)

Q/C = N/A

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 11/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

5.3 E/R Ventilator,

① Damper Open/Closing test condition
Fan Damper
② Refer to maker’s standard for gap (Maker’s normal standard : 3~4mm)
& Funnel
Damper ③ Internal Flap operation, corrosion, hole by opening ventilator
(P.I.C : 1/E) ④ Check Control Air leakage with Remote control system

No Light leakage when

Funnel Damper Closed
빛이 새어 들어오면 안됨

PIN Damage inspection

Ventilator open inspection

Check fully closing condition

Check Corrosion

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

6. Survival Craft & Launching arrangement

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 12/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

6.1 Access to ① No obstacle for access to Lifeboat (Incl. Rescue Boat)
Survival Craft ② No lock on Lifeboat entrance (Incl. Rescue Boat)
(P.I.C : C/O) ③ Hatch Securing Device (Open)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

6.2 Hull, Marking & ① Appearance Visual Inspection – Especially after heavy weather
** Ship’s temporary repair on FRP shall be reported to class for permanent repair
Painting approval through occasional survey
(P.I.C : C/O) ② Appearance Marking condition
** LSA Code Ch. Ⅳ/4.4.9
- The number of persons for which the lifeboat is approved shall be clearly marked on it
in clear permanent characters.
- The name and port of registry of the ship to which the lifeboat belongs shall be
marked on each side of the lifeboat's bow in block capitals of the Roman Alphabet
- Means of identifying the ship to which the lifeboat belongs and the number of the
lifeboat shall be marked in such a way that they are visible from above.

③ Reflecting Tape Condition

Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

6.3.1 Davit ① Davit inspection: Corrosion, Hole, Crack, etc.

(Lifeboat, ② Wire Fall renewal date and marking condition
Rescueboat) ③ Davit operation by lowering lifeboat (including limit switch test)
(P.I.C : C/O) ④ Greasing all active part
⑤ Rescue Boat(or Lifeboat for rescue) recovering operation
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

6.3.2 Davit ① Davit inspection: Corrosion, Hole, Crack, etc.

(If fitted for ② Davit operation test incl. Limit Switch ③ Greasing all active part
Launching ④ Test for isolated power source – In case of loss of Main power source, check the Em’cy
operation status.
(P.I.C : C/O)
⑤ Whether oil leaking or not while testing
⑥ Check corrosion condition of ventilator (If fitted)

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Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

6.4 Sheave ① Sheave moving condition while lowering

(P.I.C : C/O) ② Appearance condition – Corrosion
③ Remote wire sheave moving condition
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :
6.5 Winch & ① Condition of Lower bracket, Bolt and Nut
Foundation ② Fall Renewal (Every 5 year)
(P.I.C : C/O) ③ Winch Brake operation (including Remote system)
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :
6.6 Engine ① Running (Ahead and Astern for at least 3 min) - SE weekly inspection.
(P.I.C : 1/E, 3/O) In spite of the temp’ -15℃, It shall be operating within 2 minutes.
② Fuel oil tank filling condition (Over than for 24 hrs) ③ Battery Charging condition
④ Secondary Eng. Operating system (Battery or Manual)
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :
6.7 Enclosed type ① Fore and Aft Hook assembly condition
(Incl. Freefall for housing (Corrosion)
type) ② Status of Re-setting according to maker
(P.I.C : C/O) standard
(Load Releaser Interlock and Release Gear
Lever position, Indicator Color_Green)
③ Housing condition – Stopper, Lashing Wire, Remote Control Wire condition
(Freefall Type - Lifting Sling Wire disconnection)
④ Freefall Type- Lifting Sling Wire condition (Shall be Specified in Corporate SMS)
⑤ Check Seat Pad condition (Only Freefall type)
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

6.8 Equipment ① Fire Extinguisher apperance and charging condition (Expiry Date)
(P.I.C : 3/O) ② Check inner equipment status.
(Food ration, Drinking water, Anti-seasickness pills expiry date)
③ Wood Seat(Open Type) rotting condition and safety belts(Enclosed type) fastening
④ No bubble in Magnetic Compass, Compass Card condition, Drain, Search Light, Nav. Light,
Clear View through Window.
⑤ Air Bottle Cylinder pressure(Above 160 Bar) condition (If fitted)

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Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

The color of the seat belt should be different

⑥ Crew Each Seat Position Is Marked. from that of the surrounding seat.

