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Pedagogía en Inglés
Fonética Aplicada I

Students: Alejandro Rojas, Paulina Moreno

Applied Phonetics I: Handout 3

Consonant sounds

This is a pair activity which you must submit on June 22nd 23:55 hrs. on Campus virtual.
This is a graded activity and it will be part of evaluation 3.
I. You are going to listen to an episode of a series of podcasts from the BBC. Please answer the
following questions

1. What is the topic talked about in the podcast?

The main topic is about the different uses of drones.

2. What is the quiz question that the presenter asks the audience?
What’s the correct answer to this question?

What does UAV stand for?

The correct answer is B) Unmanned aerial vehicle

3. Can you mention 3 uses people give to drones?

Smuggling drugs, detect water leaks and surveillance

4. Are there established regulations for the uses of drones?

Because the technology is new, regulations or legal controls are developing all the time.

5. Who used drones first and for what reason?

Dr. Patels Company was the first to use this technology. They used it at the Fukushima
nuclear power station.

II. Listen again and identify 5 words that contain English bilabials, 5 words that contain labio-dentals, and
5 words that contain dental consonants (it does not matter if you find examples with the same sound,
as long as they are in different positions (initial, medial, final).

Words that contain dental Words that contain alveolar Words that contain velar sounds
sounds sounds
1 Something English Boring
2 Things Nuclear Smuggling
3 Thought TV Spying
4 Authentic Flip Fukushima
5 They Interesting Involving
Pedagogía en Inglés
Fonética Aplicada I

III. Listen to the audio for a third time. This time, look for 10 words which contain consonant clusters
before the vowel and after the vowel within the same syllable and transcribe them.

Words with clusters in initial position Words with clusters in final position

1 Drones - /drəʊn/ Find - /faɪnd/

2 Close - /kləʊz/ Stand - /stænd/
3 Blue - /bluː/ Just - /dʒʌst/
4 Sky - /skaɪ/ Different - /ˈdɪfrənt/
5 Flying - /ˈflaɪɪŋ/ Film - /fɪlm/
6 Flown - /fləʊn/ Risk - /rɪsk/
7 Flip - /flɪp/ Suitable - /ˈsuːtəbl/
8 Stop - /stɒp/ Think - /θɪŋk/
9 Criminal - /ˈkrɪmɪnl/ Lifeguards - /ˈlaɪfɡɑːdz/
10 Program - /ˈprəʊɡræm/ Trouble - /ˈtrʌbl/

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