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Gait measures with a triaxial accelerometer among patients with neurological


Article in Neurological Sciences · March 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s10072-012-1017-x · Source: PubMed


28 105

8 authors, including:

Patrik Fazio Gino Granieri

Karolinska Institutet University of Ferrara


Ilaria Casetta Sante Mazzacane

University of Ferrara University of Ferrara


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Neurol Sci
DOI 10.1007/s10072-012-1017-x


Gait measures with a triaxial accelerometer among patients

with neurological impairment
Patrik Fazio • Gino Granieri • Ilaria Casetta •
Edward Cesnik • Sante Mazzacane • Pietro Caliandro •

Francesco Pedrielli • Enrico Granieri

Received: 6 March 2012 / Accepted: 7 March 2012

Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract The purpose of the present study is to evaluate and 0.64 m/s2 for parkinsonian patients (t test, p \ 0.01).
accelerometric parameters of gait in different neurological The root-mean square of the accelerations was used to
conditions with pathological gait impairment compared to quantify the attenuations of accelerations. This study sug-
healthy subjects. We studied 17 patients affected by Par- gests that a triaxial accelerometer is a good practical and an
kinson’s disease, 24 with ataxic gait due to different dis- economic tool for assessing the alteration of perambula-
eases and 24 healthy subjects supplied with a triaxial tion. Moreover, it is plausible to use these data to obtain
accelerometer with a portable datalogger which measures objective parameters in the evaluation of the progression of
acceleration and deceleration on an anterior–posterior, the disease and the efficacy of therapeutic tools.
mediolateral and vertical plane at an approximate level of
the center of mass (back sacral localization) and in other Keywords Gait analysis  Accelerometry 
two positions (sternal and frontal sacral region) during a Triaxial accelerometer  Parkinson’s disease  Ataxia
steady-state walking. Analyses of the basic accelerometric
parameters associated with a jerk analysis allowed us to
differentiate between the population groups. We observed a Introduction
significant reduction of acceleration parameters in neuro-
logical patients when compared with healthy subjects, with Many disorders of motor function are most clearly mani-
a reduction of the mean acceleration of 0.30 m/s2 for ataxic fested as impairment of gait. The clinical evaluation of
patients with gait impairment is mostly subjective and the
detection of abnormalities in terms of posture, cadence,
P. Fazio  I. Casetta  E. Cesnik  P. Caliandro  E. Granieri step length and base commonly forms opinions or
Department of Medical, Surgical Sciences of Communication
impressions only useful for diagnostic purposes [1–6]. In
and Behavior, Section of Neurology, University of Ferrara,
Corso della Giovecca 203, 44100 Ferrara, Italy terms of analysis of these data, for their reproducibility and
their use in a monitoring context (progression of disease or
P. Fazio (&) response to treatment), it is clearly preferable to measure
Department of Neurophysiology and Epilepsy, Foundation
objectively the walking pattern [6–8].
IRCCS Neurological Institute ‘‘C. Besta’’ (INNCB), Milan, Italy
e-mail: Attention is growing to gather variables with instru-
ments that can quantify the aspects of gait such as camera-
G. Granieri assisted motion analysis, pedometers, electromyography
Group ProMot, Department of Medical, Surgical Sciences
for kinesiology studies and opto-electronic systems for
of Communication and Behavior, Section of Neurology,
University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy kinematics and accelerometers [8–12]. Unfortunately, the
majority of these techniques need expensive measuring
S. Mazzacane instruments. In the present study, we decided to use
Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
accelerometers to obtain, with a simple acquisition system,
F. Pedrielli a complementary and objective parameter to add to the
Department of Physics, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy clinical scales and other evaluations. Accelerometers are

