Air Venting Theory

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Block 11 Steam Trapping Air Venting Theory Module 11.

SC-GCM-90 CM Issue 1 © Copyright 2005 Spirax-Sarco Limited

Module 11.12
Air Venting Theory

The Steam and Condensate Loop 11.12.1

Block 11 Steam Trapping Air Venting Theory Module 11.12

Air Venting
The effect of air
If air is mixed with steam and flows along with it, pockets of air will remain at the heat exchange
surfaces where the steam condenses. Gradually, a thin layer builds up to form an insulating
blanket, hindering heat transfer as shown in Figure 11.12.1. Air is widely used as an insulator
because of its low conductivity (for instance, double glazing used in modern windows is simply
two layers of glass with an insulating layer of air sandwiched between them). Similarly, air is used
to reduce the heat loss from steam pipes. Most insulating material is made up of millions of
microscopic air cells, within a matrix of fibre glass, mineral wool, or polymer-type material. The
air is the insulator and the solid material simply holds it in position. Similarly, a film of air on the
steam side of a heat transfer surface is resistive to the flow of heat, reducing the rate of heat
The thermal conductivity of air is 0.025 W/m °C, while the corresponding figure for water is
typically 0.6 W/m °C, for iron it is about 75 W/m °C and for copper about 390 W/m °C. A film
of air only 1 mm thick offers about the same resistance to heat flow as a wall of copper some
15 metres thick!

Steam side Water side

No air layer
Metal wall T2 negligible drop in
heat transfer rate
across metal wall

Air layer
Large drop in
Metal wall heat transfer rate
relative to comparative thickness
of air to metal wall
Thin air layer

Fig. 11.12.1 Effect of air on heat transfer

It is unlikely that the air exists as an even film inside the heat exchanger. More probably, the
concentration of air is higher close to the condensing surface, and lower further away. It is
convenient however, to deal with it as an homogenous layer when trying to show its resistance to
heat flow.
When air is added to steam, the heat content of a given volume of the mixture is lower than the
same volume of pure steam, so the mix temperature is lowered.
Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures states that; 'In a mixture of steam and air, the total pressure is
the sum of the partial pressure each gas would exert, when occupying the total volume on its
For example, if the total pressure of a steam / air mixture at 2 bar (absolute) is made up of 3 parts
steam to 1 part air by volume, then:
Partial pressure of air = ¼ x 2 bar a = 0.5 bar a
Partial pressure of steam = ¾ x 2 bar a = 1.5 bar a
Total pressure of mixture = 0.5 + 1.5 bar a = 2 bar a (1 bar g)

11.12.2 The Steam and Condensate Loop

Block 11 Steam Trapping Air Venting Theory Module 11.12

The pressure gauge would indicate a pressure of 1 bar g, inferring a corresponding temperature
of 120°C to the observer. However, the partial pressure due to the amount of steam present in
the mixture is only 0.5 bar g (1.5 bar a), contributing a temperature of only 111.6°C. Hence, the
presence of air has a double effect:
o It offers a resistance to heat transfer via its layering effect,
o It reduces the temperature of the steam space thus reducing the temperature gradient across
the heat transfer surface.
The overall effect is to reduce the heat transfer rate below that which may be required by a
critical process, and in worst cases may even prevent a final required process temperature being
In many processes, a minimum temperature is needed to achieve a chemical or physical change
in a product, just as a minimum temperature is essential in a steriliser. The presence of air is
particularly problematic because it will cause a pressure gauge to mislead. It follows that the
temperature cannot be inferred from the pressure.


