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Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

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Hydrogeochemical and isotopic evaluation of VOC commingled plumes in a

weathered fractured bedrock aquifer treated with thermal
and bioremediation
SashaT. Hart a, *, Reginaldo A. Bertolo a, Maria S. Agostini b, Roland Feig c, Paulo Lojkasek-Lima a,
José C.R. Gouvea Jr a, Fernanda S. Barreto a, Ramon Aravena d
CEPAS Groundwater Research Center, University of Sao Paulo, Rua do Lago, 562, 05508-080 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
BASF S.A., Av. Brasil, 791, Building E 250, 12521-140 Guaratingueta, SP, Brazil
BASF SE, Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38, 67056 Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, N2L 3G1 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


Keywords: Chlorinated ethanes and ethenes isotopic analyses in groundwater and hydrogeochemical results from a former
Commingled plumes industrial area in Sao Paulo (Brazil) were used to confirm the existence and allow further characterization of
Isotopic fingerprinting source areas and their commingled plumes, both before and after thermal and bioremediation treatments. Prior
Chlorinated ethanes and ethenes
to full scale remediation, a recently identified off-site source area with unknown history and limited access for
Thermal remediation
further intrusive works presented lower δ13C values (− 6.5‰ to − 1.8‰ for 1,2-DCA) than the downgradient on-
site source area (+8.6‰ to +20.0‰). Intermediate δ13C values for 1,2-DCA were identified further downgradient
from the sources, within commingled plumes patterns. The isotope and concentration results show the typical
degradation patterns associated with biotic reductive dechlorination for chlorinated ethenes and dihaloelimi­
nation for 1,2-DCA. Results following remediation treatments show further levels of isotopic enrichment, for
chlorinated ethenes and chlorinated ethanes in the tropically weathered and deeper fractured bedrock (gneisses)
groundwater. Hydrogeochemical results, isotopic mass balance and Carbon-Chlorine isotope slopes data are
coherent with remediation treatment and a complex commingled plume setting. The results of this study
confirmed the Temporal Conceptual Model proposed by Hart et al. (2021) and identified the need for further
studies to evaluate isotopic dynamics under thermal remediation, including thermal-induced hydrolysis

1. Introduction (Parker, 2007; L'Apiccirella, 2009; Lojkasek-Lima et al., 2012; Bertolo,

2017). Furthermore, groundwater may be contaminated within a com­
Chlorinated ethenes and ethanes are some of the most frequent mingled plume configuration, mixing contaminants from more than one
contaminants detected in groundwater systems. They have typically source area, potentially including unidentified polluters. Management
been used as solvents within industrial production processes and, mainly of such complex scenarios, including remediation strategies, requires
during the second half of the last century, they infiltrated the ground due investigation using multiple lines of evidence and a setup of robust
to spills or improper residue disposal. Characteristics, such as high conceptual models (Kresic and Mikszewski, 2013; ITRC, 2017; Hart
density and solubility, favoured them being mobilized to deep levels and et al., 2021).
transported with groundwater over long distances, making remediation Traditional contaminant composition and concentration data, when
very challenging (Parker, 2007; Hunkeler et al., 2011; Barbosa, 2019; evaluated alone, can be of limited use for the forensic determination of
Murray et al., 2019). Multiple source areas with plumes under pumping chlorinated ethenes and ethanes sources, due to the effect of other
influence of supply wells often exist at industrial regions, which add processes such as dilution and degradation (Nijenhuis et al., 2013). In
complexity to the characterization of chlorinated compounds plumes addition, complex areas typically present higher levels of uncertainties,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (SashaT. Hart).
Received 27 April 2021; Received in revised form 15 December 2021; Accepted 24 December 2021
Available online 4 January 2022
0169-7722/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

