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St Bernard’s Catholic

Grammar School

Sixth Form
Handbook 2023/25
Top of Form

Bottom of Form
At St Bernard’s School, students are educated in a
nurturing community where each person is loved and
We aim to follow the example of the Bernardine
Sisters in having prayer and worship at the centre of
our lives. With God as our shelter, we strive to be of
service to others and uphold the Christian values of
love, forgiveness and compassion that Jesus taught us.

The School aims to promote the spiritual life of the
School Community by giving primacy to worship and
prayer together.

It aims to develop the potential of all students by

encouraging them to learn for themselves in a search
for knowledge and truth and to strive for academic
excellence. It aims to provide them with the means to
take an active part in the field of their choice, with a
full and responsible understanding of the rapidly
developing world in which they live.

It aims to provide an opportunity for the balanced

development of the student’s intellectual, emotional,
physical and spiritual qualities and to foster an
appreciation of those things which add quality to life,
by developing creative and artistic gifts and skills.
It aims to be a place of Christian service where all are
sensitive to the needs of others; where there is a
determination to promote human rights and
recognition of the corresponding duties; where a
sense of justice is fostered and awareness that all
people have an equal value.

Most importantly, its purpose is, in partnership with

the home and parish, to help all members of the
School Community to live the Gospel values of
reconciliation and forgiveness and to respond in a
Christian way to the challenges of life with its joys and
sorrows. Thus it is hoped that each one will be able to
achieve a loving relationship with God and all creation;
to make the appropriate moral decision; and to grow
towards mature membership of the Church.
Sixth Form Aims
As a Sixth Form our aims are

• To prepare our students for life beyond school so

that they can:

o Sustain relationships

o Live successfully within and contribute to

their communities

➢ Contribute to and support the economy and be

financially independent

• To help each student make the transition from

school pupil to fully independent learner

• To help our students achieve their full potential

whether they wish to move into Higher Education,
an apprenticeship or paid employment with training

• To challenge all students, stretch them academically,

and help them develop into socially responsible and
confident individuals

Welcome to the Sixth Form. You are about to begin a challenging and exciting part of your
life where you will develop both academically and personally. We want you to get the most
out of your time in Sixth Form and this handbook is written to help you along the way. The
handbook is similar to the sort of document you will receive when you start full time
employment and it forms part of your contract with the school. In the following pages you
will find details of what is expected of you, and what you can expect from the school in return.
No document of this type can cover every eventuality, things change, additions will be needed
from time to time and you will still have questions. That’s why we are here. Read the
handbook, keep it for reference, use your common sense and if you are unsure about
anything please ask.

The whole of the Sixth Form team want you to work hard, enjoy your time here and help you
make the most of the opportunities available to you. I look forward to working with you
during your time in the Sixth Form.

Ms S Instone, Director of Key Stage 5

Director of Key Stage 5 Ms S Instone

Head of Year 12 Mrs S O’Sullivan

Head of Year 13 Mr S Collins

Study Supervisor Mrs M Husain

Study Supervisor Miss K Hockey

Sixth Form Tutors Year 13

Mr Ahmed Mr Child & Miss Bota

13Ba 70 13Iz 44

Mrs Symons & Miss Hockey Miss Kelliher & Mrs Evans
13Br 25 13Mi 19

Ms Kennedy & Mrs Gomez-Ostrowski Mrs Pallister & Mrs Jaswal

13Ca 21 13To 82

Mr Hussain
13Go 86

Sixth Form Tutors Year 12

Mrs Rasheed Mrs Holder & Mrs Stafford-Allen

12Ba 84 12Iz 02

Miss Thomas & Ms Le Marquand Mrs Fletcher

12Br 67 12Mi 18

Mr Woodin & Mrs Hobbs Mrs Tomlinson & Mrs Husain

12Ca 85 12To 65

Miss Hockey

12Go 6SR

Why Ba, Br, Ca, Go Mi & To?

