Examen VMBO-KB

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Examen VMBO-KB

tijdvak 1
donderdag 27 mei
13.30 - 15.30 uur

Engels CSE KB

Bij dit examen horen een bijlage en een uitwerkbijlage.

Beantwoord alle vragen in de uitwerkbijlage.

Dit examen bestaat uit 40 vragen.

Voor dit examen zijn maximaal 45 punten te behalen.
Voor elk vraagnummer staat hoeveel punten met een goed antwoord behaald
kunnen worden.

Let op: beantwoord een open vraag altijd in het Nederlands, behalve als het
anders is aangegeven. Als je in het Engels antwoordt, levert dat 0 punten op.

Tekst 1

1p 1 What did Mandy Robinson do for Grace, according to the text?

A Mandy bought Grace special toys meant for blind dogs.
B Mandy found a new playmate for Grace.
C Mandy played with her by rolling balls towards Grace.
D Mandy thought of a way for Grace to play with a ball.

Tekst 2

2p 2 Geef van elke bewering over Berkley de beer aan of deze juist of onjuist
is volgens alinea 1 en/of 2.
Omcirkel achter elk nummer ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in de uitwerkbijlage.
1 Het restaurant Dairy Queen moet vanwege zijn bezoek voor
onbepaalde tijd gesloten worden.
2 Het personeel van een dierenpark heeft hem meegenomen omdat ze
iets duidelijk wilden maken.
3 Volgens het personeel van een dierenpark zat hij veilig vast in de
4 Hij is vaker buiten het dierenpark geweest.

1p 3 Kies bij 3 in alinea 3 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven

A difference
B joke
C mistake
D point

1p 4 Why was a Canadian zoo charged according to the text?

A for endangering the restaurant’s staff by bringing a bear
B for feeding one of their bears unhealthy food
C for letting one of their bears escape
D for not telling the government before taking a bear from the park
E for transporting a bear that was not in a cage

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Tekst 3

1p 5 Which of the following statements is true according to paragraph 1?

A Freya is very fluent in speech compared to her peers.
B Freya seems to know her followers personally.
C Part of Freya’s house has been turned into a studio.
D Recordings of Freya’s tests are shared online.

1p 6 Why does Freya do her experiments according to paragraph 2?

A because she enjoys taking things apart
B because she is bored with her normal activities
C because she likes to act in front of an audience
D because she wants to find out how things function

1p 7 What is said about Freya in paragraph 3?

A She loves to entertain her fans with her experiments.
B She loves to motivate other girls to do what she does.
C She wants to get as many followers as possible.
D She wants to work on stage when she is an adult.

Tekst 4

1p 8 Why do so many skaters run the risk of getting hurt according to

paragraph 1?
A because they crash into other people using the same roads
B because they have never learnt how to skate properly
C because they often refuse to wear any protective equipment

2p 9 Welke twee dingen zijn van belang bij het dragen van een helm als je
gaat skaten (alinea 2)?
Geef antwoord in het Nederlands.

1p 10 What advice is given about inline skates in paragraph 3?

A Buy your skates a size larger for more comfort.
B Ensure the protective parts around the ankle are flexible.
C Make a habit of inspecting your skates before each use.

2p 11 Welke bescherming is noodzakelijk en welke wordt aanbevolen bij het

skaten volgens alinea 4?
Omcirkel achter elk nummer ‘noodzakelijk’ of ‘aanbevolen’ in de
1 helm
2 kleding met lange mouwen
3 elleboogbeschermers
4 handschoenen

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Tekst 5

1p 12 What is one of the reasons that the stunt with the Santa hat was
unsuccessful before, according to paragraph 1?
A differences of opinion
B lack of money
C problems with climbing gear
D weather conditions

1p 13 Kies bij 13 in alinea 2 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven

A enjoyable
B innovative
C responsible
D unacceptable

1p 14 “Drunk folk don’t usually carry around a 25-feet-hat in their pocket.”

(paragraph 3)
This is said to make clear that
A any fool could put a hat on a sculpture.
B making the hat was quite difficult.
C people who are drunk often do strange things.
D the whole operation was quite complicated.

1p 15 What is the main concern of one of the group members (paragraph 4)?
A that it will be a difficult job for them to remove the hat
B that other people will get hurt trying to remove the hat
C that removing the hat will cause conflict within the city
D that the statue will get damaged when removing the hat

1p 16 Uit welke alinea blijkt dat de groep blij was met de reacties op de stunt?
Noteer het nummer van de alinea in de uitwerkbijlage.

Tekst 6

1p 17 What is said about Owura Kwadwo Hottish in the text?

A He believes using a blackboard is the best way to teach.
B He carefully prepares his lessons beforehand.
C He is unhappy about the way he has to teach.
D He wants to raise money by posting pictures of his lessons.

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Tekst 7

1p 18 Kies bij 18 in alinea 1 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven

A following
B ignoring
C pestering

1p 19 What is said about cats eating rats in paragraph 2?

Cats eat rats only if
A the cats are really hungry.
B the rats are small and light.
C there are a lot of rats around.
D there are no birds to catch.

1p 20 What was the main problem with the rat experiment according to
paragraph 3 and/or 4?
A Catching and labelling the rats turned out to be very difficult.
B It was impossible to record their movements because the rats travelled
so quickly.
C It was very hard for the researchers to find a suitable place to do their
D There were not enough rats around to perform a proper analysis.