for example within a commingled plume scenario (ITRC, 2017). Various 2. Study site description
other tools may be employed together, such as high resolution drilling,
tracer testing, microbial evaluation and compound specific isotopic 2.1. Hydrogeology and temporal conceptual site
analysis (Hunkeler et al., 2004; Blessing et al., 2009; Eccarius et al.,
2012; Lojkasek-Lima et al., 2012; Nijenhuis et al., 2013; Kaown et al., The study area was a former chemical industry within the Metro­
2016; NJDEP - New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, politan Region of Sao Paulo, Brazil (see Fig. 1). Over almost a century,
2017). The potential to fingerprint chlorinated organic compounds in the region was mainly of industrial use, but within the last two decades it
source areas was first suggested by van Warmerdam et al. (1995) based is transforming into a more commercial and residential use. The
on the isotopic analysis of specific synthetic chlorinated organic values research area is in the alluvial plain of a river, which is historically
for different producers. The number of publications on forensic studies subject to flooding. The total annual precipitation rate is around 1400
using the isotope tool in contaminated areas is increasing however often mm, with the highest monthly precipitation rate up to 300 mm in
limited by legal aspects and confidentiality agreements (Philp, 2015; January. Historic annual average temperature is approximately 20 ◦ C.
Teixeira and Abreu, 2018). Groundwater was extracted for the industrial process from the deep
The isotopic signatures can change over time due to natural or fractured bedrock aquifer by the operation of two on-site groundwater
induced degradation processes; however isotopic analyses and mass supply wells PP-02 and PP-05 (open borehole in the fresh rock and with
balances can assist in recognizing the fractionation patterns and path­ a total depth of 250 m). When traces of chlorinated solvents were
ways of degradation. A guide for assessing biodegradation with single or identified, these wells were operated within a pump & treat remediation
multiple isotopes, including several studies, was published by USEPA strategy and, more recently, turned into discrete multilevel wells
(2008) and confirms its vast potential. In recent years, the database for (named by the supply well name followed by the screen maximum
the application of the dual and triple isotope approach has continuously depth) as part of the monitoring network.
expanded including a large amount of contaminants, degradation A Temporal Conceptual Model was developed by Hart et al. (2021)
pathways and other complexity factors (Shouakar-Stash et al., 2011; after a review of the long-term management results and contamination
Palau et al., 2014; Palau et al., 2017a; Palau et al., 2017b; Gafni et al., behaviour that occurred over time at this study site, which is presented
2018; Torrentó et al., 2021). Regarding the evaluation of thermal in Fig. 2.
remediation processes by using isotope tools there is a limited amount of All the geological data were classified based on humid tropical soils
publications. Badin et al. (2016) and Murray et al. (2019) evaluated and presented in Hart et al. (2021). The following units were identified
their effects at a site in Denmark based on the evolution of isotopes for (from top to bottom): Fill Materials; Alluvial Sediments; Weathered
tetrachloroethylene (PCE) degradation pathways. Rock Soil; and Bedrock Gneissic Rock (this unit was subdivided into Soft
The Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo, Brazil, presents a high po­ Weathered Rock; Hard Weathered Rock; and Fresh Rock).
tential for the existence of unidentified commingled plumes in its This region presents two main aquifers units (Hirata and Ferreira,
aquifers mainly in the historic extensive industrial neighbourhoods. The 2001): the Cenozoic sedimentary deposits of the Sao Paulo Basin (with
public water supply system uses surface water reservoirs however it is supply wells presenting a specific capacity of 0.48m3/h/m) and the
supplemented by private wells, which are estimated to be beyond underlying crystalline bedrock (with supply wells presenting a specific
12.000 (FUSP, 2009). Comprehensive analytical monitoring data of the capacity of 0.91 m3/h/m). The crystalline bedrock aquifer is subdivided
supply wells is limited, however contamination with chlorinated sol­ into two highly heterogeneous and anisotropic horizons: the weathered
vents compounds and several management challenges have been iden­ rock, with dual porosity, and the fresh rock, with fracture porosity. The
tified and characterized (Hart et al., 2007; L'Apiccirella, 2009; Fanti phreatic groundwater surface is typically identified within 2 m below
et al., 2017; Bertolo, 2017; Lojkasek-Lima, 2018; Barbosa, 2019; Hart ground surface in the study area, presenting a hydraulic gradient of
et al., 2021). approximately 1%. Groundwater flow velocities and directions were
The study area of this paper is located in the Metropolitan Region of calculated for all the geological units above the bedrock, and they range
Sao Paulo and presents a long industrial history and intensive ground­ from less than 1 m to 11 m/year with predominance towards south and
water use of the fractured crystalline bedrock aquifer until impacts by southeast (Fig. 1). Within the bedrock, groundwater flow velocity and
organic compounds were identified in bedrock wells. For approximately direction were found to be highly heterogeneous and dependent on
15 years it was understood this was related to an on-site source (where specific fracture setups, recharge processes and eventual influence of
chlorinated ethanes predominated, with lower content of chlorinated pumping.
ethenes). Then an off-site source area (where chlorinated ethenes pre­
dominated, with lower content of ethanes) was initially identified with a 2.2. Investigation and remediation
limited number of boreholes near the upgradient boundary of the
adjacent industry. The source area extent, history and plumes were Since 2000, the area has been subjected to various contaminated
unknown and access was restricted due to existing infra structure and land investigation and remediation actions (mainly excavation works
activities. This indicated there was potential for commingling with on- and a pump & treat system at PP-02 and PP-05 and shallower wells,
site plumes in addition to limitations for further intrusive works. including near PMI-02 area, Fig. 1). One chlorinated solvent source area
The main objectives of this study were to further confirm chlorinated was identified on-site, with a high predominance of 1,2 dichloroethane
ethane and ethene source areas and characterize commingled plumes (1,2-DCA, a compound that was previously used on-site as pure product
distribution and degradation, before and after thermal and bioremedi­ for industrial purposes) and lower concentrations of several chloro­
ation treatment at the on-site source area. Hydrogeochemical ap­ ethane and chloroethene compounds. By 2014, soil and groundwater
proaches, including compound specific stable isotope analyses (CSIA) of quality had improved due to the above-mentioned remediation actions,
chlorinated ethenes and ethanes, were selected and applied. A dual mainly within the fill material unit. Concentrations at some deeper wells
Carbon-Chlorine isotope approach was also used to contribute to a had not achieved remediation targets, while a high resolution investi­
better understanding of the chlorinated compounds degradation gation (including Membrane Interface Probe - MIP) confirmed persis­
pathways. tence of anomalies in the on-site source area at that time, within the
underlying sedimentary dark organic clay unit (Fig. 2). Its highest
concentrations were typically detected near the later installed moni­
toring well PMG-01 (Fig. 1) within soil and groundwater (approximately
75 mg/L for total volatile organic compounds, VOC, and 32 mg/L for 1,2
DCA). Therefore the management strategy was revised to incorporate

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

Fig. 1. Location map, phreatic groundwater main flow directions (in 2016) and the monitoring wells selected for isotopic sampling (full monitoring network and the
remediation wells includes more than 100 other locations).

further investigations to diminish uncertainties, an evaluation of new a commingled plume configuration. In order to further evaluate this
available technologies and a revision of the conceptual model. understanding, without new intrusive off-site works, the investigations
In 2015 and 2016, new investigations and a localized bio remedia­ followed with the isotopic studies carried out before and after new full
tion test (beside PM-044 and PM-045, which can be identified in Fig. 1) scale remediation works discussed later on in this paper.
were performed. An off-site area near the upgradient boundary of an off- A new remediation strategy was defined and implemented on-site
site active industrial area with restricted access presented unexpected between 2016 and the first semester of 2018 (Fig. 3). Electro-thermal
high concentrations in soil (between 2.4 m and 11.8 m deep, mainly in remediation was applied between October 2016 and May 2017 to
Fill Materials and Weathered Rock Soils) and the associated ground­ treat the whole on-site source area (delineated based on detailed soil and
water. These anomalies were not fully delineated laterally or further groundwater analytical results within the organic clay level of the Al­
upgradient and the impact origin was considered unknown. This area luvial Sediments unit). Temperatures were increased and stabilized
was located approximately 40 m northeast from the main on-site source around 100 ◦ C over approximately 4 months in order to mobilize
area well (PMG-01) and in between them no major impacts were iden­ contaminant via solubilisation and volatilization processes, followed by
tified during MIP, soil and groundwater investigations. The new in­ liquid and vapour phase recovery via negatively pressurized systems.
vestigations found the upgradient well (PM-060F, in the Weathered Temperature variation can potentially enhance or limit bioremedi­
Rock Soil unit) presented the highest VOC concentrations and a high ation. Temperatures in the mesophilic range (between 25 and 40 ◦ C)
predominance of PCE, with lower concentrations of several chloro­ have found to result in higher contaminant bioavailability and biode­
ethane and chloroethene compounds. The high concentrations in soil gradability, with very limited bacterial populations above 60 ◦C (Leite
and groundwater (approximately 150 mg/L for total VOC and 60 mg/L et al., 2021). Heating also induces hydrolysis, which is a process of direct
for PCE), within approximately 30% of PCE solubility concentration destruction of the compounds. For the thermal hydrolysis process of 1,2-
limit, suggested the potential existence of dense non-aqueous phase DCA, the expected equation is presented below (Palau et al., 2017a)
liquid (DNAPL) in this area. This, together with other lines of evidence resulting in production of ethylene glycol and chloride, with pH
(such as spatial apparent discontinuity, depths, estimated flows, high decrease:
resolution investigation and geochemical signatures), was considered C2 H4 Cl2 + 2H2 O→C2 H6 O2 + 2H+ + 2Cl−
indicative of the existence of a nearby unknown off-site source area and Monitoring of the applied thermal remediation indicated that targets

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

Fig. 2. Temporal Conceptual Model (for vertical scale consider 20 m from surface to Fresh Rock-Gneiss): 1) Baseline before contamination, with upward ground­
water flow; 2) During industrial use, with on-site supply well, commingled plume due to on-site known and off-site unknown source areas; 3) After on-site reme­
diation, remaining off-site source area plume and pumping (Hart et al., 2021).

