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Prof. univ. dr. doc. HANGA VLADIMIR Lector univ. CALCIU RODICA Prof. univ, dr. doc, HANGA VLADIMIR Lector univ. CALCIU RODICA DICTIONAR JURIDIC ROMAN-ENGLEZ LEGAL DICTIONARY Romanian-English LUMINA LEX Bucuresti, 1995 ISBN 973 -9186-25-4 CUVANT INAINTE jonar se impune doud coordonate: utili biectiva gi cali pice pentru realizarea acestei finalitayi. Sub primul aspect de fata — primul de acest juridice internationale contem- porane au ca sermo communis limba englezi. Sub cel d Jea aspect rémane ca pul tuia i se adreseazi si-i dea tul, pe care autorii, un un filolog, il asteapt, si de adevarul pe care cel Tanar fl afirma cu pri- vire la clrtis ,mullum esse librum tam malum, ut non aliqua parte prodesset (nu poate exista o carte atat de rea, incdt si nui Autorii © Boom naling am sennifcoia lor amet FOREWORD A dictionary achieves recog- yn through two charac- i usefulness that make it suitable for this aim, As forthe former, the present the first ofits kind in communis. As for the latter, itis up to the users towhom we offer tl work to give their apprecia- an appreciation which the two editors, a jurist and a linguist, are waiting for, convinced of the truth of Pliny the Younger’s words "nullum esse librum tam ‘malum, ut non aliqua parte ‘prodesset" (there cannot exist a ‘book so poor as not to be of any use)*. The Editors * Important terms have been given thelr smeaningsin American English (0. A. Dicfionare rominesti + M-Bogdan, $. Tri, 1. Caan, A Cur = L.Lovigei, © LLeviehi, A. Bantag 1 Panovt = TE-Stdeany, S. Andronesca, V. Pop, VL Streina = M.Schonkron A Zahareseu we strane 1M. Mozley — G. Whiteley 43. Bouvier, Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, New-York, 1926 tionary of BIBLIOGRAFIE Bucuresti, ieionar Romin-Engler, Bucuresti, 1984 English-Romanian Dictionary Bucuresti, 1988 angals-Anglais; Anglais we Dictionary (A. Merrian-Webster), ABREVIATIUNI ay of con. dr, dr can, amar DS. ec. Eq a fe. ‘t seo. z E RiLRERR: x ae ShhEE.2}s23nd adjectv adverb conter (compart) comer, conjunctic rept rept canonio rept martin rept seojian economic (Germen) eseziastic Equity (termen) geogratic Germen) tovechit (valoare) istorick (lermen) italian (termen) militar (imba) normanda plural (¢ermen) pattie (Germen) popular Prepoaitic procedur roprietate substantiv somebody someone something statistics United States of America verb vedi ABANDON s. Abandonment; (de drepturi) cession; re- nunciation. - de marfuri (in caz de avarii), aban- donment of cargo; -ul vasului scufundat, aban- donment ofa sunken ship. ABANDONA v. To abandon; to renounce; (a paris!) to desert. Copil/femeie - at/ata, deserted child/wife. ABANDONARE s. Abandon- ment, deserti actiuni, pretentii, abandon of prosecution, of action, of claim. ABATERE s. Misbehaviour (disciplinar&); infringe A ment (incdleare); excep- tion (de la regula), ABDICA v.To abdicate, - de Ja un drept, to renounce a right. : ABDICARE 5, Abdication, ABROGA vy. To abolish; to suppress; to abrogate; to repeal. ABROGARE 5. Abatement; rescission; abrogation; -a unei legi, abrogation of a Iaw/repeal of a law. i ABILITAT s, Qualified; en- titled AB INTESTATO (lat.) — fa- 1 testament — Intestate, intestacy. Mostenire ab intestat, intestacy; succes- sor - heir to an intestate succession, ABONAMENT s. Sale upon previous order; subscrip- tion. ABSENTA s. Absence. Sen- tind in - (in contumacie), sentence in absenc Jar, absence beyond the seas, ABSENTEIST s, Remittance man, ABSOLUT a. Absolute. Re- guld -&, hard and fast rule. ABSOLUTORIU a. Absolv- ing. Scuzi -ie, excuse in- volving acquital ABTINERE s. (de la vot, de la © succesiune) Abstention. Culp prin-nonfeasance;- a judecitorului de a solu- fiona 0 cauza (recuzare spontand), disclaimer by Judge. ABULIE s. Abulia ABUZ s. (in exercitarea unui drept) Abuse. - de drept, abuse of distress; misuse of law; - de incredere, ministration; misfeasen- ce. ABUZA v. To misuse; decei- ve. A - de buna credinti a cuiva, to take advantage of smo’s good faith. ACUZARE s. Prosecution; accusation; charge; Mar- tor al - ii, witness of the Prosecution; act de -, in- dictment, sub -a ca, on charge of. ACCEPTARE s, Acceptance. + de plati dupa protest cambial, acceptance su- pra protest; -a unei cam- bii, acceptance of.a bill; -a unei succesiuni, accep- tance of an estate; - sub rezervi, qui tance; - tacité, tacit accep- tance, ACCES s. Access, Drept de - * [Me trecere, right of ace cess; -/servitute de lumina si aer, access of light and air;-la acoperigul blocului ied accep. * comun, aceess to roofs; servitute de a lua api, ac- cess to and from water. ACCESORII s. Appurtenan- ces. ACCESORIU a, Accessory. Oblig ie, accessing obligation; drepturi -i appurtenances. ACCIDENT s. Accident. Asi: gurare pentru-e, assuran- ces against accidents; act de constatare a unui port on accidents; asigu- rare pentru caz de -e, accident insurance; - pri- it tertilor, accident to third party; din - /caz for- tuit, fortuitously. ACHIESA v. To acquiesce, to assent to. A - la o cerere, to meet a request; au -t la propunerea noastrd, they acquiesced in our propo- sal. ce. ACHITARE s. Acquital, dis- missal (in apel); - pi in deed; - i, acquital senting’, acq prin efectul le in law. ACHITA v. (O creanta, 0 datorie, un ineulpat) to ac- quit; to discharge. A - 0 datorie, to discharge a debt; a se - de o obligatie, to discharge/fulfil an obligation. ACOPERIRE (com.) 5. Provision, margin funds, reserve, cover. - pentru creangele indoielnice, bad debt reserve; - neindes- tulétoare, insufficient funds, -a biletelor de banci, cover (in gold) of paper currency. ACORD s. Accord. De comun = with one accord; a se pu- ne de acord, to bring about an agreement; a ci- dea de-to reach an agree ment; - international, arrangement, ACORDA v. To bestow, to grant. A - un termen, to respite; to allow time; a - daune interese, to award damages; a - un grad uni- versitar, to grant a univer- sity degree. ACOSTARE s. Accosting (mar.). 8 ing in a public place for the pur- pose of prostitution. ACREDITA v. To accredit. A un ambasador, to accre- an ambassador. ACREDITARE s. (Diploma- ticd) Accreditation. ACREDITIV s. Letter of cre- dit. ACRESCAMANT s. (in ma- terie de mogteniri) Acere+ tion. ACT s.Act. - reconstitutiv, recognitory act; - ce jus- tific falimentul, act of +. bankruptey; - de gratiere, act of grace; - de fora major’, act of Gods - de interventie cambiald in fa- voarea tragétorului sau a de jurisdictie gratioas’, act of voluntary jurisdic tion; - de prezeng’, ap- pearance; - de supunere, surrender; - pentru cauzi de moarte, statement of last wishes; - fictiv, ficti- tious transaction; - de procedurd, summons. A redacta un -; to draw an act. ACTIV (com) s. Assets, -ul =~ succesiuni, net esta- = $i pasiv, assets and $5 social, company's assets, ACTIVITATE s. Activity. - bancara/comerciala, banking, trading activity. ACTUAL a. Existing, pre- sent, real. ACTIONAV.To act. Calitatea de a -, necessary powers to act. A-incalitate de, to act in one’s capacity; a - cu depline puteri, to act with full powers; a - din oficiu, to act ex officio, ACTIONA v. (in justitie). To sue, to take, institute proceedings against smo., to goto law. ACTIONAR 5. Shareholder, Aconvoca adunarea -ilor, to call of a shareholders’ ACTIUNE $s, Action. - con- fesorie, affirmative ac- tion;petitory action - Teconventionali, cross ac- tion; - subrogatorie, in- direct action; - mixta si penald), mixed catory, action; cerea legatelor, action in abatement of legacies; - in rectificare, action in rec- in redu- tegrum/ for restauration. A introduce 0 -, to bring an action, ACTIUNE (Com.) s. (Parte de capital so de gratificatie, bonus sha- cotati, listed share; - tered share; - la purtidior, transferable share. Cursul lor, share list; certificat share certificate; a varsa in intregime capitalul -lor, to fully pay up a share; a emite -i, to issue shares/to subscribe shares. ACUMULA v. To accrue; to charge; to prosecute. Dobinzi -te, accrued lin- Dilities. ACUZA v. To accuse. A - de © infractiune grav, to ac- cuse of a misdemeanour, ACUZARE s. Accusation; prosecution; charge. Cap de-, particulars of