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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office – Marikina City
Jesus Dela Peña National High School


SY 2023-2024



Freedom Wall a. ) To encourage a.) A website will a.) SSLG OFFICERS a. ) Estimated time
learners to speak up be shared through allotment: for the
This school year, and share their the Facebook whole school year
SSLG Officers will opinions regarding 2023-2024
page. There you
various topics inside
do a facebook page can send your
and outside our school
for JDPNHS community while entries or unsaid
learners' Freedom practicing ethical thoughts to others.
Wall. In this way, manners in using social
learners' unsaid media. b.) Every message
thoughts about their will be check by our
classmates, friends, b.) To build an sslg officers to see
teachers and even interactive or open- if there's any vulgar
their crush, may be communication words.
expressed while not between the the
causing any harm learners and the c.) The Freedom
Supreme Student
or negativity, with wall page will be
Learner Government
the help of the Officers. handled by the
SSLG Grade Level SSLG officers.
Officers. A
message will strictly
not be posted or
shared if it contains
any vulgar words
and offensive

Club Day

This event happens

a. ) To let students a. )We will post an a. ) SSLG Adviser a. ) Registration
during school hours
enhance one’s introduction about SSLG Officers Period:
and will also be an
knowledge and skills as organizations and
opening of clubs.
it gives focus to their will also put the b. ) Selected teachers Estimated time
Beyond being an
talents and be guided various kinds of as the club advisers allotment: During
additional activity for
for improvement. the class hours
students to express clubs that students
(Students may
their interests, the might join into in submit registrations
benefit of joining a
b. ) To gain fresh our FB Page until class
club can have
perspectives about dismissals)
positive effects on b. ) We will build a
various ideas and skills.
ones school career bulletin board for
Therefore, learning to Ideal date of
during high school to
respect another registration. registrations:
college. Additionally,
person’s viewpoint Students will put Septemer 4 - 8,
students can invite
down their names 2023
their friends and
classmates to join on on an envelope
c. ) To step out of and they will place b. ) Club day
our clubs for them to
their comfort zone and
enjoy it more. it on the club that
form meaningful, life-
long friendships
they desire to Estimated time
enter. allotment: May
depend by club
c. ) Every end of advisers
the month, Club
day will be held as Ideal date of Club
to perform certain day: Every 30th or
activities that each 31st of the month
club prepared. for the whole
school year.
a. ) To enhance and a.) Communicate Persons Involved Time Frame
This event will improve the learner's with experts / e- a. SSLG Adviser a. Estimated
happen in the capabilities for a more guros to convey a SSLG Officers time allotment: 1-2
school's eLRC lead effective way of leadingclear and Class Presidents hours
by the SSLG their peers. understandable
officers. A speaker leadership training b. Date of the
will be invited to b.) Provide information program. event: September
share their to students via a solid 22, 2023
experience and leadership approach as b.) Do activities
knowledge on how well as to be capable
that help train new
the learners can towards greater
responsibilities of
leaders leadership
develop their skills. skills like problem -
The class solving and
presidents of each practices active
class are listening.
encouraged to
attend the seminar c.) Encourage the
for them to be able participation of
to formulate and each student
implement leader for a more
leadership prevalance
strategies in their outreach of this
respective class. forum.
Teacher’s Day a.) To make the a.) The theme for a. SSLG Adviser Estimated time
teachers feel special, Teachers' Day SSLG Officers allotment: 5 hours
This event is important, and 2023 will be "Kids' SPTA Officers total (3 hours for
organized to honor appreciated. general party, 2
the lives of the b. JDPNHS Students hours for room
teachers and repay b.) To establish
b.) We will post a JDPNHS celebration)
their tireless efforts stronger bonds google form that Teachers
and teachings. between students and will be accessible Date of the Event:
Students who have teachers. to everyone and October 5, 2023
received important give learners the
knowledge and opportunity to type
lessons may take this down their
opportunity to appreciation
express gratitude for towards the
what teachers do. teachers.
Moreover, this event
c.) Learners will
allow teachers to
enjoy their time at
host in order to
school and forge allow the teachers
stronger bonds with to fully enjoy the
students in the form event.
of activities and d.) Each grade
entertainments. level will be given a
color to wear for
the event and will
be placed one floor
each level in order
to prevent
e.) We will gather
performers for
intermissions to
keep us
entertained while
the event is
f.) We will conduct
games that allows
the participation of
both the students
and the teachers to
make the event
more fun and