were achieved and 176 kg of chlorinated solvents were recovered the last molasses injection). The wells were selected (Fig. 1) in order to
(99.5% in vapour phase and the remaining as liquid phase). It was also include spatially representative locations, source areas and the plumes
estimated (based on initial/final mass calculations, temperatures mea­ along the groundwater flow system. In total, 28 different wells were
surements and theoretical assumptions) that thermal works had induced sampled in both or either in the first or the second campaigns. Some
the degradation of additional 491 kg via hydrolysis pathway (mainly for wells were sampled for isotopes only in the 2019 because they were
1,2-DCA, followed by 1,1 DCA). installed after the 2016 campaign and others removed due to the ther­
The new remediation strategy also included Bioremediation, that mal treatment.
was applied mainly between 2017 and the first semester of 2018 to treat The groundwater sampling procedures followed the low-flow
the on-site source area associated plumes, identified mainly within the method protocols (USEPA, 2017). Due to the thermal remediation, an
Eluvial Soil and Weathered Soil geological units. The process was based additional procedure was performed in the 2019 campaign, when
on the promotion of biotic reductive dechlorination via injection of a groundwater temperature was identified more than 10 ◦ C above initial
carbon source (molasses) into a network of dedicated remediation wells. background levels. In these cases, a cooling system was added externally
During thermal treatment, this substrate was injected at further down­ (without contact) to the low flow closed lines, in order to reduce tem­
gradient areas and once heating ceased injections took place throughout peratures to initial background levels before groundwater samples
the study area, including beneath the heated horizon. The bedrock collection.
levels, typically less impacted, were not subject to direct heating or in­ Samples were stored and preserved following laboratories in­
jections however indirect positive effects related to the remediation at structions, then immediately labelled, refrigerated within ice boxes and
shallower levels were expected. sent with chain of custodies for analyses. Samples were followed to
guarantee minimum possible transport time (3days in the case of the
3. Materials and methods international laboratory).
In order to facilitate data interpretation, the wells were classified
3.1. Sampling strategy within two major groups. Porous group, related to locations where
intergranular porosity dominates, which included wells installed in the
The site monitoring well network included more than 100 sampling Fill Material, Alluvial Sediments and Weathered Rock Soil geological
locations and were sampled every semester (or more intensively during units. Groundwater in most of these wells, including the on-site source
some remediation works at specific locations) for groundwater chemical area (around PMG-01, Fig. 3), was targeted for remediation. The off-site
analyses. A group of selected wells were sampled for groundwater iso­ main source well (PM-060F, Fig. 3) is also part of this group but is
topic analyses in 2016 (after the 2015 localized bio remediation pilot located up gradient and was not a remediation target. The second type,
test and prior to the thermal and full scale bio remediation) and in 2019 Bedrock group, is related to locations where fracture porosity may
(two years after the end of the thermal remediation and one year after predominate and included those wells installed in the deeper geological

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

Fig. 3. Thermal and bio remediation pilot test, target areas and regions with low influence (where, respectively, temperatures and methane measurements were
identified above baseline but below remediation target levels). Bio remediation was also conducted in the thermal target area, after heating period.

units Soft Weathered Rock, Hard Weathered Rock or Fresh Rock. Trichloroethane (1,1,2-TCA), 1,2-DCA, 1,1-Dichloroethene (1,1-DCE),
1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA), ethene and ethane. Chloroethane is also
a potential chlorinated ethane degradation product of 1,2-DCA however
3.2. Analyses was not isotopically analysed due to none detectable or low
Groundwater chemical analyses were conducted for approximately During the first and second sampling campaigns, Carbon isotopes
70 standard chlorinated VOC plus degradation products ethene and were analysed at the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory of the University
ethane. The following hydrogeochemical parameters were analysed as of Oklahoma (USA). During the second campaign, Chlorine isotopic
part of the thermal and bioremediation evaluation: Oxidation-Reduction analyses for chlorinated ethenes were added to the analytical plan and
Potential (ORP), temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved were performed at the same laboratory. Quality control and assurance
oxygen, sulphate, total organic carbon (TOC), sulphide, total alkalinity, measures were applied, including sample custody, traceability controls,
chloride and methane. Some parameters, such as ORP, were not always control samples and duplicates analyses. The analytical precision was
monitored at wells that presented high temperatures due to the risk of calculated as ±0.5‰ or lower for all carbon and chlorine isotope ana­
damaging the equipment. Some wells samples were also eventually lyses. Detection limit was typically 1 μg/L, depending on compound
analysed for dissolved iron, dissolved manganese, nitrate and ammo­ response for each sample. Results were reported in standard delta no­
nium nitrogen. All analyses were conducted following United States of tation, following methods described by USEPA (2008) and laboratory
America standard analytical and quality control/assurance procedures internal procedures. Standards were reported to be commercially ob­
and methods (e.g. EPA 8260C for VOC) in the laboratories located in Sao tained calibrated to the appropriate international isotope scale (VPDB,
Paulo of the international company Merieux NutriSciences. VSMOW or SMOC) or developed using high purity (e.g. ACS-grade)
Isotopic analysis were conducted for the chlorinated compounds and specimens, based on off-line isotope ratio analysis. National or inter­
degradation products most typically identified at the site: PCE, tri­ national certifications systems specifically for compound specific iso­
chloroethene (TCE), cis 1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE), Vinyl Chlo­ topic analyses did not exist that could be applied to certify the
ride (VC), 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2-TeCA), 1,1,2-

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

laboratory. temperature and methane increases, sulphate decreases; Table 1 of SI)