charge. ACUZAT s, Accused; priso- ner. : ACUZATOR PUBLIC s, Pu- blic prosecutor. ADAPOST s, Shelter. Fara - Aocuingé, homeless. ADERA v. To adhere; A - la un tratat, to adhere to a treaty. ADERARE s. Accession, - la un tratat, accession to a treaty. ADEVERI v. To certify; to Prove; to confirm. ADEVERINTA s. Certificate, ADEZIUNE s. Adhesion, ADIUDECA v. To adjudicate. ADIJUDECARE 8. Adjudica- tion; allocation. - de bunuri (pentru satisface- rea creditorilor unei suc cesiuni neacceptate), adjudication contra here- Gitatem iacentem; - la pret de bonificatie, adjudica- tion to the lowest bidder; - ultimului licitator, ad- judication to the highest bidder. ADMINISTRA v.Toadminis- ter. A- probe, to produce a- un patrimoniu, to administer an estate. ADMINISTRATIV a. Admi- nistrative. Drept -, ad- ministrative law, tribunal " +,administrative tribunal. ADMINISTRATOR Manager, agent, administrator, ness manager; - dele- gat/garant, managing director; - judiciar (in materie succesorala), exe- cutor; - sechestru, depo- sitary, sequestrator. ADMINISTRATIE s. Admi- nistration. - de bunuri succesorale, an tration of a inor’s esta i lite, exeuse/evidence. ADMITE v.Toadmit, tohear - in barou, to call smo. to the bar; nu se - nici o pasuire, it admits of no delay. ADOPTA v. (A infia) to adopt. -tor, adopter; copil -t, adopted child. ADOPTIY s. Adoptive. Fiu -, foster son; fiicd -8, foster daughter. ADOPTIUNE s. (infiere) Adoption. Societate ce mijloceste -a de coy doption society. ~ adultery upon entice- ment. ADUNARE ss. Assembly, reunion; meeting; con- necting; - electorala, gathering of voters; drept de -fintrunire, right of public meeting; - con- stitujional, constituant assembly; - legislativa, legislative assembly. ADVERSAR s. (Parte potriv- nicd intr-un proces) adver- sary, the opposing party. AFACERE s. (Judiciari) Case, lawsuit. (Comer- cial) business, deal. Cifra de -i, turnover; om de -i, businessman. AFINITATE s. relationship. AFIRMA vy. Assert. A - Ipretinde ci un act e fals, to assert a deed to be forged. AFIRMATIE s. Allegation, (Sprijinita pe dovezi) averment. -solemni, affir- mation; - confirmati prin jurdmant, affidavit. AFIS s. Bill, poster. AFLICTIV a, Inflective. Pe- deapsi -4, _inflective penalty/punishment in- volving personal restraint, AFRETARE (mat.) s. Af freightment. Contract de -, hire (ship) by charter- party. AGENT (Com.) s. Broker; agent. - comercial, com- ping agent - provocator s. Instigator. AGENT DE SCHIMB VALU- TAR s. Exchange broker. AGIO (Com,) s. Agio (excess value of one currency over another; exchange busi- ness). “ AGNAT s. Agnate, descend- ent from the same male ancestor. AGRESIUNE s. Unprovoked assault. AGRESOR s. Aggressor. AJUTOR s. Help. - de fas family allowance; gomaj, - de unemployment societate de - friendly society, ALEGATIE s, Statement, assertion; allegation. ALIANTA \s. Alliance, A fncheia o -, to enter into alliance with. ALB a, White; blank, Cecin-, blank cheque; gir in -, blank endorsement. A semna fn -, to sign an un- completed document; semniturd in -, paper signed in blank, ALEATORIU a: Aleatory, «risky, Contract -, aleatory contract, ALEGERT 8. Election, poll- ing, - suplimentare, by/ special election. 404M ALIBI (Jat.) Alibi. A invoca un -, to set up an al ALIENARE s. (De bunuri) transfer; (mintald) mental alienation, person, Iunat certified lunati sindtate pentru asylum. ALDOCATIE s. Allocation; al- lowance. - de campanie, field allowance; - de locuint&, rent allowance; - de somaj, unemployment benefit; - temporard, tran- sitional allowance. AL PARI nal value. ALUVIUNE s. Alluvion AMANA v. To defer, to delays to put off; to procras- tinate; to postpone (0 judecat&); to hold over (o plat’). AMANARE s. Postponement, delay, adjournment. Motiune de -, move the adjournment; - 2 unei , cesset executio. ) At the nomi- Aan, AMANET (vz. si GAT) s. Pled- ge, bailment. A scoate obiectul -at, to take out of pledge. -AMANUNTs. Detail; particu- lar; small or subordinate particular. Comert cu-ul, retail trade, AMBASADA s, Embassy, em- "passage. AMELIORARE s. Improv ing, -i funciare, land im- provement. AMENDA s, (Judiciar’) fine; (penal) amercement. A pronunta 0 -, to impose a fine. -AMENDA v. To fine (pe cine- va); to amend. A - un project de lege, to amend abil. AMENINTARE s, Threat; in- timidation. AMIABIL a, Amicable, a bly, by private contract. Reglementare —~ amicable arrangement. AMONTE (EN) ad. Up river. 15 AMORTIZARE s. Amortiza- tion; redemption, - an- ticipata, redemption before the date, - autorizata, depreciation and redemption al- lowance; casi de -, redemption fund; plan de -, redemption table, AMPRENTA s. Impression, stamp (fig.) - digital’, fin- ger-print, AN s. Year. - civil, legal year; + comercial, business year; -contabil, accounting year; + de impunere fiscala (US.A.), taxable year, ANATOCISM -s. Anatocism. ANCHETA v. Toinvestigate. ANCHETA s. Inquiry, inves- tigation. ANCORARE mar.) s. Anchorage. Drept de -, keelage. ANDOSAMENT vz. GIR. ANEXA s, (Supliment la un document), allonge, rider; (la 0 scrisoare) enclosure; schedule, ANGAIA v. To engage, to hi- re, to employ. ANGAIAMENT 5. Pawning, pledging; (de garantare), agreement, promise; (de natura contractuala) engagement, indenture (de slujbagi). ANGAJARE (de muncitori) s. Engaging of workmen. ANGAJAT s, Employee. a shop-assis- + de baneé, bank ferate, rail- way servant. ANGARIE s,__ Angary. Belligerent’s right of seiz- ing or destroying neutral property imposed by military necessity. ANGRO — s. (Comert), wholesale trade. ANTECEDENTE s. (Ale unci persoane), antecedents. ANTICIPARE [N= TICIPATIE) s. Anticipa- tion. A accepta o cambie prin anticipare, to accept a bill in advance, ANTICREZA —s. pledge. Living ANTEDATA v.To antedate. Act-t, antedated act. ANTEPROIECT s. Draft. ANTREPOZITs. Warehouse, store; - maritim, wharf. ANTREPRENOR s. Contrac- tor. ANUAR s. Year book; al- manag; directory. ANUITATE s. Annuity. ANULA v. To cane revoke; to repeal, to over- rule. ANULARE 8, Abatement (a ‘unui act juridic), annul ment; repeal judecai unui contract), avoidance; (a unui testament valli -a pretului de vanzare-cumparare, abatement of purchase money. ANUNTA v.To announce; to notify. APARENT a. Apparent. Moarte -4, (nereala), ap- parent death; servitute -& (manifestata prin fapte vizibile), apparent ease- ment. APARTINE v. To belong. A - de drept, to belong right- fully. APATRID s, Stateless per- son. APA s. Water. Serviciul -lor, water supply. APARA v. To defend. APARARE Defence. Legitima -, self-defence. Avocat al -ii, counsel for the defence; concluzii de -, statement of defence; mar- tor al -ii, witness for the defence. APARATOR ss, Counsel for the defence, pleader.. APEL s, Appeal. - nefondat, unfounded appeal; -ul nu este suspensiv, an appeal is not a stay; Curte de apel (U.S.A), Court of appeal; pardt in -, defendant in ap- peal; reclamant in -, plain- tiff in appeal. A casa o sentin{ in -, to quash a sentence in appeal; a declara -, to lay/lodge an appeal. APELA vv. To appeal; to resort to. APELANT 5, Plaintiff in ap- peal. APLANA v. (un conflict), to settle, to clarify a dispute, (APLANARE 5, Settling. APLICA v.To enforce. A - 0 amendi, to impose a fine. APLICARE s. Application. -a legii potrivit competentei itoriale, materiale, in timp, application of law, ratione loci, materine, temporis; -a maximului de pedeaps4, infliction of the heaviest penalty provided; reguld de-, applicabi given case. APROBA v.Toapprove.A-0 facturii to pass an invoice; bun si -at, read and ap- proved. APROBARE s. Approval, ac- ceptance, consent. -a AAR autorititii tutelare, ap- ARENDA v.Tofarm; torent, Proval of the board of guardians. ARENDAS s, Tenantoffarm, ii ARENDA (ARENDARE) s. APROD s. Bailiff; usher. Tones CARENDARE) 5. APROVIZIONARE s. _obligatia de a ridica unele Provisioning; supply of ie, building lease; - food, eatables and drunk- pe termen lung, long ables, lease; - pe via, perpetual Tea: jirarea contrac- APTITUDINE s. Aptitude. he U de -,expiry of a lease; Certificat de -, certificate in -, on Tease. A ceda un of capacity. contract de -, to transfer a Tease; a rezilia un contract de -, to avoid a Tease; alua in-unteren, to takea