● tug of war (per
section), sack race,
caterpillar race,
impersonate the

g.) We will
coordinate with the
SPTA for the
teachers' food and
h.) After the
celebration, each
section will be
given a chance to
celebrate with their
Gift Giving a.) To allow each a.) Each grade a. ) SSLG Adviser a. ) Estimated time
individual to feel the level will be given a SSLG Officers allotment: 5 hours
This event will spirit of Christmascolor to wear for SPTA Officers (3 hours general
happen on the through giving and party, 2 hours post-
the event and will
receiving gifts. b. ) JDPNHS Students event party)
school grounds be placed one floor JDPNHS Teachers
before the a. ) To allow each to each level in order b.) Date of the
Christmas Break. In socialize and establish to prevent event: December
this event, the their connections with crowdedness. 14, 2023
learners will have a one another through
chance to interact interactive activities. b.) We will
and build a better encourage learners
relationship with to set up stalls to
their co-learners sell food and to
and teachers conduct games for
through different a more interactive
activities. Learners set up.
who are passionate
about music will get c.) We will gather
to showcase their performers for
talent through intermissions to
which is set to entertained while
happen during the the event is
post-event. ongoing.

d. ) We will discuss
with class
presidents to
gather funds in
order to give gifts to
teachers as tokens
of appreciation.
e. ) We will conduct
a post-event party
with an entrance
fee of P10 per
learner. Those who
will participate will
be part of raffles in
which its rewards
are useful items.

f. ) We will host a
segment called
wherein bands can
perform in the post-
event party once
they register
through the link
that will be posted.

g. ) We will
coordinate with the
SPTA for the
teachers' food and
Prom Preparation a.) To discuss plans a.) We will gather
for the prom. suggestions from a. ) SSLG Officers a. ) Estimated time
This activity will be co-learners for the SSLG Adviser allotment: January
- February
held on the first event.
(Excluding the
Month of 2024. It b. ) We will conduct physical
aims to provide meetings preparations
SSLG throughout the necessary)
Officers enough planning period.
time to plan the
students' awaited
Prom Day.

a. ) To give the
Valentine’s Day a.) We will be
learners an opportunity a.) SSLG Adviser a.) Estimated time
or chance to express
making use of the SSLG Officers allotment: 2 hours
An event wherein their genuine love may SSLG Facebook
learners may it be to their co- Page by posting Ideal Date:
happily celebrate learners, teachers, important details February 14, 2024
Valentine’s day with school staffs and etc., about the event to
their fellow learners at least once in a while. promote and inform
alongside the the learners.
teachers as we b.) To simply spread
acknowledge and positivity and b.) Along with the
cherish the appreciate the value of event, we will be
loving others.
significance of love. preparing booths
Moreover, giving understand that we
and stalls as well to
flowers and don’t need a special have more
chocolates are day to treasure and interaction with the
acceptable and respect someone as we learners.
allowed however can do it everyday
this mustn’t be a instead c.) Anonymous
cause for Message Box - We
disorganization will provide a box
during the event. wherein learners
can freely give their
special someone a
gift or letter without
having to worry
about their identity
as it will be safely
delivered to the
desired person

d.) We will be
selecting students
who are willing to
showcase their
talents and skills for
a intermission.
Women’s Month a.) To recognize a.) A weekly post a.) SSLG Adviser a.) Estimated time
women's achievements will be posted in SSLG Officer allotment: for the
Every year, march and their extraordinary our FB Page to whole month of
role in this society March 2024
is widely recognize showcase women
as Women's Month, b.) Aims to raise
who are known as Ideal start date:
it's a time to honor awareness towards hero also the ones March 1, 2024
and appreciate the women's impact in our who gave impact in
significant society and our society.
contributions made empowering their
by women in the rights. b.) Every
society. This Wednesday
month-long c.) Embracing the learners would
celebration aims to concept of gender wear purple or pink
raise awareness equality and showing t-shirt as the color
gratitude to each
about women's signifies dignity and
precious women in our
struggles for lives.
gender equality and
their rights

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:



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