Neurol Sci

sensors that provide electric voltages proportional the balance, providing a non-invasive, economic and portable
accelerations of a mechanical transducer. The ones adopted method for the measurements. The purpose of the present
in this work are based on three very small spring–mass, study was to identify and describe, with a simple method,
inertial–elastic transducers, oriented orthogonally to each the ‘‘accelerometric imprint’’ between different neurolog-
other. The acceleration signal is elaborated to provide ical conditions implying gait disorders compared with a
velocity changes (through integration) and/or acceleration healthy control population.
changes (so called ‘‘jerk’’; by derivation), thus giving an
elaborated picture of the body motion, given that only
changes of speed are detected and information on the initial Materials and methods
status is missing [13, 14]. In relation to the present study,
the accelerations experienced by the trunk, during steady- Subjects
state walking, reflect the accelerations imposed on the body
center of gravity by the pendulum-like mechanism of gait Gait analysis was conducted in the Neurological Clinic of
in both the sagittal and the frontal plane. This entails the University Hospital of Ferrara, Italy, where studies on
positive and negative accelerations, both in the forward and Promotion of Motor Activity in Neurological Disorders are
the upward direction [15]. The repeated patterns obtained in progress. Sixty-five subjects took part in the experiment
during walking with different linear accelerometers located after giving their informed consent. Twenty-four were
in different positions of the body could contain information healthy subjects without gait impairments (12 men and 12
on the smoothness or variability of the walking pattern women), 17 were patients affected by Parkinson’s disease
(index of smoothness), especially by using jerk (time (11 men and 6 women) and, with a mean Unified Parkin-
derivative of acceleration) analysis, as previously reported son’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS III), 22.5 ± 3.6, 24
by other authors [13, 14, 22, 23]. One of the benefits of were ataxic patients (13 men and 11 women). The ataxic
using accelerometers, compared to more traditional gait patients included in the study were central ataxic patients,
analysis instruments, is their low cost and testing is not namely caused by multiple sclerosis (mean EDSS 4): one
restricted to a laboratory environment; accelerometers are case of parietal stroke, one case of chronic encephalopathy
small and this allow a ‘‘natural’’ gait without any limitation and one case of gait apraxia. For the age distribution of the
due to instrumentation [17]. The method for the measure- enrolled subjects, see Table 1. Parkinsonian patients were
ment of acceleration is not new: a series of papers by tested approximately 1 h after their midmorning dose of
Moe-Nilsson [16, 17] described the use of triaxial accel- medication, during the ‘‘on phase’’, to avoid fluctuations of
erometers to measure walking stability and the output from the gait pattern induced by levodopa [20].
accelerometry is reported as a stable indicator of overall
body movements. In 2003, Paquet et al. [18] collected a Materials and procedure
series of observations on gait on PD patients and their
accelerometric measures. In their study, they observed a The technique we used is based on the recording of the
reduction in the cranial–caudal activity which was inter- accelerations in the median sacral region, in front of and
preted as a sign of hypokinesia in parkinsonian patients. behind S2, both landmarks approaching horizontal pro-
More recently, Mancini et al. [19] evaluated the postural jections of the center of body mass [21, 22], and in front of
sway with a linear accelerometer on posterior trunk, and it the sternum (Fig. 1). We used a triaxial piezoelectric
was used as a reliable biomarker to evaluate postural sta- accelerometer tied to the body by an elastic belt. The
bility in early Parkinson’s disease during the progression of device had a sampling rate of 20 Hz. The average output
the disease. In people with movement disorders, accelero- from subsequent 0.05 s time frames was transmitted to the
metric measures could represent a complementary choice personal computer via Bluetooth technology, which chops
for the evaluation of the variability of movements and up the data being sent and transmits in the range

Table 1 Age distribution of subjects under investigation for gait analysis: healthy subjects, Parkinson’s disease patients and ataxic patients
Age groups Total
20–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–85

Healthy subjects 8 6 4 3 3 24
Patients with Parkinson’s disease – – – 5 12 17
Ataxic patients 7 6 2 5 4 24

