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Designing Aliens

Jim Vassilakos ( /

Prior Literature case, the tables are too long to reproduce here, but if
anyone wants a copy of the program, just let me know. In
There have been numerous books and articles published the meantime, I'll have the program draw up one random
about aliens and alien design. Among the books, several alien just to give you a feel for how it works and how I
RPGs come to mind: Star Trek, Star Wars, and Traveller would try to interpret the results.1
among others. These each have numerous alien
compendiums. There was also Alan Frank's Galactic Possible Racial Names: Dallpen, Brakenholm, Metellus
Aliens, the Spacefarers Guides to Alien Monsters and Alien Homeworld Gravity: High
Races, Patrick Huyghe's Field Guide to Extraterrestirals, Natural Habitat: Jungle
and Dickinson's and Schaller's Extraterrestrials. These, of Size: Tiny
course, are all compendiums of imagined creatures. Basic Design: Bilateral
When it comes to alien design, other books spring to Legs (locomotional appendages): 2
mind: Schmidt's Aliens and Alien Societies as well as Leg/Foot Structure: Unguligrade (Walks on toes supported
Pickover's The Science of Aliens, Michael White's Life Out by pad like elephant or rhino)
There, and Cohen's and Stewart's What Does a Martian Arms (manipulatory appendages): 2
Look Like? to name only a few. Likewise, there have been Arm Joints: 2 (shoulder/elbow)
several articles in the RPG magazine literature discussing Fingers (manipulatory digits): 7
alien design. Here's a heavily pruned and edited list that my Wings: None
little RPG magazine database program (still a work in Tail: No
progress) just spit out: Skin texture: Smooth
Skin Color: White
Ares #2: alien life forms: speculation on extraterrestrial Skin Patterns: None (solid)
creatures Number of Horns: 0
Ares #16: creating alien races for traveller Number of Eyes: 2 (short visual angle but good depth
Dragon #51: make your own aliens (traveller) perception)
Dragon #58: traveller alien generation Eye stalks: No
Dragon #123: designing aliens for star frontiers Visual Sensitivity: Infrared
Judges Guild Journal #15: planning ecology (monster/alien Number of Ears: 1
creature design) Audio Sensitivity: Sharp (able to hear faint sounds)
Nuts & Bolts #12: ahh... those aliens (comments on Smell/Taste: Excellent
designing alien races) Poisonous Sting: No
Omni 10/92: how to build an alien (designing aliens & Diet: Carnivore
alien cultures) Sexes/Castes: 2 (f/m, males rare, each is owned by a group
Shred #2: aliens (random tables for alien design) of females)
Troll #2: non-humanoid alien design (soapbox, gygax) Male Genitalia: External
Valkyrie #22: babylon 5's real ancients: incorporating Birth: Live birth
powerful aliens into sfrpgs; dark they were, and kind of Liter Size: Small (1-3)
petty: godlike aliens in sf & gaming; would you let an Feeding of Young: Milk glands on mother
orc babysit? (thoughts on aliens & speciesism) Language: Vocal (similar to human speech patterns)
VIP of Gaming #1: alien races & how to identify them Cybernetics: Uncommon (up to minor accessories such as
(alien design, sf-rpgs) voice-comms)
Society: Restricted Monarchy
Random Aliens Control: Moderate
Status/Power: Slave race (captive associate, powerless,
Several years ago, in preparation for further work on the fully controlled)
Ragamuffin project, I wrote a program called Rand, a Commonality Outside Home Territory: Very rare
random stuff generator for MS-DOS, and as part of this Friendliness: Conservative (business-like but impatient)
program I included some tables for random alien Demeanor: Agreeable (ultra-polite, will rarely speak
generation. Jaron Martin helped to flesh these out, and so openly/honestly)
this section of the program essentially became a Specialty: Starships
collaborative effort which we eventually test-drove, Recent Event: Tournament
generating several aliens in the process.
Unfortunately, there was a bit of a problem in that the Initial Thoughts
program often produced strange results, results so strange,
in fact, that Jaron finally decided (rightly in my opinion) 1
Rand actually has two separate sets of tables for this task. I'm
that this really wasn't a very good method for alien design, using the first set, as the other one sometimes crashes the program
although it could help in terms of brainstorming. In any for some reason.
