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Thought Record Sheet (self-compassion)

Triggering events, Unhelpful thoughts and images (and Feelings Self-compassionate alternatives to Outcome:
feelings or images their meaning) (name the emotion or unhelpful thoughts & images Understanding and change in feelings.
feeling) What I did that helped.

What would you say to a friend in this

situation? What would a caring friend say to
What, where, when, you about this?
who with? Is there another way of looking at this? Is this
What went through your mind at that time? fact or opinion?
What are you thinking about others and What are/were your
What actually main feelings and What is the evidence for this new Write down any change in your feelings, and
happened? What was what they might be thinking about you? perspective?
What are you thinking about yourself and emotions at that time? what you did that helped. (e.g.notice and
the trigger? In what way is this an example of self- change focus of attention)
your future? compassion?

Roxx Disorder

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