Advanced Phrasal Verbs 25

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Advanced phrasal verbs 2

Here are a few more phrasal verbs that are a little more unusual.

• pass through somewhere (travel across somewhere that's not your final destination): We
passed through London on our way to France.
• skirt around something (not talk directly about a topic): She skirted around the topic of money
all night.
• stem from something (be caused by): The problems all stem from the rising sea levels.
• heap something up (put into a messy pile): She heaped logs up in the fire.
• fizzle out (when something slowly ends): The party fizzled out around 2 am.

Let's review! Which phrasal verbs do we need?

1. He _________________________ the idea of a promotion, but he didn't ask for one directly.
2. The success of the company _________________________ its excellent products.
3. He _________________________ all the dirty clothes in the middle of the room.
4. The band _________________________ after only one song.
5. Will you _________________________ Singapore on your way to Australia?
6. The election results _________________________ people's dissatisfaction.
7. We _________________________ the topic of his ex-girlfriend all night.
8. She _________________________ potatoes on his plate.
9. They _________________________ New York but didn't have time to stop.
10. We tried to have a meeting every week but it _________________________ after a few

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1. He skirted around the idea of a promotion, but he didn't ask for one directly.
2. The success of the company stems from its excellent products.
3. He heaped up all the dirty clothes in the middle of the room.
4. The band fizzled out after only one song.
5. Will you pass through Singapore on your way to Australia?
6. The election results stem from people's dissatisfaction.
7. We skirted around the topic of his ex-girlfriend all night.
8. She heaped up potatoes on his plate.
9. They passed through New York but didn't have time to stop.
10. We tried to have a meeting every week but it fizzled out after a few months.

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.

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