The first thing that jumps out at me is that the program says Brakenholm is a large, terrestrial world in the Metellus
they're tiny, but it also has them walking on padded toes, system. It is the homeworld of the Dallpen, a small
usually a feature of heavy animals. Granted, their world's humanoid species which fell under control of the Hafaru
gravity is high, and being descended from jungle during their territorial expansion.
inhabitants, perhaps their padded toes are a defensive
mechanism against attacks from poisonous plants and Physical Characteristics: The Dallpen are fairly small, only
smaller jungle critters. around eighteen inches (45cm) on average. Normally, such
Secondly, the program has them building starships for a small species would never have developed intelligence,
which they'd presumably need either large brains or the so their genetic manipulation by the Old Ones, even at first
cybernetic enhancements to make due with small ones. The glance, is most obvious.
only other thing I can imagine is that their brains are the Humans find them somewhat "froglike" in apperance,
work of design rather than evolution, and hence perhaps their bellies tan, dark brown mottled stripes covering the
can pack more raw intellect into less volume. Assuming back and limbs. Structurally, they are very similar to
this to be the case, we're looking a product of genetic humans, being consistent with the sorts of creatures the Old
manipulation. Ones preferred to uplift: Two arms, two legs, two eyes.
Thirdly, I sort of have a problem with the way these guys Their feet, however, despite initial Solian descriptions of
look. At least structurally speaking, they look a lot like we the species dating as far back as the 1950s, are heavily
do. It is not too often that the program generates a creature padded, allowing them to sprint as well as aiding them in
with two arms, two legs, two arm joints, and two eyes, so jumping from trees. Likewise, their seven-fingered hands
I'm afraid that you're not going to get a feel for the are idea of grasping tree branches or manipulating objects
weirdness that usually results. Nonetheless, I'm going to in their natural jungle environment.
roll with it and see what happens.
Fourth, there seems to be a potential for joining some of Natural Senses: Bred to be starship engineers, their vision
the physical, psychological and social attributes into an extends naturally into the infrared wavelengths so that they
interesting synthesis, a sort of nexus that can give this can easily discern temperature fluctuations, a sure sign of
species a story by which they might be better understood. impending power leaks and other containment breaches.
This is something I look for every time I generate a random Likewise, instead of having two or more ears, a common
alien, so I'm pleased to see it here. I'm looking mainly at feature of many naturally evolved species, they have only
the fact that the females seem to run the show, and also at one, a finely-tuned subdermal ear in the area of their
the excellent sense of smell. Creatures with such an forehead which they often press to various parts of
excellent sense of smell tend to be highly territorial, or, at mechanical systems in order to aid in diagnostics. As for
least, the dominant gender (usually the male) is this way. their sense of smell, that is handled by their long snake-like
Yet these guys are apparently psychologically agreeable. In tongue, which can discern scent so well that they can
short, they seem to be anything but territorial. Proceeding identify individuals by smell alone and can often tell which
into the social dimension, they're also a slave race. Given among them has recently been in a particular area.
that we're already assuming some degree of genetic
manipulation, why not also assume that their psychology Society: The Dallpen are matriarchal, using chemistry to
and, in fact, their whole society has been manipulated as ensure that some 99% of all births are female. The
well? Perhaps, by carefully selecting which males are remaining males are kept solely for their breeding potential,
allowed to breed, the race has been psychologically and most of these are housed at facilities controlled by the
conditioned away from territoriality and confrontation and Queen Mother. This queen descends by blood lineage from
toward a demeanor highly amenable to subjugation. In this the original queen crowned during the time of the
way, they might be slaves who prefer slavery to such an Emancipation when the males of the species were nearly all
extent that they consider their masters to be their best killed through targeted biological warfare. Although
friends in the universe. originally highly warlike, the Dallpen have since been bred
A fifth and final thought, before I begin this travesty. to be more cooperative, a genetic conditioning program
There's an alien species on pages 86-87 of Patrick that the Hafaru have continued into the present day.
