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No Cadangan Jawapan Marka

Bahagian A : 20 Markah
1 C 6 B 11 B 16 A

2 D 7 C 12 D 17 D

3 D 8 B 13 D 18 C

4 C 9 C 14 C 19 D

5 C 10 D 15 D 20 A

Bahagian B: 20 Markah


2 (a)
Unicellular organism Multicellular organism
Organisma unisel Organisma multisel
Paramecium Spirogyra
Amoeba Mucor

(b) Chlorophyl , photosynthesis 2

(b) raindrop, dispersed 2

4 (a) (i) Red blood cell 2

(ii) Plasma

(b) J: White blood cell

Function: Kill bacteria/microorganism in our body 2
Produce antibody to fight against disease

5 a. (i) To measure( electric) current 2

(ii)To measure (electric ) voltage

b. (i) 0.9 A (ii) 2.6V 2

6 (a) light intensity 1

(b) type of plant/size of plant/ surrounding temperature/the presence of wind/air humidity 1

(c) P1: The plant P will die.

P2: It cannot carry out photosynthesis with the absent of light. 2

(d) To show/detect the presence of starch in the leaf. 1

(e) (i) Dark blue color 1

light 2
(ii) water + carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen
3 -5 corrects : 1 mark
All corrects : 2 marks
Total 8

7 (a) P1: Drink enough water

P1: consume food that high with fibres/ eat more vegetables and fruit 2

(b) P1: Undigested food can’t be eliminated from the body 2

P2: The bacteria will be accumulated in the large intestine.

(c) Total calorific value:

Fried rice : 1 X 2 200 kJ = 2 200 kJ
Orange juice : 2 X 160 kJ = 320 kJ
Kuih Lapis : 2 X 240 kJ = 480 kJ
Total = 3 000 kJ
Procedure : 1 mark 2
Answer : 1 mark

(d) P: Yes / Agree

R: - People who lived in cold countries release more heat to the environment. 2
- She needs more energy to maintain her body temperature

Total 8
8 (i)

(ii) Frictional force is the force that resists movement between two surfaces that are in contact 1
with each other.

(iii) 4N 1

(b) Less than 4N or any number that less than 4N 1

(c)(i) Second class lever 1

(ii) Load x Distance of load from the fulcrum = Force x Distance of force from fulcrum
600 x 0.5 = Force x 1.5
Force = 600 x 0.5 2
= 200 N

(iii) A smaller force is needed // more crops can be carried at one time// save time// the work 1
become easier.

(iv) At K. A greater distance of force enables a smaller force( to be used to tighten the nut.) 2

Total 8
9. (a) (i) P : Beta radiation 2
R : Alpha radiation

(b) Q is neutral 1

(c)- Q ray
- The penetrating power of Q is the highest among the three types of ray. 2

(d) Store in thick lead container. 1

1/2 1/2 1/2
(e) T T T
84g  42g 21g 10.5g 2

3 T1/2 = 21.6
T1/2 = 7.2 hours

method : 1
mark Answer: 1
mark 2

(f)- Area W and Y

- The average dose of background radiation is more than 0.2 µSv/h (safe level/normal level) .
Total 10
10. (a)(i) P1: Magenta, red and blue lights are reflected by the shirt.
P2: Overlap of blue and red lights causes the shirt to appear magenta. 2

(ii)P1: No light is reflected

E1: Black shirt absorb all colors in white light. 2

(b) P1: Formation of rainbow

E1: Water sprays from sprinkler system acted like water droplets/prism.
E2: The rain droplets refract and disperse into seven different colour of lights. 3

(c)(i) The signboard reflects light to the observer’s eyes. 1

(ii) The will be pass through the board/ / The light will not be reflected. 1

(d) P1: Arrange a ray box and a plane mirror on a sheet of white paper.
P2: Draw the normal line of the plane mirror.
P3: Direct the light beam towards the plane mirror at an angle. 3
P4: Marks and draw the line of incidence and reflected ray by using a pencil and ruler.
P5: Measure the angle of reflection by using a protractor.

Any of three corrects methods

Total 12
11 (a)(i) gas P: carbon dioxide 1

(ii) diffusion 1
(b) (i)The alveoli of emphysema patients have larger air spaces while the healthy alveoli have 1
many smaller air spaces.// The air sacs in alveoli of emphysema patient are damaged while
the healthy one not damaged.

(ii) P1 : The damages of alveoli reduces the surface area of the lungs. 2
P2 : This lower the amount of oxygen that reaches your bloodstream.
P3 : The body cells not get sufficient amount of oxygen to carry out cell respiration for energy

Any of two corrects points

(c) (i) F1: Difficulty in breathing/ short breath 2

E1 : The dust particles in the air can cause asthma

P1: Coughing /Flu

E1 : The dust particles can irritates the passage of air in our lungs.
Any reasonable answer

(ii) Able to suggest & explain actions can be taken to reduce API.

Sample answers:
F1: Avoid open burning 2
E1: Reduce amount of carbon dioxide/monoxide

F1 : Carpool/use public transport

E1 : Reduce amount of carbon dioxide/monoxide

F1: Make campaign

E1: Increase awareness

F1: Plant a tree

E1: Reduce amount of carbon dioxide

[Accept any reasonable

answer] [Max : 2 marks]

Note: E depend to F

(d) Able to sketch a model by using all given materials. 3

Functional diagram with or without label: 1 mark

Able to explain how the model works

E1 : Paper clip is used to make a hole in the handkerchief. The hole is use to tight the rubber band.
E2 : Handkerchief will filter the air from dust and harmful substances before entering the nose.

Total 12
Overall marks 100

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