The laboratory internal procedures for isotopic analyses indicate that and confirmed the influence of thermal and bioremediation. This was
volatile compounds were extracted from water using a purge and trap possibly enhanced by the groundwater downwards vertical flow pattern
apparatus (PT) and then transferred to a gas chromatograph (GC) and a and aquifer high connectivity previously that were noted during
mass spectrometer. For low molecular weight compounds, including hydrogeological tests (Hart et al., 2021). The overall hydrogeochemical
chlorinated ethenes, the PT transfer line is connected to a polar-phase results indicate that the thermal and bioremediation treatment pro­
column. Analytes eluting from the transfer line are trapped using a moted a long-term lasting effect in the targeted and underlying areas,
cryogenic focuser prior to being transferred to a main GC column for including temperature increase and enhancement of sulphate reducing
target compound separation. For carbon, the separated analytes are and methanogenesis conditions.
directed through a thermal conversion reactor and converted individu­ An example of groundwater time series measurements during the
ally to pulses of surrogate gas product (CO2) for isotope ratio determi­ thermal treatment is presented in Fig. 4. The well PMG-01 was screened
nation via an isotope ratio-monitoring mass spectrometer (IRMS). The in the sedimentary dark organic clay level and located approximately 2
chlorine ratios are determined without thermal conversion, using a m from an electro-heating device. During the heating period, VOC total
standard quadrupole mass spectrometer (qMS) operated within a single mass (calculated adding all detectable VOC, not ethane or ethane)
ion mode. The ratio of 37Cl/35Cl is calculated with the results of decreased, likely due to both hydrolysis and volatilization processes.
scanning two Cl-bearing mass fragments with identical structure: first Chloride increased and pH decreased as expected for the hydrolysis
one containing 35Cl and no 37Cl and the second containing a single process. TOC concentrations increased possibly due to a solubilisation
37Cl. process of natural carbon, mainly from the organic clay layer. In addi­
tion, it is noticeable that methane concentrations decreased during this
period, possible due to volatilization and ceasing of natural biodegra­
3.3. Isotopic mass balance dation activity. Sulphate presented slight increase, which also suggests
that limited biodegradation activity was taking place. After the heating
Isotopic mass balances were applied for total chlorinated ethanes treatment period, temperature gradually decreased and the trend of
and ethenes to further evaluate the complete sequential degradation decreasing VOC continued at slower rate. Sulphate decreased and
pathways and influence of multiple sources (Hunkeler et al., 1999; methane increased, which supports that biodegradation of, respectively,
Nijenhuis et al., 2013; Badin et al., 2016; Murray et al., 2019). This was VOC and TOC returned, possibly stimulated by residual temperature
applied for each sampling point and taking into account sequential nearer microbial optimum levels around 40 ◦ C (Horst et al., 2018; Leite
degradation substances for which both isotope and concentrations et al., 2021).
values were available. The isotopic values of the total chlorinated eth­ An example of groundwater time series of measurements, during the
enes (δ13CCE; PCE, TCE, Cis-DCE and VC) and chlorinated ethanes localized bioremediation pilot test is presented in Fig. 5. This test was
(δ13CCa; 1,1,2-TCA, 1,2-DCA) was calculated by multiplying the molar conducted in 2015, followed by the isotopic 2016 sampling campaign
concentration of each compound (Ci) with its respective carbon isotope and after by the full scale bio and thermal remediation works. The well
signature (δ13Ci), adding all contributions and dividing by the total PM-048F (Fig. 3) was screened in the Weathered Soil unit. ORP was not
molar concentration (CCE) (Eq. (1)) (Nijenhuis et al., 2013). included in this figure as the available data suggested limited changes
[ ] ∑(C *δ13 C ) around − 155.0mv. This well initially presented some of the highest
(1) contaminant concentrations of the on-site source area and was located
i i
δ13 CCE ◦/◦ ◦ =
approximately 1 m from an injection well (later removed together with
The error associated with the isotopic mass balance can be calculated well PM-048F due to the thermal works). Results indicated that
by error propagation (Badin et al., 2016) however uncertainties include approximately 3 months after the molasses injection event, VOC, TOC,
several factors: analytical errors, limited amount of analysis, multiple sulphate concentrations and pH decreased, while methane concentra­
sources, different hydrogeological units and multiple degradation tion increased. Chloride concentrations initially slightly increased, fol­
pathways towards ethene and ethane (therefore not included in the lowed by a decreasing tendency period. Temperature remained fairly
isotope mass balance). stable. During the last monitoring events methane, TOC and pH returned
to levels similar to baseline. These results are all consistent with the
4. Results and discussions expected biotic reductive dechlorination reactions.

4.1. Evolution of hydrogeochemical conditions 4.2. Chlorinated ethene and ethane concentrations

The hydrogeochemical results for the campaigns that included iso­ Molar mass fractions of all main compounds, together with Total
topic analyses (2016 and 2019) are presented as supplementary material VOC concentrations only for chlorinated compounds, in order to eval­
(Table 1 of SI). The hydrogeochemical results prior to remediation for uate remediation effects on the most toxic compounds), of the selected
the Porous and Bedrock group wells presented, in general, reducing 28 monitoring wells are presented in Fig. 6A and B for, respectively,
anaerobic conditions. Results after remediation typically did not indi­ Porous and Bedrock Wells. VOC concentrations are presented in Table 2
cate major changes in ORP however, mainly for the Porous group wells, of SI.
sulphate decreased and methane increased. For example, at the on-site The highest total VOC concentrations in the on-site source area was
source well PMG-01 between 2016 and 2019 ORP changed from detected in PMG-01 (within the organic clay unit) with 1,2-DCA
− 107.1 to − 109.0 mV; sulphate decreased from 110.0 to below 5.0 mg/ showing the highest concentration, followed by 1,1-DCA, VC, cis-1,2-
L; methane increased from 7.4 to 30.5 mg/L. In 2019, two years after the DCE and a very low content of TCE (Fig. 6A; Table 1 of SI). These re­
thermal treatment, both Porous and Bedrock group wells typically pre­ sults suggest a distinct signature of mixed compounds (chlorinated
sented temperatures more than 3 ◦ C higher than in 2016, with most ethanes and, to less degree, ethenes) and that biodegradation had
different measurements identified at Porous well PM-044F (from 21.8 to already intensively occurred in the on-site source area. Post remedial
32.0 ◦ C) and Bedrock PP-02-79.3 m (from 19.8 to 25.4 ◦ C). More steady results indicate a significant decrease in total VOC concentration (up to
conditions for all of these parameters were identified at the off-site 99%) and the predominance of ethane and ethene. This is a clear indi­
source area well PM-60F, which was not targeted for remediation. The cation that the intensive treatment and post-thermal biodegradation had
Bedrock group wells were also not directly targeted for remediation been performed extremely well in the attenuation and transformation of
however hydrogeochemical changes were identified (such as VOC to ethene and ethane (Fig. 6A; Table 2 of SI). Nearby on-site

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

Fig. 4. Groundwater monitoring evolution from well PMG-01 before, during and after the 2016/2017 thermal treatment. The first isotopic sampling campaign
occurred in 2016, before heating commence.

