PEC 2021 Solutions

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Nombre y apellidos: DNI:


Pronunciación de la Lengua Inglesa

This PEC consists of a series of transcription activities. The maximum result you can get on the PEC
is 2 points. For each error you will be penalized 0.025 points. You can use a transcription dictionary
to do the exercises. Remember to mark the stressed syllables with /ˈ/ (example: many /ˈmeni/).

If you do not have the phonetic fonts installed in your computer you can use the symbols in Lucida
Sans Unicode.

Once finished you should hand the PEC in to your tutor through aLF. It is advisable to convert the
word document in pdf, so that the symbols are not altered.

1. Transcribe the following words indicating aspiration and devoicing in the expected contexts.
Remember that aspiration and devoicing are not marked in dictionaries (see pages 11-14 in the
pdf file from Unit 3).

terraces  twined  pituitary ()

skeletons /() peppermint  repulsive 

clothe  stale  plunge 

2. Transcribe the following passage paying special attention to weak forms, elisions, assimilations,
and linking r (see Chapter 4 and Tip 26 in the book). Do not mark aspiration or devoicing in this

Billie Holiday was born in Philadelphia in 1915. When Billie’s mother moved to New York in search
of better jobs, she joined her there and began showing up at jazz clubs to audition and sing with
resident pianists. She gave concerts in obscure Harlem nightclubs, sharing tips with other dancers
and comedians. Although she never received technical training and never learned how to read
music, she had a unique style that reinvented the conventions of modern singing and performance.

     /        ()  
         ()         
()           / 
        /     ()
()                
      

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