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Part Two: Grammar

Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.

1.Social media has transformed all relationships.
All relationships_____________________________________________________________
2.Rarely she has attended a musical concert alone.
Rarely _____________________________________________________________________
3.My dad didn’t buy any sugar. My mom didn’t make any cake.
If my dad __________________________________________________________________
4.They didn’t go on holiday. They did not have any rest.
5.Helen was disappointed because her children didn’t send her letters.
If Helen’s children____________________________________________________________
6.The detective has followed different clues to discover the crime.
Different clues _______________________________________________________________

Each of the following sentences contains one grammatical error.Identify this

error and correct it.
1.Many people believe that there are a little difference between paying in cash and using credit
2.I can’t remember where have I met you.

Part Three: Writing

Many serious environmental issues have emerged recently due to a variety of reasons. Choose
one environmental problem other than deforestation (such as air pollution, water pollution,
and discuss its causes and effects. Develop your ideas in a well-organized composition of about
150-200 words. Supply your developed composition with an outline and a suitable title.

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