Huyghe's Field Guide to Extraterrestrials which is based on
a 1951 encounter by Illinois resident Harrison Bailey. Interspecies Relations: The Hafaru claim the Dallpen are a
Bailey, a steelworker at the time, purported years later to free species and a close friend of the Hafaru race, yet the
have encountered a number of short, walking amphibians Dallpen are in reality, for all practical purposes, a slaves of
who briefly took him captive. Because the program has the Hafaru. Their genetic and psychological programming
generated this guys to be short, basically humanlike in has conditioned them to defer to their Hafaru masters in all
structural design, and descended from a jungle matters. Noting this fact, the Coalition Assembly has
environment, it seems to me that I might be able to draw a refused to offer them a seat, regarding them as merely an
bit from this supposed encounter, although I'll have to arm of the Hafaru. However, there are said to be some
change the color of their skin from solid white to brown Dallpen who have somehow broken free of Hafaru control,
and striped if I want to stay consistent to Bailey's although such members of the race are certainly a
description of them. minuscule minority and likely live in fear of being
Preliminary Write-Up - The Dallpen Needless to say, the Dallpen often serve on Hafaru
starships as engineers, and they, of course, also build ships incentives trump all?" is necessarily a fair one. You seem to
for the Hafaru fleet. Also, on a regular basis, they hold a have missed part of what I was saying.
tournament of starship design, where the best design will Also, you make the point that poorer people in all
usually go into production. In this way, the Dallpen societies tend to have more children than rich people
continue to stay focused on what they do best. regardless of access to welfare. More, yes, but to what
extent? I still think that in poorer countries, having children
Afterthoughts: is viewed as a critical economic investment. Not so in
modern western societies. Hence, the reasons you
Obviously, I didn't touch on all the points of Rand's output. mentioned may tend to dominate in our own society,
This write-up could (and probably eventually will) be whereas I'd imagine that the reasons that I mentioned may
expanded to cover the Dallpen is a more comprehensive tend to dominate in the third world.
way. Likewise, the Huyghe book mentions their control Regardless of all this splicing of the issue, it seems to me
over a species of small bugs. I'd imagine these bugs might that the central point is that poverty begets people begets
be useful for making repairs in very tight areas. In any case, poverty, not only for the reasons I mentioned but also for
I think this gives enough material to make the alien usable the other reasons which you have mentioned, and, in any
while at the same time leaving enough loose strings that case, that was my point, at least as far as I recall. So I think
later expansion is, I think, almost inevitable. that regardless of our slightly differing analyses as to the
All in all, I still think the program still has possibilities. reasons, we both seem to agree on this central conclusion.
Jaron's main problem with it is that, just like the planetary Of course, we are still left with the presently unanswered
generation system for Traveller, it generate too many question over what to do about it, which is the real bugaboo
inconsistencies which either have to be fixed or somehow in my opinion. I'm presently inclined to think that we won't
explained. In this particular example, I think I was able to do anything until it's too late, at which point we'll start
explain away the most obvious inconsistencies, but it's not flailing clumsily and probably ineffectually at the problem
always so easy. If I were to rewrite the tables, I'd try to do a until Mother Nature steps in to solve it on her own terms.
better job, but as it currently stands, I think the program I'm not especially looking forward to that.
still has value as a brainstorming device. In any case, it can re Setting Information and Prediction vs. Planning: You
do more than just generate random aliens, so if any of you make good points here. It just seems to me that everyone
would like a copy, just drop me an email. has a different idea of what the near future is going to be
like (at least insofar as there are those of us who actually
Comments on A&E #361: think about it), so I wanted to spit out my own
cantankerous notions and then round up a few comments
Myles Corcoran: re Great Orc Gods write-up: Hilarious  and ideas in response, sort of taking an informal focus
re AIs & Sub-Personalities: People are known to talk to group poll as it were, being that I have such a high regard
themselves from time to time, and it's not always for the active membership. However, for some reason you
considered crazy. I wonder to what extent this has been seem to have taken some offense to my having done this
studied.2 There is also the argument that we humans are not (see below).
single personalities but rather amalgamations of multiple re Ragamuffin Fleet and fabrication technology: Yes, it'll
personalities which hopefully fit and work well together. require fuel, but keep in mind that fusion reactors on
But not always. For instance, if you've ever experienced a Traveller starships (even small ones) can crank out enough
period of indecision, perhaps you might have argued with energy to power whole nations, at least if you run the
yourself over what to do. Would this be considered numbers in terms of the amount of hydrogen being fused.
