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Fourth Quarter
Araling Panlipunan 8

During the fourth quarter, I focused on cultivating a love for learning and fostering lifelong learners, driven
by my learner-centered teaching philosophy. Drawing from Progressivism, I integrated a real – life
applications and current events into the lesson to demonstrate the relevance and significance of the
concepts being taught. This approach sparked curiosity and excitement among my students, motivating
them to explore beyond the classroom.

Constructivism influenced my teaching by encouraging students to actively participate in the learning

process. I structured the lesson around problem-solving activities allowing them to construct knowledge
through hands-on experiences and collaboration with peers.

Humanism was evident in the care and attention I devoted to each student’s unique strengths and
challenges. I provided personalized support and encouragement to help them overcome obstacles and
celebrate their achievements. By fostering a positive and nurturing learning environment, I instilled a sense
of confidence and enthusiasm in my students, inspiring them to become lifelong learners beyond the

Prepared by:

Azelo G. Mabanes
Teacher I
Third Quarter
Araling Panlipunan 8

In the third quarter, I revolved around empowering my students to become self-directed learners, in line
with my learner-centered philosophy. Progressivism influenced my teaching approach by encouraging
students to explore topics that piqued their curiosity.

Constructivism played a crucial role as I guided students through the process of constructing their
understanding. Instead of simply providing information, I facilitated discussions and guided them to relevant
resources, enabling them to actively seek knowledge and construct their understanding.

Humanism underpinned the supportive learning environment, where I acknowledged each student’s
learning preferences and provided resources and feedback tailored to their individual needs. By
encouraging self-reflection and goal-setting, I empowered students to take ownership of their learning

Prepared by:

Azelo G. Mabanes
Teacher I
Second Quarter
Araling Panlipunan 8

Quarter 2 centered on fostering active participation among my students, aligning with my learner-centered
teaching philosophy. Drawing from Progressivism, I encouraged students to take an active role in shaping
their learning experiences. To achieve this, I organized group activities where they had to collaboratively
solve problems and present their solutions to the class. This approach not only boosted their confidence
but also facilitated peer learning and cooperation.

In line with Constructivism, I designed tasks that required critical thinking and inquiry. Instead of proving all
the answers. I encouraged students to ask questions and explore different avenues to arrive at their
conclusions. By guiding them through this process, I witnessed their excitement and engagement in
discovering knowledge independently.

Humanism played a vital role in creating a supportive classroom environment. I prioritized open
communication, encouraging students to share their thoughts and opinions without fear of judgment. Their
contributions were met with respect and appreciation, fostering a sense of belonging and trust among the

Prepared by:

Azelo G. Mabanes
Teacher I
First Quarter
Araling Panlipunan

During the first quarter, I wholeheartedly embraced a learner-centered teaching philosophy, drawing
inspiration from three fundamental educational philosophies: Progressivism, Constructivism, and
Humanism. Each philosophy played a crucial role in shaping the lesson and involving my students in the
teaching-learning process.

Progressivism emphasize the importance of active learning and real-world experiences. To incorporate this,
I designed hands-on activities and group discussions that allowed students to explore concepts in a
practical manner. By encouraging them to share their ideas and take on leadership roles, I ensured that
they were actively engaged in the learning process.

Constructivism revolves around the notion that students construct their understanding of knowledge
through their experiences and interactions. Throughout the class, I prompted students to reflect on their
prior knowledge and connect it to new information. By guiding them through discovery and inquiry-based
learning, I empowered them to build meaningful connections between concepts and their personal

Humanism focuses on the individual’s needs, interests, and well-being. In teaching, I took time to get to
know each of student personally, understanding their strengths, challenges and aspirations. This allowed
me to tailor the lesson to cater to their diverse learning styles and motivations, ensuring that they felt valued
and supported in the classroom. That is why I see to it that before I start the lesson I always remind them
with our classroom rules.

Prepared by:

Azelo G. Mabanes
Teacher I
In-Service Training for Teachers

Date & Time: February 6-10, 2023, 8:00 am– 5:00 pm

Venue: Quezon NHS Covered Court, Barangay Quezon, San Carlos City, Neg. Occ.
Participants: QNHS Teachers, Faculty and Staffs, Guests

Date: February 6-10, 2023

During the week of February 6-10, 2023, I had the opportunity to participate in an in-service
training program designed for teachers. This training was a significant event that allowed me to
enhance my skills, gain new insights, and connect with fellow educators. Here are some key
reflection points from the experience:

1. Relevance of the Training: The training was meticulously planned, focusing on current
educational trends and pedagogical approaches. I appreciated how the organizers ensured that the
topics covered were relevant to our roles as teachers. This made the learning experience
meaningful and applicable to our daily classroom practices.

2. Expert Facilitators: The facilitators were highly knowledgeable and experienced educators.
Their expertise brought depth to the discussions and workshops. They encouraged active
participation, and their passion for teaching was contagious. I found myself engaged throughout
the sessions, eager to absorb as much as possible from their wealth of experience.

3. Collaborative Learning: The in-service training fostered a collaborative learning

environment. It provided a platform for teachers from different schools and disciplines to come
together and share their perspectives. Collaborating with other educators allowed us to exchange
ideas, learn from one another, and gain valuable insights into different teaching methods.

4. Hands-on Workshops: The inclusion of hands-on workshops was a highlight of the training.
These interactive sessions allowed us to practice the strategies and techniques we learned in real-
time. It gave us a chance to explore new teaching tools and technologies, making the learning
experience more memorable and practical.

5. Addressing Challenges: The training also acknowledged the challenges teachers face in their
classrooms. We discussed various issues such as classroom management, student engagement,
and adapting to diverse learning styles. The training equipped us with strategies to address these
challenges effectively, empowering us to create a more conducive learning environment.
6. Reflection and Self-Improvement: Throughout the training, we were encouraged to reflect
on our teaching practices critically. By examining our strengths and areas for growth, we could
identify ways to improve our teaching methods. This reflective aspect of the training was
valuable, as it promoted a continuous commitment to professional development.

7. Renewed Enthusiasm: As the training came to a close, I felt a renewed sense of enthusiasm
for my profession. The new knowledge and skills gained, along with the connections made, left
me inspired to implement positive changes in my teaching approach. I felt better equipped to
make a significant impact on my students' learning journeys.

In conclusion, the in-service training for teachers on February 6-10, 2023, was an enriching and
fulfilling experience. The well-planned sessions, expert facilitators, collaborative atmosphere,
and focus on practical application made it highly valuable for my professional growth. I am
grateful for the opportunity to participate in this training, and I look forward to incorporating
what I've learned into my teaching practice to better serve my students.

Prepared by:

Azelo G. Mabanes

Teacher I

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