lease jece of land, - in Parte, share crop system, sau gratioas’), To ar- t bitrate, todecideas judge, OF @ Pi arbitrator etc, ARBITRAL s, Arbitral, Com. REST s. Arrest; caption. - promis -, compromise; in. . abitrar, a arrest; - la ,Stanta -4, court of uni echaseen arbitration, A da o sen- sa un mandat de risk » to issue a warrant for igi omakeanaward. Ordinde-, warrant ARBITRAI s. Arbitration. - for arrest, international, internation- al arbitration; - obit. 4RESTA v. To arrest; to ap- gator’ compulsory brehend; to take smo, in ‘arbitration. charge. juri contencioasg Sion. feu gratioast), arbiter,ar- ARGINT s. Silver. -fin fine, bitrator. - pure silver; - veritabil, an=As 7 ilver;monedide ASASIN s. Murderer; per- eer ean son gully of murdery as sassin. ARGUMENT s. Argument. - imate . ASASINA v.To assassinate; eet to murder deliberately. ious ar- gument. A replica la un _4s4S/NAT s, Assassination; argument, to cast back an murder in the first degree argument. (USA). ARHIVA s, Archives. | ASCENDENTA s. (Linie de rudenie ascendenti) an- ARIERATE 8, Arrears, cestory, ancestors, rela- ARIMA (dt, mar.) v. To stow tives in the ascending line. cargo, to trim s ASENTIMENT 6. Assent. ARMATA s. Army. - Per asrsoR 5, Assessor. manent, regular/stand- OR eee ing army. judge. ARMATOR s.Shipowner. — scip-rd 5, Basis. - a im- 7 ozitelor, property, in- Ae fepune He, to ly do come ete. on which & tax depune -le, to lay down arms; a lua -le, to take up rests. oer ASIGURA vy. To assure, to insure. A-o rent cuiva, to 7A. v. (A-si) - un drept, ft eolereste ts settle an annuity upon to arrogate to oneself a right. ‘smo; ase -pe viati, to take ARTIFICIU (dt. proc.) s. outa life insurance. Trick of procedure. ASIGURARE ss. Insurance; - i k in- nest pe animale, livestocl Sinan lated surance; - auto generald, esiacld comprehensive coverage ARVUNI v.To payaninstal- insurance; - de avioane, ment on, curities insurance; biliara, property movable property insu. ance; - pentru caz de in- cendiy, fire insurance; - Pentru cazul accidentelor de munci, workmen's compensation insurance; - in favoarea unei terfe per- soane, insurance ofa third party. Agent de -, insu- Tance broker; polit de.-, insurance policy; ramurd de -, insurance branch, ASISTENTA s, (Ajutor) help, Assistance, aid; - judiciara, legal aid; - publici, poor relief, ASOCIAT s, Partner. - com- anditar, limited, silent, sleeping partner, - cu drepturi_ si obligatii limitate (la capitalul sub- ), special partner; - garant, managing partner; ~ principal, senior partner. ASAT ASOCIA v. To associate; to enter into partnership. ASOCIATIE s. Association. - non profit, not for profit re, charitable corporatior - de cult, Chureh as tion; - de utilitate publica, ation officially ac- knowledged to serve Public purpose; - mun- citoreasca, workmen’s as- sociation; - patronala, employer's association. ASORTIMENT s. (Com.). Assortment, varied stock in trade, ASUMA v.To assume. A-si- © rispundere, to assume a responsibi ASEZAMANT vz. IN- STITUTIE ATACA v. To attack. A - in j to go to law, ATENTA v. To violate. A-la viata cuiva, to make an at- tempt on smo’s life. ATENTAT s, Outrage, cri- minal attempt. - la bunele pudoare, ndecent assault. de pedeapsd, mitigation of punishment. ATESTA Vv. Toattest. AUDIERE s. Hearing. -a cu ugile inchise, hearin, camera; -a martor hearing. AUDITORIU (la instanye) s. ‘Auditory; the attendants. AUTENTIC a. Authentic; ge- nuine. Act -, instrument drawn up by a notary; copie -d, certified copy; in forma -4, duly certifi titlu -, valid document. AUTENTIFICA v. To certify, to legalise. AUTENTIFICARE s. Au- thentication. AUTOGRAF s. Autograph. Scrisoare -A, autographic letter. AUTONOMIE s. Autonomy; self government. AUTOPSIE s. Autopsy. AUTOR s. Author; perpe- trator (al unei infractiuni). - al unui plan, promoteur; -decarte, writer. Dreptde ~ copy-right. authority; -executiva, exe- cutive authority; -delucru judecat, law ofthe case/res judicata pro veritate ac- ur (lat.); - marital’, husband’s authority over his wife; - tutelara, guar- AUTORIZARE s. Authorisa- tion; permit, - dat de in- stanta, authorisation by court; - de circulatie, car licence; - de regedinga, permit to take up residence; - marital, authorisation of husband to wife. AVAL (I, geogr.) s. Lower part of a stream. fn -, downstream. AVAL (IL, com.) s, Guaranty ofa bill of exchange. AVALISTs. Referee in case of need, mentioned in a bill of exchange; guarantor, backer of a bill; acceptor, drawee, AVANS s, Advance; advance- ment. - asupra navlului, advance on freight; - asupra titlurilor de renti, advance on securities; - succesoral, advancement by portion. A pliti in -, to Prepay, to pay in advance. AVANSARE 5s, Promotion, advancement. - dup me- rit, promotion by selecti- on; - dupa Vvechime, Promotion by seniority, * verage; =" simpla, Particular average, . AVERE 's. Property; credit; ‘assets; fortune, Tesources, estate. - social, registered capital. AVERTIZARE s. Notice; warning, AVIZ s. Advice; counsel; opinion; notice; warning, - consultativ, advisory opi- nion; - ofi AVOCAT s. Barrister at law; advocate (DS). - din oficiu, counsel ex of. ficio (to assist a poor per- son). A fi primit ca - in barou, to be called to the bar, to become member of the Bar Association (USA), AVOCATURA s, The bar. AVORT s. (Provocat) Abor- tion; - spontan, miscar- 4 C& provoacd -ul, abortive, AVULSIUNE s. Avulsion. AZIL s. Shelter, refuge, retreat. Drept de -, right of sanetuary; loc de -, Place of refuge. A ciuta-, to take sanctuary, B BACSIS s. Gratuity, tip. BALANTA s. Balance. - co- mercial activa/pasiva, favourable/adverse ba- Jance; - comercialé, balance of trade; - de con- turi, balance of payments; - de verificare,. trial balance. BALOTAJ s. _Ballotage; voting by white or black balls; second ballot at par- Tiamentary election. BANCA s. Bench, seat. - j jury-box; — - magistrafilor, the bench. BANCA (com.). s. Bank. - agricol’, land bank; - de emisie, bank of issue; - federali de rezerva, federal reserve bank (USA); - ipotecard, mortgage bank - de vira- ment, clearing bank. BANCHER s. Banker. BANCRUTA vz.FALIMENT BANI s. Money. - gheat®, ready money, cash; com- pensatie fn -, compensa- tion in money; prestatie in -, allowance money. Reparatie de daune in -, compensation for damage in money. BANUIALA s, Suspicion. BARAT (CEC) s. Crossed cheque (check, USA). BAREM s. Schedule, table, scale. BAROU s, Bar. A fi primit in =) to be called at the bar, to become member of the Bar Association (USA), BASTARD s. si a. Bastard, bastardy; illegitimate child, BASTIMENT (tnat.) s. Sh de comer, merchant shi > de rizboi, warship; - scoala, training ship. BELIGERANTs. Belligerent, BENEFICIAR s, Beneficiary, Tert third party beneficiary, cxidticctor BENEFICIU (com.) s. Profit, benefit; avails (USA). Dis. imularea -lor, conceal- ~ impozabil, tax- able profit; participare la -, Profit sharing. BENEFICIU ‘s, Privilege; benefit; advantage. - de discutie, lawful claim of a surety for a preliminary distraint ‘upon the prin cipal debtor; -ce diviziune, right of sureties to go bail each for his part only; - de inventar, acceptance of an ty beyond the assets descend- ed. BENEVOL a. Benevolent. BETIE s. Drunkenness, into- xication. BILANT. Balance, balance- sheet. A intocmi -ul, to draw up/to strike the balance-sheet, BILATERAL a. Bilateral, two sided. Contract -, bilateral contract, BILET s, Note, ticket. - De banca, banknote, bill (USA); - la ordin, bill, pro- misory note; - la vedere, bill payable on demandjon sight. BIMETALISM s. Bimetal- lism. BINEFACERE s, Charity. BIROU s. Office, bureau; of- ficial agency; board of rectors, committee; - de ‘informatii, public rela- tions, information desk; - brevet de, patent office; - de plasare, employment bureau; -1 International al Muncii, the International Labour Office (ILO). BLAM s. Blame, disapproval. » public censure. , vote of censure. . Block; coalition ; lump. Pret in -, Iump sum. A adjudecain -, to adjudecate the whole lot; a cumpara/vinde in -, to buy/sell the whole stock. BLOCADA s. Blockade. - teoretic’; a paper block- ade; violare de - breach of blockade; a ridica -, to raise the blockade; a strapunge - a, to pass a ~, blockade. BOICOT s. Boycott. BON s. Voucher, note of hand, bill. - de casi, cash voucher; - de predare, claim check; - de livrare, delivery order; - de tezaur, treasury bill BONIFICARE (BONIFICA- TIE) s. Bonus, surplus, Supra -, bonus to policy- holders (bonificatie acordata asiguratilor). BORD (mar.) s. Board; side of the ship. Pe-, on board of the ship; jurnal de -, log-book; peste -, over- board. Franco la -, F(ree) O(n) B(oard). BORDEROU s. Schedule, detalied statement, voucher, consignment note, memorandum; - de - scont discount note; - de vama, custom house note; - individual, individual schedule, BOTEZ s. Baptism, christen- ing. Nume de -, Christian name, BRACONAY s. Poaching. BREVET (DEINVENTIE)s. (Letters), patent; birou de -, Patent office; oficiu de acordare a -lor, patent of- fice (USA). A obfine un -, to take out a patent; a verifica valabilitatea -elor pe cale judiciard, to test the patents in the courtroom. BRUT s. Gross (profit), value; weight. BUGET s. Budget. A vota -ul, to pass the budget, BULETIN s. Bulletin. - de stiri, news bulletin; - de Vot, voting paper. BUN-BUNURT s. Estate; pos- “session; wealth; property, assets; goods and chattel ~ abandonate, derel _ corporale, tang . Property; -incorporale, tangible property; - i able property/real esta- :te/landed: property; - mobile,» personal es- tate/chattels/movables; prezente, actual assets; a5 viitoare, future estate; - vacante, ownerless pro- perty. BUNA CREDINTA s. Good faith (lat. bona fides), Posesor de -, possessor in good faith; tery de -, third party in good faith. A abuza de - cuiva, to take advantage of smb’s good faith, BUNE MORAVURI s. Morality. BUNE OFICII s. Good of- fices. BUNIC s, Grandfather. - din partea mamei/tatdlui, grandfather on the mother’s/father’s side, BUNICA s.-Grandmother. - din partea mamei/tatilui, grandmother on the mother’s/father’s side. BUN PENTRU pr. Good for... BUNURI MOBILIARE s. Possessions; belongings; personal effects, goods and chattels. BURGHEZ s. Bourgeois; burgess. Mic -, petty bour- geois. BURSA s. The Exchange. - de cereale, Corn Exchange; - comercial’, Commodities Exchange; - de valori, Stock Exchanges, opera! de-, Stock Exchange Busi ness; - neagra, outside- market. CADASTRUS. Cadastral sur- vey; cadastre (cadaster); land register. CADUC a. Null and void; lapsed. CABINET (MINISTERIAL) 8. Government; cabinet council; Minister’s depar- tamental staff. CABOTAI s. Coasting trade. Mare/mic -, off-shore, in- shore, coastal traffic, CAIET DE SARCINI s. Con- ditions/specifications/ar- ticles of a contract. CALE s, Way. - diplomatica, diplomatic channels; - de drept, recourse to legal Proceedings; - judiciara, going fo the law. Cc CALIFICA v.'To quality. CALIFICAT a, Skilled. Mun- citor - skilled workman; crima -8, aggravated crime, CALITATE s. Quality. A actiona in -, to act in one’s capacity; a avea -a de a actiona, to be qualified to act. CALOMNIE s. Libel; calum- ny/defamation. CAMBIE s. Bill, bill of ex- change, promisory note. - cu scadenté apro- piati/indepartata, short/long garantie, unsecured bi de complezenja, ac- comodation bill. Accep- unei -ii, maturity of bill. A accepta 0 -, to meet/to honour a bill; a achita 0 -, to receipta bill; a protesta © -, to protest a bill; a 4, garanta/a avaliza 0 -; to back/guarantee a bill. (CAMERA s, Chamber; house. C- Comunelor, Lower Chamber, House of Com- mons; - de agricultura, chamber of agricultui de comer}, Chamber of Commerce; - de consiliu, Court chamber; -Lorzilor, Upper Chamber; - reprezentantilor, House of Representatives (SUA). CANON-IC a. si s. Canon; canonical. Drept canonic, canon law; varsti ca- nonicd, canonical age. CANTONIER s. Roadman; roadmender. , acceptance CAPACITATE (juri Capacity. - contractual, capacity to contract; - jurisdictionalé, capacity to sue; to appear. CAPACITATE s. Ability. - succesorali/testamentara, to inherit/to make awil CAPITAL a. gis. Capital. - de rulment, working capital = varsat, paid-up Pedeapsi -A, capi- tal punishment. CAPITALIST s. Capit investor. CAPTATIE s. Captation; ob- taining by insidious means. CAPTURA s. Prize. Instanta de -/prizd maritime, prize court, CARANTINA s. Quarantine. CARENTA s. Default. CARGOU s. Cargo, load. CASAs, House, mansi 0 CARNET s. Card. - de iden- titate, identity card. CARNET (fin.) s. Note book; booklet; - de cecuri, che- order book; - de economi savings bank book. CARTA s. Charter. - Nafiunilor Unite, Charter ofthe United Nations; Ma- rea - a libertitilor (1215), Great charter, Magna Carta Libertatuum, CARTE s. Book. - de bord, ,Ship’s book; - funciara, “Iand register; - jurnal, bo- ok of original entries. CASAREs. Cassation; anawk- ment; repeal. Curtea de - (casatie), Court of cassa- tion de comert, business firm; -de corectie, reformatory house of correction, CASA (de plat) s. Cash box; counting house; pay desk. - de amortisment, redemp- tion fund; = de depuneri gi consemnatiuni, Deposit cach and Consignment Office. A face -, to balance up the takings. CASIER s. Cashier; collect- ing/eash clerk. CAUTIONA (v2. $i GARAN- TA) v. To stand surety. CAUTIONAMENT s. Surety. bond; guaranty. CAUTIONE (vz. i GAT, GA- RANTIE) s. Security; guarantee; bail bond. - ju- diciara, cautio iudicatum legal, legal (com- Ppulsory) guaranty. A con- stitui o -, to lodge a security; a elibera sub -, to admit smo. to bail. @AUZA valid contract. Cagtig de -, recovery of a judgement; parte in -, party toa suit.a actiona in cunostinta de -, to act in full knowledge of the facts; a pierde 0 -, to loose a cause; a scoate din -, to exonerate. Ane CAZ 5. Case; instance. - de fort major, act of God; - fortuit, fortuit, accidental case; - de spetd, conerete case; -/stare de necesitate, urgency. A institui un -, to get up acase. CAZIER s. Criminal/iden- tification record. CAZUAL Fortuitous; Conditie -4, contingent condition. -.CAMASA DE FORTA s. Strait-waisteoat. : CAMATARIE s. Usury. CAPITAN ss. Captai armati, army capt marina, navy captain. CARAUS s. Carter, carrier CARAUSIE s. Carting. CASATORIE s. Marriage; bed. Opozitie la -,caveat to a marriage; - de fapt, . Common Law marriage (U.S.A); - alba, uncon- sumated marriage; - prin procurd, marriage by proxy; copii din aceeasi -, full brothers and sisters; contract de -, antenuptial nascut in afara born out of wedlock. CASTIG s. Gain, profit, earn- ings; avails. - de cauza, recovery of judgement. CASTIGA v. To gain. A - un proces, to win a case. CEC ss. Cheque. - barat, crossed cheque; - fra acoperire, dud cheque; - la ordin, uncrossed cheque; - prescris, stale cheque. Carnet de -uri, cheque- book. CEDA v. To give up; to sur- render (a abandona), to yield. CEDENT s. Conveyor, a: nor. CELIBAT s. Celibacy. CELIBATAR s. Bachelor (barbat), spinster (femeie). CELULA (de inchisoare) s. Cell (of prison); dark cell. 8 ceo CENS s. Rating. - electoral, property qualification. CENZOR s. Censor. CERCETARE s. Investiga- tion, research; quest, tion for amTintiak, srest de- (ancheta) right of visit and search. CERERE s. Petition, suit, re- quest, demand, appli tion; - de faliment, petition in bankruptcy; - pentru o hotarare interlocutorie, Petition for an inter- locutory injunction; - pentru reluarea proce- durii, petition for re- sumption of proceedings; ~ de ridicare de sechestru, ‘motion for grant replevin; = aprobat4, approval of a instan{a, writ of sum. mons; - reconventionalé, counter claim, Formular de, application form; la-, on application. A accepta 0-, to accede to a request; a achiesa la 0 -, to meet a request; a face 0 -, to draw up a petition. CERT a, Certain; sure, Data 4, fixed date; dovada -2, irrefutable evidence. CERTIFICAT s, Certificate. - de nastere, certificate of birth; - de inmatriculare a unui vas, certificate of re- gistry; - de origine, certifi- cate of origin. CESIONAR 5s. Transfe assignee; holder of a bi CESIUNE s. Cession; con- veyances assignment; transfer; - de drepturi, transfer of rights; - de assignment of obligations; - prin novatie, assignment affected by novation. Act de -, deed of conveyance. CETATEAN s. CHET s. Quay, wharf, CHELTUIELIS, Costs,expen- ses, value. - de judecata, «, Courts costs; costs ofa law suit; - neprevazute, i