These are all initials of Religious Houses of the Bernardine Order:

Ba – Bafor; Br – Brownshill; Ca – Carnforth; Go – Goma; Iz – Izialav; Mi – Mikkabi; To – Touvet

Dates for the 2023/2024 academic year:

Term Open on morning of Close at end of afternoon of

Monday 4th September 2023 (staff only)

Tuesday 5th September 2023 (staff only)
Wednesday 6th Sept 2023 (Y7 and new Y12 from
08.30am) Friday 20st October 2023
Autumn Wednesday 6th Sept 2023 (all Y12 from 10.30am)
Thursday 7th September 2023 – all years in
Monday 30th October 2023 Tuesday 19th December 2023
Wednesday 3rd January 2024 Friday 9th February 2024
Monday 19th February 2024 Wednesday 28th March 2024
Monday 15th April 2024
Friday 24th May 2024
Summer Monday 6th May 2024 Bank Holiday
Monday 3rd June 2024 Friday 19th July 2024

• Wednesday 6th September 2023 (Y7 and new Y12 from 08.30am)
• Wednesday 6th Sept 2023 (all Y12 from 10.30am)
• Thursday 7th September 2023 – all years in school
• Friday 22nd September 2023– Oxbridge / Medics UCAS deadline for personal statements
• Monday 25th September 2023 – BMAT entry deadline
• Friday 6th October 2023 –GA
• Friday 13th October 2023 UCAS early entry deadline
• Wednesday 18th October 2023 Oxbridge Entry exams
• Wednesday 1st November 2023 EPQ draft deadline
• Friday 24th November Personal statement / UCAS application internal deadline
• Monday 8th January 2024 – Yr 13 PPEs begin
• Wednesday 17th January 2024 – Yr 13 PPEs end
• Monday 22nd January 2024 JLT Candidates’ speeches; Head Student Elections
• Wednesday 31st January 2024 UCAS closes
• Thursday 1st February and Friday 2nd February 2024 JLT Candidates’ speeches; House Captain Elections
• Tuesday 6th February 2024 Year 13 PPE grades issued
• Monday 15th April – Yr 12 PPEs begin
• Wednesday 24th April 2024 – Yr 12 PPEs end
• Monday 13th May – Yr 12 PPE grades issued
• Wednesday 19th June 2024 - Yr 12 Invited parents evening
• Thursday 13th June 2024 Year 7 Disco
• Friday 21st June 2024 Year 13 presentation evening
Code of Conduct
St Bernard’s Sixth Form Expectations
The school has certain expectations regarding standards of conduct, these apply to everyone. Within the
Sixth Form certain aspects may vary, but the principles remain the same.

At St Bernard’s we expect everyone:

➢ To arrive at school and be punctual to form time and lessons

➢ To maintain high standards of dress and appearance according to the uniform policy

➢ To complete all school work to the best of their ability

➢ To follow instructions on first request

➢ To speak and behave towards others with courtesy, respect and sensitivity

In addition, we expect everyone in the Sixth Form:

➢ To behave in a mature and responsible way, setting a positive example to younger students

➢ To actively contribute to school life, to demonstrate leadership and look for opportunities to make
the school even more successful.

Behaviour and Relationship with the Rest of the School

Sixth Form students are young adults and are expected to behave in an adult manner. All students should
remember that the school population includes children as young as 11 and most of them are under 16.
Friendships and communication with the rest of the school should reflect sensitivity to this age difference.
Students should remember that face to face contact, e-mails, texts and other electronic means of
communication such as social networking sites, all form part of this relationship. The language and the
behaviour used in all relationships with younger pupils should be appropriate to the difference in age. If
any Sixth Form student is unsure of what is meant by appropriate behaviour in any given circumstances,
they should seek the advice of the Director of Sixth Form or the Deputy Head of Sixth Form.
Signing In and Leaving the Site
Students must register in their form rooms for AM registration and in each lesson including sixth form
supervised study periods. More than two lates per week will result in an afterschool detention. Non-
attendance in timetabled lessons will be monitored and parents informed.

All Sixth Formers are required to sign in at Porterie when arriving back in school after appointments. Sixth
Formers will be allowed to leave the school site during lunch breaks, which are privileges which can be
removed. Please do not forget to sign out at the gate when you leave and sign back in when you arrive –
there will be paper registers at the gate until you all receive your lanyards. Once lanyards have been
distributed, you will be able to tap in and out (located just inside the common room door on the left) using
your ID card.

Students who do not have a timetabled lesson period 5 will be able to leave the school site at the end of
period 4 unless they a detention.

