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Ophthalmology MCQs [set-5]

101. The action of superior rectus is:

A. Elevation, intorsion, abduction
B. Elevation, intorsion, adduction
C. Elevation, extorsion, adduction
D. Elevation, extorsion, abduction.
Answer: B

102. The action of inferior oblique is:

A. Depression, extorsion, abduction
B. Depression, extorsion, adduction
C. Elevation, extorsion, adduction
o m
D. Elevation, extorsion, abduction . c
Answer: D
adoes not arise from the apex of the orbit is:
103. The only extraocular muscle which
A. Superior rectus
B. Superior oblique
C. Inferior oblique
D. Inferior rectus
Answer: C

104. In concomitant squint:

A. Primary deviation > Secondary deviation
B. Primary deviation < Secondary deviation
C. Primary deviation = Secondary deviation
D. None of the above
Answer: C

105. In paralytic squint, the difference between primary and secondary deviation
in the gaze of direction of the paralytic muscle:
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains the same
D. none
Answer: A

106. In grades of binocular vision; grade 2 is:

A. Simultaneous macular vision
B. Fusion
C. Stereopsis
D. none
Answer: B

107. The best treatment for amblyopia is:

A. Orthoptic exercises
B. Occlusion
C. Surgery
D. Best treat after age 10 years
Answer: B

108. All the following are true about retina, except:

A. Composed of 10 separable layers
B. There is a loose attachment between neurosensory and Retinal pigment epithelium
C. The Fovea is not supplied by the central retinal artery
D. Soft exudates are swollen axons of ganglion cells
Answer: A

109. Cause of blindness in HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) patient; one is

A. Cotton wool spots
B. HIV microangiopathy
C. Cytomegalovirus retinitis
D. Kaposi sarcoma
Answer: C

110. Pseudophakia is the loss of:

A. Accommodation
B. Conversion
C. Saccadic eye movements

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D. Contrast sensitivity
Answer: A

111. All are used for treatment of myopia, except:

A. Convex lenses
B. Concave lenses
C. Lens refractive surgery
Answer: A

112. One of the following is indicative of past optic neuritis in multiple sclerosis
A. Mild Relative afferent pupillary defect
B. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
C. Nystagmus
D. Diplopia
Answer: A

113. Emmetropia is:

A. Parallel rays of light brought on retina
B. Visual acuity of 6/6
C. Parallel rays of light brought before retina
D. (A) & (B)
Answer: A

114. One of the following does not cause exophthalmos:

A. Orbital varix
B. Optic nerve tumor
C. Blow out fracture
D. Orbital cellulitis
Answer: C

115. One of the following is not a cause of entropion:

A. Facial nerve palsy
B. Congenital
C. Cicatricial pemphigoid
D. Conjunctival scaring
Answer: A

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116. Which one is responsible for strongest refraction in the eye:
A. Tear film
B. Cornea
C. Lens
D. Vitreous
Answer: B

117. Chronic blepharitis is associated with all, except:

A. Ectropion
B. Eyelid margin ulceration
C. Red eye
D. Obstruction of meibomian glands
Answer: B

118. Carotid–cavernous sinus fistula causes all the following, except:

A. Bruit over globe
B. Pulsatile tinnitus
C. Proptosis
D. Scleral veins congestion
Answer: B

119. All the following are risk factors for bacterial keratitis, except:
A. Chalazion
B. Contact lenses
C. Trauma
D. Dry eye
Answer: A

120. About trichiasis; all the following are true, except:

A. Signs of dry eye
B. Iris atrophy
C. Corneal opacity
D. Backward misdirection of eye lashes
Answer: B

121. All the following are true about herpetic infection, except:
A. A Dendritic ulcer is characteristic

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B. Primary infection is asymptomatic
C. Caused by Herpes simplex virus type 2
D. Steroids may be used for treatment
Answer: D

122. All the following are used in treatment of open angle glaucoma, except:
A. Steroids
B. Parasympathomimetics
C. Betablockers
D. Alpha agonists
Answer: A

123. All the following are true about open angle glaucoma, except:
A. Commonly causes headache
B. Optic disc cupping
C. Peripheral visual loss
D. Medical treatment is the first line of treatment
Answer: A

124. All the following are signs of keratoconus, except:

A. Thickening of central cornea
B. Corneal thinning, especially in the inferior cornea
C. Munson sign
D. Prominent corneal nerves
Answer: A

125. All the following are used for the treatment of keratoconus, except:
B. Intracorneal rings
C. Contact lenses
D. Keratoplasty
Answer: A

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