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Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1684–1691

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Technical Report

Titanium alloy production technology, market prospects and industry development

Cui Chunxiang ⇑, Hu BaoMin, Zhao Lichen, Liu Shuangjin
Key Lab. for New Type of Functional Materials in Hebei Province, Hebei University of Technology, No. 8, Road No. 1, Dingzigu, Hongqiao District, Tianjin 300130, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Titanium alloy with a low density, high specific strength, corrosion resistance and good process perfor-
Received 18 April 2010 mance, is the ideal structural materials for the aerospace engineering. Based on the microstructure of tita-
Accepted 7 September 2010 nium alloys, it can be divided into a-type titanium alloys (heat-resistant titanium alloys), b-type titanium
Available online 15 September 2010
alloys and a + b-type titanium alloys. The research scopes also include the fabrication technology of tita-
nium alloys, powder metallurgy, rapid solidification technology, and other military and civilian applica-
tions of titanium alloys. Titanium and its alloys have become the ideal structural materials used for the
fuselage, and accounted for a significant part of the structural quality in most military aircrafts. Tita-
nium’s future market expectations need to be considered in the macro level market. Apart from the sup-
ply and demand trends of titanium market, it is necessary to consider the impact of technological
innovations that can help to reduce the cost of titanium production.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction structural weight. The application level of titanium in the chemical

and general engineering fields accounts for about 15% of its pro-
Titanium element as a matrix by adding other elements is duction in USA [4,5]. Titanium and its alloys, due to their excellent
known as titanium alloy. Titanium is a new structural material, corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties as well as histo-
which has excellent comprehensive properties, such as the low compatibility, are qualified for the production of prosthetic devices
density (4.5 g/cm3), a high specific strength and fracture tough- and other biological materials [6–8].
ness, fatigue strength and resistance to crack propagation, good Titanium with a low density of 4.5 g/cm3 is only 60% of iron’s
low-temperature toughness and excellent corrosion resistance. density, usually with aluminum and magnesium is known as the
Some titanium alloys’ maximum working temperature is about light metals. Many countries in the world recognize the impor-
550 °C, and expected to reach 700 °C [1]. Therefore, titanium alloys tance of titanium alloy materials, so titanium alloy materials are
has been increasingly widely used in aviation, aerospace, chemical, being on the research and developing, and supported by practical
shipbuilding and other industrial departments [2]. Compared with application [5,9,10].
light alloys and steel, etc., as for the relationship between specific Titanium and titanium alloy, as important structural metals and
yield strength and density (r0.2/density), titanium alloys is higher alloys, were developed in the 50s of twentieth century. Titanium
than other light metals, steel and nickel alloys, and this advantage alloys are provided with a high specific strength, good corrosion
will be maintained until about 500 °C, so some titanium alloys resistance, high heat resistance, easy soldering and other charac-
suitable for the manufacture of gas turbine engine components teristics, so which has been widely used in various fields [11]. In
[3]. Titanium production in about 80% is for aviation and aerospace particular, titanium alloys are conducive to the manufacture of golf
industry. For example, in the United States, titanium is approxi- club head because of their characteristics of high strength and easy
mately 21% of B-1 bomber’s body structure material, mainly for welding performance.
the manufacture of the fuselage, wings, skins and load-bearing The first practical titanium alloy ‘‘Ti–6Al–4V alloy” was success-
component. For the F-15 fighter structural materials, titanium fully developed in 1954 in the United States. The properties of Ti–
alloys occupy a capacity of 7000 kg, which is about 34% structural 6Al–4V alloy in heat resistance, strength, plasticity, toughness,
weight of the airframe [4]. For Boeing 757 aircraft structural parts, formability, weld-ability, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility
titanium alloy with a capacity of 3640 kg is 5% of structural weight. are up to a better level. Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy’s consumption
As for DC10 aircraft produced by Mc-Donnell–DounLas, used tita- accounted for the 75–85% of all kinds of titanium alloys. Many
nium alloys reached 5500 kg, accounting for more than 10% of its other titanium alloys can be regarded as Ti–6Al–4V alloy modified.
At present, hundreds of kinds of titanium alloys have been devel-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 22 60204125; fax: +86 22 26564125. oped in the world, and the most famous alloys are 20–30 types.
E-mail address: (C. Cui).
For example, there are Ti–6Al–4V, Ti–5Al–2.5Sn, Ti–2Al–2.5Zr,
URL: (C. Cui). Ti–32Mo, Ti–Mo–Ni, Ti–Pd, Ti-811, Ti-6242, Ti-1023, Ti-10-5-3,

0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Cui et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1684–1691 1685

Table 1
Categories and characteristics of the typical titanium alloys [1].

