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Business Department
Unit Plan
Entrepreneurship Unit I
Christmas Term 2021
Lower 6

On completion of this unit students should be able to;

● Develop an understanding of the entrepreneurial mindset;

● Develop an awareness of the diverse characteristics of an entrepreneur
● Understand the best practices of entrepreneurship development.
● Understand the entrepreneurial process;
● Appreciate the key stages in the process;
● Understand the process through which business ideas are evaluated
● Understand the nature of creativity and innovation;
● Appreciate the process of nurturing and managing innovation;
● Appreciate the value of creativity and innovation;
● Understand the importance of protecting creations and innovations.


Weeks 1-2 ( Oct 5-15)

1. Introduction
2. Rules and expectations.
3. Review of SBA

1. The nature and 1. explain the nature and 1. (a) Introduction to the origins and concept of Explanation
growth of growth of entrepreneurship: Past paper questions
entrepreneurship entrepreneurship; (i) evolution: Schumpter,
distinguish between Drucker, Cantillon; Discussion
entrepreneurship and (ii) culture, tradition;
intrapreneurship; (iii) poverty;
(iv) desire for wealth.
Questioning Online Assessment-
(b) Emerging drivers of contemporary entrepreneurship – Short answers
Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
Globalisation, Changing demands, unemployment, changing PowerPoint presentation
demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the
informal sector.
Group work
(c) Role of entrepreneurship in national and regional
development – impact on job creation, growth in GDP,
social development (social entrepreneurship).

(d) Emerging areas for enterprise development - including

the creative and cultural industries, renewable energy, agro-
preneurship, ICT.

2. differentiate between
2. Entrepreneurship & entrepreneurship and 2. (a) Entrepreneurship vs Intrapreneurship. Discussion Research paper
Intrapreneurship small business
management; (b) Types of entrepreneurship:
(i) Survival;
(ii) Lifestyle; Explanation
(iii) Dynamic growth;
(iv) Speculative.
Powerpoint presentation
(c) Role of the entrepreneur and the intrapreneur in
enterprise development:
(i) Factors that contribute to enterprises becoming more Questioning
(ii) Openness and flexibility, innovation, proactivity.
(iii) Environment of change, chaos, complexity, competition,
uncertainty and contradiction. Research

Weeks 3-4 (Oct 19-29)

3. Entrepreneurship
and Small Business 3. identify types of 3 (a) Innovation as the main difference between
entrepreneur; entrepreneurship and small business management. Information sheets Past paper questions

(b) Nature and characteristics of small business.

Tutorial worksheet
4. Types of 4. discuss the
Entrepreneur characteristics of an
Explanation Oral presentations

5. Characteristics of an 5. discuss the work of at 5. Types of Entrepreneur Powerpoint presentation

Entrepreneur least three (3) noted (a) Nascent.
entrepreneurs within (b) Novice.
and outside the region; (c) Habitual.
(d) Serial.
(e) Portfolio.

4. Characteristics of an Entrepreneur including, but not

limited to; innovative, creative, calculated risk takers, Research
systematic planner, visionary, achievement oriented,
persistent, dynamic, hard-working, self-confident,
aggressive, egotistic, emotional intelligence.

6. Noted regional entrepreneurs

6. examine the impact of Chris Blackwell, Marley Family, Eddie Grant, Arthur Lok
cultural diversity on Jack, Thalia Lyn, Vincent Hosang, Audrey Marks, Joan
entrepreneurship Duncan, Aleem Mohammed, Anthony Sabga, Richard
development; Branson, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Reno Gajadhar, Jay
Z, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Hubert and Helen
Bhagwansingh, James Husbands, Allen Chastanet, Adrian Research paper
Augier, Ronald Ramjattan, Edward Beharry, Sir Charles Video Presentation
Williams and Yesu Persaud.

Week 5-6 (Nov 2-12)

7. Cultural diversity of 7. identify potential 7. Cultural diversity of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship mistakes/pitfalls of (a) Gender and entrepreneurship.
entrepreneurship; (b) Youth and entrepreneurship.
(c) Ethnicity and entrepreneurship.
(d) Family and entrepreneurship.
(e) Religion and entrepreneurship.

