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@ & » N & y oO (/ainde hl (archive html Jestegoriesindex him,J./4ss.uml} (hips:\htips./ hips:/gthub,com/kgleason) Using OpenDNS with OPNSense O6yearsago | Source Ive been running OPNSense ( as my firewall for a few months now ( really dig it. [switched from PFSense, which Thad been running for a couple of weeks at the time, Prior to that I was using my Apple AirPort Extreme as my firewall / router. With the switch away from the consumer grade firewall / router, Ieally reveled in the expanded control that ! got. In par- ticular, I really enjoyed the easy set up (attps:// of an ‘OpenvPN ( back into my home network. I could not do any of that stuff with the AirPort extreme as, easily as | did with OPNSense ( However, there was always one thing that had been very easy to get working with the Airport Extreme that could never seem to get quite right: OpenDNS. Today, with the help of PiBa-NL in the FOPNSense IRC room on Freenode (nttps://www, 1 finally got itll sorted out Disclaimers, asumptions, and dependencies Before I get too far into this, [need to issue a disclaimer. OPNSense (attps:// is a product that is under devel- opment, so sometimes things move around pretty quickly. Im currently on OPNsense 15,7.4-amd64 that is running on a FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p14 base with OpenSSL 1.0.24 9 Jul 2035 doing the SSL work, I would suspect, but cannot guarantee, that what you are about to read below will work for any OPNSense ( 15.7 version, 1'm going to assume that you have an OpenDNS ( account, and that you havea basic understanding of how DNS works in general. Without these things, this may not make too much sense right now. Lastly, I'm going to use 192.168.1. as the IP address to represent the OPNSense ( firewall. You should replace that IP address with whatever IP address or hostname is appropriate for your configuration. Setting up your OpenDNS account in OPNSense ( The first step is configuring OPNSense ( with your OpenDNS credentials, In the OPNSense (attps:// UI, you can get there via Services -» DNS Filter, or you can go there directly with Ittps:// You'll want to tick the box to enable OpenDNS, and enter your username, pass- word, and the name of your network as it appears in the OpenDNS setings (https://dashboard When you have everything entered, hit Save for good measure, and then hit the Test/Update button. You should receive feedback that your test has passed. Sign Uerame eon our Opens ihoerd. titan inane wpe the anf the eee ewok, Wat you should see in place of the smudged out parts up there are your e-mail address from OpenDNS and your IP address At this point, I assumed (apparently incorrectly), that by entering my OpenDNS credentials, that OPNSense ( would magically suck down the OpenDNS settings, and set everything up for me. It doesn't appear to have done that. Which leads us to. ‘Adding the OpenDNS name servers In OPNSense (, browse to System ~» Settings, or https://192.168.11/system_general php. Scroll down to the DNS Servers section, and wipe out any DNS servers that may be configured in there, Replace them with the OpenDNS name servers, which, at the time this article was written, are 208.67,222.222 and The Gateway should be set toNone. Turning off the DHCP Override ‘As Iwas trying to get all of this set up, Tspent a lot of time in the forums. [found a thread that seemed to have some an- swers even though it was for a much older version of OPNSense ( --it was before the DNS Filter op- tions were added, This thread inidcated that in order to get OpenDNS working properly, you would need to have the "Allow DNS server list to be overridden by DHCP/PPP on WAN" option checked. It didn't make sense to me, since it very clearly states that with that option checked, the DNS servers your ISP provides are what would be used for lookups. Honestly, I think that my issue all along was that I didn't do the OpenDNS name servers manually, as we just did, This ‘meant that when Twould uncheck that box, I would lose all of my name resolution. The TL:DR here is that "Allow DNS server list to be overridden by DHCP/PPP on WAN" should be unchecked. ‘The very next checkbox ~ "Do not use the DNS Forwarder as a DNS server for the firewall" -is completely up to you. If you check the box, the OPNSense ( will us itselfas the first name server when itis doing lookups. 