cidental expenses; - de deplasare, travelling ex- penses; - de exploatare, working expenses; - diverse, sundries; - de magazinaj, storage; - de transport, freight carria - impozabile, taxed cost venituri gi-, income and ex- penditure. A fi condamnat Ja -, to be ordered to pay costs. CHEMA v. To call. A - ca martor, to call smo. to wit- ness; a - la judecatd, to sue smo/to summon, CHIRIE s, Rent; hire (pentru lucruri); - nominal, pep- percorn rent, “CHIROGRAFAR a. Depend- ing on a simple contract. Creditor -, simple con- tract creditor. CHITANTA s. Receipt; voucher for goods or money. (de predare a unui bun), claim check; - cer- tificat, accountable receipt; falsificare de -, forgery of a receipt; for- mular de -, receipt form; - iberatorie, receipt in full. CIFRA DE AFACERI s. Turnover. CIOCNIRE (mar.) s. Col- lision, boarding. CIRCULARA | s. Cireular (letter). CIRCUMSTANTA s. Cire cumstanee. - atenuanta/ a- gravantd, extenuating circumstance/aggravation. CITA v. To summon, sub- poena; to issue a writ against smo, CITATIE s. Subpoena, sum- ‘mons; writ. A trimite 0 -,to serve a writ. CIVIL a, Civil. Actiune -2, civil action; cod/drept f civil Law; moart CLASA v.'To stop; to dispose of definitely. | qT CIASARE s, Dism sal unei acti action. CUENT s. Client; customer; buyer. CLIENTELA s, Customers. CLAUZA s. Clause. - abroga- toric, rescinding clause; compromisorie, arbitra on clause; - de reintoar- cere, clause of return; - rezolutorie, defeasance clause; - testamentara, clause ofa will. aditionala (la un project de lege) enclosure. CIADIRE s. Building; edifice. Teren pentru building estate. CLEPTOMANIE s. Klep- tomania. CLUB s. Club, COABITARE s. Cohabita- tion, CO-ASIGURARE s, Joint in- surance, COASOCIAT s. Joint partner; co-partner. COD s. Code; statute book. -ul circulati code; - comercial, Code of mercantile law; - civil, ‘Code of civil law. CODEBITOR s. Joint debt- or. CODICIL s, Codicil. CODIFICARE s. Codifica- tion. COERCITIE s. duress. Coercion; COGNAT s. Cognate. COINTERESAT! 5, Jointly interested parties, COLATERAL a. Collateral; relative, Mostenitor -, col- lateral heir. COLECTIE s. Collection; compilation; (antologie), selection. - de legi, com- pilation of laws. COLEGATAR s. legate, COLONAT PARTIAR 5. Farming —_ leasehold, whereby the farmer shares the produce of the Joint farm with the landlord; share-crop system (USA) “CoLomE CORECTIONA- LAs, Reformatory for youth sentenced (institu- tion). COMANDITAR s. Sleeping partner. COMANDITAT s. Active par- tener. COMANDITA s. Capital in- vested by sleeping partner. Societate in -, sleeping partnersh societate in - pe actiuni, partnership limited by shares. COMENTA . (un text), to annotate. COMERCIAL a. Merchant. Marina -4, The merchant service. COMERCIANT s, Merchant; businessman; tradesman, COMERT s. Commerce; business; trade. - cu aminuntul, retail trade; - angro, wholesale trade, Efecte de -, negotiable in- struments; registru de -, register of commercial firms. COMINATORIU a, Com- minatory. Clauzi -e, com- minatory clause, COMIS VOIAJOR s. Com- mercial traveller. Agent, town traveller; drummer (US.A.) COMISAR s. Commissioner, + evaluator (la vanzirile publice), auctioneer, offi- cial evaluer; - al guver- nului, expert of the Government. COMISIE s. Commission; com . - de anchetd parlamentari, royal com- ; = de cenzori, de dispute - de tmpi- e, reconciliation com- + de mandate, credentials committee; - rogatorie, rogatory com- mittee. COMISION s. Commission; delegated authority to act £O—C2 Q—CO in some = specified COMOSTENITOR s. Joint COMPLOT s. Conspiracy, capacity. Vanzare pe -, heir; coheir. plot (US.A). +, conciliation board; act sale on commission. COMISIONAR s. Agent, broker; carrier, mes- senger. COMISORIU a. Resolutive. Clauzi -ie, resolutive clause. COMITE v. To commit; to perpetrate; to make. A- 0. 4, to perpetrate a crime; a - 0 greseald, to make an error. COMITENT s. Principal toa deal; represented by an agent, COMODANT s. Lender in a commodate. COMODAT s, Loan of any- thing but money; com. modatum (lat.); commodate. COMODATAR ss, Borrower in a commodate. COMORIENTI s. Com- morientes, COMPANIE (com) s. Com- pany; association; cor poration (US.A.). COMPENSARE s. Compen- sation, set-off, recoup- ment. COMPETENTA s. Com- competency; mn. - de loc, ma terie, persoan’, com- petence (of a court) ratione loci, materiae, personae. COMPLICE s. Accomplice, abettor; confederate; ac- cessory. anterior/posterior in- fractiunii, accessory before/after the fact, ~ secundar/prin _asis- tenj&/prin instigare, minor accomplice; - la crima, abettor of a crime, COMPLICITATE s. Com plicity. A actiona fn - cu cineva, to act in collusion with smo. COMPROMIS a. Arrange- by way of composition. COMUN a. Common. Bun -, common/communal - property; interes -, the public interest. COMUNAL a.Common; con- siliu -, communal council. COMUNITATE s. Com- munity, - de bunuri, com- munal estate, community property/regime (USA). COMUTA v. To commute (pedeapsa). COMUTATIV a, Commuta- tive. Contract -, commuta- tive contract. CONCESIUNE s. Conces- sion. - de servicii publice, concession of public ser- vices; - minieri, mining concession. CONCILIERE s. Conci tion, Consiliu de -, council de - (intre patroni si mun- citori), conciliation act. CONCORDAT s. 1. Bank rupt’s certificate, 2. Agre- ement between Pope and State for settlement and contro! of ecclesiastical affairs, CONCUBINAI s. Concubi- nage; cohabiting of man and woman not legally married, CONCURENTA s. Competi- tion; rivalry in market. - icitd, fraudolent com- petition; - neloiala, unfair competition. A face -, to compete with smo, CONCURS s. Equality of rank and rights between creditors, etc, CONCURS IDEAL DE IN- FRACTIUNI s. Perfect concurrence of several of- fences in one action. CONCUSIUNE s. Wegal ex- action. 2 CONDAMNARE s. Condem- nation; judicial convic. tion, - in contumacie sentence in absence; - la moarte, death sentence, A pronunfa 0 -, to pass judg- ment. CONDAMNAT s. Convict, condemned criminal un- dergoing penal servitude. CONDITIE s. Condition. - cazuali, fortuitous condi- tion; - legal, legal condi- tion; -iide munc, working conditions; - nul, null and void condition; - condition; - in suspensie, outstanding condition; - provided . - potest Potestive condition (dep- pending upon the will of a party to a contract). CONDITIONAL a. Contin- gent. Legat -, contingent legacy. c0—co CONFEDERATIE s, Con- federacy; league; union of states; confederation, CONFIRMA v.To confirm (a decision, a nomination, etc.), CONFIRMARE s. Confirma- tion, corroboration. CONFISCARE s. Confisca- tion, seizure of real Property. CONFLICT s. Conflict; struggle; clushing (of op- posed principles); concur- rence. - de competenti Gurisdictie), concurrence of jurisdiction; - de legi, adversity/conflict of laws. CONFORM adv. According. ~culegea, according to the Jaw; - cu testamentul, ac- cording to the will, CONFRUNTARE s. Con- frontation, CONFUZIUNE s, Merger in ownership; merger of rights. - de part, uncer. ty as to the father ofa eco child born in a second marriage. CONIVENTA s. Connivence; complicity. A actiona de-, cu cineva, to act in col- lusion with smb. CONJUGAL a. Conjugal; of marriage. Do! legal abode of a couple. CONJUNCT a. Joint. Legat -, joint legacy. CONOSAMENT. (mar.) s. Lading. Scrisoare de - (fraht), bill of lading/con- signment - note, CONSANGVINITATE s. Consanguinity; blood- relationship. CONSEMNATIE s. Consig- nation; formal payment of money to person legally appointed. CONSERVATOR a, Conser- vative; keeping or tending to keep intact or changed. Masuri Protective measures; poprire -ie, sequester. 