Neurol Sci

Data analysis

For every experimental condition, we chose data from the

steady part of the walk, eliminating the beginning and the
end of the test where the subjects accelerated and decel-
erated, respectively, on the anterior–posterior axis. We
computed the average walking speeds by dividing the
distance by the time each patient it took (except from the
column of the time in the acceleration trace) and as a
supplementary control we multiplied 0.05 s for the total
amount of points in raw traces where there were move-
ments. For the accelerations (vectorial sum of the three
axial components), we computed the quantity for every
position of the accelerometer (SR, FS and BS) of each
Fig. 1 Triaxial piezoelectric accelerometer and standard positions in healthy (H), Parkinson’s disease (PD) and ataxic (A) sub-
sternal region 1, frontal sacral region 2 and back sacral region 3 for
ject. The analysis of variance (ANOVA), with a post hoc
recording of accelerations
Scheffé’s test and the t test, was used to compare means.
Jerk analysis (i.e., the derivatives of the acceleration) was
calculated from the resultant of acceleration (Acc) mea-
2,400–2,483.5 MHz. Data were stored on a data recorder sured at thoracic level (SR). The root mean square of the
for successive analyses. The accelerometer has a 0.006 m/s2 accelerations (RMS) was used to define the magnitude and
accuracy. Accelerometers measure the instant accelerations trends of acceleration traces with absolute and mean values
as a vectorial sum of the three axial components after the for each category of subjects.
subtraction of the constant quantity. During the whole
experiment, patients were observed by the evaluator, and
the subject’s performance was videotaped. Results

Walking test Mean walking speed for healthy subjects was 1.64 m/s (SD
0.27), for PD patient’s 0.88 m/s (SD 0.25) and for the
We measured median acceleration and speed in three ataxic group 0.94 m/s (SD 0.32). The analysis for mean
different conditions: An accelerometer was tied to the acceleration over all the positions during steady-state walk
sternal region (sternal region, SR), the second one was tied showed that normal subjects had higher mean values than
to the front part of the sacral region (frontal sacral, FS) ataxic patients (p \ 0.001) and PD patients (p \ 0.001).
and the third one behind the sacral region (back sacral, Healthy subjects showed a mean acceleration of 1.38 m/s2,
BS) where the body center of mass (CoM) is located in a while ataxic patients had an average of 1.07 m/s2 and PD
quiet standing position [21, 22]. The subject, equipped patients an average of 0.74 m/s2 (Table 2).
with the accelerometer, was asked to walk on average PD and ataxic patients showed a mean acceleration that
three times (one for every experimental condition) forth was 23 and 46% lower than that of healthy subjects, and
and back at a comfortable speed for him/her, in a 25-m the difference between the three subgroups of subjects (H,
long straight corridor. We chose to make subjects walk at PD or A) was statistically significant (p \ 0.001). Ataxic
their comfortable, relaxed speed because it was supposed patients’ mean acceleration was globally higher than PD
to be the optimal condition for comparative studies. subjects (p \ 0.001). The data are summarized in Fig. 2
Moreover, while walking, each individual has his own and Table 2. In the healthy control population, sternal
preferred combination of speed, pace and step length, and acceleration was lower than the frontal sacral (p \ 0.001)
this self-selected walking pattern is also preferable in and posterior sacral acceleration (p \ 0.001). There were
relation to maintain stability during gait (steady-state no statistically significant differences between anterior and
walking speed). posterior sacral acceleration (p = 0.3), although the
A straight 25-m-long corridor can reproduce a period of acceleration recorded from the frontal sacral site was
stabilized walking that is longer than 20 steps, a condition greater than the acceleration from the posterior sacral
that is recognized to improve accuracy in studies of gait region. In PD patients, sternal acceleration was signifi-
disorders [18, 19]. For the statistical analysis, the distance cantly lower than the one recorded from the anterior sacral
of 25 m allowed us to discard data from non-stabilized region (p \ 0.0001) and from the posterior sacral region
walk (beginning and end of a walking test). (p \ 0.0001). Similar results have been reported from

Neurol Sci

Table 2 Mean acceleration (m/s2) ? standard error on the three axes according to type of subject and position of the accelerometer in the body