1have it unchecked, but it should be fine either way. In the end, your DNS settings should look very similar to what you see below. Other DNS Settings There area couple of other DNS services that OPNSense ( includes that could possibly interefere with, your OpenDNS success. The first is DNS Forwarder. You'll want to verify that DNS Forwarder in enabled. You can do that by browsing to Services > DNS Forwarder (or and making sure that the box to enable the service is checked, Ifit not checked, then check it and press save The second is DNS Respolver. This service should be disabled, from everything I can tell. If itis enabled, then it probably ‘means that at some point you have tried to build some sort of DNS server for use inside your network, Unchecking it will disable this service. It does seem as if this should be able to be running and still work with OpenDNS, but I so far, haven't, had any luck with it. I'm going to continue to play with, because I would love to have internal DNS working, For now, I'm. leaving it off. DHCP Settings The final thing that tripped me up at one point was that I had tried to hand out the IP address of my OPNSense (https://opnsense org) firewall inside my DHC? settings. 'm still not sure why this didn't work, butit didn't. Inside DHCP Server settings ( php), the DNS servers are completely empty. With DHCP Server con- figued this way, OPNSense ( will automatically hand itself out as the DNS server for all of the clients touse. Wrapping it all up ‘Once I had everything configured and apparently workking, the final step was to reboot OPNSense ( and test again. After a reboot, I disabled and re-enabled the network on my laptop, causing myself to grab a new IP address, opened up my testing browser, and went to Internet Bad Guys (https://www internetbadguys,com) and was informed that the site was being blocked by OpenDNS. Success!! Some gravy Once Ihad it all working, I decided to tackle one additional problem. The backstory to this problem harkens to when Iwas using the AirPort Extreme as my edge network device. Even though I was using OpenDNS, it was dead simple to get around. All anyone needed to do was to reconfigure their DNS settings on their computer, and OpenDNS was rendered moot. Luckily, now that Ihave a proper firewall running again, Ican fix that with some OB traffic filtering, My network s pretty simple (right now) - everything runs on a single /24 subnet. Its all switched, and then goes out tothe Internet via ‘OPNSense (nttps:// and finally my cable modem. Talso have several FreeBSD jails running internally, and one of those jails isan additional DNS Server. ll ofthe other jails se this internal DNS server for DNS. Ths lets me configure them to talk to each other via hostname, rather than IP address. With that, renew that what I needed to do was bloc requests on port 53 that were coming from my LAN, and not destined for my OPNSense (,or coming from the other internal DNS server. Seems like it should be pretty easy. Adding OB DNS Filtering rules Back in OPNSense (, go to Firewall -» Rules ( Click on the LAN tab. You should see a couple of default rules that allow all LAN traffic to get everywhere, Since OPNSense ( isa first match firewall, we need the more specific rules at the top, and the more general rules at the bottom, Luckily, they make it pretty simple to move the rules around. used the lowest most plus (+) sign to add my rules, which put them at the bottom of the list. That's OK for now, welll move them where they need to be right before we apply thern. Rule 1: Allow OPNSense ( DNS traffic. This isa pass rule, which means we want to allow a specific bit of traffic to get through. The selected interface should be LAN (or whatever you call your internal network). Iselected IPv4 & IPv6 for my TCP/IP versions. My ISP is handing out IPvs IPs these days, so figure itis best to be safe, Even though DNS mostly happens over UDP, there are times when it will be TCP, so selecting both protocols is the safest bet. Leaving the source to “Any"is a safe bet, since this rule is looking for traffic on the LAN interface. For the destination, ‘OPNSense (attps:// gives you a nice option for "This Firewall (self)" which saves us from having to create 2 rules --one for IPv4 and one for IPv6, Obviosuly the destination port should be set to $3, I've opted to not log this activity, since it should be traffic that is allowed. I'm not generally interested in tracking allowed traffic Click Save to put the rule in the list. For the time being, it willbe at the bottom of the list. That's OK. optional Rule Allow another internal DNS server to make DNS queries ‘This rule is very similar to the first. The changes that the keen eye will notice are: 1. This rule only applies to 1Pv4. My internal traffic doesn't use IPvé6 (yet), so for now I'm only dealing with v4 traffic. 