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-Ppt rizal

Hard to imagine an abridged version

Dr Jose P. Rizal

 Born on June 19, 1861

 He was a highly gigted poet, historian, scientist,journalist,linguist, satirist, political
activist and novelist.

Noli Me tangere

 Written by Dr. Jose P. Rizal

 “Chef’s d’ oeuvre” of Philippine literature
 Had a central role in the “awakening” of filipino nationalism

Leon M. Guerrero

 Top-notch writer and diplomat

 Philippine Ambassador to the court of st james
 Served six presidents beginning with president manuel l. Quezon and ending pres.
Ferdinand e. marcos
 Joined competition and create new translation of the novel
 To attempt the novel be palatable to a new-gen , also the rizal is often unlikely appel
to modern generation

7 key element of Guerrero translation strategy

1. Demodernizaion`
 It is characteristic of rizal’s bravura style that although the story of the noli is
set in the past , there are frequent glissando modulation into present was
systematically turned by Guerrero into the past.
“In truth, divine justice seems less demanding than that of humanity”
Dr. Jose P. Rizal
“they found it easier to satisfy divine than human justice”
leon m. guerrero
2. Exclusion of the reader
Dr Jose P. Rizal regularly turns and speaks to the reader as if author and readernwere
ghost or angels
Capitan Tiago became uneasy, and lost his tongue, but obeyed and followed the
colossal priest, who locked the door behind him. While they are conferring in secret,
let us find out what happened to Father Sibyla." Dr. Jose P. Rizal

"He mad Capitan Tiago so uneasy he was unable to reply, and obediently followed
the burly priest who closed the door behind them. Meantime, in another part of the
city the scholarly Dominican, Father Sibyla, had left his parish house"-Leon Ma.
3. Excision of tagalog
 Dr. Jose P. Rizal wrote Noli Me Tangere in Spanish text and bejewelled it with
tagalo words and expressions
 These expression and words were eliminated by Guerrero in his translation
"Cualquier bata de la escuela lo sabe"
Dr. Jose P. Rizal
"Any schoolboy knows as much"
Leon Ma. Guerrero
 Other tagalog words
Salakot: local straw hat
Timsim:kerosene lamp
Paragos: sled
Sinigang:loacal dish
4. Bowlderization
 Noli me tangere is a novel that depicts the controversies during the Spanish
colonial times in Dr. rizal time
 Vulgar word, actions,political, and religious matter were removed and edited
in the translation.
"Allí esperarán probablemante, no la resurreccion de los muertos, sino la
llegada de los animales, que con sus líquidos le caliente y laven aquellas frias
desnudeces" Dr. Jose P. Rizal
"There they awaited, not the resurrection of the dead, but the attentions of
some animal to warm and wash their coldness and bareness."Leon Ma.
5. Delocalization
 All scenes in noli me tangere are either in “San Diego” or in manila
 Guerrero eliminated 80% of still recognizable place names written by rizal of
 Famous filipino personalities during Rizal time were also removed or
represented as “most renowned performers from manila”
- Chananay
- Yeyeng
- Marianto
- Carvagal
6. De- Europeanization
 Dr. jose rizal is polyglot. He speaks 22 langauges such as Spanish, English ,
French, german,latin etc. as well as a smattering of Italian and Hebrew.
 He fiiled noli with untranslated classical tags.
 Guerrero approach were to eliminate or naturalize them as far as possible

"Temo que no estemos empezando á bajar: Quos vult perdere Jupiter dementat
prius."Dr. Jose P. Rizal

"Whom God would destroy, He first makes mad."Leon Ma. Guerrero

7. Anachronism
 Relate to the changing official social political classification systems operating
in the Philippines in the 1800’s and 1950’s
 Kris-short sword
 Rizal uses ethnic,racial, and political terminologies:
- Peninsulares- Spaniard born in spain
- Criollos- Spaniard born in the Philippines or latin American
- Mestizos- person of mixed descent, Spaniard-native,Spanish-
chinese,Chinese-native and more.
- Mestiza or criolla- typically rendered as filipina


Leon ma. Guerrero

-father of Philippine botany

- he also wrote the aguilnaldo newspaper la republica filipina

- joined the diplomatic corps and from 1943 to 1945 served as the first secretary of the new
Philippine embassy in Tokyo

-June 19, 1982, only a few days before he died, he received the, Gawad Mabini, the highest
award in the Philippine Foreign Service.

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