32 CONSIDERAND CA... expr. Whereas... CONSIDERENTELE (unei legi, ale unei hot&rdri ju- decdtoresti)) s. Preamble of a statute; grounds of a judgment. CONSIGNATIE s, Consign ment; consigning; goods consigned. Marfuri in -, consignment of goods. CONSILIER s, Councillor; counsellor; - juridic, legal expert, adviser. CONSILIU s. Council, board. - de administratie, board of directors; - de familie, board of guardians; CONSIMTAMANT s. Con- sent; assent; voluntary agreement; - dat in con- formitate cu legea, lawful in unanimitate, ne consent; - mutual, mutual consent; - tacit, acquiescence. A-gi retrage-ul, to withdraw the + consent. CONSOLIDARE s. Merger in ownership. CONSPIRATIE s. Con- spiracy, plot, combination for unlawful purpose. CONSTATARE 5, Verifica- tion; establishment of facts; findings; - de deces, Proof of death. CONSTITUANT a. si s. Con- stituent; able to form or alter a political constitu tion; component part. Adunare -4, constituent assembly. CONSTITUI v.To constitute, make; givelegal formto. A + 0 dotd, to settle a dowry; a- un gaj, to pawn, pledge smth, a (se) - parte civila, claim for damages by a private individual. CONSTITUTIE s. Constitu- tion; mode in which state is organized; enactment made by the emperor (ist); - flexibila, flexible 0020 constitution; - nescris%, wu ‘itten constitution; - igidd, rigid constitution, CONSTITUTIONAL a: Con- stitutional; adhering to the political constitution. Drept -, constitutional law. CONSTRANGERE s. Con- straint; compulsion; coer- cion; restraint, - fizica, actual coercion; - moral, implied coercion; - per- sonalé, personal restraint. CoNsTRUCTIE s. Building, fituti tn favoarea unor uilding restrictions. CONSULAR a. Consular. Serviciu -, Consular Of- fice. Office of a sovereign state residing in a foreign country to protect inter- ests ofits traders and resi- dents there and promote commercial relations. CONSULTATIE s. Consult- ation; conference; legal opinion. CONSULTATIV a. Consulta- tive; consisting in giving advice, Comitet-, advisory committee. CONSUM NEPLATIT s. Eating a meal without paying. CONSUMARE s. Ac complishment; consum- mation; completion; -a unei crime, consumma- tion of a crime; -a cs&toriei, physical com. pletion of marriage, CONT a, Account. - de astep- tare, suspense account; - ce apartine in indiviziune la mai multe persoane, joint account; = curent, running account; - final, final account in bank- rupteys - profit $i pierderi, profit and loss account; - la plati, disbursement ac- de venituri sichel- in and out account. Sold de -, balance of ac- count; a plati in -, to pay on account. CONT BLOCAT s. Blocked account. “CONTABIL s. Accountant. Expert-, chartered ac- countant; -, public ac- countant (USA). CONTABILITATE s. Book- keeping; accounting. - fn partida simpla/dubla, single/double entry, book- keeping. CONTENCIOS s. Conten- tious matter. - ad- ministrativ, contentious business falling within the competence of the ad- ministrative courts. CONTESTAV. To debate, dis- pute; strive in argument. A- 0 creanfi, to reject a claim. CONTESTARE s. Contest- ation, dispute. -a unui drept, contestation of a right. CONTINGENTARE s. Ap- portionment. CONTRA ASIGURARE s. Reinsurance. CONTRABANDA 5. traband; — smugg! smuggled goods. - de riz- boi, contraband of war; a anything forbidden to be supplied by neutrals to belligerents, CONTRABANDIST s. Smug- gler; vas -, smuggler ship. CONTRACT s, Contra agreement. - aleator aleatory contract; - de a: gurare, insurance! bilateral, bilateral con- rezolutoriu, resolutory terminable contract; - de transport maritim, ship- ping contract. A incheia un.-, to conclude an agree- ments a rezilia un -, to can- cel an agreement. CONTRACTA v. To contract; enter into legal arrange- ment. A renunta prin con- tract la un drept subiectiv, to contract out (for ex- emption or exclusion from Provisions of law). CONTRACTE NENUMITE s. Innominate contracts. CONTRACTUAL a. Contrac- tual; of the nature of a contract. Acfiune ~2, ac- tion for breach of con- tract. CONTRADATA v. To change the date of a document, CONTRADICTORIV a. Con tradictory; contradic. tious; mutually opposed or inconsistent. Intet- ogatoriu -, cross examina- tion. CONTRA EXPERTIZA s. Second expert appraise- ment ordered to check the first one, CONTRAFACERE - $, Forgery, counterfe! fraudolent imitation; thing not genuine; falsify- ing of document. CONTRAMANDARE 5, Cancellation, CONTRAMARCA s. Counter mark; counter ticket, check, CONTRA-OBLIGATIE s. Counter bond. CONTRAORDIN s. Counter deed; defeasance; pocket agreement; Counter- order; countermand. CONTRAPROBA s. Repeti- tion test. CONTRARIU a, Contrary (to). Afar de dispozitie - e, unless there be a provision to the contrary. CONTRASEMNATURA s. Counter-signature, CONTRAVALOARE s. Value in exchange, equivalent value.. CONTRAVENIENT s. Of- fender, delinquent, in- fringer of law. CONTRAMANDARE s. ‘Countermand. CONTRASPIONAI 5. Counter intelligence, counter-espionage. CONTRAVENI v, To con- travene; infringe (law); to transgress, violate (law, onth). 43 CONTRAVENTIE s. Minor offence, CONTRIBUABIL s. Tax- payer, rate payer. CONTRIBUTE s. Contribu- tion. = — benevold, indirect taxa- in natura, contribution in kind; - de rizboi, forced contribue tion; -a sofilor la bunurile comune, contribution of spouses to joint resources upon marriage. CONTROLOR s. Controller; comptroller; assessor; ex- aminer, - de conturi, comptroller of accounts. CONTROVERSA s. Con- troversy; disputation. - de drept, debated point of law. CONTUMACIE s. Con- tumacy; refusal/fail to ap- pear in court. Condamnat in, sentenced in absence. CONTUMAX (lat.) s. Defaul- ter; one who fails to ap- pear in court. CONVENTIE s. Convention; clauses of a deed. - con- sulard, consular conven- tion; - international’, international convention; - matrimonial, antenup- tial agreement. Afara de -/clau2’ contrar’, unless otherwise provided. CONVERSIUNE s. Conver- sion; change (of deben- tures (stocks) etc.) into others of different charac- ters. CONVINGE v. To convince; firmly persuade (of, that). CONVOCARE s. Convoca- tion; convening. COOPERARE ss. -Coopera- tion; working together to same end. COOPERATIVA s. Coopera- tive society; cooperative stores/shop. COPIL s. Child. - legitim, legitimate - minor, minor,’ under, age; - recunoscut, affiliated child; - conceput, unborn “child; person en venter. CORECTIE s. Chastisement; punishment, CORESPUNZATOR a. Suitable, Indemnizatie - oare, suitable compensa- tion. COROBORA vv, To cor- roborate; to confirm for- mally/by evidence. CORP s. Body; organized body; group; corporate body; society. - de armati, army corps; - diploma diplomatic corps; - di corpus delicti, material evidence; - de garda, guard house; - didactic, teaching staff; - legislativ, legislative body. Separatie de -, separation from bed and boards - la -, hand to hand. CORPORATIE s. Corpora- tion; body corporate; body authorized to act as a single individual; public body. CORUPE v. To: corrupt, bribe, suborn. CORUPTIE's. Bribery. CORVOADA s. Forced labour, statute labour. CO-SEMNATAR s. Co-sig- natory. COST's. Cost; (pl.) law expen- ses, esp. those allowed by court against losing party. COTA s, Proportion; quota, share; quotation (com.); assessment (adm.). COTA PARTE s, Share, quota, portion. COTITATE s. Quota, portion, share, - disponibil’, share of estate at the free posal of the testator; - im- pozabil’, taxable quota. COTIZATIE s. Contribution, subscription, quota, share. CO-TUTELA dianship. COVANZATOR s. Coven- der, s. Co-guar- CRAH s. Financial crash. debt; - ipotecar’, debt secured by a mortgage; - Exigibilitatea -ei, the en- forcibility of the clai proces in recuperarea -lor, creditor's suit. CREDINTA s. Faith. Buni -, good faith (bona fides), rea -, mala fides; do- banditor de bund -, pur- chaser in good faith; tert de bund -, third party in good faith; text ce face -, authentic text. A abuza de buna - a cuiva, to take ad- vantage of smb.’s good faith. CREDIRENTIER s. Life an- nuitant. CREDIT s. Credit. - agri agricultural credit; - debit, credit and debit. Cont de furnituri pe -, credit account, scrisoare de -, letter of credit; van- zare pe -, sale upon credit. Adeschide un -lao banca, cs canctisaitnisictsaicasusrctini i to open a credit with a bank. CREDITOR s. Creditor, obligee. - chirografar, simple creditor; - cu ga- rantie; secured creditor, CREDITOR GAJIST s. Pledgee. CRIMA s. Crime. - capital, capital offence; - de fa forgery. Tentativi de -, at- tempted felony. CRIMINAL s. si a. Criminal, guilty of crime. Atentat -, criminal attempt. CU TOATE ACESTEA loc. prep. Notwithstanding. CULPA s. Fault; mistake; of- fence; delinquency; trans- gression; negligence.