The main purpose of signing in /out is to allow for rapid checks in case of a fire and is not a substitute for
attending registration.

General Communication

All Sixth Form students have an e-mail address which can be accessed in school or from home. Given the
wide range of timetabled subjects and non-timetabled study periods it is difficult to get all students
together regularly. E-mail is therefore the main means of communication between staff and students.

Important information is frequently communicated by e-mail. Students should check their school e-mail
account at least once every 24 hours. Any student who cannot access e-mails from home should notify
the Director of Sixth Form or go to IT support.


All students are expected to study at least three optional subjects, chosen according to GCSE results, higher
education and future career aspirations. In addition, students will have the opportunity to study the
Extended Project Qualification. Form time is structured to cover a wider range of subjects such as UCAS
applications, completing personal statements and other topics which are useful for the future
development of our students.

Students wishing to consider a change in subjects should speak to the Director of Sixth Form as soon as
possible after joining. No changes will be allowed after Friday 6th October 2024. It is a requirement of
attending Sixth Form that students normally study 3 subjects in Year 12.

Following a full time timetable – Sixth Form Learning Hours Contract

All of our Sixth Form students must follow a full-time timetable. A full time Sixth Form timetable is defined
by the government as a minimum of 540 Planned Learning Hours per academic year. The Sixth Form
Contract (Appendix 1) gives details of how the planned learning hours are made up. All students will sign
a copy of the contract when they register for Sixth Form at the start of Year 12 and it remains in force for
the duration of all Sixth Form courses.

We judge that a full-time course will be made up in the following ways:

Number of taught hours per course per 2 week cycle: Each A’ Level will involve nine timetabled hours of
lessons per week (except classes with very small numbers).

Number of weeks of school per year: Each course will be considered to be timetabled for 38 weeks in the
first year of study and 34 weeks in the second year of study.

Form Time: In addition to this, students in all years of the Sixth Form will undertake a compulsory
programme every week:

• One session of Sixth Form sport

• General Assembly (there may be an additional sixth form assembly during tutor time)
• One lesson of RE
• One lesson of Enrichment
• One session of PSHE work during the tutor period on Monday morning.
• One lesson of supervised study per subject per week (you will be expected to be registered in the
sixth form study area and work in silence for the duration of that period).

Enrichment: All Sixth Form students are expected to take part in the school Enrichment programme which
constitutes one lesson per week. This will include preparation for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

PE: There is no specific Sixth Form PE kit however, please ensure that the clothing is suitable for a school
environment and practical for PE lessons. This should include loose fitting clothing such as tracksuit
bottoms or sports leggings, trainers and a T shirt. Crop tops and athletic shorts are not suitable. Please
ensure that there is no midriff showing as this is unacceptable.

Private Study: Sixth Form success is impossible unless lessons are backed up with private study. All
students are expected to carry out additional private study at times during the school day when there are
no lessons and at evenings and weekends. On average, students would be expected to spend a minimum
of one hour per day per subject on private study.

Students who are not able to commit to this full-time programme of study cannot continue in the Sixth
Form as we do not enrol part-time students.

Part-time Employment

We recognise that many students will want or need to seek paid part-time employment while studying in
Sixth Form and we actively support our students in working towards financial and emotional
independence. However, it is important for students to maintain a healthy balance and recognize the
substantial and increasing expectation to engage in private study outside school hours. School and studies
must come first. Any part-time paid employment must take place outside school hours i.e. 08.40 -15.30
as it is sometimes necessary to change timetables mid-year. Part-time work must never be an excuse for
missing timetabled lessons, Form Time or Assembly. For some subjects there will be a requirement to
undertake extra lessons, trips or performances outside normal school hours. These form a necessary and
compulsory part of the course and must take priority over part-time work commitments.

Exams and Coursework

All assessment dates and coursework deadlines for the year will be notified to students by subject

Coursework protocols
A coursework deadline is the same as an exam date. The deadline for completion of coursework is set by
the subject teacher taking many factors into account, and this may differ from external deadlines published
by the exam board. In every case an extension or change to the deadline would occur only by prior
agreement. Students are required to keep paper and electronic copies of any coursework handed in as
well as any redrafted versions. This will prevent any problems arising with lost work or computer failure.
As with failing to turn up for a public exam, a student risks failure of the course if a coursework deadline is
not met.