⑦ The color of the seat belt should be different from that of the surrounding seat.
⑧ Sprinkler – Operating Condition & Nozzle installed condition (Only Tanker)
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

6.9 Lifeboat ① Lowering condition and Crew’s familiarization

Lowering ② Remote Lowering Function – One crew shall be able to Lower Lifeboat with attention to
(P.I.C : C/O) Lifeboat and Wire connecting condition.
③ Brake Operation Test.
④ Lowering Rescueboat by ship’s power source and by secondary power source (of Lifeboat)
⑤ Take photo launched lifeboat
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

6.10 Winch & Hydraulic oil and Air leakage inspection. (Incl. connected pipes)
Inspection Result : Date :
(P.I.C : C/O)
Signature :

6.11 Ship’s Drill ① Assessment of the drill referring to SHEQ Check List(TRA-12) for Fire fighting and
(Fire fighting / abandon ship
Abandon ship) ② Crew familiarization (Personal Assignment and Equipment)
(P.I.C : C/O) ③ Lowering instruction display
④ Em’cy Lights to be tested during abandon ship drill and the results must be recorded in
Deck Log Book.
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

7. Inside of Accommodation

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

7.1 Door with Self-
① Holding Back Device which hold the door open shall be removed.
Closing Device
** Self Closing Door shall be indicated on Fire Control Plan as A-60
(P.I.C : C/O)
(Eng. Rm Entrance Door, Escape door in E/R, Galley door)
② Operation : Door shall be closed by itself
③ Appearance : Damage visual inspection

Keep Closing

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 15/40 -

Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

7.2 Insulation Check omission or missing part. Bridge and Bridge floor shall be fitted A-60.
(P.I.C : C/O) Fire Control Plan shall be used to check accommodation insulation status

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

7.3 Fixing ① CO2 Capacity (Low pressure CO2, Refrigerator operation)

Extinguisher ** Low pressure CO2 fixed fire extinguishing system is usually applied to car
System – CO2 carriers.
(P.I.C : C/O) ** In case it consists of multiple cylinders, Usually the scale for weighing the
cylinders is on board.
** Ships equipped with Fixed Foam fire extinguishing system shall Maintain
Foam Tank capacity, foam component analysis report on board.
(Component analysis : once at first third year, then once a year)
** Measuring fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system
All cylinders and pilot cylinders shall be measured by shore engineer and
relevant documents are shall be maintained on board.
② Hyd. Test date: 10% of the bottle shall be carried out at 10 th year
③ Familiarization: Sequence, Remote control (CO2 room), Manual
operation (All crew)
④ Insulation : CO2 Room Insulation(Refer to Fire Protection Plan), Omission and Missing
part inspection
⑤ Safety pin condition and conduct education in according to maker’s instruction
⑥ Condition of the lines(Incl. Flexible Hoses) connection for remote operation and visual
⑦ Posting the number of operating cylinder bottles each hold in CO2 room. (If fitted)

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Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

7.4 Fire Detector ① Detector Test with Test Kit

(P.I.C : C/O) ** Appropriate position indication on Fire Control Plan

② Checking Fire detection alarm (FSS code Chapter .9 /2.5)