Categories Typical alloys Characteristics

a Ti–5Al–2.5Sn Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr– The general strength and toughness, good welding performance. Strong anti-oxidant, higher creep strength. Less used
2Mo in the manufacture of golf masthead
a+b Ti–6A1–4V Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr– The strength and toughness on the heat treatment can be strong, and with an excellent weld fatigue performance,
6Mo multi-applications such as iron casting masthead, fairway
b Ti–13V–11Cr–3Al Sp700 Ti– High strength, heat treatment, malleable and good cold forming performance, applicable to a variety of welding
15Ta–3Cr–3Al–3Ni methods
TixAl Ti3Al (a 2) & TiAl Desire to achieve 900-degree temperature, but poor toughness and plastic property at room temperature

Ti-1100, BT9, BT20, IMI829, IMI834, etc.; 10-2-3, SP700, 15-3-3-3 from 2003 to 2007 and actual production forecast from 2008 to
(known as b-Ti), 22-4 and DAT51 are used to produce the clubs 2010 are shown in Fig. 2.
[1,12,13]. On the recent surge in demand, many of titanium metal produc-
Titanium alloys can be divided into a, a + b, b-type alloys ers announce that they have increased or will increase their tita-
and Ti–Al intermetallic compounds (TixAl, where x = 1 or 3). The nium sponge production capacity. Among them, China’s titanium
Table 1 lists the four categories based on the characteristics of sponge producers have the most striking expansion of their tita-
the typical titanium alloys. nium sponge. Its production capacity got a rapid expansion from
9500 t/a in 2005 into 45,200 t/a in 2007, so the growth rate of
was up to 373%. Japan’s titanium sponge producers had expanded
2. The future market expectations of titanium alloys and its production capacity in 2009 to get 52,000 t/a, compared with
main raw materials 37,000 t/a in 2005, so its increasing had been up 40%. By 2011,
Russia’s titanium sponge production capacity is expected to reach
Titanium sponge is the main raw material of titanium and tita- 44,000 t/a. The titanium sponge production capacity in USA had
nium alloy. During 2003–2006, the price of titanium was increased been increased vehemently from 8940 t in 2005 to 20,200 t/a in
at an unprecedented rate. Government and industry observers said 2007, and they plan to be up 41,970 t/a in 2010. Benefited from
that this was occurring after World War II steel shortage, global the sharp increase of titanium, many of titanium producers cash
material supplies worried for the first time to affect the defense position is healthy, so they are able to carry out large-scale capital
sector; they also pointed out that the shortage of titanium could investment plans.
also affect the military aircraft and weapons delivery time. If the above production capacity expansion program is pro-
Although the titanium prices have been volatile over the years, gressing well, then, by the end of 2010, the global titanium sponge
but the recent price spikes were far more than the previous price capacity is expected to reach up to about 218,000 t/a, which is two
fluctuations. Fig. 1 shows the US producer price index for finished times of that in 2005 (113, 500 t/a). If the new titanium sponge
rolled titanium (Producer Price Index, PPI) changes in (the 1982 PPI manufactories have fully production according to plan, by the
100) during 1971–2006 years [1,12,14]. end of 2010, China is expected to become the second-largest tita-
Global titanium-producing corporations are mainly eight coun- nium producer in the world after Japan’s, and she may even exceed
tries. For the ranking of production, they are the United States, Japan. That the titanium industry of China and the United States
Russia, Japan, China, Britain, France, Germany and Italy. In recent would proceed smoothly and achieve the capacity expansion is
years, China, Japan and other Asian countries’economic growth, the focus of greatest concern. If the optimistic forecasts of demand
especially with China as the core of the petrochemical industry, in the future become a reality, these positive expansion plans will
military and other industries with the rapid growth in the amount help to achieve a titanium metal market to supply and demand
of titanium, the world titanium demand has been increasing rap- balance. However, if future demand does not meet expectations,
idly. In 2006 and 2007 the world’s titanium production from the they may cause serious market imbalance, of which, then China
previous year grew by 19.4% and 20%. The United States remains as the world’s supply of titanium are most worthy of attention.
the largest country in the world for the titanium demand [12,15].
The world’s major producing countries of titanium sponge capacity