Special circumstances

If a student misses an exam in their final year due to illness and wishes to claim an award on units already
completed, a letter from the student’s doctor is required, stating that the student was too ill to sit the

Where a student believes that extreme external circumstances have had a detrimental effect on exam
performance the student must provide official documentation to the Examinations Officer as soon as
possible, at least within a week of taking any public exam.

Exam retakes

We do not encourage retakes as students are expected to prepare thoroughly and be ready for a public
examination at the first time of sitting. Many examination boards have a policy of not allowing retakes in
some subjects. The Examinations Officer will advise whether retakes are permitted or not. Any retakes
must be paid for by the student in full in advance.

Study Leave and Exams

Yr 12 exams will be held in April. During the exam period, students will not be expected to attend lessons
and may leave the school site at the end of an exam. At the end of Year 12, subject teachers begin the
Year 13 syllabus. All students are expected to begin studying for the following year at the end of year 12.
For those studying 4 A levels, the option to sit an AS level exam in year 12 is available. This will allow
students to drop one to focus on the 3 A levels in year 13 if they so wish. It is recommended that Further
Maths is not considered as a discreet A level and therefore this does not apply. Entry for AS levels will
need to be done in January. For those students choosing Medicine, Oxbridge entry, Law there may well
be an additional entrance examination. The onus is on students to thoroughly research the entry
requirements for courses of their choice and ensure that they have applied to the appropriate
organisations for entry to those examinations.

Monitoring and Evaluation

CCA (Common Core Assessments) grades are issued twice a year and a PPE (Pre Public Examination) grade
once a year, so that you (and we) can monitor your progress against your agreed targets. Where
performance needs improvement, mentoring interviews are held and action plans agreed. Maintaining a
place in Sixth Form is dependent upon maintaining satisfactory standards of work.

Student Financial Support

Bursaries may be available for students with a total family income of less than £25,000. Any student who
wants to apply for a bursary should follow the links on the school website and return the completed form
as soon as possible after the start of the September term. The Bursary Committee will decide whether the
financial support is made in the form of money or payment for other educational purposes such as books,
equipment or transport. Bursary application packs can be downloaded from the school website.

The Junior Leadership Team plays an important role in managing the Sixth Form, working with the Senior
Leadership Group and the wider community. The JLT are chosen towards the end of the Autumn term of
year 12 and take up their role formally halfway through yr 12. They work with the existing JLT for a while
to ease the transition. Interviews are held before appointments are made.


It is our aim to support students in realising their maximum potential. Where students wish to apply to
university, we will provide guidance and support in the completion of UCAS applications, advice on
completion of personal statements and of course a reference. We support students who wish to attend
open days for their chosen universities. A UCAS evening will be held in the summer term of Year 12 to
offer guidance on researching a suitable university and to outline the application procedure. Form time is
also allocated to the process.


Whether a student wishes to attend a job interview or a university interview, there will be workshops to
offer guidance and gain practice at interview. The Sixth Form team will also offer guidance on the
completion of CVs or application forms if required for anyone applying for a job.


Attendance at all timetabled sessions is compulsory. Where students have a non-timetabled session, this
can be spent in the Sixth Form Study room, the common room, the library, or the benches outside the Café
in good weather. This time is for private study. It is recommended that all students complete a minimum
of one hour per subject per day of private study in addition to supervised study slots. If a room is required
for group work / presentation speak to the Sixth Form Team.


The policy regarding holidays in term time is the same for Sixth Form as for the rest of the school. Holidays
in term time are not permitted. Any holiday absence during term time will be recorded as unauthorised.

Dress code

The uniform for the Sixth Form is non-negotiable unless you have previously approached the Director of
Sixth Form for exceptions on the grounds of religious observance. We ask that students take pride in their
school and the extra privileges which come with being a member of the Sixth Form. At all times students
should remember that they are part of the school as well as representing the school in the wider
community and that they are seen by younger students as well as members of the public. This should
influence the choice of clothing at all times.

