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Natasha Cristina S. Barro

IT 212

29th August 2023


On August 29th, I, Natasha Cristina S. Barro, a student of STI College Las Piñas,

wanted to change my current class section. I am writing this narrative report to document the

reasons behind my decision to change my section. The change was initiated due to several

factors that impacted my learning experience, mental health, and overall well-being during this

academic term.

At the beginning of the semester last year, I was assigned to section IT 112. However,

as the weeks progressed, I began to face certain challenges that hindered my ability to fully

engage and participate in class activities. The most prominent among these challenges was the

disturbing behavior exhibited by some of my classmates. This behavior encompassed acts of

daily commute, bullying, backstabbing, “parinigan”, and overall negativity that deeply affected

both my social and mental well-being.


After careful consideration, I concluded that switching to a different section, namely IT

211, would be beneficial for my academic progress and personal growth. The reasons for this

change were as follows:

1. Class Schedule: The current schedule assigned to my current section

poses several challenges for me. It extends until 7 PM, which proves to be quite inconvenient

due to the considerable distance between my school and my residence in Zapote Kabila. Upon

disembarking from the jeepney, I am compelled to cover the remaining distance on foot to reach

my house.

My daily commute exacerbates the situation. I am solely reliant on public transportation

options for my journey to and from school. This reliance has its drawbacks. I am no stranger to

the difficulties this brings, as I encountered a similar situation last year. Back then, I had to resort

to taking two separate jeepney rides. Because the jeepneys I needed to board were consistently

crowded, and on some occasions, I found myself having to walk once more after alighting in


This additional travel on foot significantly prolongs my journey back home, often

resulting in my arrival well into the late hours of the night. The combination of these factors

presents a substantial challenge, both in terms of the practicalities of commuting and the impact

it has on my daily routine.


2. Long Distance Walk: There is a gate in our barangay that I used to take to get

home early but the so-called 'shortcut' I used to take in order to reach home early is now blocked

off by 8 PM. If I happen to be out during this time, I'm forced to detour and take the longer route,

resulting in another lengthy walk on my part.

3. Time: As I'll be arriving home late, I anticipate being quite exhausted. However,

I'll still have to complete my assignments, activities, and other necessary tasks. Occasionally, I

also need to assist with household chores like washing the dishes we used for our meals. This

might lead to a lack of sleep because if I don't attend to my assignments or activities in the

evening, I'll have to wake up early to complete them. Unfortunately, this early start could prevent

me from returning to sleep, as I'll need to prepare for the school day ahead.

5. Mental Health: The problematic behavior exhibited by some classmates of mine

can manifest in various forms, including bullying, belittling, exclusion, gossiping, and an overall

disregard for the feelings of others. Such actions not only disrupt the learning atmosphere but can

also have far-reaching consequences on my mental health. Feelings of anxiety, stress, and even

low self-esteem may emerge as a result of prolonged exposure to such behavior.


Considering the multitude of reasons I've outlined above, I strongly believe that these factors

should be more than sufficient to justify my request for a change in my assigned class section.

This shift has the potential to not only improve my mental and emotional well-being but also

enhance my overall academic performance, as I can focus my energy and attention on learning

without the constant stress of navigating through hurtful behaviors.

In light of these considerations, I kindly request that my request for a change in section be

seriously taken into account. It is my hope that the well-being and academic success of students

are prioritized, and a more conducive learning environment can be established for all.

Thank you.

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