abnormal or healthy? I tend to think that such behavior is I'm also positing such reactors in Ragamuffin, so energy
evolutionarily valuable and that self-analysis (and wisdom) will not be the limiting factor, not at least in terms of
requires the ability to at least try to step outside oneself. fabrication technology. I'm thinking instead that the
Hence, creating (wise) AIs might necessitate this form of limiting factors will be more technical in nature. Perhaps
design, perhaps contributing to the problem of particularly fabricators will tend to become error-prone, and perhaps
sophisticated AIs going nuts for various and obscure creating new ones will be very difficult due to their
technical-psychological reasons. Just some thoughts to add inherent complexity. I'm not really sure how I'm going to
to the discussion. handle this just yet.
re the Fairness or Unfairness of asking people for
Michael Cule: re Darth Vader's theme song played by the comments and ideas (or as you term it: "Asking us to do
audience via kazoos: Ha! I wish I could have seen that. your future planning"): You write, quite diplomatically, that
your intent was to label the request, not the requestor, yet
Robert Dushay: re Birthrate and Welfare: I found I'm still left with the impression that what you're saying is
interesting your points on education, unsupervised time, that I shouldn't ask people for comments and ideas. Is this
lack of employment prospects, and lack of alternative true, or am I misreading what you're saying?
entertainment. As you will note in my comments to you in I guess part of my problem is that I'm not sure exactly
issue #360, I brought up not merely retirement security but what I'd said that you apparently find inconsiderate, and I'd
also education and female empowerment, so I'm not sure like to know what it was so that I can try to watch myself in
that your query, "Still willing to argue that economic the future. To recap: you wrote in A&E #359, "I think it's,
well, inconsiderate, to ask us to do your future history work
I don't imagine it would be particularly easy to do. for you...." But I'm still not sure what exactly it was that I'd
said. Just as a guess as to what it might have been, at the defects might be a good place to kick-off a brainstorming
end of my Prognostications essay of A&E #356 I wrote, session.
"In short, there's a lot more work to be done, so please send re Your assumptions regarding a freedom-based
me your comments and ideas." Is this the sentence that you worldview: I have to agree with your conclusions. I find
find inconsiderate? Are you saying that I shouldn't ask myself falling toward the opinion that there should be
others to toss their ideas into forums such as this in order to universal due process as well as universal passports. Of
generate discussion on a particular topic? Likewise, on the course, the former should have led me to vote against
last page of my zine in A&E #358, I fired off a wide range Bush, and the latter would create a world I can scarcely
of questions pertinent to an examination of the near future, imagine. Although it would likely become an intensely
and although I didn't ask for anyone to answer them, I did political discussion, it might be useful to ponder the
mean to show just how extensive and detailed the problems and repercussions of universal freedom of travel,
discussion could have become. Is this what you are terming but before I begin, I'll invoke the dubious disclaimers of
"Asking us to do your future planning", this list of "you started it" as well as "I'm only discussing it in the
discussion questions? context of a near-future setting." 
I'm really trying to understand your point of view on this, I'd imagine that universal travel would relieve a great
but I also want you to understand mine. As Louis stated to deal of social and economic pressure on poor, corrupt, and
Michael in A&E #361, "The difficulty with designing despotic societies, but, unfortunately, that pressure wouldn't
futuristic role playing campaigns on Earth is that one has to simply disappear. It would be transferred to other societies.
prognosticate on our planet's humble expectations. This is The resulting transfer of populations would likely create
nearly impossible without in-depth analysis of our current massive low-wage workforces in richer societies (helping
political problems." And, at least to my way of thinking, the rich people already there to become even richer), but at
any thorough analysis has to include discussion with the same time, the crush of people would likely overwhelm
people of dissimilar views. Of course, due mainly to this the social safety nets, causing them to fray or even break.
two-page limit on politics, I've withdrawn the topic. The result would be increasing crime in all its various
Nonetheless, I'd like you to try to understand that I was forms as well as the subjugation and misery of the masses
certainly not attempting to be inconsiderate but was rather at the bottom of the social pyramid. Rich societies would
merely trying to engage some discussion for purposes of tend to become even more stratified and more corrupt,
this analysis. leading either toward Marxist revolution or the slower and
Perhaps, however, instead of straight-out asking for ideas less dramatic revolution of the encroaching welfare state. In
in A&E #356, perhaps I should have said something like, either case, such formerly rich societies could end up
"...there's a lot more work to be done, so if you'd like to looking something like the societies that the new
comment or send any thoughts, please feel free to do so." immigrants were attempting to escape from in the first
In that way, I could have opened discussion without place.