The following regulations are laid down:

• Girls: Regulation Black Watch Tartan Skirt – available from School Days Direct or Black Tailored
trousers. Skirts must be of a suitable length (no shorter than the top of the knee). Regulation Black
fitted jacket. White blouse with collar and sleeves. A business-style plain colour and plain knit long-
sleeved V-neck jumper or cardigan. The collar of the blouse must be clearly visible at all times. A
smart dark jacket or dark coat (not denim or leather) may be worn.
• Boys: Dark grey or black trousers. White shirt. Black regulation blazer. A business style plain colour
and plain knit long-sleeved V-neck jumper or cardigan. Black Watch tartan tie. A smart dark jacket
or dark coat (not denim or leather) may be worn.
• Both Girls and Boys: No unsuitable footwear such as trainers, boots or canvas shoes should be
worn. In all other matters such as hairstyle length, jewellery and make-up, moderation and
suitability are required. If our students are attending lessons at or visiting another school they are
expected to conform to the dress code for those lessons. No hoodies are allowed.

In some cases, students will be sent home to change if their choice of clothing is not deemed to be suitable
for school.

On occasions business dress will be required and students will be notified in advance of this requirement.

We believe that our dress code reflects the increasing pride which our students take in their school by
dressing smartly. If students are in any doubt about whether an article of clothing is acceptable, they are
encouraged to discuss the matter with Sixth Form staff.


It is likely that the majority of Sixth Form students will be learning to drive during their time in Sixth Form. A
driving lesson is not a legitimate reason to miss lessons so please do not book driving lessons to overlap
with timetabled lessons.

If possible, try to avoid booking driving tests when they will conflict with timetabled lessons.

Students may not park their cars in staff or visitor parking spaces. Please park on the surrounding roads
such as Turner Road, Hempson Ave etc. However, please avoid parking in Palmerston Avenue following
damage to vehicles parked in this area. Please be mindful of residents and ensure that you are not
contravening any parking restrictions or blocking any drives or access routes. Please show consideration
to local residents and other students. 30 mph is a maximum speed in the areas surrounding the school
and residential roads and actually a much slower speed is appropriate, especially at times when other
students are walking to and from school. The speed limit for the whole school site is 5mph. It goes
without saying that safe and considerate driving is expected at all times.

It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the car is in a safe condition and has up to date road tax and
insurance at all times. Please do not disturb lessons and local residents with loud music and avoid parking
in local residential roads.

Staff will never ask students to car share for the purpose of Sixth Form visits, transport to and from
school or for any other purpose and the school can accept no responsibility if students make an informal
arrangement to give or accept lifts from others.

Sixth Form Study Areas

The Sixth Form Study Area is a supervised study centre with some computers and wireless access for all
students to use. A printer is also available. This area is for silent study and should be treated with respect.
Noise should be kept to a minimum and music is not allowed. Food and drink are not allowed in the Study
Centre. If you have a timetabled study period, this is where you are expected to go and register.

The Library is also available for independent study, but again it should be individual, private study. If you
require a room for presentation or group work then please speak to the Director of Sixth Form.

The Café is available for Sixth Form students to use during period 1-3 only. Please check the café
timetable as to when you can purchase food during this time.
The Common Room is a study space outside of lunch and break time. It is still a supervised area, but it is
more suitable for group work and collaborative work. The upstairs study space is for year 13’s only. There
is a meeting room which is available for online meetings/conferences – please ask for availability. The
locker rooms also have space available for you to study, and similar expectations apply.

In addition to the computer facilities the school provides, it is expected that all Sixth Form students will
bring in a device from home (phone/tablet/laptop). The student will be expected to accept full
responsibility for this device whilst in school and should arrange insurance cover for it. Access to a personal
device will allow the student greater flexibility in lessons and in private study times. Devices can be
connected to the school network.

Lockers are available at £5 deposit through Mrs Tucker via ParentPay. This is on a first come first served

Form Groups, Registration and Assembly

All Sixth Form students will be allocated a Form group. Students are expected to attend registration every
day. Sixth Form assembly will be once a week, during period 1 on a Monday, attendance is compulsory.
Additional reward assemblies will be held at least once every half term. All Sixth form students will be
expected to attend. Additional assemblies will be held from time to time and these will normally be
notified by Classchart announcement. All students are expected to attend house assemblies whenever
they are scheduled.

