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Measurement’s accuracy and precision
Measurement can be defined as the process of comparing an unknown quantity to a
standard of the same physical dimension.Skills in measurement is very important to many
fields like in medical field. In measurement of quantities we should have understanding of
accuracy and precision in measurement.Accuracy is pertains to degree of nearness or
agreement of one measurement to a known standard while precision is the degree of
agreement of t he set of measurements.

To determine the accuracy and precision of the set of measured value.
3 beakers
3 Graduated cylinders
2 buirettes
1.Each member will read the given liquid volume from the measuring instruments
and then write the readings to the scratch paper.
2.Tabulate the data on the table.
3.Compute the percent error and percent accuracy of the measured data.
4. Compute the standard deviation of the measured data using standard deviation.
5. Answer the guide questions.

Table 1.Tabulation of Measured values

Graduated Graduated Graduated
Biurette A Biurette B
Member’s name Beaker A Beaker B Beaker C Cylinder A Cylinder B Cylinder C

(NOTE: Never change your recorded readings A true researcher or professional experimenters
never manipulate the data.)
III.Data and Analysis:

Determine the accuracy and precision of the tabulated data above using the following formula
and standard value:

Stardard values:
Measuring instruments A B C
(Volume of Liquids)
Beaker 57 mL 74 mL 289 mL
Graduated Cylinder 18.5 mL 27. 0 mL 63.0 mL
Biurette 0.49 mL 16.8 mL None

Equations for Accuracy:

(NOTE: Use the mean of the measure value in the equation of % error)

Equation for precision:

Use the formula of standard deviation.

(NOTE: Write all you solutions/calculations on a separate page of you lab notebook.)

1. Which measuring instrument you find difficult to read measurements? Which do you
find easy? Why?
2. Which measuring instrument has the highest accuracy and precision? Why do you
think that instrument give the most accurate and precise measurements?
What is the importance of having accurate measuring skills and in your field?

( Note: you can write the answers to guide questions and conclusions to separate page of you lab

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