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1) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
(Mr. Smith/usually/follow) ....................................................... the recipe when he

2) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
Susie appreciated her sister’s result because she (work) ..........................................
really hard for the exam.

3) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
I (drink) ................................ coffee while I (study)........................................ for my
French test last night.

4) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
Mary (read) ........................................ a book about WW2 at the moment.

5) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
The Tigers won the match because they (practice) ........................................ hard
last week.

6) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
When Clare rang, Paul (do) ........................................ his Math homework.
7) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
Sam (live) ........................................ in England for six years now.

8) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
The theatre (build) ........................................ in 1945.

9) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
Dad (try) ........................................ to fix the car all morning.

10) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a verbului):
My cousin never (talk) ........................................ about his good exam results. He is
too humble.

11) Rephrase the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first
sentence. Use the word given, without changing it in any way:
Bill is a smart boy, but he won’t succeed. (matter)

12) Rephrase the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first
sentence. Use the word given, without changing it in any way:
We think John stole the jewels. (believed)
13) Rephrase the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first
sentence. Use the word given, without changing it in any way:
Sarah’s mother doesn’t have enough money to buy the car. (too)

14) Rephrase the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first
sentence. Use the word given, without changing it in any way:
My dad paid some people to cut the trees in our garden last year. (had)

15) Rephrase the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first
sentence. Use the word given, without changing it in any way:
“How about going to the theatre tonight?”, said Clarise. (suggested)

16) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
If you can’t find your things, ask John. He is very .................... and will tell you where
to find what you’re looking for. (HELP)

17) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
Sam is my half-brother. We have ........................................ mothers. (DIFFER)

18) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
I made an ........................................ to the doctor tomorrow morning. (APPOINT)
19) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
Susie bought her first ......................................... car when she was 21. (PERSON)

20) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
The kids shouldn’t eat ........................................ food. (HEALTH)

21) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
The queue hasn’t moved in ten minutes. I’m getting ........................................ .

22) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
There was an ........................................ smell in the room. (PLEASANT)

23) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
If you enter in that lab, ensure you have ........................................ clothing on.
24) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
Sam can’t find his backpack. It seems to have totally ........................................ .

25) Use the words in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences in order
to form a new word that fits suitably in the blank space (Rescrie propoziția integral
adăugând forma corectă a cuvântului din paranteză):
Vicky is the most ........................................ person I’ve ever met. (FASHION)

26) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
I didn’t need a map because I was here before.

27) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
Mom was cooking when I arrived home.

28) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
The boys were playing football when the storm started.

29) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
Samantha has piano lessons twice a week.
30) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
Those books are mine.

31) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
I saw Mike on Wednesday.

32) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
We are going to spend our summer holiday at a resort in Thailand.

33) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
Mary told me what happened with Henry on Sunday.

34) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
The baby likes the yellow pillow the most.

35) Write questions for the sentences below so that the underlined words should be
the answer:
Serena’s favourite school subject is History.

36) Read the text below and think of one word which best fits in each space. Use
ONE word for each space. An example has been provided for you. (Vei trece în
coloana `Space number` numerele cu paranteze precum în text, iar în coloana
`Word` cuvântul corespunzător)
One animal (0) ..that.. is considered to be one of the wisest of all birds is (1) ..........
owl. There are several different species (2) ......... owls, and they vary in size and
colour, but the overall anatomy is (3) ......... similar. There are more than 20 (4) .........
species of owls throughout the world. They are found in all (5) .......... of the Earth
except Antarctica and some remote islands. Some of the most (6) .......... species
include the Great Horned Owl, Barn Owl, Snowy Owl, Barred Owl, Burrowing Owl,
Elf Owl, Screech Owl, and many others. The two (7) .......... categories of owls are
typical owls and barn owls.
Most owls are (8) .......... or stay awake throughout the night, but some owls are
(9) .........., meaning they are awake (10) .......... the daylight hours.

Space number Word

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