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The cheapest

The most boring

The most selfish

The most impatient

The quietest/The silentest

The emptiest

The laiziest

What is the most difficult language you have ever learned?

What is the best restaurant you have ever been to?

What is the most expensive gadget you have ever bought?

What is the coldest place you have ever visited?

What is the longest journey you have ever made?

What is the most beautyful place you have ever been to?

What is the most boring film you have ever seen?

Where was the furthest place you have ever been on holiday?








Film review
I haven’t seen this film, but I planed so I’m not very happy to know the end of it, but despite of it I’ll
watch it because everibody said it’s a brilliant and one of the most liked films.

This film was written and directed by Paul Feig. The main characters are Melissa McCarthy
as Susan Cooper/Carol Jenkins/Penny Morgan, Jason Statham as Rick Ford, Rose Byrne as
Rayna Boyanov and Jude Law as Bradley Fine. The film won the Empire Awards (Best
Comedy), the Glamour Awards, the People's Choice Awards and the Utah Film Critics
The film set in Paris, Rome, Budapest and Tihany in the present.
Susan Cooper is a 40-year-old, single, desk-bound CIA employee who remotely assists her
partner, field agent Bradley Fine, on a mission. Fine accidentally kills arms dealer Tihomir
Boyanov before learning the location of a suitcase nuke from him. Susan uncovers evidence
that Rayna, Boyanov's daughter, has contacted terrorist middle man Sergio De Luca, so Fine
infiltrates her home. Rayna shoots Fine dead, while Susan watches helplessly online, then
reveals that she knows the identities of the agency's top agents, including Rick Ford and
Karen Walker. Susan, who is unknown, volunteers to track her (she was once a top trainee
agent). When her boss, Elaine Crocker, reluctantly agrees, the ultra macho Ford quits in
With her best friend Nancy providing remote intelligence, Susan goes to Paris. Ford shows
up and warns her she will fail because of her inexperience. Susan discovers that De Luca's
office has burned down, but finds a photo of a man standing next to the fire. Ford appears,
argues with Susan again and leaves. Susan sees the man from the photo switch Ford's
backpack with one containing a bomb. Susan warns Ford in time during a Verka Serduchka
concert and then pursues the man, accidentally killing him during the ensuing fight. She
finds proof, on his body, that De Luca is going to Rome.
In Rome, Susan meets her contact Aldo. She follows De Luca into a casino, where she saves
Rayna's life. Rayna invites Susan into her inner circle, taking her by private jet to Budapest.
In mid-flight, the steward kills Rayna's crew, but Susan subdues him. Rayna believes Susan
to be a CIA agent, but Susan convinces her that she was hired by her father to protect
Nancy joins Susan in Budapest. After being shot at, Susan pursues and catches the would-be
assassin: Karen, who sold Rayna the names of the agents. She tries to shoot Susan, but an
unseen sniper kills Karen. Susan, Nancy and Aldo accompany Rayna to a party to meet
Rayna's contact, Lia. Nancy creates a diversion, jumping on guest performer 50 Cent, so that
Susan can apprehend Lia, but Ford's inopportune intervention lets Lia runs off. Susan
catches her and, during a brutal fight, is saved from death by Fine, who faked his murder
and is Rayna's lover and associate.
Rayna imprisons Susan and Aldo, but Fine visits them and reveals that he is gaining Rayna's
trust to locate the nuke, and he was the one who killed Karen. Susan and Aldo escape, and
Susan follows Fine and Rayna to De Luca's mansion, where she convinces them that the CIA
has mistreated her, and she will do anything to protect Fine, admitting she loves him.
Terrorist Solsa Dudaev arrives, gives Dudaev gives De Luca a suitcase full of diamonds, and
Rayna produces the device. De Luca has Dudaev and his men killed, reveals his plan to resell
the device to another buyer, then prepares to shoot Rayna. Ford distracts him, allowing
Susan to kill his men. De Luca escapes by helicopter with the device and the diamonds, but
Susan grabs onto the landing gear. In the ensuing struggle, Susan throws the diamonds and
the device into a lake below. De Luca attempts to shoot Susan, but Nancy, following in 50
Cent's helicopter, shoots him before he can. De Luca falls out of the helicopter into the lake,
presumably dead.
The nuke is retrieved and Rayna is arrested, but she makes peace with Susan - accepting her
as a friend. Ford, realising that he had underestimated Susan, finally compliments her skills.
Crocker tells Susan that she will remain a field agent, and that her next assignment will take
her to Prague. Fine invites Susan to dinner, but she opts for a night out with Nancy.
I strongly recommend the Spy. It’s an action, drama and romantic film with a useful
message: If you see a Verka Serduchka concert for everibody’s sake drop her/him off the
stage. It won’t get any sequels but I think it isn’t problem because it’s perfect.

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