4 JERK RMS(m/sec3)



Healthy Parkins Ataxic

Fig. 3 Jerk root mean-square values during steady-state walking

according to the different gait disorders (healthy, Parkinson’s disease
Fig. 2 Mean acceleration during walking test according to type or ataxic) at thoracic level
(healthy, Parkinson’s disease or ataxic) and site of recording
networks involved in motor control can produce uncoor-
ataxic patients with an average acceleration from the dinated and poorly controlled movements. In many cases,
sternal region, which is significantly lower than the one the patient’s gait is a signal of his clinical situation [1]. The
recorded from the anterior sacral region (p \ 0.001) and results of this study indicate that accelerometry appears to
from the posterior sacral region (p \ 0.05), without sta- have a considerable potential as a measure of walking
tistically significant differences between the anterior and stability and smoothness, although its validity is yet to be
posterior sacral region (p = 0.8). A significant difference fully evaluated in a large number of subjects. Studies on
was also found between the frontal and the posterior sacral parkinsonian and ataxic patients’ gait measures are scarce.
region (p \ 0.001). The ratio between the accelerations Obtaining a global marker of a subject’s gait dynamics was
acquired from the sternal region and the accelerations taken our aim when we verified that there were differences
from the back sacral region was different within the type of detected with acceleration-based parameters acquired from
subjects: 0.75 for healthy subjects, 0.82 for patients with strategic regions of the body among healthy subjects,
Parkinson’s disease and 0.69 for ataxic patients. Regarding subjects with Parkinson’s disease and ataxic subjects. We
the jerk analysis, as expected for acceleration and speed noticed that the mean acceleration values acquired from
differences, our healthy groups showed higher jerk values every part of the body (SR, FS, BS) for every subject with
compared to the PD and ataxic groups. The jerk RMS PD were different (with a statistical significance) with
values measured at the sternal thoracic level were signifi- respect to the ones acquired from healthy subjects. In this
cantly lower in the ataxic group with a jerk RMS 2.108 of way, healthy subjects can be distinguished from patients
m/s3 with an SD 0.76 and PD patients with a jerk RMS of with PD by using the accelerations acquired from every
2.176 m/s3 with an SD 0.6 than in the healthy group that part of the body. These findings are very important, espe-
showed a Jerk RMS of 3.080 m/s3 with an SD 0.457 (see cially because in our sample we had patients with PD who
Fig. 3). were clinically well compensated by the therapy and had an
almost macroscopically normal gait. The method we sug-
gest seems to have many advantages for a clinical gait
Discussion and conclusions analysis as reported by Kavanagh [24]. In healthy subjects,
according to the physiology of gait, we found a gradient of
Walking is a voluntary process, but stride-to-stride regu- acceleration with maximum values at foot level and min-
lation of gait is controlled by the nervous system in a lar- imum values at head level that was consistent with those
gely automatic way. Disruption of any portion of the neural of previous investigations [25, 26]. Ground reactions,

Neurol Sci

originating under the foot, causes torques around segmental that sharp changes of tangential acceleration of the center
hinges (the joints) and accelerations are thus smoothed of mass may mark step phases (e.g., left–right direction
along a caudal–cranial gradient, due to inertial, elastic and changes) where balance may be most challenged [30].
viscous dampening offered by the various body segments These methods are not accessible to routine clinical
involved [27, 28]. This attenuation was clearly evident by assessment, yet their results confirm the promising role of
the resultant decrease of acceleration going from the pelvis accelerometry and the results of the present study, in
to the head level. This phenomenon appeared to be clinical evaluation of gait.
enhanced in our parkinsonian and ataxic patients during
steady-state walk. The reduced global accelerometer values Acknowledgments The study was supported by Fondazione Cassa
di Risparmio di Cento. The authors thank Dr. Eva Sjolin for her help
of patients (differentiating PD patients and ataxic ones) in revising the translation of the manuscript. We would also like to
could reflect only partially the differences showed by express our sincere appreciation to Mario Manca for helpful com-
walking speeds in our pathological group, but we could ments on the manuscript.
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