Further Practice Unit 2

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PaW ees ts Cerne We 3 A THUC TRONG TAM |. PRONUNCIATION Contracted forms, Den te gon (contacted form) it dang the vig gyn ca mot vi mang nga ng php (fanction words) nlu try dong tt, dng tt khuyét thigu, vi ang ti. Dang the rit gon cia oée tie may thuong duge thé hign v6i mét déu nhéy don (”), ae dang tie rit gon cba mot vi ty dng th, dng ov khuyét thi, vi rang dre thé ign trong learning English. Ped seu ce phy am: iia {Jal sau ce nguyén am: We'd be glad. "Yi oa le aH cola non __ fu sau oe nguyén arm: I've gota new car | Js/ sau céc &m /p, t, k, £, 8/: A month’s not too Tong. t bgp cba li: He’ made it. |W: They'll come here. 1, Tir “any” chi o6 dang rit gon la “I'm”, va tit “us” chi c6 dang rit gon lA “let's”, 2 Deng ‘thi rat gon cia “have” e6 thé dig sau chi ngit nhu “we've”, holic try dng tit nhu “he could've 3 ‘Dg tor gyn cia ot ng a cfc trg d6ng tir nhu “She doesn’t", hofc “They dee’ 4. See erie (", khOng duge sit dung 6 cudi céu: I’m sure he will. (khéng ding “he' 5. Dang tte rit gon cite “will not” la “won't”, ‘Trong giao tiép, » dang thie rit gon thudng duoc sit dung trong che trudg hop sau: = Sau tir noi “WH/RP, = ‘Ex: Who'll be there’ ~ Sau cde danh tit dgi ti: What's wrong? Nam: nrg ken thie trong ttn Thanh thao HOCMAIBOOKS nee Ex: I’m doing well. John’s gone to school. + Sau céc dai tit chi dinh “this”, “that”, “these”, “those”: Ex: Those’re my friends, This'll be my house. ~ Sau “there”: ‘There’s a train coming. ‘There'd be some changes. 1, TW “did” efing 46i khi e6 dang rit gon lad”, dit sau cfc th 48 hdi: Why'd you come? (Why did you come?) 2. Trong vin néi, 40i khi hai dang rit gon duge dig lién tye: We'll've finished the job by then. di, VOCABULARY ‘Cha ad vé Relationships hge sinh cin nim duye céc tir vung s: No | Vocabulary Part of Speech ‘Transcription EW) unit 2: relationships Il, GRAMMAR 1. Linking verbs + Linking verb (Ang tir lién két hay dng tirn6i) IA nhitng dng tirkhongduge sirdung = Lg 48 dign dat hanh dng. Thay vao 46, linking verb (dng ti n6i/ lin két) ¢6 vai tro lién két chi ngit véi m6t tinh tir hojic danh ti. Tinh ti hojc danh tir dimg sau dng ti néi duge goi is 1a “bé ngd”, cé vai trd bd sung thém thong tin cho chi ngi. «+ Linking verb (46ng tir néi) thréng c6 céch ding nhu seu: s+ verb + C (adj ive/ nour), Ex: 1. She is very friendly. (Cé dy rdt than thién — “very friendly” 1a mt cum tink tit) 2. Pollution from cars has become a major problem: (O mhiém tiexe hoi da arc thank m6t van dé len.) 3. She appeared calm and relaxed. (C6 dy cd vé inh tinh va tha lng.) + Nhting linking verb thutng gip Id: be/ become/ seem/ appear! grow/ get/remain/ stay/look/ sound’ smeli/ taste/ feel, a ‘Chit ¥: Sau linking verb, ngoai tinh ti va danh tir déng vai trd Him bé ng®, cdn o6 thé 1a mot trang agit mang thong tin lién quan dén chi ngtt. Ex: 1, She is in Hanoi. (C6 dy dang 6 Ha Noi.) 2. He really got into big trouble. (Anh ta thc sy gdp réic réi lon.) 2.Cleft sentence * Cu ché (cleft sentence) IA loai cu duge sir dyng dé nhin manh m6 thanh phiin tronge4u. [i + Phin duge nbn manh duge éit sau “it was/is”. Sau phin duge nbn manh Ia mot amgnh dé quan hé thudng bit du voi “that”. Vi vay, cfu ché thudng cé edu tric nhursau: i ‘Ex: It was a cat that broke the vase in the kitchen, (Chinh mét con méo d@ lm vas lp hoa trong bép.) + Phin duge ohn manh thuréng 1a dan tit/ dai tit/ cum gidi tir, theo nguyen the: ~ Néu “that” dong vai tr chit ngit hoe tin ngit trong ménh dé quan hé, thi phin duuge nhiéin manh phai 1a danh tir hoc dai ti: x ‘ HOCMAIBOOKS Ex: 1. It is my father that fetches me every day. (Chinh bé 161 Ia nguedi din 101 dt hoc vé hang ngdy — trong ménh 48 quan hé nay, “that” déng vai tr chii ngtt, nén phan duge nbn mgnh la cum danh tir “my Sather”) 2. Te was a laptop that he bought yesterday. (Chinh cdi laptop méi la thit anh ta mua hom qua.) — trong, méoh d& quan hé nay, “that” déng vai tro tn ngtt cba dong tir “bought”, nén phin duge ohdin manh 1 ‘eym dank tir “a laptop”) --Néu “that” dong vai trd trang ngtt trong méah 48 quan hé, thi phn éuge niin manh phai 1a mot coum git tt. Ex: 1 Itis in Paris she is living with her husband. (Chinh Paris la noi cé dy dang song cling chéng minh —trong moh 48 quan hé niy, “that” ong vai trd trang ngtt chi noi chén, nén phn duge nhfn manh [a cum giéi tir “in Paris”.) 