monitoring wells (PMG-002, PMG-004, PM-027FA, PM-031FA, PM- Weathered Rock Soil (targeted by bio remediation) and the Soft
044F and PM-062F; Fig. 3) presented similar patterns to well PMG-01. Weathered Rock geological unit, such as PM-041F, PMI-04 and PM-053F
The 2019 results for PM-045F, also in this region, collected after the (Fig. 3, Fig. 6A and B). No appreciable changes in concentration and
pilot remediation test showed a large amount of ethene (5820 μg/L, molar fraction composition were observed between 2016 and 2019 data
Table 2 of SI) indicating an almost complete transformation of VOC to (Fig. 6B) in the shallowest and deepest port of the monitoring nest PP-02
final products of biodegradation. The 2019 data showed ethene is not located in the underlying Fresh Rock geological unit and further
present and small amount of TCE, 1.1-DCA and 1,1,2 TCA and a small downgradient from the VOC sources (Fig. 1). It is possible it will take a
increase in VC and 1,1 DCA (Fig. 6A, Table 1, SI). This pattern is possibly longer period of time to see the effect of remediation treatment due to
due to a minor rebound and/or side effect of the thermal and biore­ the distance or this also could be explained with the potential existence
mediation treatments. of areas in the bedrock with less connectivity to the remediated areas or
The molar fraction data from the groundwater of wells located the possible existence of another source area.
directly downgradient from the off-site source well PM-060F (for The mixed compound sources and generalized pattern of intensively
example, PM-051F, PM-058F, PM-062F, PMI-09, PMI-010, PM-032F, biodegraded compounds hampered the interpretation of single com­
PMI-07) presents mixtures with variable compositions of chloroethene pound distributions. PCE, a chlorinated ethene parent compound,
and chloroethane compounds, together with ethene and ethane (Fig. 6A identified predominantly only in the off-site groundwater at well PM-
and B; Table 2 of SI). These results suggest the existence of degradation 60F had extremely limited presence in all downgradient wells, despite
processes and an evidence of a commingled plume situation. A signifi­ wide occurrence of its biodegradation products. 1,2-DCA was identified
cant reduction in VOC mass is observed in wells PM-058F and PM-062F throughout the whole study area, including at both source areas most
in the 2019 data with proportional increase of the final product ethane, impacted wells, and it was previously used on-site. Therefore, 1,2-DCA
which is likely to be related to the effect of the nearby thermal and could have been a chlorinated ethane parent compound, however it
bioremediation. could have been produced by the degradation of other products, such as
Concerning the wells located further downgradient from both source 1,1,2-TCA, that was identified only as a minor compound at specific
zones (for example, PM-041F, PMI-02, PMI-04, PM-052F, PM-53F, PMP- wells. The plumes of 1,2-DCA, identified in the 2016 and 2019 cam­
08, PP-02 and PP-05), they presented variable VOC composition with paigns are presented, respectively, in Fig. 7A and B. The 2016 plume
predominance of a mixture of chlorinated ethane and ethene by- does not clearly distinguish the source areas however the 1,2-DCA dis­
products (Fig. 6A and B). These signatures suggest that potentially tribution indicates the contribution of the off-site and on-site to the
they could have originated from off-site and/or on-site sources and were downgradient areas. The 2019 plumes present a strong reduction in size
also under the influence of biodegradation. This may have been further and concentrations of 1,2-DCA with no indications of plume displace­
induced previously by the operation of the pump and treat system at ment or rebound effects, mainly in the on-site source area targeted by
several locations throughout this region. After thermal and bio reme­ thermal and bioremediation treatments, indicating this source is no
diation, typically the concentrations decreased and proportions of longer contributing 1,2 DCA to the downgradient groundwater.
breakdown products increased, mainly in the wells located in the The study area included complexity issues posed by the close

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

Fig. 5. Groundwater monitoring evolution from well PM-048F before, during and after the 2015 bioremediation localized pilot test (substrate injected in another
well, located 1 m away). The first isotopic sampling campaign occurred later, in 2016, and was followed by full scale bioremediation.

location (less than 40 m) of the source areas and limited information plus the presence of by-products indicated that biodegradation has been
about the off-site source area. In addition, the direction of groundwater an active attenuation process for chlorinated compounds in the source
flow was previously probably influenced by the former pump & treat areas, prior to thermal and full-scale bioremediation. The δ13C results
system, that operated at PP-02, PP-05 and shallower levels (including for potential parent compounds 1,1,2,2-TeCA and 1,1,2-TCA are avail­
near PMI-02). This configuration (see conceptual model in Fig. 2) plus able for a limited number of wells (mainly near the off-site source area)
the VOC distribution and signatures (Fig. 6) suggest that a mixing zone but are all lower than values identified in the same wells for 1,2-DCA,
existed downgradient from both source areas. This mixing area created which is another evidence 1,2-DCA is not a product of their degradation.
commingled plumes among compounds present at one or both source A wide range in isotopic baseline (2016) composition is observed for
areas such as, PCE and 1,2-DCA, in addition to a mixture of several PCE near or downgradient the off-site source area, with δ13C results
degraded chlorinated ethane and ethene compounds. The fraction varying between − 20.7 and − 7.9‰, and its potential by-products range
related to each source varied throughout the commingled plumes between − 26.5 and − 3.9‰ for TCE, − 24.1 and − 9.8‰ for 1,2-DCE,
however the 2019 results indicated that the on-site source was inten­ − 31.3 and − 5.5‰ for VC, − 22.7 and +4.6‰ for ethene and − 16.6
sively treated. Therefore it is expected that the on-site contribution to and − 9.6‰ for ethane (Table 1). The results are, in general, coherent
the commingled plumes was reduced and possibly ceased. This was also with a reductive dechlorination pathway for PCE (Hunkeler et al., 1999;
confirmed later in 2019 and 2020 by several monitoring campaigns of Abe et al., 2009). For 1,2-DCA during the 2016 campaign, a wide range
the expanded well network, in addition to soil and vapour sampling of enriched δ13C values of − 6.5 and +20‰ is observed near and
studies, which are not described in this paper. downgradient from both sources indicating this compound has been
affected by a high degree of enrichment, with different potential
degradation pathways and origins as discussed later on in this chapter.
4.3. VOC isotopic characterization The data collected in 2019 indicate δ13C isotopic results with further
enriched values, mainly in groundwater located in the area of influence
The carbon and chlorine isotopic results (in δ ‰) are presented, of bioremediation and thermal treatment, as further discussed at the end
respectively, in Tables 1 and 2. of this chapter. For example well PMG-004, located near the area of the
The baseline (2016) δ13C isotope results in groundwater present δ13C on-site source (Fig. 3), presented δ13C values of − 14.5‰ for TCE, − 3.1‰
values of − 17.5 and − 1.8 ‰ for PCE and 1,2-DCA, respectively in the for cis-DCE, +0.7‰ for VC, +45.2‰ for 1,2-DCA, − 10.9 for ethane, and
off-site source well PM-60F (Table 1). In the on-site source groundwater +2‰ for ethene (Table 1).
of well PMG-01 a δ13C value of +10.3 ‰ was observed for 1,2-DCA, In 2019, chlorine isotopes for PCE and its degradation products were
while PCE was not analysed due to low detection of this compound sampled for the first time. The δ37Cl results for PCE, coherently with
(1.1 μg/L; Table 2 of SI). These δ13C values are systematically more δ13C results, indicate lower values near the off-site source area (between
enriched isotopically compared with the values reported for commercial − 1.8 and − 0.9‰) and further enriched values (between +2.8 and
products that range between − 23‰ and − 33‰ for PCE (Beneteau et al., +4.6‰) in downgradient wells under the influence of remediation.
1999) and between − 26.5‰ and − 29.5‰ for 1,2 DCA (Palau et al., Isotopic mass balance results over distance from the most upgradient
2014; Schmidt et al., 2014; Franke et al., 2017). These isotopic patterns

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

(caption on next page)