Student Absence

Unplanned absence

If a Sixth Former is absent due to illness, the absence should be reported via the absence line: 01753 695
077. Also please contact by subject teachers. This will allow work to be sent home if appropriate.
All Sixth Form students can access their school e-mail address from home via the school website, following
the link to Microsoft Outlook. Students should avoid using their personal e-mail address for school
business. Anyone who is unable to access school e-mails from home should notify the appropriate Head
of Year. Much of communication will be via Classcharts, please check your announcements regularly.

Planned absence

If a Sixth Form student knows in advance that they are going to be absent for any reason, (such as medical
appointments, interviews or work experience) they request permission directly from the Headteacher and
students must e-mail subject teachers well in advance. This will allow work to be set and deadlines to be
managed effectively. Your Head of Year should also be notified of planned absence. University open days
can be agreed by the Sixth Form team.

Teaching Staff Absence

Unplanned absence

When teachers are absent for Sixth Form lessons due to illness they will notify the cover teacher and
provide details of work to be completed.

Planned absence

When teachers of Sixth Form know in advance that they will be absent they will notify students directly
with details of any work to be completed during the lesson. A copy of this communication will be sent to
the Director of Sixth Form and the Head of Year 12/13.
In all cases

Students must register with the cover teacher at the beginning of the lesson before completing the work
which has been set. They should remain where the lesson is scheduled to take place, unless directed
otherwise. If a teacher is absent and no work has been set, students should notify the Sixth Form Team,
who will try to establish what work should be completed during the lesson. This is not a reason to not
attend the lesson – including any lessons at Upton Court Grammar School.


Late is considered to be after 8:35am. When the gates are closed, you will have to sign in through Porterie
(Discretion will be applied – if the school buses are late then it is beyond your control – delays on trains or
particularly bad traffic can also be considered but only in exceptional circumstances and not as a regular
excuse). If you are late, you will sit a 30minute lunchtime detention on the same day. Two lates over a
one-week period incurs an after school detention (again this will be notified on Classcharts). Students
arriving back late in the afternoon will result in the loss of their privileges. The Sixth Form team will be
informed and issue the appropriate detentions. If the above happens three times, a letter will be sent
home to inform parents of the issue. Persistent punctuality issues will result in parents invited in to discuss
the problem and suitable solutions.


Friends and social visitors are not allowed on the school site. This reflects the type of policy in effect in
most workplaces. Anyone who is not a member of the school community who needs to visit the Sixth
Form should sign in at reception and must be supervised by a member of staff at all times in line with our
school safeguarding policy. Any visitor who is not signed in at main reception or is in school without staff
supervision is trespassing and will be asked to leave the school premises. Any visitor who is not signed in
at main reception is trespassing and will be asked to leave the school premises.

Fire Drill

Regular fire drills are held to ensure that all staff and students know to react promptly and
correctly. Assembly points and procedures are displayed throughout the school, including the Sixth Form
area. This is where using the signing in and out policy is most important. Students who have not used the
signing in and out correctly in the event of a fire drill will find themselves subject to disciplinary action.

Mobile Phone Policy

The policy for the use of mobile phones during the school day is based on courtesy and common sense
and is the same as for the rest of the school.

Phones should be switched off during lessons, as incoming texts distract from learning unless the device is
being used for education purposes.

Use of mobile phones and headphones is allowed in the Sixth Form Study Centre and the Common Room
but not in corridors around the school site. In the Sixth Form Study Centre, mobiles should be switched
to silent mode.

Maintaining Professional Relationships Between Staff and Students

Staff are expected to maintain the highest levels of professionalism in the way they interact with students
at all times.
Telephone and electronic communications: Staff are not expected to communicate directly with students’
mobile phones or by text. It is expected that staff will not accept students as ‘friends’ on social networking
sites such as ‘Facebook’. Official school networks and school email are the only appropriate electronic
systems for the delivery of work to students. Staff and Sixth Form students are able to access school emails
at home. In all electronic communications, professional and unambiguous language should be used at all

Revision and coursework catch up lessons: There is a long tradition of teaching staff providing revision
and coursework catch up lessons outside timetabled hours. These lessons are, of course, provided without
charge to the students and take place on the school site with the clear knowledge of the relevant Subject
Lead/Head of Faculty (HoF). The parents of students attending these lessons must be aware that they are
taking place.