2, Tt was in 1994 that I was born. (Naim 1994 chink Id ndim 16i sink ra—Trong ménh 48 quan b§ ny, “that” dong vai tr trang ngft chi thdi gian, nén phin duoc nhén mgnh lé oym gi6i tir “in 1994”.) (Chui yi: Cin cha ¥ nhig didu sau v8 edu ché (cleft sentence): = M@nh dé quan hé trong cfu che cing o6 thé duge bit dau bing “who” ~ lam chit ngi, hoe “which” ~ lam chi ngt, nhung “that” vin duge sit dung thaémg xuyén hon, Ex: L. It was Peter that/ who tumed on the air conditioner. (Chink Peter 1a ngw0i da bat diéu héa nhigt 6 len.) 2. Tt was a noise that/ which disrupted my attention. (Chink m6t tiéng dn da lam t6i mdt tdp trung.) ~Phin duge nin manh cin c6 thé la mot ménh trang ng. ‘Ex: It was when she came home that she found her parents talking about her boyfriend. (Chinh hic c6 y vé nha thi c6 dy nhin thdy bb me dang nédi chuyén v8 ban trai ciia minh — trong vi dy nay, “when she came home” 1a mOt ménh dé trang ngft, va la phan due nhén merh trong cu nay.) ~ Phin durge nbfin manh o6 thé di sau “not”. Ex: It was not pork that he liked. (Thit lon chdc chén khng phai la thie anh ta thich,) B Pee Mét s chai ¥ véi linking verb (dng tirnéi) + Mgt dong ti vita cé thé 18 dng tr din th hinh dong, via 1A dQng tir n6i (inking ae verb). Ex: D6ng ti “make” vita lA ngogi dng th (dig thhanh dng), vita ld dng tir ndi (linking verb): 1. She made her own wedding dress. (Cé dy ty may chiée véy cu6i cia minh —“make” trong ciu nay 1A ngogi dng tir.) 2, You'll make a wonderful father. (Cau sé tré-thanh mot nguii bd tuyét voi — “make” trong edu nay TA dGng tir ni.) + Céc linking verb (d6ng tir ndi) cé thé duuge chia lam ba ahém: |] unit 2: Relationships pene aamsoreeege ~ Cf linking verbs (dong ti n6i) 06 ‘Ex: The food smelled delicious. (Mén din a 6 miti rét ngon.) ~ Céc linking verb (dng tirn6i) 6 danh tir theo sau lim bé ngt: make ‘Ex: She will make a good teacher. (Cé dy sé tré-thinh mot gido vién tt.) ~ Céc linking verbs (dng tir n6i) 06 cé tinh tir vA danh ti theo sau lim bd ngit: appear, be, become, look, prove, remain, seem, sound, stay, Ex: 1. They remained silent. (Ho véin im lérig.) 2, They remained friends, (Ho vdn la ban.) € PVR D (cy |. PRONUNCIATION ‘Choose the correct answer for each question below. Question 1. Which of the underlined contractions is pronounced as /av/? 1 taste, A. We should’ve gone. B. We've finished the task. C. Youtve been chosen. D. I’ve called him. Question 2. Which of the underlined contractions is pronounced as /ar!”? A. They're strong. —_B. You're online. C. We're busy. D. We're young. Question 3. Which of the underlined contractions is pronounced as /ad/? A. Weld done it.” B, They'd come. ©. That'd be great. D. You'd be happy. ‘Question 4, Which of the underlined contractions is pronounced as /s/? A. The boy's scared. B. One store's closed, _C, She’s pretty. D. The map's new. ‘Question 5. Which of the underlined contractions is ‘Pronounced as /v/? A. They've failed it, B. He could’ve died. C. She would've left. D. Those've faded. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 6. B.eonclusion _C. since . disappear ‘Question 7. B. fat C. fate D. bat Question 8. B.thorough ——C. healthy D. weather Question 9. B. kite C. impossible D. divide Question 10. B. now C. tomorrow: D. bowl [Exercise 5] Mark the teter A, By Cor D on your answer sheet to Indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 11. A. annoyance B.govemment — C. experiment D. participate Question 12. A. intermediate B. instinute © interactive D. innovation ong ba HOcMAIBOOKS UPR sew Question 13. A. practicality 8B. politician uncontrollable. comfortable Question 14. A-unpolluted _B. infrastructure. disappointment D. intermediate Question 15. Aprecious ——B.temrifled —_C. innovate D. commercial VOCABULARY [Exercise 1] Mark the iter A,B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions, Question 16. There have been a lot of. about who was responsible for the accident which happened last week. A. arguments 8. terminologies C. acknowledgements D. companies Question 17. In a recent interview, student say there's lot of pressure at high schools and colleges these days A.lawmakers ——_B. counsellors €. janitors D, protests ‘Question 18. I'm to parents who are worried about the kind of friends their children make at schools. Et A. consistent B. familiar ©. sympathetic D. responsive Question 19. The university promised to discipline all the students who were _ in the demonstration last March. A. proficient 8. talented ©. disappointed D. involved Question 20. We have beeu all around Britain to ask them the sentitive questions teachers and parents were too. to ask. A afraid B. intimidating ©. competent D. self-conscious Question 21. To be honest, despite the popular trend, I don’t find any of those body-builders with huge muscles atall, A. imaginative B. attractive ©. provocative D. cognitive ‘Question 22. Staffing problems made it difficult for his company to the quality of the service provided in this remote region. A. detain B. retain ©. maintain D.refrain Question 23. Female students, in genoral, tend to be more concemed than male ones about their ‘personal, : A.qualifcation’ _—_—B. abundance . intention . appearance ‘Question 24, Young adults should show their which is the ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell them what to do, A. initiatives B. notions ©. suppressions D. gratifications ‘Question 25. They had a short in German about their children and seemed to be disagreeing about something ‘A. superstition B. conversation ©. calculation D. inspection Question 26, The worst pert of the divorce was the ‘rom his three children. Avindependence 8. division ©. separation D. recognition Question 27. Furthermore, the results will be 10 educational psychology, socialization EW] unit 2:neationships EE process, child rearing and moral development. te MON TIENG ANH LOP ig A. addicted 8. indifferent ©. receptive D. relevant Question 28. At the same time, he was capable of strong to conformity. A. resistance B. objection C. response D. adjacency Question 29. There is much research which investigates a chile’s ‘to its mother. A. allergy B. attachment ©. superiority D. dedication Question 20, By that age, children start relationships outside the family, A. rejecting B, destroying C. developing D. terminating ‘Mark the leter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 31, John doubted whether his youngest daughter and her best friend were reconetled or not after a fierce quarrel. ‘A. were in a romantic relationship B. had a relationship ruined again C. established a relationship D, had a good relationship again Question 32. She finally decided to break up with’ her boyftiend when she had realised that she was being cheated. ‘A. end the relationship 8, maintain the relationship C. improve the relationship D. handle the relationship Question 33. He’s always prepared to Jend an ear to any member of his family when they are in need of his support. A unwillingly listen to B. sympathetically listen to C. willingly lease their ears D, start listening attentively [Exercise 6] mark the leter, B,C,0r Don your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 34. He is worried that sooner or Later his business will fail because his company can no longer set the trend for the market. A. certainly not B. early in the moming C. certainly in the future D. late at night Question 35. My advisor had no idea that I was on good terms with Mary, my college friend. A