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of the
This is the paper version of a Science Bits multimedia
learning unit.

The content is taken from the digital work available

through the link The print version is a
complimentary tool to assist work in classrooms which are
without one computer per student.

Photo & Image Credits

Anyka, © (fossil, page 1-6-7); Shaiith, © (sand clock, page 8); Julian Popov, © (map and clock, page 8); Danny Kosmayer, © (landscape, page 8);
Artur Maltsau, © (fossil, page 10); Lonfat, Wikimedia Commons (fossil tooth, page 10); Artur Maltsau, © (trilobites, page 11); wrangel, © (amonites, page 11); Camila
Bernardes, Fernando L. Sicuro, Leonardo S. Avilla, and André E.P. Pinheiro, Wikimedia commons (horse, page. 11); Wilson44691, Wikimedia Commons (belmites, page 11); Rasslava, ©
(the Earth, page 14); dibrova, © (Grand Canyon, page. 15); Vadim Sadovski, © (meteorite, page 15); NASA/Apollo 17 crew; taken by either Harrison Schmitt or Ron Evans,
Wikimedia Commons (the Earth, page. 15); James Ussher, Wikimedia Commons (initial page of the book where James Ussher published his calculations, page 15); Charles Lyell, Principles of
Geology,second American edition, 1857 (outline of Principles of Geology,by Charles Lyell, page 15); Anonymous, Wikimedia Commons (Lord Kelvin, page 16); skdesign, © (beach, page
16); HONGQI ZHANG, © (family, page 16); haryfoto, © (wood, page 18); Todd Sowers, Wikimedia Commons (Scientists at the Vostok Station, Antartica, page 18); Chris Curtis,
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Library Collection, © (Triassic Period, page 25); Christian Jegou Publi, Science Photo Library Collection, © (Jurassic period, page 26); Christian Jegou Publi,
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Earth & Space Sciences


of the Earth
Unit Structure

Cover Page
The unit title is highlighted and the lear-
ning objectives presented. An index of
the contents according to the 5-E Model
is also provided. The digital version also
includes an activity to review the skills
and knowledge required to undertake
the unit.

A video and a related activity are available
with the digital version. Both versions
have a summary on page one. Different
activities are proposed for the video;
some of these may be interactive in the
digital version, but they all contain open-
ended questions.

This exploratory and discovery activity is
devised to mobilize prior knowledge and
check it against the results obtained from
the experience. The digital version con-
tains the necessary multimedia resources
required for this activity: simulators, videos,
interactivities, etc.

Unit Structure

The unit’s key concepts are formally and
systematically addressed. The digital ver-
sion includes a wide range of multimedia
resources to facilitate understanding of
the ideas presented. The printable version
includes all basic graphical elements and
references to the digital resources availa-
ble. The digital version may also include
reinforcement or enrichment activities.

In this section, the newly acquired
knowledge can be applied in a practical
way. Thus, a problem-solving activity is
proposed, one which requires the applica-
tion of the concepts, attitudes, and pro-
cedures learned throughout the unit. The
digital version may provide multimedia
tools (such as simulators or videos) to help
develop and solve the activity.

Each of the concepts addressed in the
“Explain” section is related to interactive
or open-ended exercises with the aim of
consolidating the topics covered through
practice. The printable version includes all
the exercises except for reinforcement or
enrichment activities, and they are orga-
nized in accordance with the contents
from the “Explain” section. 5
History of the E
· Engage
· The Last Six Seconds 08
· Explore
· A Fascinating Fossil 10
· Explain
· A History of Changes 14
· How do Changes on Earth Occur? 15
· The Age of the Earth 15
· Geological Dating 16
· Absolute Dating 16
· Radiometric Dating: Radioactive Isotopes 16
· Application of Radiometric Dating 17
· Other Dating Methods 17
· Relative Dating 18
· Principles of Stratigraphy 18
· Correlation of Rock Layers 19
· Fossils 19
· Fossil Formation 19
· Importance of Fossils in Geology 20
· The Stages of Earth’s History 20
· The Hadean Eon 21
· The Archean Eon 21
· The Proterozoic Eon 22
· The Phanerozoic Eon 22
· The Paleozoic Era 23
· The Mesozoic Era 25
· The Cenozoic Era 27
· Elaborate
· The Hallway of Earth’s History 28
· Exercices 30

In this unit, you will learn:

About the age of our planet. That, for 99.9% of its history, humans have not been
present on Earth.
About the changes the Earth has experienced
throughout its history. How and when life appeared on Earth and how it
has evolved throughout its history.
How to extract information about the past from
rocks and fossils. That the greatest extinction of life on Earth was not
the one that involved dinosaurs.
That, apart from Pangaea, there existed other
e Earth

Video The Last Six Seconds

Scientists claim that the Earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years
ago and that it was very different from what it is today.

