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Language and communication homework assignment week 2

1. Knowing the various components of the communication process can help you
understand verbal and non-verbal messages better. This can help you understand
things explained by a professor better. For example you can understand how
messages are sent, received and interpreted. Which helps you in your academic life.
This can help you understand the explained material better.
It can help in your professional life, because you can understand your coworkers
better. And you can effectively communicate with them about workstuff. If you are
able to communicate well with your coworker, this will help you in your job.
In your civic life knowing the various components of the communication process will
help you to form and maintain relationships. It can help with forming bonds and
gaining trust.
2. The communication encounter I had was in the supermarket with a cashier.
I went to the cashier and put my groceries on the checkout. I took my airpods out,
because that’s nicer when you're going to talk to someone. I said hello and smiled.
The cashier did the same thing and started scanning my groceries. She told me the
price I asked if I could pay with a card. She responded nicely that it was fine. After
that she smiled and said goodbye and had a nice day. And I did the same thing.
Communicators: voice
Message: buying groceries, and being a decent human while doing it
Channel: supermarket
Feedback: both being nice
Physical: your body is opened up
Psychological: both feeling happy
Social: Being nice to each other
Relational: feeling a connecting
Cultural context: none
3. English and Dutch. The Dutch language is a more direct way of speaking than the
English language is. English is a more polite language than Dutch. You have the
same letters in both of the languages. But they both have different words. Even
though in the Dutch language we have copied a lot of words from the English
language, which are the same. Both of the languages have the same sentence
structure. But we phrase things differently, Dutch is more direct and English is more
polite. Clause, most Dutch people ask how you are but aren’t actually interested in
the answer, when English people ask how you are most people are genuinely
4. CMC reduces my stress in life, because it makes it easy for me to look things up
when I don't understand something. It gives me a possibility to ask someone. It also
makes it possible for me to contact my friends easily when I feel sad or something
else. CMC increases stress in my life, because i’m constantly scrolling on my phone,
which makes me distracted. and therefore I won’t be as productive as I wanted to be.
This increases my stress, because I then will feel behind on scroll stuff or just general
things in my life that I wanted to complete that day. I think overall CMCV adds to my
stress more than it reduces.
5. I think it depends on the person. I value Face to Face communication more, because
I want to see somebody's face when I talk to them. People don’t always express
themselves through words, but when you are talking to someone it is easier to read
these feelings on their face instead of through a text. But I think as a society we have
less value for Face to Face communication, because for most things like work or
school, CMC is faster and easier than having Face to Face talk.

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