1 bar g 1 bar g

100% 25% air

steam 75% steam

Fig. 11.12.2 Effect of air on steam temperature

Air in the system

Air is present within steam pipes and steam equipment at start-up. Even if the system were filled
with pure steam when used, the condensing steam would cause a vacuum and draw air into the
pipes at shutdown.
Air can also enter the system in solution in the feedwater. At 80°C, water can dissolve about
0.6% of its volume, of air. The solubility of oxygen is roughly twice that of nitrogen, so the 'air'
which dissolves in water contains nearly one part of oxygen to two of nitrogen rather than the
one part to four parts in atmospheric air. Carbon dioxide has a higher solubility, roughly 30 times
greater than oxygen.
Boiler feedwater, and condensate exposed to the atmosphere, can readily absorb these gases.
When the water is heated in the boiler, the gases are released with the steam and carried into the
distribution system. Unless boiler 'make-up' water is fully demineralised and degassed, it will
often contain soluble sodium carbonate from the chemical exchange of water treatment processes.
The sodium carbonate can be released to some extent in the boiler and again carbon dioxide is

The Steam and Condensate Loop 11.12.3

Block 11 Steam Trapping Air Venting Theory Module 11.12

With higher pressure boilers, the feedwater is often passed through a deaerator before it is
pumped to the boiler. The best deaerators can reduce oxygen levels to 3 parts per million (ppm)
in water. This residual oxygen can then be dealt with by chemical treatment. However, such an
amount of oxygen will be accompanied by about 6 ppm of nitrogen, which the chemical treatment
ignores. If the boiler is of a moderate size producing 10 000 kg per hour of steam, it uses about
10 000 litres per hour of water, in turn producing 60 cm³ of nitrogen. This will cumulate over
time with a significant effect on heat transfer if not removed from the system.
The best of physical and chemical treatments will still allow some untreated incondensable gas
to leave the boiler with the steam. Air, frequently unsuspected, is more widespread in steam
systems than believed and is the cause of both limitation of output and equipment corrosion.
Signs of air
1. A gradual fall off in the output of any steam heated equipment.
2. Air bubbles in the condensate.
3. Corrosion.
The removal of air from steam systems is paramount. The following pages address the issue by
discussing the application of air vents.
Air removal
The most efficient means of air venting is with an automatic device. Air mixed with steam lowers
the mix temperature. This enables a thermostatic device (based on either the balanced pressure
or bimetallic principle) to vent the steam system. An air vent fitted on the steam space of a vessel
(Figure 11.12.3) or at the end of a steam main (Figure 11.12.4) will open when air is present. For
maximum removal of air, the discharge should be as free as possible. A pipe is often fitted to
carry the discharge to a safe location, preferably not a condensate return line, which could
restrict the free release of air and may also encourage corrosion.

Automatic air vent

Automatic air vent

Fig. 11.12.3 Jacketed pan with an automatic air vent Fig. 11.12.4 End of main automatic air vent

When an air vent is fitted to bypass a steam trap (Figure 11.12.5), it will act as a steam trap after
the air is vented, and may from time to time discharge condensate. In such cases it is necessary
to reconnect the air vent to the condensate line after the trap.
If the condensate discharge line from a trap rises to high level, the flooded line imposes a
backpressure on the trap and the air vent. The ability of the air vent to discharge air is reduced,
especially at start-up. This applies equally when the air vent is incorporated within a steam trap.
When the shape of the application steam space and the location of the steam inlet mean that
most of the air leaves through the condensate outlet, it is preferable if discharge lines from the
steam trap and air vent do not rise to high level.

11.12.4 The Steam and Condensate Loop

Block 11 Steam Trapping Air Venting Theory Module 11.12

Steam in
Air vent

Condensate out

Inverted bucket trap

Fig. 11.12.5 Inverted bucket trap with a parallel air vent

The air vent location

When a coil or a vessel has a relatively small cross-section, the steam admitted to it will act like
a piston, pushing the air to a point remote from the steam inlet. This 'remote point' is usually the
best location for the air vent. In the case of a steam user of the shape shown in Figure 11.12.6,
some of the air will pass through the condensate outlet, according to the provision made in the
trap, or in a bypass, for handling air. The rest of the air might collect as indicated, forming a cold
spot on the heating surface. The unit cannot warm up evenly, and distortion may be caused in
some equipment, such as the beds of laundry ironers.

