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Name: ARJAY A.


Course and Year: BSA-2B

Instruction: Provide your answer for every item. Encode your answer.

Answer should not be more than 3 sentences.


6 points- content (Ideas and/ or responses are coherent, and logical)

2 points- organization (The ideas are well-structured)

2 points- grammar (The responses are written with minimal/ tolerable grammatical errors)

1. Which among the types of surveys interests you most as a civil engineering student or future

Agricultural and Biosystem Engineer? Justify your answer in 3 sentences. (10 points)

2. In your own words, why is surveying defined as science, art and technology? (10 points)

3. The covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected dramatically all aspects of life. As a student, what do
you think can be the used of surveying in this pandemic? (10 points)


1. Construction survey, because as an architecture student, it is related to our course and

future work. I’m very interested for this type of survey because I want to expand and gain
more knowledge and ideas through this type of survey.
2. In My own idea, surveying defined as science, art and technology because, surveying is art
due to creativity and experience, it is a science where it uses scientific and mathematical
methods and a technology because it is our tool to solve or resolve what we are wanted to.
3. In My own words, the used of surveying in this pandemic is to determine the current
situation of the affected individual (all of us) especially for poor people. pandemic effects job
or work of the people. In the surveys that I encountered, most questions are based on
employments or works of people not just in the Philippines, but in whole world. Survey plays
a big part today because it helps to determine what move for the leaders to make to survive
and help their country. through this, it gives ideas to them to plan for the next move to live
and experience better living as days, weeks or months passes by.

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