Fig. 1. The manufacturers’ price index of titanium mill products in America (1971–
2006). Fig. 2. Output of titanium sponge of main productive countries in 2003–2010.
1686 C. Cui et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1684–1691

China’s demand for a variety of metals and its capacity expansion 3.1. Titanium powder metallurgy
for the supply of titanium is a trump card in the near future, and
this situation is likely to continue, and it is mainly due to China’s 3.1.1. Titanium powder metallurgy production techniques
huge economy and its rapid, continuous growth. During 2003– Titanium powder metallurgy (P/M) is not a new technology,
2005, China’s steel industry consumed a lot of titanium scrap and more accurately; it is a completely different method of production
sponge titanium, and pushed up their market price, and stimulated of titanium parts from other techniques: the production by powder
a large number of titanium sponge plant in China’s development. metallurgy parts is making use of the powders instead of sponge
However, China’s steel demand growth coupled with a slight de- titanium. As a mature technology, it has been widely applied to
cline in sponge titanium production capacity significantly en- other metals, but in the application of titanium metal is limited.
hanced the market to reverse the situation. So that the market There are several ways for that powders are processed into compo-
price of titanium sponge fell by nearly 50% in 2007. In view of this nents: metal injection molding (MIM) is make use of adhesives to
market situation, analysts believe that China in 2010 after the bond powder together, and to remove the agglomerant in the heat-
capacity expansion will be significantly slowed down. But in the ing process; direct powder rolling (DPR) can be indicated as fol-
near future, China may be ready to restart production capacity lows: the powders are rolled into sheet material, and then
expansion plans, no one can rule out this possibility. heated and sintered; hot isostatic pressing (HIP) casting process
is that the powders are pressurized, heated, and casted form in a
near net shape. All of these processes are mature, and is currently
3. New titanium production technologies used to produce a small amount of parts [2–7,12,14].

At present, the refining, processing and production costs of tita- 3.1.2. Technical advantage and market supply
nium remain a high situation, the processing costs per thousand Titanium powder metallurgy can be restricted in waste of en-
cubic feet titanium from the melting to the refining stage is five ergy and resource related with the traditional production, no
times higher than aluminum; if titanium is made into ingots and VAR (vacuum arc remelting), EBM (electron beam melting) or
finished products produced, then the titanium cost is 10 times PAM (plasma arc melting); powders can be directly rolled into
higher than that of aluminum [15,16]. Titanium Sponge is the ex- any shape or finished products, outputs more high. This process
tract of the commercial pure material from titanium stone, tita- also can produce near net shape parts and components, and reduce
nium ingot is made of titanium sponge, titanium scrap or a traditional waste component production. This process is usually
combination of production; titanium rolled finished products, such accompanied by a few steps to improve the output of manufactur-
as titanium plate, titanium plate, titanium billet and titanium rods, ing. However, the powder metallurgy indeed introduced some new
are made by the production process of titanium ingots such as roll- problems as follows. The first is the pollution control, and it will
ing and forging; titanium parts are finished by rolling through the pose a special challenge to air-metal, since any contamination
forging, extrusion, hot and cold forming, machining, casting and would lead to metal being improper to apply in aerospace compo-
secondary production process [3,4,13,14,16]. nents, so it must be processed in a clean room environment. In
To sum up, titanium production process includes several addition, the powder is still difficult to manufacture large compo-
phases: refining into sponge titanium from a titanium ore complex, nents, and these components accounted for an important part of
titanium sponge melted and cast into a titanium ingots, titanium the aircraft to use titanium. Finally, the titanium powder is a flam-
ingot processed into finished rolling, rolling into a finished produc- mable, explosive material, which may deal with difficulties in the
tion parts. Fig. 3 shows the various stages of production of titanium fabrication of a large number of powders.
production technology, in which the thick black font tag technol- Although the powder is now a niche market, but the economy
ogy is for the late-model technologies, and solid line represents appears the source of titanium powder will make these processes
an already established production phase, and dotted line indicates very attractive. The high standards of the aircraft structure design
a potential manufacturing stage [3–5,12–17]. make titanium powder metallurgy difficult to appear in the

Fig. 3. The new production technologies of titanium.