Air vent
Steam in Steam in Steam in located
steam inlet

Air Air

Air pushed
along by steam Condensate

Condensate Condensate
Float-thermostatic trap set
Condensate return line

Fig. 11.12.6 Air vent located opposite the steam inlet on the jacketed pan

As an air/steam mixture is denser than pure steam at the same pressure, it is usually sufficient to
provide air venting capability within the low-lying steam trap. However, the mode of operation
of the trap means that condensate forms a water seal at the trap inlet sometimes preventing air
from reaching the trap. There may be the need to consider an automatic air vent connected to
the steam space above the level of any condensate. Often it is convenient and sufficiently effective
to connect it to the top of the steam space, as in Figure 11.12.6.

The Steam and Condensate Loop 11.12.5

Block 11 Steam Trapping Air Venting Theory Module 11.12

However, in the case of two steam spaces of the same size and shape but with different steam
inlet positions, the location of the air vent could be different. In Figure 11.12.7 and Figure 11.12.8,
condensate drains from the bottom of the vessel but with the bottom steam inlet, at start-up, air
would tend to be pushed to the remote point which is at the top. It may be best to locate an air
vent at the top whilst a float-thermostatic steam trap will handle any residual air which has
collected at the bottom of the vessel.

Steam in

Air vent incorporated

in the float trap

Air and
condensate out
Fig. 11.12.7 Air vent located opposite low level steam inlet

Air vent

Air out

Steam in

Condensate out
Fig. 11.12.8 Air vent (in steam trap) located opposite high level steam inlet

With top steam entry, the air will tend to be pushed to the bottom at start-up, and provision
should be made for venting it at low level. Usually, a trap with a high air venting capability such
as a float-thermostatic trap will do the job. However, in practice, to ensure complete removal of
air during running conditions, a separate air vent fitted at the top of the vessel (as shown in
Figure 11.12.8) may again often prove beneficial, especially on irregularly shaped vessels.

11.12.6 The Steam and Condensate Loop

Block 11 Steam Trapping Air Venting Theory Module 11.12


1. Which of the following will reduce heat transfer performance the most?
a| The layer of air 50 µm thick on a heat transfer surface ¨
b| A layer of water 0.5 mm thick on the same surface ¨
c| A layer of condensate 5 mm thick on the same surface ¨
d| A layer of water and condensate 1.0 mm thick on the same surface ¨

2. What is the effect if air is added to steam?

a| The temperature of the air /steam mixture increases ¨
b| The temperature of the air /steam mixture decreases ¨
c| The enthalpy of the steam /air mixture increases ¨
d| The enthalpy of the steam /air mixture stays the same ¨

3. On which principle does an automatic air vent operate in a steam system?

a| Buoyancy ¨
b| Thermodynamic ¨
c| The fact that air is heavier than steam ¨
d| Thermostatic ¨

4. What is the effect on the air vent if it is discharging into a flooded line?
a| None at all ¨
b| The capacity of the air vent is reduced ¨
c| The capacity of the air vent is increased ¨
d| The air vent totally blocks up ¨

5. What is the effect of air and condensate in a heat exchanger steam space?
a| It promotes noise from the heat exchanger ¨
b| It promotes erosion in the heat exchanger ¨
c| It promotes corrosion in the heat exchanger ¨
d| It promotes waterhammer in heat exchangers ¨

6. Which of the following statements is true regarding an automatic air vent?

a| It is open when cold and will remain open to hot condensate ¨
b| It will not operate on a mixture but only by sensing air separately ¨
c| It should only be used in conjunction with a vacuum breaker ¨
d| Its discharge should be to atmosphere wherever possible ¨

1: a, 2: b, 3: d, 4: b, 5: c, 6: d

The Steam and Condensate Loop 11.12.7

Block 11 Steam Trapping Air Venting Theory Module 11.12

11.12.8 The Steam and Condensate Loop

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