** The activation of any detector or manually operated call point shall initiate a visual
and audible fire detection alarm signal at the control panel and indicating units. If the
signals have not been acknowledged within 2 min, an audible fire alarm shall be
automatically sounded throughout the crew accommodation and service spaces,
control stations and machinery spaces of category A. This alarm sounder system need
not be an integral part of the detection system
③ Check installed Fire detector quantity in aisle.
** The maximum spacing of detectors shall be in accordance with the table

Type of Max. floor area Max. distance apart Max. distance away
Detectors per detector between centers from bulkheads

Heat 37 ㎡ 9m 4.5 m

Smoke 74 ㎡ 11 m 5.5 m

④ Sufficient Fire detector spare part. (Minimum 1ea for each type)
⑤ Prior to berthing, check & clear alarm in Control Panel.

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Form Number SAF-25
Checklist for PSC Pre-Inspection Revision Number 03
Revision Date 2020.08.25

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

7.5 Isolation Valve ① Check Valve Position compare with Fire Control Plan.
(P.I.C : 3/O) ② Check operating condition.
(If sticky, Free-up with greasing)
③ Marking (Position indication)
④ Placed Wrench if necessary

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

7.6 Fireman’s Outfits ① Storage disassembled

(P.I.C : 3/O) The fire-fighting outfits or sets of personal equipment shall be kept ready for use in an
easily accessible location that is permanently and clearly marked and, where more than
one fire-fighting outfit or more than one set of personal equipment is carried, they
shall be stored in widely separated positions. (SOLAS II-II
② Air cylinder pressure test date and charging condition
- Hyd. test shall be carried out every 5 years.
** Three Air cylinder / 1 Fireman outfit
(If Air Compressor is available, need minimum Two Air Cylinders. )
- Air for over than 30 mins. breathing or 1200 Ltrs shall be charged
(Refer to Maker’s Manual)
③ Operation and Visual inspection by wearing
④ Equipment visual inspection (Glove, Clothes, Boots, Lifelines…)
⑤ The electrical power available shall be sufficient.
(Emergency power source supply shall be allowed for at least 18 hours /
SOLAS II-1 43.2)
⑥ Wearing and operation familiarization

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

7.7 MLC-Related Personal Bedroom, Public area(Recreation room and Gym.), Mess room light, Washbasin
matters water(hot) supply, Toilet equipment(Soap, Towel etc), Shower equipment etc.
(P.I.C : C/O)

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Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

8. Main Deck & Cargo Hold

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

8.1 International Confirm the location : Compare with Fire Control Plan
shore ** Ships of GT 500 or more shall locate at least 1set for both side &
connection must be available On both side.
(P.I.C : 3/O) (Standard dimension shall be referred to FSS Code Chap.2)
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

8.2 Ventilator Prevention of Corrosion, hole and failure through regular inspection
(P.I.C : C/O) ① Closing Device operation : Regularly Free-up
② Vent Pipe corrosion: Visual and Test with hammer corrosion inspection
③ Vent Cover Hole: Visual and Test with hammer corrosion inspection
④ RO-RO ships shall be inspected all the cargo hold ventilators and dampers
(Especially, ships calling USA)
⑤ Inspection Hole or Cover need to be fitted if general internal inspection is not permitted.
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

8.3 Air Pipe Prevention of Corrosion, hole and failure through regular inspection
(P.I.C : C/O) ① Coming corrosion/ hole : Visual and Test with hammer Corrosion Inspection
(including Head compartment)

② Floating Ball : Check vibration sound by external impact.