seeming to be pushy about it, which I'm guessing is Having said that, however, it's important to remember
probably what you perceived. If so, my apologies, and that while this outcome may be bad, not relieving the social
thanks for bringing your perceptions to my attention. It's and economic pressure on failing states could prove even
quite possible you are not alone, and I'll be the first to worse. My point here is that states don't fail in a vacuum.
admit, I can sometimes be the proverbial bull in the china There are consequences. For example, if state X is failing,
shop. In any case, please let me know if you think this it's leadership may decide to provoke a conflict with state Y
would have been an acceptable way to open the discussion in order to stir up some nationalism. After all, if they can
or if it was something else I'd said that you found blame their problems on the Y's, then revolt will be less
particularly inconsiderate. likely. Such a conflict may break out into an open war, each
side supported by it's respective superpower, and such
Lee Gold: re the natural Tragasi environment during conflicts could potentially boil into a direct war between
evolution: I'd imagine they were somewhat like beavers the superpowers. But even if this doesn't happen, state Z
and otters, dwelling in rivers and in the shallows of the might look at the conflict and say, "Gee, I seem to be living
coastline and building increasingly sophisticated dams, in a dangerous neighborhood. Maybe I should invest in
lodges, and canals. some nukes or some other sort of WMD." And when it
re AIs and Asperger's Syndrome: Asperger's is a mental becomes their turn to fail, what then happens to those
condition probably brought on via a bad gene. Some call it weapons?
pre-autism, and it may be that there are a larger number of Hence, there really doesn't seem to be any easy solution.
such people than we realize. In fact, I'd imagine that there The very policies that I would tend to find myself
may even be a such a thing as pre-Asperger's that may be advocating on moral grounds would likely result in
prevalent to the point that we don't even think of it as being outcomes at home which I would prefer to avoid. Yet, the
a genetic defect but rather just a personality quirk (sort of status quo doesn't seem to be working very well either.
the "nerdly" stereotype). So would AIs be like this? Once again, I find myself befuddled by the complexities
Perhaps, but not for genetic reasons. I mean, their minds and the seeming hopelessness of Our situation.
are designed, perhaps even evolved to an extent, but not in re AIs and self-motivation: You raise some interesting
the biologically genetic sense of the term, so I'd imagine points here. They make me wonder if self-motive is an
that they'd have other sorts of conditions, one's which we essential component of intelligence.
can scarcely imagine at the present time. Nonetheless, re PC Childhood Scenes and drawing up guidelines for a
bringing forth the whole catalog of known human mental GM to create them: Yes, this promises to be a bear, but I'll
see if I can give it a shot. My initial thoughts are to design various social ills to continue to propagate and become
some random tables akin to the Central Casting books, but even worse than they are now. Rich societies, in my view,
to make them setting specific, and then use them to tend to have a seedy underside, a festering of human vice,
generate a list of scenes which will then need to be played and the richer the society, I would think, the greater this
out. I'd also like add to this a list of setting-specific terms festering will become.
for the players to learn. Each scene could introduce one or Although, of course, I don't have statistics to back up this
two of these terms so that the player could get a better feel claim, so perhaps I'm mistaken. Perhaps my views are
for the setting. All of this, however, seems to me like a warped by where I happen to live. I mean, just a little while
rather daunting and convoluted project. Nonetheless, it also ago, I saw a guy smoking his bong behind the local liquor
seems to me that it's worth attempting, at least on a small store. He was right there in broad daylight for anybody
scale. walking by to see. I wasn't offended or anything. I've stated
ryct Myles Corcoran re "a future of plenty" and plenty of that I think drugs should be legalized. But to ignore the
some things resulting in scarcity of others: In Traveller, for repercussions of legalization or to pretend that human vice
example, it might be fairly cheap to take a shuttle to the won't expand when given the opportunity to do so is, at
Moon. From there you could see the stars as never before. least to my mind, a somewhat precarious way of thinking. I
In Star Trek you could perhaps have yourself "beamed" mean, it seems to me that you can't just assume that vice
there in a few seconds, hence avoiding all the traffic will magically control itself. Either there's something
congestion. Likewise, to get a little more down to Earth, controlling it, or it's out there having a field day. And, at
perhaps it might not be too long before somebody sets up least speaking politically for a moment, the first question, I
virtual message boards for neighborhoods as a way of think, isn't what should be done to curtail vice, but rather
getting people to build community relationships and how much vice are we as a society willing to tolerate
improve their neighborhoods, hence solving the somewhat whether in the name of freedom, privacy or practicality,
ironic problem of social alienation in high density urban because no matter what we do, vice will always be with us.