felling in love with B. having good terms and conditions C. having @ mutual terminology D. having a broken relationship Question 36. The company has consolidated its position as the country’s leading gas supplier. A.strengthened _B. cultivated ©. undermined D. alleviated [eserciseT] supply the correct form of the words in brackes Question 37. A er being told the truth, she hated Nora for the double and swore thet she ‘would never forgive her. (BETRAY) Question 38. The company’s marketing department is trying to build customer (LOYAL) Question 39. The program was created to heighten the close sense. of 7° between parents and children, (INTIMATE) : = HOCMAIBOOKS ree Senvaree Question 40. ‘The club have shown in the young goalkeeper by offering him a permanent contract, (FAITHFUL) Question 41. A spitit of cooperation is the key to a partnership between the media and the public. (CONSTRUCT) ill. GRAMMAR [Exercise 8 ] Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to cach of the following questions. ‘Question 42. Many scientists remain ‘by the current evidence that there is life on other planets ‘such as Mars and Pluto. A.unconvinced _B. convince C. convincingly D. unconvincingly Question 43. She appeared ‘when the doctor informed her that the pain in her chest could be the symptom of a more serious disease. A scare B. scared, C. scares D. scary Question 44. She had sounded 50, ‘on the phone, not knowledgeable but pleasantly enthusiastic, A confide B. confidence ©. confident . confidentia! Question 45. Emma thought he looked. ‘and wondered who was taking care of him, A tiredness B. tiring .tiringly Do tired Question 46. 1f your father were still alive, be’d us with sensible advice on what to do in such a terrible situation. A. provide B. provides C. provided D. proving Question 47. Of course, if everyone their partners inside out, there’s a good chance no- cone would ever plight their troth, A. observed B. knew C. understood D. acknowledged Question 48. 1t was in New Zealand Elizabeth first met'Tom when she was hanging around with some of her fiends. Awhich B. when C. that D. where Question 49. It is at the end of the month you will receive your wages and other bonuses if ‘you work hard enough. Awhy B. where C. when, D. that Question 50. The court had finally found bim innocent the murder and he was released after being detained for months. Aof B. about ©. for Dat ‘Question 51. As soon as Sarah met her brother's giritiend, they got on like a on fire, A building B. house C. apartment D. palace Question 52. It’s Lawrence ‘you should be talking with so that you can get proper information oa the graduation day. A. which Bewvhom ©. that D. who Question 53. This game is fim and is sure to keep the of any young student, A. attentively ©. attentive 0. attention Unit 2: Relationships i yee £ rn 4 Question 54. It was that she worked for five years and got isolated by the local people who regarded her as an ecceattic, A. in an underdeveloped country B, on an underdeveloped country C. an underdeveloped country D. the underdeveloped country Question 55. It isa professional counsellor ‘you should ask for help if things go wrong or there are technical problems. A. which B. that ©. who D. whom Question 56. 1t was the lamp posts ‘spoiled the appearance of the whole garden. A. whom 8. who ©. which, D. where Question 57. He was chosen because of the qualities necessary to be a successful salesman, A. person 8. personality C. personnel D. personal ‘Question 58. Before I could say anything more, he'd ‘off towards the station, A. rushing Brushed Crushes D.rush Question 59. As the pandemic is spreading all around the word, they are just trying to stay. and wait for it to come to an end. A. alive B. lively C. ive D. life Question 60. The recent revelations may prove to the president and may be considered as obstacles for his career developments, A.cmbarrassed _B. embarrassing ©. embarrass D. embarrassment Question 