(Check inner ball or disk after open the head.)
③ If Mesh is installed in the Ballast Tank Air Vent Head, remove it for ease of inspection
and prevention of blockage (Except Tanker)
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

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8.4 Fire / ① Leakage: Leakage after S.W operation

Foam / IGS ② Corrosion/ Hole : Increase the pressure of the Main Fire Line after operate G.S Pump
Line and visual check it. Then, check the condition of corrosion and pore with a hammer.
(P.I.C : C/O) ③ Valve : Regular inspection (Prevent from being stuck - Isolating Valve)
④ Patching : Doubling shall not be acknowledged as permanent repair
** Doubling by welding may have probability to be holed by stress. Pipe hole
between flanges shall be required renewal.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

8.5 Foam ① Moving Part : Regular inspection/Greasing (prevent from being stuck)
Monitors & ② Watering Test : refer to ship’s maintenance instruction.
(If fitted) Inspection Result : Date :
(P.I.C : C/O) Signature :

8.6 Main Deck ① Corrosion/ Hole : Visual and hammer Test

(P.I.C : C/O) ② Crack Inspection
③ Painting condition

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :
8.7 Small Hatch ① Weathertight: Packing and cover frame deformation condition.
(P.I.C : C/O)
② Closing Device : Dog bolt free-up.
③ Corrosion and Hole : Visual and hammer test.
④ Packing : Missing and Damage
⑤ Etc : Marking condition, Coaming corrosion/hole

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

8.8 Hatch cover ① Corrosion and hole: Visual and Hammer Test including internal structure (No taping)
(P.I.C : C/O) ② Packing : Missing and Damage.
③ Weathertight: Packing and hatch cover frame deformation.
** In case of poor Hatch Cover, PSCO can request Hose test

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Revision Date 2020.08.25

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

8.9 Hatch ① Corrosion and Hole: Visual and

Coaming, Hammer Test (inner side).
Stay, ② Crack : End stay(bracket) crack
Stiffener shall be taken action at sight.
(P.I.C : C/O)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

8.10 Bulwark and ① Corrosion and Hole: Visual and Hammer Test.
Handrail (Especially, Connection parts between bottom and main deck)
(P.I.C : C/O) ② Crack

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

8.11 Cleats for ① Corrosion and Hole: Visual and

Hatch Cover hammer test.
(P.I.C : C/O) ② Socket : Regular Free-up
③ Gap Check(Auto type):
Limitation specified in Hatch cover
④ Non-Return Valve & Ball

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

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Revision Date 2020.08.25

8.12 Hold supply ① Corrosion and hole: Visual and hammer test
pipeline for ** Do not forget line inspection.
Fixed CO2 ② Crack
(P.I.C : C/O) ③ Red Paint Marking

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

8.13 Cargo Holds ① Corrosion and crack (ex. substructure of cross deck)
– Overall ** The vessel with Hooper tank - Slop end part crack.
Survey ② Leakage : Crack and flood by Ballast water.
(P.I.C : C/O) ③ Ship’s Repair (Re-welding or Double plate)
** Ship’s repair shall be reported to class or administration (SOLAS Ch.I/Reg.11(c))
④ Corner plate was Heavy Stress parts – Inspect Crack etc.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

9. Forecastle deck

No. Item Checking or Test guideline Result

9.1 Ventilator ① BOSUN Store Mushroom Vent. Head hole and Handle free up.
(P.I.C : C/O) ② Hatch Cover Louver Vent Hinge and Bolt condition and closing.
③ Packing : dropping and damage.

In Forecastle Deck, Ventilator coaming height

(No.1: 900mm↑ , No.2 : 760mm↑)
☞ ICLL 1988 Protocol / ANNEX B-I / Chapter II (Reg.10~26) / Reg. 19, Ventilators in
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position 1 shall have coamings of a height of at least 900 mm above the deck; in position
2 the coamings shall be of a height at least 760 mm above the deck.
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :
9.2 Small Hatch ① Check Small Hatch Dog Bolt
(P.I.C : C/O) Corrosion & Watertight for BOSUN Store.

② Check Small Hatch Packing Channel corrosion

and Rubber Packing for BOSUN Store.