C. Cui et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1684–1691 1687

aviation market, so it may first appear in the military vehicle, and a complex three-dimensional parts. In addition, titanium powders
its structure requires no less stringent. Although this does not di- can also be used for the production of such components. Arcam
rectly affect the aviation market, it can reduce prices by reducing and AeroMet and many other companies have developed this tech-
the demand for titanium sponge. PM is most likely enter into the nique, usually using electron beam or a laser beam as the heat
aviation market as a new rolled production, for the finished prod- source [20].
ucts can be rolled out to market in the existing manufacturing
technology, and it can eventually be used to present the limited 3.3.2. Technical advantage and market prospects
application of the fuselage in near net shape casting and other Compared with the existing manufacturing technology, the
forms of production. The greatest impact to the introduction speed manufacturing rate of components made of these processes are
of the powder metallurgy would be material certification, so the fast, which will result in energy waste less. Despite these advanta-
costs and difficulties of certification process will result in aircraft ges, costs of solid freeform manufacturing technology are still more
companies to try to avoid the use of powder metallurgy products, expensive than that of conventional techniques. This is mainly due
unless they have important applications in other fields of history. to factors such as labor and technology required. This technology
mainly is suitable for small parts’ manufacturing, which accounted
3.2. One time melting process for only a small part of aeronautical materials, so limited the appli-
cation limits their cost-saving potential.
3.2.1. The production technology of one time melting process This technology was jointly developed by AeroMet Company,
The traditional production process of titanium alloys needs 2–3 the Boeing Company and the US Defense Advanced Research
times for VAR melting, it has become a standard in the application Projects Agency and it was applied in AeroMet Companies. As part
for more than 50 years. Recent technological advances for the mul- of the contract with Boeing, AeroMet Company carried out a num-
tiple melting are only one electron beam melting (EBM) or plasma ber of wing components of F/A-18 fighter jets, and be able to certify
arc melting (PAM). Therefore, titanium alloys can be produced to their production and use [9,19]. Although the AeroMet Company
meet the majority of aerospace applications by the new technology had closed down in 2005, but experts believed that similar tech-
[2–7,12,16]. nology to produce parts for military aircraft had been applied
3.2.2. Technical advantage and market supply
One time melting process reduce the melting steps to increase
production, save time and energy at the same time. Compared with 4. Improved technologies for titanium extraction and refining
conventional vacuum arc remelting (VAR), its production rate is process
higher. A group of 3–7 t production of titanium requires more than
20–25 days by VAR melting twice, while the use of single EBM 4.1. Technical background and progress
melting method can produce more than 15 t of titanium within
14 days. EBM and PAM process can also make full use of small Many researchers are going to find faster, less labor and energy
pieces and waste materials with a low purity, which will promote saving alternative processes for the Kroll process. University of
recovery of titanium demand. Although two kinds of processes are Cambridge, a subsidiary Metalysi (formerly known as FFC) process
more difficult to control the chemical composition of products, this developed by Cambridge was known as the ‘‘FFC Cambridge pro-
is just a small question. These advantages result in one time melt- cess”. They used electrolysis to continuous production of titanium
ing method is very suitable for mass production, although this pro- sponge. International Titanium Powder (ITP) Corporation (on the
cess is not suitable for small quantities of special alloys preparation end of 2008 was the world’s leading manufacturer of titanium
[4–7,13,14,17,18]. dioxide Cristal Global acquisition) achieved a process developed
One melting method has achieved commercial application by Armstrong (Armstrong process) through a continuous low-
which is unlikely to lead to little change occurred in the market. temperature reduction of titanium tetrachloride to produce
Because this process requires a lot of capital investment of the titanium powder. DuPont and MER Corporation developed MER
major titanium manufacturers, this process also only penetrate process of production by direct electrolytic deoxidization to pro-
slowly toward the market. However, because of the high market duce titanium powders. Advanced Materials Group (ADMA Group)
price of titanium, manufacturers are expanding production capac- developed a hydrogenation dehydrogenation process (HDH) to
ity, and one melting method is expected to become a new widely produce titanium powders directly, using a modified Kroll process
used process in the near future [18–20]. For such a process, the big- with titanium scrap and other wastes as the raw materials. It is
gest obstacle is still to get the certification. Boeing and TIMET had worth noting that there are three kinds of technologies used in
carried through negotiations for the standards of one melting the production of titanium powders in these four kinds of new tita-
materials for a number of years, but still failed to reach consensus, nium extraction and refining process [4,13,14].
and the two sides believed that they were not far away from an At present, annual production of titanium powders only is a tiny
agreement, which implied that the adoption of a single melting fraction of titanium, which is produced using plasma rotating elec-
method was more matter of time before. However, even a success- trode process (PREP) or gas atomization process (TGA)with a rolled
ful promotion of one time melting, the customer may still not be product feed system of atomization. Because titanium can only be
able to enjoy the cost in the short term decline, for the market refined to produce, titanium powders are very expensive. So
makers would save the cost of the next to be retained as extra prof- titanium powders only are used for highly specialized applications,
it in short supply [19,20]. It may only occur after the market down- such as medical implants. A way to produce titanium powder
turn, and that cost-cutting will transfer to the end user (including directly from titanium ore will enable titanium powder much
aircraft manufacturers). cheaper than before; titanium powders also have the potential to
become an important part of the titanium market.
3.3. Solid freeform shape manufacturing
4.2. Technical advantage and market supply
3.3.1. Free shape manufacturing production technology
Free shape manufacturing (FSM) is to use point heat source to All of these new processes can increase production, reduce en-
melt the titanium wires between the continuous layers, to make ergy consumption, labor and costs. Titanium powders’ production
1688 C. Cui et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1684–1691