61. Hieten became increasingly about her husband's sttange behaviour, A. anxieties B. anxiety ©. anxious. D. anxiously [Exercise] mark he teter A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 62. To ouruter surprise, she remained calmly, seid nthing, and waited until he had finished shouting at her. A. To our utter surprise B. calmly C. nothing D. he had finished ‘Question 63. Last night, their favourite bar, they kept ordering more ‘uandy and all seemed genuine devastation, A. kept ordering 8. brandy Cand D. genuine devastation Question 64. Wo must recognise that they are getting a tough deal and are being victimised by the ‘Government. A, must recognise 8B. tough Care D. victimised Question 65. It was the houses with huge marble staircases which Andy had described in the letters to his wife, Mary. A. was B. with huge marble C. which. D. had described Question 66. When she was desperate for money, it was her brother who she called for help although ‘they hadn't spoken to each other for 20 years. Acdesperate B.who C. although, D. hadn’t spoken Question 67. We are accustomed in using audio to present examples of language in use, Ain B. to present C.of D. in use HOCMAIBOOKS Question 68. It was in the city of Cleveland that celebrated its 200th birthday with fireworks and an ‘guidoor concert. ‘Ain the city B. that ©. with D. outdoor Question 69. [tis that small island that people ate prohibited from buying and driving cars. A that small island B. people are prohibited ©. buying D. driving ‘Question 70. Politicians sometimes use personal information to hit their rivals below the heart. A. sometimes use 8. to hit . rivals D. heart Question 71. Diana became increasing anxious about her husband's strange behaviour and attitudes sowards their children. A. increasing B. about ©. behaviour D. towards IV. READING COMPREHENSION 10 J Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Lately, teenage romance has caught the (72) ~ of a number of researchers, who are increasingly interested in its potentially positive as well as (73) effects -- not just on adolescence, but on adult relationships and well-being. ‘AccordingtoDr. Wyadol Furman, a professor of psychology atthe University of Denver, understanding teenage dating (74)____ understanding that adolescence is “a roiling emotional caldron whose ‘major fuel -- more than parents, peers or school and almost as much as those things combined — is the opposite sex.”” He also said adolescents” lack of social skills and (75) control ean make relationships difficult. Yet, he said, romantic relationships can also be significant sources of support (76) offer teenagers fun and companionship, help them forge mature identities and offer them practice in managing emotions. “Growing up involves risks,’ he said. “Parents are naturally concerned about their teens’ relationships, but they shouldn't want them to just stay home.”” (Souree:hitps://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/13/health/young-love-the-good-the-bad-and-the- educational html) Question 72. A. attention B. affection C. infection D. influence Question 73. A. potential B. negative C. immediate D. long-lasting Question 74. A.ismeaning B. means C. meaning D. mean Question 75. A. emotionally B. emotionalism C. emotional D. emotion Question 76. A. what 8. whom €. who D. that [Exercise 11 J Read the folowing passage and mark the letter, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. ‘How powerful is friendship? Researchers at the University of Virginia wanted to find out whether friendship influences how we (77) the challenges of daily life. In an unusual experiment, researchers stood at the base of steep hill (a 26-degree incline) on the university campus and asked 34 students as they walked by to help them in an experiment. Some students were by themselves; others were walking in pairs. ZDWI unit 2 Retationships

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