1p 21 What is pointed out in paragraph 4?

A Bigger rats tried to fight the cats.
B Different smells had no effect on rats.
C It turned out that cats hardly caught any rats.
D The research was seriously hindered by cats.

Tekst 8

1p 22 What is true about a Japanese couple according to paragraph 1?

A They are very popular on social media.
B They have an online clothing shop.
C They take part in fashion shows.
D They travel extensively throughout the world.

1p 23 Kies bij 23 in alinea 1 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven

A how they are doing
B what they are wearing
C where they are posing
D who they really are

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1p 24 What becomes clear about the Japanese couple in paragraph 2?
A Their outfits are quite expensive.
B Their relationship is very strong.
C They are actively looking for more sponsors.
D They have been famous since they were newlyweds.

2p 25 Geef van elke bewering aan of deze juist of onjuist is volgens alinea 3.
Omcirkel achter elk nummer ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in de uitwerkbijlage.
1 Het stel heeft een paar boeken geschreven.
2 Het stel schrijft recensies voor modebladen.
3 Het stel werkt aan een eigen kledinglijn.
4 Het stel kiest kleding uit die past bij de omgeving.

1p 26 What is the couple’s reason for posting on social media according to

paragraph 4?
They want to
A be an inspiration for other pensioners.
B earn money from advertisements.
C fill a void after their children left home.
D sell as many clothes as they can.

Tekst 9

1p 27 What is said about Daniel Liu?

A He is actually too clever to be admitted to university.
B He likes to brag about receiving a scholarship.
C He offers to help older classmates.
D He shares his knowledge on Twitter.

1p 28 “Did we mention he’s only eleven…”

Why does the writer say this?
A to briefly summarize the story
B to emphasize a remarkable fact
C to present important new information
D to question a surprising detail

Tekst 10

1p 29 What is said about a postcard in paragraph 1?

A It was accidentally misaddressed.
B It was delivered to Stewart as a joke.
C It was sent by someone Stewart didn’t know.

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1p 30 What becomes clear about Karen Tidd in paragraph 2?
A She had recently passed away.
B She liked going to sunny places.
C She used to live at the same address as Stewart.
D She was probably a relative of Linda and Janette.

1p 31 Kies bij 31 in alinea 3 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven

A date
B name
C place
D text

1p 32 What is pointed out by Julie Pirone about the delayed card in

paragraph 4?
A It had been misplaced at the local post office.
B Someone had probably reposted it not too long ago.
C The stamps that were used on it had expired.
D Things like this do occasionally happen at Royal Mail.

Tekst 11

1p 33 What becomes clear about the village of Bibury in paragraph 1?

A It has been rebuilt in its former style to welcome visitors.
B It has made good use of government funding for old towns.
C It is famous because of its attractive historic look.
D It was awarded monument status not too long ago.

1p 34 What becomes clear about Peter’s car in paragraphs 2 and 3?

A It frequently blocks access to the village for tourist buses.
B It is parked in front of his house to prevent people from taking pictures.
C Its appearance is too modern according to the village’s elderly
D Sightseers dislike seeing it parked in the beautiful surroundings.

2p 35 Geef van elke bewering aan of deze juist of onjuist is volgens alinea 4.
Omcirkel achter elk nummer ‘juist’ of ‘onjuist’ in de uitwerkbijlage.
1 De dorpsbewoners vinden dat er veel te veel toeristen naar hun dorp
2 Er is nergens plek in het dorp waar Peter zijn auto kan parkeren.
3 Een aantal dorpsbewoners heeft ook moeite met de opvallende auto
van Peter.
4 Sommige toeristen zijn volgens een dorpsbewoner veel te brutaal.

Let op: de laatste vragen van dit examen staan op de volgende pagina.

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1p 36 What is said about Peter Maddox in paragraph 5?
A He has acted in a correct and legal way.
B He has recently changed his regular habits.
C He has refused to cooperate with authorities.
D He has surprised people with his bad taste.

Tekst 12

1p 37 Why does Rodajia take care of rabbit Mimi according to paragraph 1?

A because Mimi is not suitable as a pet for children
B because Mimi was refused by an animal shelter
C because Mimi’s mother rejected her at birth
D because Mimi’s previous owner is no longer able to do that

1p 38 What does Rodajia make clear in paragraph 2?

A Her boyfriend decided to name Mimi after one of his favourite comics.
B Mimi is a happier rabbit when she is wearing her woollen ears.
C She came up with the idea of knitting ears for Mimi when choosing her
D She started knitting ears for other animals than Mimi.

1p 39 What is pointed out about the knitted ears in paragraph 3?

A Mimi can quickly get rid of them herself.
B Mimi wears them most of the time.
C Pictures of Mimi wearing them are popular online.
D They serve as protection for Mimi’s head.

Tekst 13

1p 40 What did Hal Vaughan do according to the text?

A He arranged time off from work so he and his daughter could be
together at Christmas.
B He flew to the other side of the States to be at his daughter’s place for
C He paid for his daughter to fly home for Christmas during her winter
D He travelled on the same flights as the ones his daughter was working
on over Christmas.

Een opsomming van de in dit examen gebruikte bronnen, zoals teksten en afbeeldingen, is te vinden in het bij dit examen
behorende correctievoorschrift, dat na afloop van het examen wordt gepubliceerd.

KB-0071-a-21-1-o 8/8 lees verdereinde

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