environments. In fact, this is something that you and Barry It is, at least to my mind, an inescapable part of who we
could start today if you wanted to do it, whereas just ten are, and I also think that our society's views on this are
years ago it would have been less easy. In short, there are evolving so quickly with each succeeding generation that
potential technological solutions to all the problems you we seem to be sliding down a precarious slope, and I can
mentioned. only wonder where it will end.
ryct Jonathan Nicholas re space battles: What is the Wes Moving on, you make the claim that more people leads to
Ives system you mentioned? Overall, I like your ideas. more intelligent people leads to greater technological
advancement leads to technology saving us, or at least
Peter Hilbreth: re "Go to town!" and your Int-3 PC's saving our society. I very much hope that you're right, but,
reaction: Classic. of course, I'm rather far from being convinced of it. And
even if your view ultimately proves to be correct, as I hope,
Spike Jones: re Art in Zines: I've stopped using clipart there's still the question of the interim…what will happen
simply due to sheer laziness as well as the negative in between now and then, and will there be a collapse
comments and, perhaps most importantly, because it caused before the reconstruction? In any case, as Robert Dushay
formatting problems due to Lee and I using different printer has stated on more than one occasion, perhaps it's really up
drivers (this apparently being a major failing with respect to the author, as trying to predict the future with any degree
to the transportability of MS-Word documents). I still think of accuracy is clearly beyond the human intellect.
A&E would be a better looking APA if people would Nonetheless, it's sort of fun to try, and I do appreciate your
include artwork or some form of graphics in their zines, comments.
however, I appear to be in the minority with respect to this re "Why?" wrt telling the players about another
subject. adventuring party and their exploits, even though the
re Battlestations: It sounds like an interesting game. I'll information may not directly effect them: Because it helps
have to go snooping around for a copy. flesh out the campaign setting. Many times in a game, I
re Medical Marijuana: Yes, I agree. It's really bizarre that tend to wonder to what extent my character or party stands
the so called conservatives have apparently abandoned out or how we are viewed by the society. Are we heroes to
states rights. I want to read Scalia's opinion so I can figure be admired or tomb-looters to be shunned? And in many
out what drugs he's been taking. games, the GM may not really have thought about this
question in any detail.
Joshua Kronengold: re my presupposed "genetic view of If adventuring parties are common enough that everyone
poverty": Please see my comments to Robert Dushay in knows what they are, then we'd hear stories about other
A&E #360 as well as in this issue. adventuring parties, and although Spike just spent several
re my future of plenty in A&E #356 being "fraught with pages describing a fame system for Eternal Rome, it seems
drug war propaganda": I see how you could get that to me that knowing who's who among adventuring parties
impression, however, I'm not entirely sure what I can do would add even more to a campaign than the inclusion of
about it. I mean, I do have a certain view of human nature, such a system. Likewise, hearing about the antics of other
and it's not at all favorable. I'll admit, I have been parties would give the players ideas of what's possible in
pleasantly surprised from time to time. That's one of the the world and what the likely repercussions may be for
benefits of being a pessimist, I suppose. However, by and various choices they might make. The stories of other
large, I do tend to view a future of plenty as allowing adventurers, both past and present, could form a sort of
social tapestry upon which a party could make its own subjects one must inevitably encompass, the designer has
mark and thus make themselves known to the very no choice but to approach them from a position of relative
characters they've heard stories about. In this way, when ignorance. It might be interesting to have an igtheme which
the GM introduces an NPC, it wouldn't just be some prompts the members to write briefly about a subject they
anonymous hooded figure sitting in a dark corner of the know from long-time, first hand experience, though, of
local watering hole. It might instead go something like this: course, while such essays might provide source material for
fleshing out a variety of RPGs, such a topic is hardly RPG-
GM: You see a blond-bearded man in the corner, the specific. Funny how RPG design and real life seem to
symbol of "The Wretched Jacks" upon his buckler. intersect in so many potential ways.