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

Fig. 6. Molar mass fraction for all compounds (chlorinated compound plus ethene and ethane) and total concentration only for chlorinated compounds of: (A) Porous
and (B) Bedrock group wells. In order related to distance from the most upgradient well (PM-060F). “D.L.” means detection limit. Green and pink stars beside the
years indicate wells that were under influence of, respectively, thermal treatment or bioremediation (including the 2015 pilot test; Fig. 3).
The results prior remediation (2016) shows that the upgradient off-site groundwater in well PM-060F presented the highest total VOC concentrations of the off-site
source area (126,279 μg/L) and of the whole study area (Fig. 6A and B; Table 2 of SI). It had a clear predominance of PCE followed by its by-products of
biodegradation (TCE, cis 1,2-DCE, VC, ethene and ethane), 1,2-DCA, 1,1-DCA and ethane. This suggests this source presented a mixture of compounds (chlorinated
ethenes and, to less degree, chlorinated ethanes) and biodegradation is an active process, despite the high total VOCs concentration and potential nearby presence of
DNAPL. In 2019 was observed a decrease in Total VOCs (57,692 μg/L), molar fractions of TCE, cis 1,2-DCE and 1,2-DCA together with an molar fraction increase of
PCE and ethane The groundwater in the nearby off-site well PM-051F (Fig. 1), which is in a shallower unit (shallow sands overlaid by organic clay favourable to
biodegradation), presented in 2016 a total VOC concentration of (85,197 μg/L) composed of a greater proportion of vinyl chloride, 1,2-DCA and ethene. In 2019,
total VOCs also decreased (41,255 μg/L), followed by a molar increase of ethene. This also indicated that biodegradation is an active process in the nearby areas of
well PM-051F. The decrease in concentration in wells PM-060F and PM-051F could also be related to unknown recharge conditions or activities in the up-gradient
areas. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

well (PM-60F), near the offsite source area, are presented in Fig. 8 indicate that further transformation of the parent compounds to non-
(Tables 3 and 4 of SI). The results for 2016 (Fig. 8a) indicate high var­ toxic compounds have occurred and these gases have also been
iations both for chlorinated ethenes (δ13Cce, between − 28.7 and affected by biodegradation.
− 5.7‰) and ethanes (δ13Cca, between − 10.8 and +20.0‰). Higher
enriched values are identified mainly near the onsite source area (30 to 4.3.2. Carbon isotope data for 1,2-DCA prior and post remediation
40 m) and intermediate values further downgradient (within the com­ Since 1.2-DCA is one of the main compounds present in the on-site
mingled plume). This suggests potential mixture of source signatures and off-site VOC source areas, its carbon isotope data will be used to
and/or further degradation (from both chlorinated ethenes and ethanes) evaluate the signatures throughout the study area including at the
towards none chlorinated compounds (such as ethene and ethane) and/ comingling plume located downgradient from the sources. 1.2-DCA is
or other degradation pathways and/or variations related to the different also considered a potential parent compound, as suggested by the on-site
hydrogeological units. The results for 2019 (Fig. 8b) indicate similar history and isotopes results (Table 1), which simplifies the interpretation
results, with increases noted at a closer distance (approximately 20 m) of the isotopic signatures as their values shall not be influenced by
and higher ranges for δ13Cce (between − 29.3 and +2.9‰) and δ13Cca fractionation during previous degradation steps. Fig. 9A and B presents
(between − 4.3 and +40.9‰). These changes are likely to be related to the isotopic results on map and proposes general plume zonings based
remediation effects which enhanced degradation and isotopic on the combination of the lines of evidence presented in this paper
enrichment. (hydrogeology, geochemistry, VOC and isotopic signatures). A large
isotopic difference is observed in 1,2-DCA 2016 results (Fig. 9A) in the
4.3.1. 1,2-DCA biodegradation pathways sources areas, which are characterized by a δ13C value of − 1.8‰ in well
The by-products of biodegradation of 1,2-DCA potentially can PM-060F, representing the off-site source, compared to a δ13C value of
include VC (via dehydrohalogenation), ethene (via dihaloelimination) +10.3‰ in well PMG-01 representing the on-site source. A lower δ13C
and chloroethane (via hydrogenolysis), followed by ethane (Hunkeler value of − 6.5‰ than the 1,2-DCA at well PM-060F (located in the
et al., 2002; Palau et al., 2017a and 2017b). The 2016 and 2019 results Weathered Rock Soil unit) was observed in the nearby well PM-51F
indicate chloroethane was identified near detections limits or not (located in the shallower Sandy Deposit unit), possibly due to source
detected, excepting well PMG-03 in 2019 which presented a concen­ and/or degradation heterogeneities. Highly enriched δ13C values of
tration of 2190 μg/L (Table 2 of SI). These results tend to discard +8.6‰ (PM-031FA), +15.1‰ (PM-027FA), +14.9‰ (PMG-002) and +
chloroethane production as the main degradation pathway for 1,2-DCA. 20.0‰ (PMG-003) are also observed in 1,2-DCA in groundwater of other
A further insight about the origin of VC, ethene and ethane can be wells tapping the organic clay and the sand unit located most near the
done analysing the baseline (2016, Tables 1 and 2 of SI) concentration on-site source area most impacted well (PMG-01). Then, groundwater in
and isotope data for the groundwater representative of the off-site and wells tapping the soft weathered rocks located east (perpendicular to
in-situ source areas. For example, the groundwater in the off-site well recorded groundwater flow directions) of the on-site source and down­
PM-60F is characterized by a 1,2-DCA concentration of 4640 μg/L, VC at gradient from the off-site source show lower δ13C values of, +2.5‰ (PM-
3210 μg/L, ethene at 2090 μg/L and ethane at 798 μg/L. δ13C results 058F), +3.0‰ (PM-062F) and − 2.8‰ (PM-032F) for 1,2-DCA (Fig. 9A).
values indicate 1,2-DCA values of − 1.8‰, VC at − 18.3‰, ethene at These results (at least 5.6‰ below the minimum value mentioned above
− 22.7‰ and ethane − 16.6‰. The enriched isotopic values observed for for the on-site nearby source area wells) suggest none or less on-site
ethene and ethane suggests both gases have been affected by biodeg­ source influence over an off-site plume that presents progressive iso­
radation and the non-presence of chloroethane indicated that ethane is a topic enrichment due to degradation as it moves downgradient. Further
by-product of biodegradation of ethene. . As discussed previously, this is downgradient from the two sources areas, all δ13C 1,2–DCA values
a well were VC is likely to have originated from the degradation of the (Fig. 9A) are within the range of − 2.8‰ to 3.0‰ (apart from +4.0‰ and
parent compound PCE and its by-products. The highly enriched δ13C for +7.0‰ at PP-05 55.7 m and PP-05 82.5 m, which are respectively 4.6‰
1,2-DCA and the high concentration of ethene suggests that 1,2 DCA was and 1.6‰ lower than the minimum value identified at the on-site most
biodegrading to ethene. The groundwater in the in-situ-source well nearby source area wells). This suggests mixing of plumes of both
PMG-01, is characterized by a 1,2-DCA concentration of 32,500 μg/L, sources, in a comingled plume configuration, with predominance of δ13C
VC at 8900 μg/L, ethene at 23700 μg/L and ethane at <5 μg/L. δ13C values that are more like the signature of the off-site source most
results show values for 1,2-DCA of +10.3‰, VC at − 31.3‰, ethene at impacted wells (PM-060F and PM-051F) and their downgradient wells
+2.5‰ and ethane not analysed due to none detectable concentrations. (PM-058F, PM-060F and PM-032F).
These results indicated that VC has been accumulating and has not been Because of the high rate of degradation caused by the thermal and
transformed to ethene, which is likely to be a direct biodegradation bioremediation, the δ13C 1,2-DCA in the treatment areas presented
product of 1,2-DCA. Ethane was not detected in this groundwater, further enrichment in 2019 compared to 2016. The 2019 isotope data in
confirming it was not a main biodegradation product of 1,2-DCA. groundwater in the treatment area (Fig. 3) show δ13C values ranging
Concerning the fate of the gases, the isotopic mass balance results between +24.7‰ (PMI-09) and + 45.2‰ (PMG-04). At the off-site
(Fig. 8) and the range with highly enriched δ13C values observed in 2016 source area wells, that were not targeted by thermal or bioremedia­
(Table 1) for ethene (− 22.7‰ to 4.6‰) and ethane (− 16.6 to − 9.6‰) tion, the δ13C 1,2-DCA presented a lower level of enrichment (+7.4‰ at

