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Case example 3 Spotify’s 2018 goals campagin

In my opinion, because Spotify used different forms of media in this particular campaign it
became the success it was. I don’t think spotify could have reached the same results, if they
used only one of the media forms. The reason for the campaign being such a success was,
through these different media forms. Which leads to targeting different audiences. For
example if they only contracted these 70 artists to promote the campaign, you would only
receive new users from the people who follow these artists. But by also using billboards, you
reach a whole different audience with the campaign. Which you probably wouldn't have
reached with only using media, such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Not everyone
uses these apps or they don’t follow the particular artist that Spotify contracted. Therefore
the same results would probably not be achieved, without leveraging of content across these
media platforms.

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