During these billions of years, its surface has experienced all kinds of
changes. Life appeared in its oceans and spread to all the corners of
the world. Living organisms evolved into increasingly more complex
forms and gave rise to the biodiversity that populates the Earth to-

If we could compress the extremely long history of Earth into a single

day, life would then appear at 4 in the morning. The first plants on
land would not grow until nine in the evening. And dinosaurs would
have freely roamed the Earth for less than an hour, until twenty to
midnight, just a few minutes before the tallest mountain range on
Earth, the Himalayas, would begin to rise.

As for us humans, we would only appear at 11:59 and 54 seconds,

which is to say, we would have only been on Earth for six seconds.

But, how can we know so much about Earth’s history if we have bare-
ly been around to witness it?


a. The video explains that the long history of the

Earth began roughly about 4.5 billion years ago.
What do you think the Earth was like right after its

b. What great changes do you think Earth has ex-

perienced until becoming the planet we all know
now? What processes do you think have caused

c. Do you think that the Earth keeps changing? If

so, how do you see Earth in the future?

d. The video explains that if the long history of the

Earth was to be put into a single day, the first life
forms would appear at four o’clock in the morning.
What do you think were the earliest life forms on

e. Within this one day encompassing all of Earth’s f. If Earth’s history lasted a single day, us humans
history, at what time do you think the following would have only been on Earth for six seconds.
events would take place? It’s amazing how we can know so much about
the planet’s history without having been there to
Formation of the first oceans witness it.
Breakup of the supercontinent of Pangaea Historians analyze documents, tools, constructions,
Appearance of first animals or works of art to piece together history in their
own fields. Now, what sources do you think scien-
tists must use to obtain the necessary information
to reconstruct Earth’s history? 9

A Fascinating Fossil
Out on a walk with your friends, you stumbled upon something like the
fossilized tooth of a large prehistoric animal. The fossil was embedded
in the side of a mountain, but you carefully managed to remove it.
One of your friends thinks that the fossil probably belonged to a dino-
saur that lived in this region millions of years ago. However, you think
that it resembles the tooth of a shark rather than a land animal’s tooth.
Is it possible that in the past this region was a sea, and that this is actu-
ally the remains of a prehistoric shark? How could we find out whether
the animal it belonged to was aquatic or terrestrial?
What animal did this fossilized tooth Obtaining Information about the Rocks
belong to?
Fossils are remnants or traces of organisms that lived in the past. Most
fossils correspond to the hard parts of these organisms (bones, teeth,
shells, etc.), since they are better preserved than the organic parts.

Fossilization is the process by which remains or traces of past life

give rise to fossils.

a. What type of rocks are fossils often found in?

This animation shows the process of

b. Sedimentary rocks form by the accumulation and compaction of rock

fragments or remains of living organisms, or by the precipitation of sub-
stances dissolved in water.
Depending on whether they were formed on the continent or in aquatic
media, sedimentary rocks have different compositions and characteris-

When you drew the fossil from the mountainside, you also took a sample
of the rock it was contained in. Enter the virtual lab and determine what Simulator
type of rock it is.
Use the guide to the most common rocks in the region of the virtual lab to
focus your observations and narrow down your options. Then, justify your
answer using the scientific evidence you obtained.

c. In what environments is that type of rock formed?

q We can’t know for sure.
q In terrestrial environments.
q In aquatic environments..

d. So, what type of animal should this fossil belong to? Outline
q An aquatic animal.
q We can’t know for sure. Mountainside Cross Section Diagram
q A land animal.