Player: Wait, wasn't it the Jacks who slayed a pair of green
dragons last summer? Lisa Padol: You talked about tweaking adventures in your
GM: So you've heard. comments to Lee, and Joshua mentioned in his comments
Player: I'll approach him. "Pardon the intrusion, but I to Lee that you do a good job with this. I, personally, do a
couldn't help noticing your buckler. Are you one of the lousy job to the point that I tend to not even use published
Jacks?" adventures anymore. In any case, I'm wondering if you
GM: "I used to be," he replies somewhat bitterly. have any tips and tricks as to the art of tweaking adventures
Player: "Used to be?" and what it is you look for in published adventures that
GM: "The Jacks are no longer, such decree the winds of makes them more usable for someone like yourself.
fate." Also, thanks for your comments on the two childhood
Player: "I'm see. Would you like to sit down with my vignettes that I wrote for A&E #360. I'm still trying to get a
friends. We're also in 'the business'. The Black Eagles." feel for what I'm doing here, and Lee's comment that I
GM: "The Black Eagles," he muses. (Rolling some dice.) should establish some guidelines to help GMs construct
His eyes light up for a moment, "Weren't you the party these was also useful.
that bungled the rescue of the princess Idora?"
Player: "Not so badly that we're 'no longer'…." Simon Reeve: re Mice and Birds on Gough Island: Ick!
re Thanks for the link! This seems
In reading your points against introducing such setting to me to be an awesome resource for detailing those
material, what I'm seeing is you arguing against bizarre, balkanized worlds of Traveller. Very, very cool.
introducing anything that the GM doesn't intend to use, as
such material would just detract from the campaign's focus, Brian Rogers: ryct Louis La Mancusa re common ground:
which is, after all, the player-characters. However, it seems Although the applicable common ground may be RPGs, as
to me to be in the nature of roleplaying games that GMs you say, I think Louis' point was that the practical common
don't always know what background material they intend to ground was turning out to be politics (not by intention but
use. After all, good campaigns tend not to be so highly rather simply by the force of human nature). How else can
plotted that a GM can plan ten sessions in advance and, like one explain the propensity for politics to inject itself into
a script-writer, introduce only those characters and the APA? He also stated that with the proliferation of
background devices which will become important later. systems and genres came a fracturing of the market, giving
Hence, at least for my own campaigns, I try to introduce a us more variety and choice but less commonality. I think
lot of background. Only some of it will end up getting your own zine is an example of this. Back in the late 70s
used, but the more that's out there, the more that I and the we would have been discussing D&D. Now there are more
players have to draw from. I think this is probably a major choices. As an example fo this, you spent a good part of
reason why I enjoy long-term campaigns as opposed to your zine discussing superpowers. Unfortunately, I'm not
short campaigns and one-shots, because long-term into that genre. Hence, I see this as a case in point of
campaigns tend to have a wealth of background material exactly what Louis was referring to.
which acts as plot-propellant to keep things interesting. Or is it? In re-reading your twelve questions for super-
re Medical Marijuana: See my comment to Spike. hero campaign creation, I think there are concepts here that
can be applied to any genre. "How close were the PCs
Louis La Mancusa: Thank you very much for Collapse: before the party is formed?" is a common question in the
How Human Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. It seems fantasy genre. Your second question deals with the
quite the coincidence that I was planning on buying this interaction of their personalities, which is also applicable
book when it suddenly showed up in the mail. Very across various genres and is a rather interesting insight into
thoughtful of you.  characterization. In fact, as I scan through your key points,
I have begun reading it, and my initial impression is that I think that nearly the entire thing could be rewritten for
it will be even better than I'd thought. Jared Diamond is an any genre, or, perhaps preferably, rewritten to be genre
excellent writer, and he also seems to keep an open mind non-specific.
with respect to his subject matter, forming his opinions To switch gears just slightly, you bring up the term
carefully and with great deliberation. In short, this promises "shared world", referring in this case to the real world, the
to be an excellent read. world we all, in fact, share, but your use of the term spawns
re Horse Intelligence: Very interesting. I'd like to see a query on my part. I'm wondering if the members of A&E
more articles of this type written by people who know what ever tried to create a shared fantasy world.
they're talking about. It seems to me that one of the
problems in writing an RPG is that for the vast majority of

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