③ Check Small Hatch Wing-Nut damage and watertight for Rope Store.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

9.3 Navigational ① Appropriate Light installation : Mandatory angle of Nav. light

(P.I.C : 2/O)

② Malfunction of Nav. Light and Bridge Nav. Light Control Panel alarm
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

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Revision Date 2020.08.25

9.4 Windlass / ① Check Hole, Bolt & Nut corrosion of Bed plate
Winch ② Check Brake Lining condition
(P.I.C : C/O)

③ Drum corrosion and hole inspection.

④ Windlass/Winch Gear Box Sight Glass damage and oil leakage.

⑤F’cle Windlass Brake Linkage and Pinion Gear maintenance (Greasing)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

9.5 Dewatering ① BOSUN Store Dewatering Remote Valve open/close operating condition.
(If fitted)
(P.I.C : C/O)

② BOSUN Store(inside) Bilge Sensor Level Gauge operation condition.

③ Posting Diagram in BOSUN store & Marking Open/Close status
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

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Revision Date 2020.08.25

10. BOSUN Store

No. Item Checking or Test guideline Result
10.1 Anchor Pipe and ① BOSUN Store (inside) Anchor Washing Pipe corrosion
Air pipe for F.P.T and damage.
(P.I.C : C/O) ② Air Pipe for F.P.T : corrosion and hole
③ BOSUN Store equipment lashing and cleanness.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

10.2 Chain Locker Corrosion and Hole : Visual inspection and test with hammer
Inspection Result : Date :
(P.I.C : C/O)
Signature :

10.3 F’cle Deck/ ① F’cle BOSUN Store Watertight Door watertight.

Weather Tight (No light leakage with Door closed)
(P.I.C : C/O)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

10.4 Life Jackets / ① F’cle, normal operation and marking condition of ship’s name and port of
Immersion Suit Registry, the light of lifejacket for Liferaft.
(P.I.C : 3/O) ② Condition (Glue/Zipper/Sewing parts, detached or sticked, etc)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 25/40 -

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Revision Date 2020.08.25

10.5 Anchor Hammer for Anchor Bitter End Release shall be ready.
(P.I.C : C/O)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

11. Poop Deck

No. Item Checking or Test guideline Result

11.1 Navigational ① Mandatory angle (Stern light : Rear 135°,
Lights (Including Anchor light : 360°)
Anchor Light) ② Damage: On/Off condition and light cover damage.
(P.I.C : 2/O)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

11.2 Air Pipe ① Coaming corrosion and hole: Visual inspection and hammer test.
(P.I.C : C/O) ② Air Vent Cover corrosion and hole. ③ Floating Ball/Disk Condition : Open inspection.
④ F.O Tank Air Pipe Flame Screen fitting condition.
⑤ Air Pipe Name Marking condition. ⑥ While berthing, Drain Plug shall be fitted.

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Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

11.3 Small Hatch ① Watertight : Packing condition and cover frame

(P.I.C : C/O) deformation.
② Closing Device : Regular Dog Bolt free-up is required.
③ Corrosion and hole : Visual inspection and hammer test.
④ Etc : Marking condition and Coaming corrosion/hole.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

12. Steering gear room & Em'cy fire pump room

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

12.1 Em’cy Em’cy telephone operation in S/G Room
(P.I.C : 1/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

12.2 Steering Gear Check Steering Gear Cylinder leakage and familiar Em’cy Steering operation.
(P.I.C : 1/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

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Signature :
12.3 Em'cy fire pump ① Running (Starting)
(P.I.C : 1/E) ** More than 6 times in 30min, 2 times in Initial 10 min
** Precaution for operation with Lower draft.
** Suction operation. ( including Vacuum pump)
** Leakage inspection.
② Suction/Discharge pressure indicator condition

③ Em’cy Fire Pump Casing and leakage inspection

④ Suction/Discharge pipe shall be protected if penetrated in E/R
** Thick steel casing enclosing or A-60 thermal isolation.
** Pipe thickness : more than 11mm.

⑤ Appropriate pressure(2.7 Bar) with 2 fire hoses on deck (Fore/Bridge).