Contact outside school hours: At no time should students be going to the homes of members of staff for
additional lessons and vice versa. Staff should not arrange to meet students outside school unless it is in
the context of an organised school activity.

Policy on Use of E-mail or Other Electronic Communication

As already discussed, all students have access to a school e-mail address which should be used for all school
related communication. Students should avoid using personal e-mail addresses for school related
communication where possible. Misuse of e-mail is a serious disciplinary offence. Accessing, viewing or
transmitting any material that might be considered offensive by any reasonable person will result in
disciplinary action being taken. This policy applies to personal e-mail addresses if the school or the school
community is involved in any way.

Misuse of telephones, texts or other electronic media also falls into this category.

Students should be aware that other electronic means of communication such as Facebook or Instagram
are easily accessible by the wider community. Any reference to the school, teachers or fellow students
should be avoided and photographs of the school, teachers or fellow students should not be used without
the explicit permission of the individuals involved.

Technology advances extremely quickly. It is not possible here to categorise every possible means of
communication. In general, common sense should be applied. Do not involve the school, teachers or
fellow students in any activities, written or verbal, which might cause offence to or infringe the privacy of
any reasonable person.

Students must be aware of the law with regard to the misuse of electronic communications and social
media. In addition to any school disciplinary sanctions, Sixth Form students need to understand that if
they break the law then criminal prosecution is likely to follow.

In common with most workplaces, email is used to communicate with Sixth Form students and likewise
students are encouraged to use email to communicate with staff. School email should not be used
therefore to promote charitable or political causes or to offer items for sale.

Realising however, that there is a place for students to promote charitable or political causes, a student
noticeboard has been provided which can be used for this and other purposes. The views on this
noticeboard will not necessarily reflect those of the school and, of course, anything offensive or
inappropriate will simply be removed without notice but it does provide a facility for students to promote
those causes which are close to their heart.
From time to time, job or other advertisements may be posted on this noticeboard. Again, nothing posted
here will be endorsed by the school [unless they are for jobs within the school, of course] and students are
advised to check these out thoroughly before applying as the school cannot accept any responsibility or
liability for jobs or services provided by a third party. Students who think they might have an appropriate
notice to post should check with the Head of Year 12/13 in the first instance and he will facilitate its

And Finally…

We want you to enjoy your time at St Bernard’s Sixth Form and leave here ready for the world of Higher
Education or employment.

If you are unsure about anything at all, please speak to the Director of Sixth Form or the Sixth Form team.
We are all here to help, enjoy and achieve.
Updated July 2023


Student Name:__________________________ Tutor Group:_________

Tutor: ________________________ Date: _____________________

➢ I agree to abide by the school’s code of contact and the rules pertaining to sixth form
life outlined in this handbook.

➢ I agree to fully participate in lessons; assemblies; general RE; enrichment; tutor time and
sixth form PE and to be punctual to my timetabled sessions.

➢ I understand that the supervised study periods in the study room are part of my
timetabled provision and registering/attendance is compulsory.

➢ I agree to abide by the uniform rules. I understand hoodies are not to be worn on site.

➢ I understand mobile phones/headphone are permitted in the Sixth Form area for
educational purposes. I agree to not use my mobile phone/headphones elsewhere
around school, unless given permission by a teacher.

➢ I agree to sign out of Porterie (reception) if I have to leave the school premises (must be
authorized) for any reason other than lunchtime.

➢ When offsite at lunchtime, I will ensure that I behave in a respectable manner.

➢ I will fully accept my responsibility as an independent learner and adhere to deadlines;

complete each piece of work to the best of my ability; undertake essential reading and
use my time in school for study.

➢ I accept that failure to comply with work expectations, behaviour expectations, poor
attendance or punctuality may result in additional supervised study periods and I may
forego the privilege of leaving the site before 3.30pm.

➢ If ill, I will ensure my parent/guardian contacts the school office as soon as possible. I
will liaise with my subject teacher to ensure all work is caught up on.

➢ If my attendance falls below 90% without a valid reason, then I may be expected to pay
for my examination entry fees.

➢ I understand that if there is evidence that I am not fulfilling the terms set out in this
contract then after consultation with my parents I may be asked to leave St. Bernard’s.

Student Signature: ______________________________ Date:_____________________

Tutor Signature: ________________________________ Date:_____________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________ Date:_____________________

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