KS3 Biology Baseline Test

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Year 7 Class:

Biology Baseline Test Date:

Time Allowed: 50mins

Total Marks
Question Links to Secondary Science Curriculum Score
1 Cells and Organisation 2

2 Cells & Organisation (Circulatory System) 6

3 Skeletal & Muscular Systems 8

4 Nutrition & Digestion 7
5 Reproduction (Plant) 2
6 Reproduction (Human) 3
7 Photosynthesis 8

8 Relationships in an Ecosystem (Classification) 3

9 Relationships in an Ecosystem (Adaptation) 2

10 Inheritance (Variation) 4
11 Inheritance (Evolution) 5
Total 50

Area for Improvement:

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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

1. Draw a line from each organ to its function.

heart Take in oxygen from the air.

lungs Pumps blood around the body.

uterus Digests food.

stomach Where the baby develops during pregnancy.


(Q1 Total marks = 2)

2. (a) Below is a diagram of the human heart. Label parts A, B, C and D using words from the list below;
ventricle, atrium, valve, aorta






(b) Describe the function of red blood cells.


(c) Blood returns to the heart via veins. Why do veins have valves?


(Q2 Total marks = 6)

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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

3. (a) Below is a diagram of the human skeleton.

Identify and describe the function of the parts labelled A and B.

A. Name: 

B. Name: 

(b) Complete the following sentences using words from the list.
rigid legs muscles support straight contract

We can move because that are connected to our bones can

and relax. The bones in our skeleton are , so that they can the

rest of the body.


(Q3 Total marks = 8)

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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

4. (a) The list below names parts of the human digestive system. Write them in the correct order in the
spaces provided, to show the path food takes through the digestive system. Two have already been
done for you.

stomach large intestine mouth anus

small intestine oesophagus rectum

1. mouth





6. rectum

7. (3)

(b) Complete the sentences below by writing the correct words on the answer lines.

Nutrients pass from the small intestine into the . They are then transported to
all parts of the body by the system.

(c) To keep our bodies working well we need to eat a balanced diet. We can also keep healthy by
exercising regularly. Give two ways in which exercise can help keep our bodies healthy. 

1. (1)

2. (1)

(Q4 Total marks = 7)

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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

5. Below is a labelled diagram of a plant.


style anther

(a) Which part of the plant is not needed for sexual reproduction?  (1)

(b) Which part of the plant produces pollen? Tick the correct box

A stamen

B petal

C stigma

D ovary

(Q5 Total marks = 2)

6. During puberty, changes take place in the human body to prepare it for sexual reproduction.
Complete the table below to indicate whether the changes described take place in only boys, only
girls or both.

Change Only Boys Only Girls Both

sperm cells are produced

breasts develop

pubic hair grows

menstruation begins

growth spurt
(Q6 Total marks = 3)

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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

7. Duckweed is a plant that floats on the surface of ponds.

James decides to plan an

investigation to find out if
more light will make the
duckweed reproduce faster.

(a) James fills three bowls with 100cm³ of water. Which piece of equipment should James use to
accurately measure the water?


(b) James places one plant into each bowl and then puts each bowl into a sunny place for different
amounts of time each day. The plants are kept in a dark box the rest of the time. After one week,
James counts the number of plants in each bowl.

(i) What is the independent variable in this investigation? (1)

(ii) What is the dependent variable in this investigation? (1)

(iii) Describe two variables that James must control to make the investigation fair. (2)

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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

(c) James results are shown in the table below.

Amount of Light (hours) Number of Duckweed Plants after 1 Week

0 1

5 3

10 7

(i) Describe how increasing the amount of light affects the number of duckweed plants. (1)

(ii) Explain why increasing the amount of light has this effect on pondweed plants. (2)

(Q7 Total marks = 8)

8. Helen visits the local pond and sees a duck, a goose and a toad.

(a) The duck and the goose are classed a birds. Name a feature of ducks and geese that classifies
them as birds.  (1)

(b) What class does the toad belong to? (1)

(c) Ducks, geese and toads are all ‘vertebrates’. What does this tell us about them? (1)

(Q8 Total marks = 3)

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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

9. Polar bears live in the Arctic, where the temperature can drop as low as -50⁰C during winter
months. Describe two ways that polar bears are adapted to survive in cold climates.

 1.  (1)

2.  (1)

(Q9 Total marks = 2)

10. The drawings below show dogs from two different breeds.

Labrador German shepherd

(a) From the pictures above, give two ways in which the dogs are different.

1.  (1)

2.  (1)

(b) What are these differences called?

A adaptations

B classification

C variations

D fertilisation

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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

(c) The photo below shows a puppy, bred from a German shepherd and a Labrador.

Give one way that you can tell that one of its parents was a Labrador.


(Q10 Total marks = 4)

11. Dinosaurs once lived on the earth, but they became extinct about 65 million years ago.

(a) How do we know that dinosaurs once lived on the earth?

A cave drawings

B fossils

C movies

D history books (1)

(b) Use words from the list below to fill in the gaps.

millions hard evidence hundreds soft bones skin

Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived of years ago.

An organism is more likely to become a fossil if it contains parts like

. Fossils provide to support the theory of evolution.

(Q11 Total marks = 5)


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