(Leakage & Coupling gasket condition of fire hoses)

⑥ Length of fire hoses(Engine Rm : 15m, Ondeck : 20m,

However, Ship’s width of more than 30m is Ondeck hoses : 25m)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

12.4 Steering Gear Check Indicating Lamp & Power Failure Alarm operating condition in Panel.
Motor Power

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Source Panel
(P.I.C : 3/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

12.5 Steering Gear Class approved insulation mat shall be in position for 440V Steering Gear Motor power
Rm Fan / Panel panel
(P.I.C : 3/E)

Steering Gear Room Fan normal operation


Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

12.6 Gyro Repeater Whether difference between Gyro Repeater at S/G Room and Bridge Main Gyro.
(P.I.C : 2/O)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

12.7 Em'cy Lighting Steering Gear Room Em’cy Light operation, “E” Mark condition
(P.I.C : 3/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

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12.8 Etc Steering Gear Room Handrail installation

(P.I.C : 1/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

13. Engine Room

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

13.1 Fire Detector ① Detector Test with Test Kit.
(P.I.C : C/O) * FFA maintenance record shall be maintained appropriately, so as to
carry out the test of all the detector once 6 month.
* Test method per each Detector type shall be reminded.

< Test in Engine Room >

** The activation of any detector or manually operated call point shall
initiate a visual and audible fire signal at the control panel and indicating units. If the
signals have not received attention within 2 minutes an audible alarm shall be
automatically sounded throughout the crew accommodation and service spaces,
control stations and machinery spaces of category A. (FSS Code 2002 / Chapter 9 /
② Visual/Audible alarm
< Alarm Condition inspection at site>


Detector Lamp
Flickering condition
< 2.1 Before Test> < 2.2 While Testing >

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Digital Panel type

Alarm Spec,, Detector type
Lamp off can be distinguished.
Comparison of Detector
spec and actual position
is important

<2.3 Alarm specification on Console >

③ No. of detectors fitted through passage way.
④ Appropriate Fire Detector Sensor spare on board.
* Refer to maker’s recommendation considering route.
- 5% spare per each detectors is recommended.
: 1 spare for the detectors installed less than 5 sets
* Labelling for easy inspection.
⑤ Equipment(Test Tool) for testing thermal or smoke detector.
⑥ Familiarize yourself with the AC/DC operation Test of the Fire Alarm Detection System.
⑦ Check fault alarm & alarm blocking(Always, Operating condition)
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

13.2 Portable ① Fire-Extinguishing chemicals refill date (Refer to maker’s instruction)

Fire Extinguisher * No damage on Inspection Tag
(P.I.C : 3/O) ② Sampling Test : One of the extinguisher if spare is properly on board.
* Operation procedure and instruction per each type of extinguisher.
③ Hyd. Test date: Less than every 10 Years since the cylinder was
* No Damage on Inspection Tag.

④ Check added 45/135 liters extinguisher inspection

Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

13.3 Emergency ① Insulation condition (Dropping / Missing inspection).

(P.I.C : 3/E)

② Entrance Door : Self closing fire door(A-60) visual inspection

* No Hook and No wood plate
* Perfect Tight condition and Closing force adjustment.

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③ Condition of Em’cy Light

④ Install a vessel which is over G/T 1,000 (Launched after Sept. 1st 1994)
⑤ Cleanness near Emergency escape trunk & Painting condition.
⑥ Auto-Closing Device and Packing condition for a Door.

⑦ Preparing Safety Harness (It shall be ready to use immediately.)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

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Revision Date 2020.08.25

13.4 Em’cy Light ① Em’cy Light Cover SYMBOL and indication.

(P.I.C : 3/E) (Replace damaged parts atsight)

② Comparison of Lights with G/A and actual location.

