Portafolio Unit 15-16

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1. You have to be respectful with the students and teachers because this will achieve
a healthy place where everyone can express themselves without fear of being
2. You aren’t allowed to damage the academy equipment, don’t scratch the chairs,
don’t throw garbage on the floor because this will make other people not feel
comfortable and the space will not be really suitable for use.
3. You can use your cellphone, but don’t forget to be respectful with your teacher
while he or she is explaining the topic and not interrupt the class with sounds or
things that have nothing to do with it.
4. You have to say please and thank you because these two words are essential to
refer to someone while they are talking to you or helping you.

Dear Natalia,
Last week I borrowed my mom’s car so i could go to class and when I was returning home
a motorcycle crossed my path and I crashed it. The car and motorcycle were destroyed
bur the person was completely fine. I gave the person money to fix his motorcycle and
then I went to a shop to fix the car without telling my mother. My Friends would have
called their mothers and told them everything that happened and not hidden it from them
because that would aggravate the situation.

a. She said that she didn’t want another scolding from her parents.
b. He said that he was traveling through Europe.
c. She said that she could win the contest.
d. They said that they were the best team in the world.
e. He said that he had listened to al lof Ed Sheeran’s songs.
f. They said that they would be better leaders.
g. She said that she would fulfill her dream of being an airplane pilot in the best

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