process does not require new VAR (vacuum arc remelting), EBM the basis for the emergence of new forces in the industry. However,
(electron beam melting) or PAM (plasma arc melting) to produce this advantage will require substantial investment in productive
the final parts, thereby eliminating the need for the existing pro- capacity [4,13–15]. Kroll process may be the best for existing facil-
cess steps and the corresponding number of important basic facil- ities. If you want to take advantage of new technology, you need
ities [5,14–16]. If these new processes improved by the new for a comprehensive update. So that the new extraction technology
technologies are applied successfully, the production rate of the is important, but it takes some time to enter the market [16,17].
market will expand titanium supply to greatly shorten the delivery
time; Energy and labor power savings will be made of titanium
metal prices fallen, of course, to some extent, which depends on 5. Fabrication technology and market of titanium and titanium
the will of the producers. As matter of fact, the main challenges alloys as biomaterials
to face for these technologies are how to facilitate their wide appli-
cation. In these new technologies as above-mentioned, only the 5.1. Fabrication and surface modification of titanium alloys as
Cambridge process was developed, which was aided financially biomaterials
by the major producers of titanium sponge. Compared to other
kinds production technologies of titanium powders used in the Titanium alloy ingots as biomaterials can be carried out by vac-
production process, this technology makes the current production uum induction furnace or magnetic suspension vacuum furnace by
process easier. In addition, if Cambridge method can be used in melting and casting. The ingots were machined into many speci-
powder metallurgy process, its energy saving results will be very mens with any shape and size.
large. Titanium powders can directly enter into existing supply As biomaterials, titanium and its alloys are superior to many
chain as a substitute for titanium sponge, but this will negate most materials such as stainless and pyrolytic carbon, in terms of
of its potential, and because of the high cost of production of tita- mechanical properties and biocompatibility. Titanium and its
nium powders, which is not commercially feasible. As long as any alloys are widely used in biomedical devices and components,
one of these new technologies is successful, it will completely especially as hard tissue replacements as well as in cardiac and car-
change the status quo that titanium production in the past decades diovascular applications, because of their desirable properties,
has been basing on the same technology, and a few markets lead- such as relatively low modulus, good fatigue strength, formability,
ing by several companies. While the new extraction technology machinability, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility.
can bring significant advantage for existing companies, or provide However, titanium and its alloys cannot meet all of the clinical

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of hard tissues in human body.