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

(A) 2016

(B) 2019

Fig. 7. 1,2-DCA plume in: (A) 2016 and (B) 2019, considering results of all hydrogeological units (overlapped plumes of Porous and Bedrock wells) and full
monitoring well network and high resolution works (not presented here).

SashaT. Hart et al.
Table 1
Carbon isotopic results (δ13C, in ‰) for 2016 and 2019.
Well PCE TCE cis 1,2 DCE VC Ethene Ethane 1,2 DCA 1,1,2 TCA 1,1,2,2 TeCA 1,1 DCE 1,1 DCA

Year 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019

PM-027FA NA NA NA NA − 13.1 NA − 24.5 NA 4.6 NA − 13.5 NA 15.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

PM-031FA NA NA NA NA − 15.2 − 10.3 − 22.2 − 20.4 − 6.1 NA NA − 16 8.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 10.9
PM-032F NA NA NA NA NA NA − 24.6 NA NA NA NA NA − 2.8 NA − 28.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
PM-041F NA NA − 3.9 − 15.7 − 21.5 − 15.1 − 26.8 − 13.7 − 6 NA NA − 10.5 1.3 14.7 − 21.6 NA NA NA − 19 NA NA − 25.6
PM-044F NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 6.5 NA NA NA − 7.8 NA 38 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 10.6
PM-045F NA NA NA − 5.75 NA 2.2 NA − 9.5 NA NA NA − 8.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 10.1
PM-051F − 20.7 − 24.3 − 26.5 − 28.8 − 24.1 − 18.1 − 26 − 27.7 − 15.6 − 15.8 NA NA − 6.5 − 3.7 − 13.4 NA NA NA − 18.2 NA NA − 28.2
PM-052F NA − 14.6 NA − 18 NA − 14.2 NA − 17.9 NA NA NA − 9.3 NA 3.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 25.9
PM-053F − 13.6 NA − 22.6 NA − 21.5 NA − 26.2 NA − 4.7 NA − 11.4 NA 1 NA − 29.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
PM-058F − 8.1 NA − 16.6 − 3 − 20.7 − 3.2 − 24.6 − 7.3 − 6.6 − 1.9 − 9.6 − 10.2 2.5 18 − 28.3 NA − 22.4 NA − 18.5 NA NA − 20.9
PM-060F − 17.5 − 18.2 − 21.3 − 19.3 − 16.3 − 16.2 − 18.3 − 16.6 − 22.7 − 21.7 − 16.6 − 16.3 − 1.8 7.4 − 29.8 NA − 33.3 NA − 29.4 NA NA − 28.1
PM-062F − 7.9 − 14.9 − 14.8 NA − 19.2 NA − 26.9 − 16.3 − 6.4 NA − 10.7 − 4.3 3 NA − 29.1 NA − 17 NA − 24 NA NA − 21.2

PMG-001 NA NA − 21 NA − 21 NA − 31.3 NA 2.5 NA NA NA 10.3 NA − 16.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

PMG-002 NA NA NA NA NA NA − 22.5 NA − 9.3 NA − 15 NA 14.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
PMG-003 NA NA NA NA − 9.8 NA − 5.5 NA − 5.5 NA NA NA 20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
PMG-004 * NA NA NA − 14.5 NA − 3.1 NA 0.7 NA 2.0 NA − 10.9 NA 45.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 17.4
PMI-02 NA − 6.95 NA − 14.3 NA − 17.9 NA − 26.7 NA − 6.3 NA − 7.8 NA 1.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 27.5
PMI-04 NA − 14.3 NA − 21.4 NA − 18.3 NA − 22.7 NA − 0.5 NA − 4.3 NA 6.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 25.4
PMI-07 * NA NA NA − 31.1 NA − 24.9 NA − 30.2 NA NA NA NA NA − 4.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 27.5
PMI-09 * NA NA NA − 16.3 NA − 5.5 NA 4.9 NA − 2.5 NA − 8 NA 24.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 18
PMI-10 * NA − 25.1 NA − 27.2 NA − 19.5 NA − 20.7 NA − 20.8 NA − 18.3 NA − 4.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 27.1
PMP-008 NA − 10.5 NA − 18.3 NA − 21.6 NA − 28.8 NA − 6.6 NA − 9.5 NA 3.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 26.8
PP-02-42,0 m NA − 13.6 − 25.9 − 25.1 − 23.2 − 20.9 − 27.4 − 24.7 NA NA NA − 7.4 − 0.8 0.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 27.6
PP-02-61,0 m NA NA − 25.7 NA − 22.9 NA − 26 NA NA NA NA NA − 0.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
PP-02-79.3 m NA NA NA − 20.8 NA − 18.1 − 21.2 − 23.5 NA − 8.9 NA NA 0 1.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 28

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

PP-05-30.8 m NA − 15 NA − 24 NA − 17.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.3 4.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA − 25.9
PP-05-55.7 m NA NA NA NA − 16.5 − 21.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Those identified with “*” were installed in 2017. “NA” means not analysed (due to date of installation or low concentrations).
SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