③ Em’cy Light visual inspection.
* Cover (Crack / Paint contamination), Cable sheath condition.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

13.5 Quick Closing / ① In Eng. Room, operation test of remote Quick Closing for F.O/D.O Sett./
Shut-off Valve Serv. Tank
(P.I.C : 1/E) * Local Valve Shut-Off operation and Spring free-up.
(** Check Air Charing status of Valve)
② Remove Wood wedge after test if inserted not to close fuel supply.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

13.6 Insulation, ① Dropping and Missing part. (Refer to F.C.P)

Ragging ② Hot space insulation (Heated over than 220℃ by fuel line damage)
(P.I.C : 1/E) : Inspection of Dropping and Missing part of insulation for High Temp/Pressure pipe
connection parts, Steam Pipe, etc.
③ In E/R, all the pipe connection part need permanent repair of cementing Parts.

④ Wet Ragging by leakage needs to be replaced. Repair the leakage.

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<Dropping and Midssing Part(M/E)> <Dropping and Midssing Part(G/E)>

Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

13.7 Jacketed Pipe for ① Check install omitted.

High pressure ** MSC/Circ.1170(80)(Draft Amendments), SOLAS Reg.II-2/15.2.9 and 15.2.12 is subject to
Fuel the vessel with K/L after 1992.02.01.(Engine power > 375Kw)
(P.I.C : 1/E) ② Drain box alarm normal operation.

③ Check for F.O leaks and condition of engagement for F.O Pipe.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

13.8 Oil Filtering ① 15ppm Alarm system operation test ② 3-way Valve operation and Pump
Equipment (+Test mode) operation stop
(Oily Water ** Carry our Test before every ** Pump auto-stop may be
Separator) operation different up to its makers
(P.I.C : 2/E)

③ Pipe internal inspection with Overboard

Valve opened.
** Regarding Open, internal inspection
shall be recorded in Eng. Log Book.
It is not allowable to open without
Master and C/E’s permission.
④ Use Genuine Filter.
(Certificate storage on board)

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⑤ P.I.C shall be familiar with operation and test procedure.

⑥ Close overboard valve while berthing.

⑦ Shore connection inspection for transferring to shore.

⑧ Operation procedure (ship’s official language) shall be posted.

⑨ Remove Manual Valve of Sampling Line

Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

13.9 Direct Line for Abnormal Oily Bilge Discharge Line installation shall be prohibited.
Discharging Oily
Bilge Inspection Result : Date :
(P.I.C : 2/E) Signature :
13.10 Engine Room ① cleanness in Engine Room Area
(P.I.C : 1/E)

② E/R Floor, Bilge well inspection and transfer it to shore if necessary.

③ Main/Aux. Engine shall be repaired in case of water leakage and oil

leakage (S/G room oil leakage cleaning before entering and while berthing)
④ Oil Rag shall be removed in E/R to prevent fire incident.
⑤ All the welding parts shall be inspected oil leakage.
(ex) corner area out of reach and sight)
⑥ Check Oil & Water leakage of all machinery.
Inspection Result : Date :

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Signature :

13.11 Sewage ① Level Alarm operation Test

Treatment ② Pump running condition
Equipment - Sewage treatment discharge pump operation & performance
(P.I.C : 3/E) * Auto discharge test- Level S/W operation
- Sewage treatment Chemical Dosage Pump operation & performance
* When mixing air in dosage discharge line, air shall be removed
* Chemical tank level monitoring.
③ Before entering, sewage storm valve(Ov’bd) shall be Sealed.

④ Sewage treatment air blower shall be operated by auto mode

* Microorganism may not alive without air for 30 minutes.

