Course Note 4 - RA6117284 - Sofia Rizki Aulia

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Sofia Rizki Aulia


Course Note 4: Customer Perceptions of Service

1. Illustrate “perceived service box”.

Perceived service box refers to how customers perceive services, how they
assess whether they have experienced quality service and whether they are
satisfied. Perceptions are always considered relative to expectations. Because
expectations are dynamic, evaluations may also shift over time either from
person to person or from culture to culture. Moreover, what is considered
quality service or the things that satisfy customers today may be different

2. List the Five Dimensions of Service Quality

a. Reliability : ability to perform the promised service dependably and
b. Responsiveness : willingness to help customers and provide prompt service
c. Assurance : knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to
inspire trust and confidence
d. Empathy : caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers
e. Tangibles : physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel

3. E-S-QUAL is the extent to which a website facilitates efficient and effective

shopping, purchasing, and delivery


1. In terms of service success or failure, what is an attribution?

Attributions is the perceived causes of events. It influences perceptions of satisfaction as
well. When customers have been surprised by an outcome, they tend to look for the
reasons, and their assessments of the reasons can influence their satisfaction. As an
example, a customer of a weight-loss organization fails to lose weight as hoped for, she
will likely search for the causes such as was it something she did, was the diet plan
ineffective, or did circumstances simply not allow her to follow the diet regimen, before
determining her level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the weight-loss company.

2. What does the text state is another appropriate name for a service encounter?
Service encounter can also be called as “moment of truth”. It is called that because it is
the moment where the company can prove its maximization offer to the customer. For
example, among the service encounters that a hotel customer experiences are checking
into the hotel, being taken to a room by a bell person, eating a restaurant meal, requesting
a wake-up call, and checking out. It is in these encounters that customers receive a
snapshot of the organization’s service quality, and each encounter contributes to the
customer’s overall satisfaction and willingness to do business with the organization again.
From the organization’s point of view, each encounter thus presents an opportunity to
prove its potential as a quality service provider and to increase customer loyalty.

3. A hotel porter overhears a guest crying because she left a pair of newly purchased shoes
at the counter of a retail store some blocks away. The porter volunteers to pick up and
deliver the guest's new shoes in time for her to wear them to the banquet at 7 p.m. The
porter is trying to make the service encounter memorable. This type of action is in
response to what service theme?
It is a face-to-face encounter. Face-to-face encounter is the one that occurs between an
employee and a customer in direct personal contact. In this case, the hotel porter and the
guest interact directly. The hotel porter heard a guest crying and asked her to know what
had happened, then helped her solving her problems by interacting directly.

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