Table 2 The downgradient groundwater from both sources along the com­
Chlorine isotopic results (δ37Cl, in ‰) sampled in 2019. ingled plume show similar isotopic pattern than in 2016, apart from
Well PCE TCE cis 1,2 DCE VC increases at Bedrock wells PM-041F (from +1.3 to +14.7‰) and less
significantly at PP-05 30.8 m (from +2.3 to +4.3‰) and PP-02-79.3 m
Year 2019 2019 2019 2019
(from 0.0 to +1.8‰). As groundwater flow presents high velocity in the
PM-31FA NA NA 0.3 1 fractured rock aquifer, this isotopic variation may be related to the δ13C
PM-41F NA 3.5 0.1 1.6
PM-44F NA NA NA 7.9
enrichment observed in the area of the on-site source thermal treatment
PM-45F NA 4.2 3.6 4 and nearby bioremediation activities. This is also supported by the
PM-51F NA − 1.9 − 4.2 − 1.9 geochemical variations evidences (see section 4.1) and hydrogeological
PM-52F 1.3 2.7 0.9 1.6 testing (Hart et al., 2021). The 2019 carbon isotope data, similarly to the
PM-58F NA NA 4.3 5.9
2016 campaign, indicates the downgradient commingle plume presents
PM-60F − 0.7 2.8 3.5 5.1
PM-62F − 0.6 NA NA 2.7 predominance of values that are more similar to the off-site source
PMG-04 NA 0.3 − 2.6 − 0.6 signature, reinforced by the on-site source thermal intensive treatment
PMI-02 4.6 4.7 1.6 1.9 and isotopic enrichment.
PMI-04 − 0.3 1.8 0.5 0.6
PMI-07 NA − 1.3 − 4 2.3
PMI-09 NA 2.8 2 12
4.3.3. Dual carbon and chlorine isotope patterns
PMI-10 − 1.8 − 0.9 − 2.7 − 1.7 Dual Carbon-Chlorine isotope results for chlorinated ethenes of the
PMP-08 2.8 3.1 0.2 − 0.1 2019 campaign are plotted in Fig. 10, together with plotted average
PP-02-42 m 0.2 2.5 − 1.1 2.8 lines and equations, including slopes, calculated for the data. They can
PP-02-79.3 m NA 2.7 0.5 2.7
be used to support differentiation between processes governing PCE
PP-05-30.8 m − 0.6 1.7 − 1 NA
degradation (Kuder et al., 2013; Badin et al., 2016). It is important to
“NA” means not analysed (due to low concentrations). highlight that PCE was identified as a major compound only in the off-
site source area near well PM-060F however cannot be discarded that
PM-060F and − 3.7‰ at PM-051F). The first well (PM-058F) located at other PCE sources exist, mainly in the off-site areas that were not
east of the on-site source also shows a highly enriched δ13C value of investigated. This could be an explanation for PMI-10 lower δ13C and
+18‰ (Fig. 9B), which is correlated with a large reduction in 1,2 DCA δ37Cl PCE results (Tables 1 and 2 and Fig. 10) as wells as source and/or
concentration (Fig. 6A; Table 2 of SI). These δ13C 1,2-DCA enrichments, degradation heterogeneities. The groundwater with the highest tem­
out of the targeted treatment areas, are probably related to positive perature (indicative of thermal treatment) and methane (indicative of
degradation side effects of the nearby thermal and bioremediation bio remediation) detections were highlighted in order to support eval­
(related to influence of temperature and TOC increases). The δ13C 1,2- uation of eventual processes induced by remediation. The wells that
DCA in the groundwater further east of the on-site source area pre­ presented higher δ13C and δ37Cl values correlate to those with higher
sents values of − 4.1‰ (well PMI-07) and − 4.8‰ (PMI-10) which are methane concentrations, suggesting higher degradation levels. There
close to that detected in the 2016 campaign for the nearby well (− 2.8‰ are some isotope data in groundwater (such as wells PMG-04 and PM-
at PM-032F). This confirms this part of the study area was not targeted 045F, locate near the on-site source and thermal remediation area)
neither intensively affected by the thermal and bioremediation treat­ that are out of the general linear pattern shown by the other wells and
ments. In addition, the values detected in this region are again most like present more intensive carbon enrichment. Their distribution poten­
the off-site source area wells signatures (PM-060F and PM-051F). tially is related to a different pattern and could be explained if existed

Fig. 8. Isotopic mass balance for chlorinated ethenes (δ13Cce) and ethanes (δ13Cca) in 2016 (a) and 2019 (b, after remediation). Related to distance between screens
from the most upgradient well (PM-060F), within the offsite source area. Note the onsite source area is located at approximately 30 m to 40 m and correlates to
higher values.

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

Fig. 9. 1,2-DCA carbon δ13C isotopic results and overlapped Porous and Bedrock wells plume zoning (above 0.1 ppm) for: (A) 2016, and (B) 2019.

another PCE source, not identified, with different original signature expected to cause high δ13C fractionation according to Slater et al.,
(Carbon enriched). Another potential explanation could be a thermal- 2000) and hydrolysis (to be further researched and characterized for
induced degradation pathway related to this type of heating which isotopic fractionation). The evaluation of these hypothesis is restricted
caused, in addition to inducing bio degradation, volatilization (not due to uncertainties related to the initial sources content, off-site source

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

Fig. 10. Dual C-Cl isotope slopes for PCE, TCE, cis 1,2-DCE and VC. Wells highlighted in yellow and orange presented, respectively, temperatures between 30 and
40 ◦ C and 60–100 ◦ C during thermal remediation. Dots highlighted in green are wells that presented concentrations of methane above 20 mg/L. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

area investigation, lack of pre remediation chlorine isotopic results and reductive dechlorination (4.5 to 17.8) and abiotic degradation (3.1 to
limited references concerning isotopic fractionation associated with 5.0) however fits within the range of 1.5 to 3.0 reported for combined
thermal-induced degradation (Badin et al., 2016; Murray et al., 2019). biotic and abiotic degradation processes. For VC, references were not
Nonetheless, the overall results confirm that carbon and chlorine iso­ identified and therefore comparison was not possible. This overall
topic fractionation occurred due to both bio remediation and thermal evaluation is another evidence that isotopic fractionation occurred due
treatment (by stimulating bio degradation and potentially via another to biotic reductive dechlorination. It also suggests there is a need for
process, such as hydrolysis, to be further investigated). further studies characterizing isotopic fractionation during VOCs
In order to further evaluate isotopic fractionation trends, the ob­ degradation by thermally-induced processes (mainly hydrolysis) to
tained dual C-Cl slopes values for the combined data set were compared assess potential specific characteristics of this degradation pathway.
to other field studies and laboratory experiments results (compiled and
complemented by Murray et al. (2019). Data have been reported for 5. Conclusions
oxidation and reductive dechlorination pathways, both biotic and
abiotic, however non for combined thermal and bio remediation. For Chlorinated ethanes and ethenes isotopic analyses in groundwater
PCE, the slope obtained in the current study (2.1) falls within the range and hydrogeochemical results from a former industrial area in Sao Paulo
widely reported for biotic reductive dechlorination (0.7 to 3.8). For TCE, (Brazil) were used to evaluate source areas and commingled plumes,
the obtained slope (2.5) also falls within the range widely reported for both before and after thermal and bioremediation treatments in
biotic reductive dechlorination (2.3–4.8). For cis 1,2-DCE, the identified weathered fractured bedrock.
slope (1.6) is significantly lower than the ranges reported for biotic The δ13C groundwater baseline isotopic results (2016) indicated

SashaT. Hart et al. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 245 (2022) 103940

clear differences for chlorinated ethanes and ethenes signatures and Acknowledgements
mass balances throughout the study area. The main well of the recently
identified off-site source area (well PM-60F) was dominated by chlori­ The authors express special thanks to Raoni Zeitune, Jordi Palau, all
nated ethenes and presented the typical reductive dichlorination trend reviewers, BASF, Seequent, amid others, for their valuable support.
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found in this groundwater characterized by a δ13C of − 1.8‰. A δ13C
value of − 6.2‰ for 1,2-DCA was found in a nearby well PM-51F which is Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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