C. Cui et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1684–1691 1689

requirements. Therefore, in order to improve the biological, chem- used for fixation by reaming out the natural acetabulum to fit
ical, and mechanical properties, surface modification is often per- the design. Titanium and its alloys are also often used in knee joint
formed. The surface modification technologies pertaining to replacements, which consist of a femoral component, tibial compo-
titanium and its alloys includes mechanical treatment, thermal nent, and patella [22,23–28].
spraying, sol–gel, chemical and electrochemical treatment, and Titanium and its alloys are common in dental implants, which
ion implantation from the perspective of biomedical engineering. can be classified as subperiosteal, transosteal, and endosseous
Recent work has shown that the wear resistance, corrosion resis- according to their position and shape. Subperiosteal implants con-
tance, and biological properties of titanium and its alloys can be sist of a custom-cast framework resting on the bone surface be-
improved selectively using the appropriate surface treatment tech- neath the mucoperiosteum. The prosthesis is secured on posts or
niques while the desirable bulk attributes of the materials are re- abutments that penetrate the mucosa into the oral cavity. Transo-
tained [22,23]. steal implants can only be placed in the frontal lower jaw while
endosseous implants can be placed in both the upper and lower
5.2. Wide range of applications and market of titanium alloys as hard jaws via a mucoperiosteal incision. They are the most commonly
tissue replacements used implant types and can be used in almost any situations as sin-
gle implants to replace one missing tooth as well as in cases of par-
A schematic diagram of hard tissues in a human body is shown tial and total edentulism. The most commonly used endosseous
in Fig. 4. Hard tissues are often damaged due to accidents, aging, implants are root-forming analogs [22,23].
and other causes. It is a common practice to surgically substitute As mention as above, titanium and its alloys as biomaterials
the damaged hard tissues with artificial replacements. Depending have a very broad market prospects in the world.
on the regions in which the implants are inserted and the functions
to be provided, the requirements of different endoprosthetic mate-
rials are different.
6. Future demand for titanium
Because of the aforementioned desirable properties, titanium
and its alloys are widely used as hard tissue replacements in arti-
6.1. The demand of the industrial sectors
ficial bones, joints, and dental implants. As a hard tissue replace-
ment, the low elastic modulus of titanium and its alloys is
From 2007 to 2010, the industrial demand for titanium will be
generally viewed as a biomechanical advantage because the smal-
expected to exceed global GDP growth rate and this increase will
ler elastic modulus can result in smaller stress shielding. One of the
mainly come from the wide application of the titanium in the
most common applications of titanium and its alloys is artificial
whole industrial sectors. For example, in recent years, the growth
hip joints that consist of an articulating bearing (femoral head
in titanium demand of new titanium buyers, such as oil and gas
and cup) and stem as depicted in Fig. 5. The articulating bearings
installations, automotive, heavy vehicles and medical equipment
must be positioned in such a way that they can reproduce the nat-
industries, has been particularly impressive. From 2004 to 2006,
ural movement inside the hip joints whereas secure positioning of
the growth of titanium demand was up to approximately 50%. Be-
the femoral head in relation to the other components of the joint is
cause of this remarkable growth, the industrial sector’s overall de-
achieved using the stem as shown in Fig. 5. The hip stem is an-
mand for titanium in 2004–2006 was increased by 19%. Looking
chored permanently to the intramedullary canal of the femur.
ahead, while the growth rate of industrial applications of titanium
The cup, which is the articulating partner of the femoral head, is
is expected to be slow, but industry experts predict that in 2009–
2010, it will continue to increase in the demand for titanium in
14–15% with an average annual compound growth rate (CAGR)
of about 4% [4,13,14].