-prin omisiune, affirmative ne- gligence; - delictuala, transgression committed with the intention toharm smo; - grav, serious of- fence; culpa lata, criminal negligence; culpi usoarii, ordinary/slight negligen- ce, CUMNAT s. Brother in law. CUMNATA s. Sister in law. CUMPARA v.To buy; to pur- chase. A - Ja bursi, to buy in; a - toate stocurile, to buy out/up; a - ferm, to make a firm purchase. CUMPARATOR ss. Buyer, purchaser, vende. -ul si fie diligent, let the buyer beware. CUMPARARE 5. Purchase, buying. - pe credit, pur- chase for the account; - pe bani gata, purchase for ready money/for cash; pret de -, purchase price/money; facturd de -, indent; putere de -, pur- chasing power. CUMUL s. Plurality of of fices. - de pedepse, con- currence of penalties. CONEIRMA. v. To acknow- ledge. A - primirea unei scrisori, to acknowledge the receipt of a letter. CUPON s. Cutting; coupon (fin.); - de dividende, dividend warrant. CURATELA DATIVA s. Da- tive trusteeship estab- lished by court. CURSA s, Ambush. A intinde ©-, to lay an ambush, CURTAJ 5, Brokerage, com- mission. CURATELA s, Guardian ship; wardship. A institui © -, to establish a guar- dianship. CURATOR s. Guardian (al unui minor emancipat); trustee (al unei succesiuni legale); committee for a lunatic (al unui alienat), CURS s. Course, flow, path; circulation, currency (of money), quotation (com.); -ul Bursei, Stock Ex- change quotations; - de emisie, subscription; - de schimb, rate of exchange; - de cumpiirare, cost. fn -ul anului, in the course of the year; in-ul evenimentelor, in the course of events. CURTE s. Court. - de apel, Court of appeal;.- de Casatie, Court of cassa- tion; - martiala, Court martial; -a Internationala de Justitie, International Court of Justice. CUTUMA s. Custom; usage having the force of law. DARE IN PLATA s. Datio in Solutum, DATA s. Date. - autentic’, certified date; -a scaden- tei, due date, DATORIE s. Debt. - con- solidati, consolidated debt; - exigibild, claima- ble, due, outstanding debt; - flotant, floating debt. Delegare de -, assignment of debt. DAUNA s. Damage; injury. Actiune in daune, action for damages; -e interese, damages. A actiona pentru a obine -e inter- ese, to sue for damages; acorda -e interese, award damages; a obine -e interese, to recover da- mages, D DAUNE MORALE s. Moral prejudice. DEBIRENTIER s. Payee of an allowance. DEBIT s. Debit. DEBITA v. To debit, charge (person) with sum. DEBITOR s. gi a. Debtor; obligor. Cont/sold -, debit account/balance, DEBITOR GAJIST s. Pledger. DEBUSEU s. Market; outlet. A gisi - pentru ceva, to find a market for smth. DECAN s. Dean; the senior, oldest member of a body; ~al Baroului, leader/presi- dent of the Bar. DECADERE s. Loss; cancell- ing; withdrawal (of ts); preclusion, estop- iin puterea parin- teasci, loss of parental authority. “. DECEDAT s. gi a. Late; de cuius (lat.). DECIZIE: s. Decree. - com- inatorie, comminatory decree; - definitiva, final decree. A revoca 0 -, to annul a decree; decision; award. A lua o -, to come to a decision. DECIZORIU a. Decisive. Juramint -, decisive oath. DECLARATIE s. Statement; , allegation; assertion (in special una nedovediti). Dupa -a martorilor, ac- expert opinion. DECLARATIE (com.)s. Dee- Jaration, statement. - fals4, misrepresentation; ~ de impozit, taxreturn; -de venit, declaration of in- come. DECLARATORIU a. Decla- ratory. Sentinfd -ie, decla- ratory judgment, DECLINATORIU s. Declinatory. Cerere/exceptie ~ie, declinatory plea. DECONT s. Deduction; amount deducted; detailed account. DECRET s. Decree, edict, order. Ada un-, toissue a decree. A revoca un - , to annul a decree. DECRETA v. To enact, to decree. DE DREPT, DE FAPT a. De iure, de facto (lat.). DEFALCARE s. Deduction, abatement, allowance, - forfetara, standard deduc- tion. DEFAIMARE s. Defamation. - oral, slander; - scrisé, libel. DEFERI v.Tosubmit, refer, over smo to justice. DEFICIT s. Deficit; excess of DELICT a. Offence, mis- expenditure over income; deficiency. Proiect de lege pentru acoperirea unui - bugetar, deficiency bill. DEFRAUDA v. To embezzle. DEFUNCT s. si a. Defunct, late, DEGRADARE MILITARA s, Loss of rank. DEGRESIV a. Decreasing. DEGREVARE s, Reduction; + de taxe, abatement of taxes. DELAPIDA v. To embezzle. DELAPIDARE s, Peculation, malversation; embezzle- ment. DELATOR s. Informer. DELEGATIE s. Delegation; mandate. -/cesiune de datorie, assignment of debt. DELIBERARE s. Consult- ation of judges. Cauzi “ amanaté pentru -, judg- ment adjourned for fur- ther consultation, eemeanour, delictum (lat.); actiune civila action ex delicto. Cvasi -, technical offence; fn flagrant -, caught in the act; in flagrante delicto (lat). DELICTUAL a. Ex delicto; rispundere -4, aguilian responsibility. DELICTUOS a. Punishable. DELINCVENTs. Delinquent person; offender; trespas- ser, DELINCVENTA s. Being delinquent; act of delin- quency, offence, misdeed. - juvenil%, juvenile delin- quency. DEMISIE s, Resignation. DEMITE v. To dismiss, to depose. DEMENTA‘. Aberation. DENEGARE s. refusal. DENUNT s. Information, denunciation, declara- tion, Denial, DENUNTA v.To denounce; to inform, to lay informa- tion against smo. DENUNTARE s. Denuncia- tion, Ne- a unei crime, misprision of felony. DEPASI v. To go beyond (despre drepturi); to ex- ceed (ordinele). DEPONENTS. Depositor. DEPORTARE 8. Deporta- tion; remove into exile. DEPOSEDARE s. Disposses- sion; eviction; disseizin, depriving of. DEPOZIT 3. Deposit; depository; bailment of . goods; goods in bond; - in cont curent, deposit on current account; - in vederea platii, deposit of the sum due as payment; - la vedere, sight deposit; - pe termen, time deposit. A afecta un - Ja plata datoriei, to apply a deposit against the debt. DEPOZIT DE MARFURI s. ‘Warehouse. DEPOZITAR s. Bailee; trus- tee (to whom property is entrusted for benefit of another); depositary. DEPOZITIE s. Deposition, testimony, evidence, sworn evidence, allega- tion; - oral, parol deposi tion (USA). DEPRECIERE s. Deprecia- tion; drop in value; diminution. DEPUNATOR Depositor. DEPUNE v. To deposit; to lodge, file, register. A - bani, to deposit one’s money; a - 0 cerere, to file an application, a - marturie, to give evidence; a - o plingere, to lodge a complaint, DEROGARE 5. Derogation. - de la lege, lessening or impairment of law; prin - de la dispozitiile in vigoare, notwithstanding the legal provisions in force. (fin) 5. 82 gg DESCENDENTA s. Lineage, descent, lineal descent, ancestry; descendents; pedigree; issue, A muri fara -, to die without issue, DESCINDERE s. Descent; visit of officials to the scene of occurrence. DESEMNARE s. Designa- tion; appointing to office, DESESIZARE s, Disseizin, DESFRAU ‘. Union of the sexes forbidden by morality. DESISTA v. To desist; to cease from. DESISTARE s. Desistance; non suit; nolle prosequi (at);abandonmentofae ata abandonment of action; withdrawal of suit. DESPAGUBI v. To compen- sate. DESPAGUBIRE s. Repara- tions, redress, amends; compensation. - legal’, legal redress; - de daune, damages compensation; - pentru accidente de mune’, worksmen’s com- pensation; - pecuniara, pecuniary compensation. DESTINATAR s. Adressee; Payee; consignee. DESTINATIE s. Destination; place to which a person or thing is bound. Imobil ~, (landlord's) fix- DESTITUIv.To discharge, to depose, to dismiss DESTITUIRE s. Discharge, deposition. DESUETUDINE s. Desue- tude; state of disuse; abeyance. A cidea in -, to fall into abeyance; lege in -, law in abeyance. DETENTOR s, Holder; cus- todian; tert -, third party holding disputed proper- ty. DETENTIE a. 1. Precarious possession (having only corpus possessionis lat.). 