Math Formulas For Cadet Colleges Entry Tests Made by Arsal Khan

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(AUB)c = Ac ∩ Bc
(A∩B)c = Ac U Bc
(a+b)2 = a2+2ab+b2
(a-b)2 = a2-2ab+b2
(a+b)(a-b) = a2-b2
Zakat = rate x wealth
Ushr = rate x s.p. of crops.
Profit = s.p. - c.p.
Loss = c.p. - s.p.
Profit% = profit/c.p. x 100
Loss% = loss/c.p. x 100
Tax = rate of tax x cost of product
c.p. if loss = s.p./100-loss x100
c.p. if profit = s.p./100+profit x100
Commission = rate of commission x s.p.
Arrival time = departure time + journey time
Departure time = Arrival time – journey time
Journey time = Arrival time – departure time
Speed = distance/time
Time = distance/speed
Distance = speed x time
Perimeter of rectangle = 2(l+b)
Area of rectangle = l x b
Perimeter of square = 4(L)
Area of square = l x l or l2
Area of triangle = ½ x b x h
Perimeter of triangle = a + b +c
Circumference of circle = 2πr
Area of circle = πr2
Surface area of cube = 6(L2) or 6 x (LxL)
Volume of cube = l x l x l or l3
Surface area of cylinder = 2πr(h+r)
Volume of cylinder = πr2h
Curved surface area of cylinder = 2πrh
Base area of cylinder = πr2
Surface area of triangular prism = 3lb+bh
Volume of triangular prism = ½ b x l x h
Surface area of cuboid = 2 (lb+lh+bh)
Volume of cuboid = l x b x h
Cost of fencing = perimeter x cost/m2
Cost of flouring = area x cost/m2
Size of class interval = largest value-smallest value/number of classes
Mid point = lower limit + upper limit /2
Mean = sum of values/no. Of values
Median if odd = (n+½)th odd
Median if even = middlest value
P(E) = n(e)/n(s)

Zakat rate = 2.5 %
Ushr if naturally irrigated = 10 %
Ushr if artificially irrigated = 5%
Pie or π = 3.14 or 22/7

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