8. assess successes and

8.Mistakes of failures of 8. Mistakes of Entrepreneurs Powerpoint presentation
Entrepreneurs entrepreneurship; Including but not limited to:
(a) Human Resource HR/Management failures: lack of
leadership, judgement and knowledge, lack of experience. Questioning
(b) Operation failures: poor inventory management; poor
(c) Marketing failures: weak marketing strategy; Past paper questions
uncontrolled growth; poor location; incorrect pricing.
(d) Financial Failures: poor financial control; inadequate researching
record keeping.
(e) Failure as a natural part of the entrepreneurial process.

9. discuss the myths of 9. (a) Know your business in depth. Online assessment-
9. Factors that entrepreneurship. (b) Develop a solid business plan. Case Studies Short answer
Contribute to the (c) Manage financial resources. questions
Success of (d) Understand financial statements.
Entrepreneurs (e) Manage people effectively. Video presentation
(f) Know your strengths and weaknesses
Past paper questions

10. (a) Entrepreneurship ventures and small businesses are

the same thing.
(b) All entrepreneurs are rich. Online assessment-
(c) Entrepreneurs are born not made. Short answer
(d) Entrepreneurship is easy. questions
(e) All you need is money to start.
(f) Successful entrepreneurship needs only a great idea.
(g) Entrepreneurs always generate new ideas.
(h) All you need is luck.
(i) Entrepreneurs are extreme risk takers.

Week 7-8 (Nov 16-26)

Module 2 1. identify the steps in the 1. Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Idea generation,
1. Steps in the entrepreneurial process; opportunity identification, business concepts, resources, Question & answer
Entrepreneurial implementing, managing and harvesting.
Process Tutorial
2. (a) Methods of generating ideas: brainstorming, focus Discussion
group, check list methods, problem inventory
analysis, scenario thinking, the note book method,
2. discuss some of the reverse brain storming, Delphi methodology, Gordon
methods of generating method, free
ideas; association. Explanation
(b) Screening ideas and
selecting among competing
(c) How ideas are linked to

3. Opportunity Identification
(a) Changing demographics.
(b) Emerging markets.
(c) New technologies.
(d) Regulatory changes.
(e) Social changes.
3. identify sources of (f) Opportunity evaluation: market issues, economic issues, Question & answer Past paper questions
2. Opportunity entrepreneurial competitive advantage issues and management issues.
Identification opportunities;
4. Business concepts
(a) Definition/ description of a business concept Discussion

(b) Sources of business concept: New products, new

services, new processes, new markets, new organisational
structures/forms, new sales or distribution channels, new Explanation
development paradigms.
(c) Steps in developing a business concept from an idea.
4. distinguish between an
idea and an opportunity;

5. Resources (Financial, Physical and Human)

(a) Determine the required resources: including skilled
employees, general management expertise, marketing and
sales expertise, technical expertise, financing, distribution Online assessment-
channels, sources of supply, production facilities, licences, Short answer
patents and legal protection. questions
(b) Acquiring the required resources: including
internal sources (equity, family and friends) and
external (debt, leveraging, outsourcing, leasing,
contract labour, angel
funding, venture capitalist, temporary staff, supplier
financing, joint ventures, partnerships, barter and gifts.
(c) Business and entrepreneurial development organisations:
5. evaluate an opportunity including Caribbean Group of Youth Business Trusts Discussion
from given information; (Jamaica, Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, St.
Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, Belize,
and Antigua and Barbuda), Jamaica Business Development Tutorial worksheet
Corporation, HEART Trust/NTA (Jamaica), Institute of
Private Enterprise Development (IPED); National
Entrepreneurship Development Company Limited
(NEDCO), Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
(MSME) Alliance (Jamaica); Caribbean Association of
Small and Medium Enterprises (CASME); DFLSA Explanation
Incorporated (Guyana and Suriname).


Question and answer

Powerpoint presentation

Past paper questions

Week 9 (Nov 30-

December 4

Online Assessment
End of term examinations
November 29 - Decem 10

N.B.: Please note REVISION

that dates are
subject to change.

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