2, Arrest, confinement; imprisonment by military authorities. Cas’, centry, loc de -, detention ‘camp/centre/house; - pre- ventiva, detention on suspicion. DETURNARE s. Embezzle- ment; fraudolent ap- propriation of entrusted property; misappropria- tion; - de fonduri, wrong- ful conversion. DETURNARE DE FON- DURE s. Peculation, em- bezzlement. DETINUT s. Prisoner; person condemned to detention; - politic, prisoner of State; - preventiv, prisoner under remaind, A elibera un-, to discharge a prisoner. DEVANSARE s. Accelera- tion. Clauzi de - a scadenjei, acceleration clause. DEVIZ s. Estimate; contrae- tor’s statement of sum for which he will undertake specified work; specifica- tion; offer in writing to ex- ecute work or supply goods at a fixed prize; tender. - aproximativ, rough estimate. DEVOLUTIE s. Devolution; transmission of rights. - succesorali, descent of property by natural or due succession, devolution of an estate. DEZACORD s. Disagree- ment; differing in opinion; dissent. DEZAFECTARE ‘s. Putting of public building to another purpose. DEZAVUARE s. Denial, ab- negation; disavowel; refusing to avow; state- ment that the thing is not true or existent. - per- sonal, denial of person; - de paternitate, disowning of offspring. DEZBATERI JUDICIARE s. Hearing. Listening to evidence and pleadings in a court of law; trial of a cause. DEZDAUNARE s. Indem- nification DEZERTOR (mil.) s. Deserter; absentee con- script or reservist. DEZICERE s. Penalty for breaking a contract. Clauza de -, forteit clause. DEZLEGA v.Toundo.A-de un jurdmént, to release from an oath. DEZMOSTENI v. To disin- herit. DEZMOSTENIRE s. Disin- heritance, DEZVALUIRE s. Revelation, disclosure. ‘DEZVINOVATI v. To free from blame; to clear from charge etc. A'se -, to clear oneself (of charge etc.). ‘DEZVINOVATIRE . Excul- pation; exoneration. DIFEREND 5s, Difference; dispute; quarrel; disagree- ! ment in opinion, A tranga un, to settle a difference, DILATORIV a. Dilatory. Exceptie “-ie, dilatory plea/exception, DE =Dt DILIGENTA ss. Diligence; diligentia (lat.); despatch application. - desavarsit’, exacta diligentia (lat.). DIMPOTRIVA adv. To the contrary; in opposition, DIPLOMA s. Diploma, cer- tificate. DIRECTOR s. Director; Su- perintendent; manager; member of managing- board of commercial com- pany; - administrativ (head); - gerant (ranaging director); editor; ul unei inchisor, warden. DIRIMANT s. Diriment, nul- lifying. DISCRETIE s. Discretion; liberty of power of deciding or acting; power of court to decide. La -a cuiva, at smb’s discretion. DISIMULA v. To disemble. DISIUNGERE s. Severance (ofcauses). + DISPARITIE s. Flight, Prezumtie de -, presump- tion of flight, Di=2o_ DISPONIBIL a. Available. Capital -, spare capit: cantitate -&, disposable portion of property. DISPOZITIV s. Dispositic ordinance; -ul uni hot&rdri judecdtoresti, a legii, enacting terms of judgment, of a statute. DISPOZITIE s. 1. Provision, disposition; —_ order, prescription. - testamen- tard, devise, clause; - legal, clause. Afara de - contrara, unless provided otherwise. 2. Arrangement, disposal, design, setting in at the disposal; a lua make arrangements. DISTRIBUIRE s. Apportion- ing. DISTRICT s. District. - con- sular, consular district; - vamal, customs district. Procuror de -, district at- torney (USA). DIVIDEND s, Dividend. Al doilea -, super dividend; scont de -, interim declare a dividend. DWORT s. Divorce. Aintenta © actiune de -, to take divorce proceedings. DWORTA v. To divorce. DOBANDA s. Interest, share; advantage, benefit. - sca- dent, accruing interest; dobind’ la -, compound interest; - exigibilé, out- interest; -2i interest of over- due payments; imprumut cu -, Joan at interest, A aduce -2i, to bring in inter. ests, DOBANDI v. To acquire. A - un statut legal, to acquire egal status; a - drepturi indoielnice/sigure, to ac- quire doubted/certain rights, DOCUMENT s. Document; invoice (list of goods with prices and charges); attes- tation; bill. - autentic, legal document; eI negociabil, negociable document; - de bord, ship's papers; - autentic, authentic instrument, drawn up by a notary; - justificativ, document in proof, DOCURI (dr. mar.) s. Ar- senal. DOL s. Deceit; deception; fraud; misrepresentat dolus malus (lat,). - inci- dent, fraud pertaining to accessories of a contract; - principal, fraud inducing the victim to contract under false pretences. DOMENTUs. domain; reales- tate; lands; property. - eminent, lordship of sovereign power over all autor intrat in - pul work out of copyright public domain. DOMICILIU s. Domicile, ad- dress; home, dwelling place; abode. - civil, place ~ where a person exercises his civil rights; - legal, domicile assigned by law. Violare de -, violation of the privacy of a person’s home; - ales, address for service; confirmare de -, address for service. Fara-, with non fixed abode. DONA v. To donate, DONATAR s. Donee. DONATOR s.Donor. _ DONATIE s. Donation. -fntre vii, gift inter vivos (lat.); - pentru cauzi de moarte, gift mortis causa (lat.). DOSAR s. Documents; file; - personal, record; - judiciar, brief, demurrer book. DOTA s. Dowry; dower; mar- riage portion. DOVADA s. Proof; evidence; certificate (certificat) DOVEDI v. To prove. A - un contract, to prove a con- tract. DREPTs. Law; right. Charge, dues, duty, fee. - de autor, copyright; - funciar, ground law; -uri accesorii appurtenances; - de acrescimant, accretion; - penal, coercive law; - cutumiar, common law; - inem, municipal law; - statutory law; - pou , substantive law; - nescris, unwritten law; - dispozitiv, yielding law; - international privat, private international law/law of conflicts; -u] obligatiilor, law of con- ntilor, law of na- tions; - de azil, privilege of sanctuary; - de asociere, right of association; - de emptiune, right of emp- tion; - de a sta in judecati, ity to appear (in le omului, 5 + de legitima apirare, right of self defence; - de trecere, right of way; - de pre- emtiune, right of preemp- tion; - de preferinta, priority right; - de ras- cumparare, right of repur- chase; - de retentie, possessory lien; - de vama, custom duties; - de inregistrare, registry fee; - de emisiune, tax on issu - de patent, licence duty; abuzde -, misuse of law. A exercita un drept, to exer- cise a right; - de ma- gazinaj, warehouse dues. Aavea-ul, to beentitled to do smth. Pe -, lawfully, rightfully. -uri civile, civil, civic rights. DREPTATE s. Justice, right (eousness); fairness Gustete). DREPT REGALIAN s. Sovereignity rights. DUPLICAT s. Counterpart; duplicate (of a docu- ment), duplicata; double. DUPLICA s. (Defendant's) rejoinder. ECHITABIL a, Fair. Decizie +4, fair judgment; proces, fair trial. ECHITATE s. Equity. ECLUZA s. Canal-lock; sluice; taxi de-, lock dues. EDIL s. Town counsellor. EDITOR s. Publisher; editor. EFECT s, 1) Effect; result. - constitutiv, constituing ef- fect; - real, material effect; - tranzitoriu, temporary ef- fect; -.retroactiv, retros- pective effect; - rezolutoriu, resolutive ef- le instru- ; bill, - de schimb, bill of exchange; - la vedere, sight draft, E EFRACTIE s. Wouse-break- ing. Furt cu -, burglary. ELECTORAL a. Electoral. ELEMENT ss. Element; datum. -e constitutive ale unei infractiuni, factors that constitute an offence. EUBERA v. To liberate, to (set) free; (un act) to issue;, v. to free/liberate oneself; (dintr-o functie), to release smo. of his office; a - pe cineva de jurémantul siu, to release smo, from his oath; - un sclav, to eman- cipate, ELIBERARE (din tnchisoare) s, Release of a prisoner. EMANCIPARE s. Emancipa- tion. EMBARGOU s. Embargo. EMPITEOT s. Holder of a Tong lease. EMFITEOZA s. Long lease. EMISIUNE s, Emission. - de monetd, issue, issuing; -a unui imprumut, floating; curs de -, floating price. EMOLUMENT s. Emolu- ments; salary, fees, remuneration; portion of inheritance. drept privat, pi poration. EPAVA (mar.) s. Wreck; derelict. EROARE s. Error, mistake, Plander, - reparabila, amendable error; - radi- calé, fundamental error; - evident’, unmistakable error; - asupra persoanei, diversity; - judiciara, mis- carriage of justice. ESCALA s. Stop (over); port/airport of call, Para -, non stop. ESCROC s. Swindler; shar- per. ESCROCA v. To fleece, to rook. ESCROCHERIE s. Swindle, fraud. ESTIMATIV a. Estimative. Pref -, estimative cost. ESANTION s. Sample; pat- tern; specimen. Dupi - up to sample, ESUARE (mat.) sBeaching, stranding of a vessel. ETALON s. Standard. -ul de aur, the gold standard. EVACUA v. Expel (person) by legal process. A - un chirias, eject (tenant) from his holding. EVACUARE 5s. Disposses- sion; -a chiriagului, eject- ‘ment of tenant. EVADA v. To escape. EVADARE s. Escape. EVADATS. Fugitive. EVALUA v. To estimate, evaluate, assess (daune),

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