2. The source for this rule is set toa specific IP address. This is the IP address of that other DNS server that Ihave in place for my FreeBSD jails. 3, The destination type is "Any".I want that server to be able to make DNS requests as it needs. It is unfettered. (Once again, save to create the rule Rule 3: Deny any DNS traffic that comes in on the LAN interface. This rule isa block rule that is also applied to the LAN interface, Its also set to match on IPvé & IPv6 and on TCP 6 UDP. The Source type is "Any", with no port restriction. The destination type is also "Any", with a destination port of 83. Fixing the order, and putting it into effect In order to shuffle the rules around, you can check the box for the’ rules that were just added. Then, to the right of the top- ‘most rule, there will be an icon with a arrow in it pointing to the left. If you hover over that, you'll see the hint “move se- lected rules before this rule”. When you click that icon for the uppermost rules, your firewall rules should change in order to look something like what you see below. rete sowce Ft beinton Pot Gaewny Que schedule Desipton aes (Once everything isin the right order, you should be able to apply the changes. When it is done, you can test: $ host has address has TPV6 address 2400:cb90:20¢8:2: :6818:74e6 S host 33 connection tined out; no servers could be reached Abrief explanation The hint at the bottom of the firewall rules page explains everyting -- the rules are processed in order, from top down. This ‘means that the most specific rules should be at the top, and the more generic rules are the bottom. In the screesnhot above, you see that the bottom 2 rules are the catch-all “allow anything" rules, The same theory can be applied to subsets of rules, which is to say rales that pertain to a certain type of traffic. In this case DNS. If you look at the 3 rules that we created to- day, you'll see that the most generic rule (Rule 3: Block all DNS traffic), is under the more specificrules 16 2, which are de- signed to allow DNS traffic for specific hosts. What all of this means is that if one of your clients types in www in their browser, the DNS request will come to your OPNSense ( box, and match on the first DNS rule. The traffic will be allowed, and everyone will bbe happy. On the other hand, if someone is trying to get around your OpenDNSS filtering, and has changed their computer's DNS set- tings to use a public DNS server they will get denied. If, for example, they have used as their DNS server, and their computer attempts to make the lookup for, the traffic will come in on the LAN interface. It doesn't match rule #, since itis not destined for the OPNSense ( box. It also won't match the 2nd rule, since the traffic is not originating from your other internal DNS server. It will match on the 3rd rule, since itis destined for portS3. Since rule3 is a block rule, the traffic will be logged (if you have so chosen), and then discarded. The dastardly user will ‘most likely get an unfriendly message from the web browser and will be thwarted. Atiny hole There is still one hole in the logic. Did you spot it? If the aforementioned dastardly user knows that you have another DNS server running internally, they can configure their computer to use that as their DNS server, and they will effectivly cir- cumvent your OpenDNS filtering, That is an acceptable risk, for me, for now. fit isn't for you, then you should definitely disable the 2nd rule. Previous post (./building-an-openvpn-server-with-opnsense/) Next post (./setting-up-ipvéswith-opnsense-and-comcast/) ALSO ON KIRK'S BLOG Running an OpenVPN se ‘years ago +53 comments Awhile back, I wrotea post sbout building an OpenVPN server inside a FreeNAS 1Comment Kirk's Blog © Favorite How to configure a FreeBSD Jail on a... ‘Tyearsago 14 comments ‘One ofthe great things about Freel ists long standing support for jails & Disqus’ Privacy Policy @ sein te iscussion.. = Frederic + 2yearsago ALY + Reply = onsics ve wrrn pisqus @ Name Building an OpenVPN server S years agp 21 comments Update 6/18/2018: New version of this tutorial added. Ifyou are using Gl surscrite O add vinqueto our iteAdd Dingunadd A. Do Not Sell My Data Building an OpenVPN Server ‘years agoe 2 comments recently converted my home firewall from pfSense to OPNSense. The reasons. ® Login « Sort by Rest iit Regarding the tiny hole : on my side, T allowed trafic on port 5a(dns) to opendns servers, but blocked traffic to any other address on port 59 (s0 any other dns servers) Contents © 2021 Kirk Gleason ( - Powered by Nikola ( ( ( Ope Fre: Freel relea

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