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Biography of William Edwards Deming

Dates of Birth and Death: () 14 October 1900 in Sioux City, Iowa, USA () 20 December 1993 in Washington D.C., USA Family Data: William Edwards parents were William Albert and Pluma Irene Edwards. The father was a insurance agent and lawyer, then had a farm, the mother was a piano-teacher. The family then moved to Powell (Wyoming) shortly after his birth. William had a brother Robert and a sister Elizabeth. In 1923, Deming married the teacher Agnes Bell, who died in 1930. They had an adoptive child Dorothy. Deming married for a second time in 1932, the teacher for mathematics Lola Shupe (+ 1986). They had two daughters, Diana (1934) and Linda (1942). Education: Deming started his education at the University of Wyoming in 1917 (B.S. in Mathematics in 1921), then enrolled at the University of Colorado (M.S. 1924), then at Yale University, where he nished his studies in 1927 with the Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics. Professional Career: Deming taught at dierent Universities and worked for the United States Department of Agriculture (1927-1939) and was statistical adviser for the U.S. Bureau of Census (vital statistics). From 1946-1993. Deming was Professor at the New York University Graduate School of Business Administration and also taught at the Columbia University. In 1927, Deming met Walter A. Shewhart (1891-1967) of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, who gave him great inspiration. Demings ideas on quality control became prominent in Japan, where MacArthur took him in 1950. Kaoru Ishikawa (1915-1989) made these ideas popular to the Japanese top managers, especially at Toyota, and the great success of the Japanese export is said to have been to Demings merit. Only in 1980 these ideas also came to the USA, when the Japanese economy had already surpassed the

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American one. Ford Motor Company adopted Demings idea of a quality culture. Demings famous Management-Programm consists of 14 points for approvement and 7 Deadly Diseases of things to be avoided. Most of these points are trivial, but are nevertheless mostly disregarded. Publications: Equipotential surface electrons as an explanation of the packing eect (s.l. 1928). On the statistical theory of errors, Reviews of Modern Physics (1934) pp. 119-161. Faksimiles of two papers by Bayes. With commentaries by W.E. Deming and E.C. Molina (Washington 1940). Together with Frederick F. Stephan: The sampling procedure of the 1940 population census, Journal of the American Statistical Association 35 (1940) pp. 615-630. Statistical adjustment of data (New York 1946; 1964). A brief statement on the uses of sampling in censures of population, agriculture, public health, and commerce (New York 1948). Some theory of sampling (New York 1950; 1957; 1966). On statistical techniques in industry as a national resource, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 33 (1951) pp. 123-133. Elementary principles of the statistical control of quality (Tokyo 1952). Statistical techniques in industry as national resource (Calcutta 1952). On a probability mechanism to attain an economic balance between the resultant error of response and the bias of nonresponse, Journal of the American Statistical Association 48 (1953) pp. 243-272. Die Verantwortung der Betriebsfhrung fr die Anwendung statisu u tischer Methoden in der Deutschen Industrie, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 71 (1953) pp. 234-250. On the presentation of the results of sample surveys as legal evidence Journal of the American Statistical Association 49 (1954) pp. 814-825.

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On simplication of sampling design through replication with equal probabilities and without stages, Journal of the American Statistical Association 51 (1956) pp. 24-53. Sobre la presentacion como evidencia legal de los resuldados de encuestas por muestras, Estadstica 16 (1958) pp. 204-239. Designs of replicated sample to measure the change of value of an inventory, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 38 (1960) pp. 273-278. Sample design in business research (New York 1960; 1990). On the correction of mathematical bias by use of replicated designs, in: O. Anderson, et al. (eds.), Statistik in unserer Zeit: Festschrift fr u Hans Kellerer (Wrzburg 1963) pp. 37-42. u Quelques mthodes de sondage, Revue de statistique applique 12 e e (1964) pp. 11-55. Statistical adjustment of data (New York 1964). On some of the contributions of interpenetrating networks of samples, in: Chintamani Nagesa R., et al. (eds.), Contributions to statistics: Presented to P.C. Mahalanobis (Oxford 1965) pp. 57-66. Some remarks on statistical control of quality in Japan, Sankhya 28 (1966) pp. 19-30. Review of regression estimators, in: Heinrich Strecker, R. Bihn (ed.), Die Statistik in der Wirtschaftsforschung: Festgabe fr Rolf Wagenfhr u u zum 60. Geburtstag (Berlin 1967) pp. 147-153. A Markovian analysis of the life of newspaper subscriptions, Management science 14 (1968) pp. B283-B293. Together with Charles A. Bicking, A reappraisal of the contribution of statistical methods to quality-assurance, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 44 (1972) pp. 499-507. On some statistical aids toward economic production, Interfaces 5 (1975) pp. 1-15. Out of the crisis: quality, productivity and competitive position (Cambridge, Mass. 1982; 1994; 1998; 2000) (with many editions).

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Quality, productivity, and competitive position (Cambridge, Mass. 1982). The new economics for industry, government, education (Cambridge, Mass. 1993; 2000), French: De nouveau en conomoie (Paris 1996). e Improvement of quality and productivity through action by management, Operations management (2003) pp. 255-270. Bibliography: Rafael Aguayo, Dr. Deming: the American who taught the Japanese about quality (New York 1991). Karl Baur, Elart von Collani, Was zum Teufel ist Qualitt? (Lemgo 2007). a Brooks Carder, Measurement matters: how eective assessment drives business and safety performance (Milwaukee 2005). C. Chandrasekaran, On the correlation bias in the application of ChandraDeming method for estimating vital events (Cairo 1981). Andrea Gabor, The man who discovered quality: how W. Edwards Deming brought revolution to America; the stories of Ford, Xerox, and GM (New York 1990). Howard S. Gitlow, The Deming Guide to quality and competitive position (Englewood Clis). William Glasser, The control theory management combining the control theory of William Glasser with the wisdom of W. Edwards Deming to explain both what quality is and what lead-managers do to achieve it (New York 1994). Perry Gluckman, Everyday heroes of the quality movement: from Taylor to Deming, the journey to higher productivity (New York 1993). Anders Hald, A History of Mathematical Statistics From 1750 to 1930 (New York 1998). Cecelia S. Kilian, The world of W. Edwards Deming (Rockville, Md. 1988). Henning Kirstein, Der Einuss Demings auf die Entwicklung des Totalquality-Management (QM) (Mnchen 1994). u H. Kirstein, Deming in Deutschland?, http://www.deming/de/deming/ deming2.html (04.05.2007). William J. Latzko, Four days with Dr. Deming: a strategy for modern methods of management (Reading, Mass. 1995). Michael Liebel, Lean Management oder die Antiproportionalitt von Qualitt a a und Kosten aus der Sicht des Dr. Edwards Deming (WD95) (Dipl. Stuttgart 1995). Nancy R. Mann, The keys to excellence: the story of the Deming philosophy (Los Angeles 1989).

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Gray Rinehard, Quality education applying the philosophy of Dr. W. Edwards Deming to transform the educational system (Milwaukee 1993). Arlyn Custer Rosander, Demings 14 points applied to services (New York 1991). William W. Scherkenbach, The Deming route to quality and productivity: Road maps and roadblocks (Washington 1992). Frank Voehl, Deming: the way we knew him (Delray Beach, Florida 1995). Mary Walton, The Deming management method (New York 1988). Mary Walton, Deming management at work (New York 1990). Hugh H. Wolfenden, Population statistics and their compilation (Chicago 1954). Edwards Deming (04 May 2007). Author(s) of this contribution: Claudia von Collani

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