6.2. The needs of commercial aviation

Based on the record commercial aircraft orders of Boeing and

Airbus in 2005 and 2006, for the next few years, commercial avia-
tion sectors are expected to be rapid growth in demand for tita-
nium. According to The Airline Monitor magazine data, the
aircraft deliveries will be provided by a rapid increase. In 2009–
2011, average annual compound growth rate may be about 9%,
and then slowed down, and it will rise once again in 2014, as
shown in Fig. 6. Titanium demand growth rate will be higher (an
average annual compound growth rate is about 22%), mainly due
to titanium content per aircraft in a significant increase; due to
the Boeing 777, 787, and Airbus 380 and other large passenger air-
craft’s orders for the high titanium content, titanium rapid growth
in demand mainly will be driven by the year 2010 and 2011, and
these three kinds of high titanium content of the aircrafts will ac-
count for Boeing and Airbus commercial aircraft for more than half
of the demand for titanium. In particular, for the Boeing 787, the
required titanium per aircraft procurement is approximately 91 t.
According to The Airline Monitor’s prediction, by 2010, the demand
for titanium for Boeing’s 787 will account for nearly 30% of tita-
nium total demand of all the Boeing and Airbus commercial air-
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of artificial hip joint. crafts [4,13,14].
1690 C. Cui et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1684–1691

Fig. 6. The delivered amount of planes and the demands for titanium in future.

6.3. Military requirements

Table 2
Cost–savings potential of new technologies.
With the continued growth in global military spending, military
weapons development and procurement to keep the lightweight, Classification Technologies Limit Feasibility Cost-saving
flexible and direction, so the demand for titanium military will
continue to be increased in the future. C-17 and F-15 and other Armstrong Interim Low Low
US military aircraft, the existing projects will continue into 2010, process
Improved Cambridge Interim Low Low
while the F/A-18E/F and F-16 production is expected to continue technologies technology
into 2015; F-2 Raptor in 2003 at full speed production continued MER process Interim Low Low
to be made until 2009; F-35 began to slow production in 2008, LHD process Recent Low Low
and its pilot production is expected to be the first delivered in HIP casting Long- High High
2010; the next 20 years, F-35 production is expected to reach
PM Finished PM Long- High Medium
3500. However, the US military aircraft titanium demand is ex- term
pected to be significantly lower than that in 2005, mainly due to Near shape PM Long- Medium High
F-22 will be discontinued, while the F-35 will expand production term
until 2010. Assumed that between 2005 and 2010 the average an- One melting Arc melt Recent High Low
nual demand for commercial aircraft titanium compound annual Free preform Medium Medium Medium
growth rate be 22% (as described above), then the total demand manufacture term
air titanium (including commercial and military) over the same
period is estimated at an average compound annual growth rate
of about 15%. Table 1 shows the 2010 titanium demand forecast
[2,4,13]. in the future. As matter of fact, a combination of the two progresses
(Croll process improvement alternative technology, economically
viable development of powder metallurgy technology) will gener-
7. Cost-savings potential and market outlook of new ate a huge cost–savings potential. The use of other new technolo-
technologies gies to replace the current use can also produce cost savings. One
smelting refining technology can be slightly and gradually reduce
New titanium production technologies are of cost savings rela- production costs. Of all the new technologies, lower production
tive to all the current using processes. A manufacturing technology costs will be primarily through the processing of raw materials
may be able to save some parts of the production costs, but the and spare parts manufacturing process can reduce waste and im-
components may be used only aircraft in a small part of all the tita- prove production out to achieve [1,12,13]. Labor efficiencies will
nium. The industry technical experts discuss and give the results be able to save some costs, especially in the components manufac-
summarized in Table 2. turing process; energy conservation is very important, but only a
Although the improved extraction technology, the cost savings small fraction of the cost savings, the main focus lies in the initial
alone is limited, it can make powder metallurgy method econom- extraction and smelting processes. Emerging technology is ex-
ically feasible, which would generate the greater savings. At pres- pected to significantly reduce costs and open up new markets, such
ent, the titanium powder is very expensive, so new production as military ground vehicles, but it is unlikely to challenge the com-
technology is expected to let it cheaper than the titanium sponge mercial aviation market in the near future [18,19]. To affect the
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