<Sewage control operation> <Air diffuser and circulation line free up>
⑤ Sewage discharge rate approval certificate
on board.
⑥ Shore connection for shore transfer (Ex. Size)
⑦ Inspection Corrosion of Tank

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :
13.12 Table of MLC applying minimum rest hours for Deck
Shipboard and Eng. department shall be posted on Bridge.
Working * Work plan at sea and in port of all the crew
Arrangement shall be included.
(P.I.C : 3/O) * Max./Min. Working hours or Rest hours in
compliance with Maritime Labour Certificate.
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

13.13 Crew’s Engineer’s familiarization with responsible machinery in charge and personal
Familiarization Assignment as aspect of ISM.
with Engine
Room Machinery Inspection Result : Date :
(P.I.C : C/E) Signature :

13.14 Panels / Console ① Insulation Mat in position ② Lamp condition ③ Elec. insulation
(P.I.C : 3/E)

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Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

13.15 Boiler ① Cut Off Test

(P.I.C : 3/E) ② Remote Wire inspection (Ex. Safety Valve)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

13.16 Water Mist Fire ① Spray Test

Fighting System ② Valve condition (Normal Open)
(P.I.C : 1/E) ③ Nozzle condition

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

13.17 Em’cy Air ① Air Tank charging condition ② Running (Charging) inspection
(P.I.C : 2/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

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13.18 Level Alarm Test ① Each tanks ② M/E, G/E F.O Leaky Tanks ③ Bilge Well ④ Oil Mist Detector (If fitted)
(P.I.C : 1/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

13.19 Fixed Local Fire ① Motor & Valve Operation ② Self-inspection record ③ Familiarization
Fighting System ④ Remove Blind Sector (Obstruction)
(P.I.C : 1/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

13.20 Work Shop & ① Cleanness

E.C.R ② Garbage separation
(P.I.C : 1/E) ③ Insulation mat
④ Workshop lathe, Drill machine Em’cy stop, Safety goggle

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

14. Other Place

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

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Revision Date 2020.08.25

14.1 Paint Store ① Fire extinguisher : Paint store Sprinkler is required if floor is over
(P.I.C : C/O) than 4 ㎡ and intermediate valve for fire extinguishing is
fitted outside store.
* The position for valve operation Shall be interfered by the fire..
② Intermediate valve marking (Outside store)
③ The light shall be explosion Proof in Paint Store.
④ Check Ventilation equipment.
⑤ Paint shall be not store in other places.
(Ex. S/G Room, etc)
⑥ MSDS(Paint spec) Box shall be placed in Paint store.
⑦ Any material incl. paint can shall be stowed below the level of
sprinkler head.

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :

14.2 Gas & Ace’ ① High Pressure Hose, Connector condition

Store ② Regulator, Flashback Arrestor condition
(P.I.C : 3/E)

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :
14.3 Galley ① Holding Back Device shall be cleared (Ex. Hook for holding door Open)
(P.I.C : C/O) ② Hood cleanness
③ Provision expiry date inspection
④ Refrigerator cleanness inspection

Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :
14.4 Gangway ① Gangway shall be installed with safety net.
(P.I.C : C/O, ② Marking or Posting Safety Working Load(SWL)

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Inspection Result : Date :

Signature :
15. ETC

No. Item / P.I.C Checking or Test guideline

15.1 ETC. ① Familiarization of P.I.C of S.E equipment.
(P.I.C : Capt) * How to use and location of each equipment.
* Spare list for each S.E equipment.
* Regular education for familiarization
② Crew’s know-how on how to respond to PSC inspection
* Verifying the inspection information, such as AMSA or USCG, through
the information provided by Company.
③ Familiarization on SMS Manual for the response to PSC Inspection.
④ KR PSC pre-inspection for US and EU ports entering.
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

15.2 Only Tanker ① Deck Seal Water level condition

(P.I.C : C/O) ② Steam Return Sight Glass condition
③ Keep Inert Gas Oxygen at 5% or less
④ Fixed Gas Detector Operating condition
Inspection Result : Date :
Signature :

Inspection Date :
Place :
1/Engineer C/Officer C/Engineer Master

■ SHEQ-2.3 Ch 3.2 / FILE NO. H-5 - 40/40 -

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