Fossils Above and Below

Layer with
Some of your friends are still unconvinced about horse fossils
the conclusion you reached after analyzing the layer with the
rock. How come there is a mountain now, if it was fossilized tooth
an ocean before?
They have also read that a rock of that type may Layer with ammonoids
and belemnoids
have formed at the bottom of a lake. So, they think
that the tooth may have belonged to a dinosaur
Layer with am-
that lived near the lake. monoids
For this reason, you went back to the mountainside Layer with
where you found your fossil to collect more infor- trilobites
mation about the site. This diagram shows the exca-
Sedimentary rocks Igneous rocks
vated mountainside and the exact position where
you found the fossil.
a. How do you think the different layers or strata in the diagram of the
mountainside formed?

b. In some of those layers, you can see fossils of other organisms. Which
ones do you think are older? Why?

c. Check the order in which the fossils appear in the cross section, and
rank them according to age, from oldest to most recent.
Trilobites Ammonoids Horse Belemnoids

A. B. C. D. 11
d. To help you determine whether these strata formed in an aquatic envi-
Interactivity ronment or in a land environment, read the files of the other fossils in the
interactive diagram of the digital version.
With this information, and considering the position of the layer with the
fossilized tooth, could you say that this is the tooth of a sea animal?

e. You proceed with your investigation of the mountainside, and not

far from where you found your fossil, you come across a fault that cuts
through several of the rock layers. A fault is a fracture in the rocks of the
Earth’s crust which results in the displacement of the rocks on the opposite
Outline sides of the fracture.
Look at the diagram and indicate the strata which were present before
the formation of the fault, and the ones that weren’t:
Layer A: .......... Layer B: .......... Layer C: ..........
Layer D: .......... Layer E: .......... Layer F: ..........
Esquema Layer G: .......... Layer H: ......... Layer I: ..........
Layer J: .......... Layer K: .......... Layer L: ..........
f. From this information, can you reach any further conclusions as to
whether the tooth was fossilized in an marine environment or not?
Justify your answer

Sedimentary rocks Igneous rocks

Mountainside Cross Section
Interactive Diagram.

Knowing the Age of Rocks

Your next step is to take the fossil to a paleontology institute, where fos-
Interactivity sils and the history of life on Earth are studied.
After careful examination, the paleontologists conclude that this is the
tooth of a megalodon, an extinct giant shark three times the size of
present-day sharks.
Since they had never found a fossil like this in the region where you
found it, they want to further determine its exact age.
a. Estimate the age of the megalodon tooth from the information you
have on the other fossils in the mountainside. Justify your answer.
b. The age interval you estimated for the megalodon is too wide. How do
paleontologists manage to narrow it down? And how can the age of the
other fossils be determined?
Through radiometric dating techniques, the age of the rocks can be
accurately determined. However, these techniques can only be applied
to igneous rocks.
How would you apply radiometric dating to try to find out the approxi-
mate age of the megalodon fossil? To answer, check the mountainside cross
section diagram.

Igneous rocks form when magma cools down and solidifies. Only then Video
can the atoms of the radioactive isotopes common to all magma be-
gin to decay and become atoms of another element. For example, the at-
oms of the radioactive isotope potassium-40 decay to atoms of its daughter
isotope, argon-40.
We know the rate of decay of the atoms of a radioactive isotope and
that, after a specific time—the half-life, expressed (t1/2)—, the amount of
radioactive atoms in the rock will have reduced by half. For example, the
half-life of potassium-40 is 1,280 million years (Ma).
The amount of parent and daughter atoms in an igneous rock can be
measured to obtain the percent of parent isotopes remaining. From this
piece of data, we can infer the time elapsed since its formation.
c. The interactive graph shows how the percent of potassium-40 atoms in
an igneous rock decreases over time. Complete the following statements:
When the rock is forming, the percent of potas-
sium-40 atoms remaining is ..........%.
After .......... Ma, 50% of the original potassium-40 100
atoms still remain, whereas all other atoms—
about 50%—have decayed to argon-40.
75 Argon-40
2,560 Ma after its formation, ..........% of the origi-
nal potassium-40 atoms still remain, whereas all
% of atoms

other atoms—about ..........%—have decayed to 50

d. The paleontologists have analyzed the content in 25

potassium-40 and argon-40 of samples taken from the

layers of igneous rocks above and below the one that 1,280 2,560 3,840 5,120
contained the fossilized megalodon tooth.
The percent of potassium-40 of the igneous rock layer Time elapsed (in million years, Ma)
directly below is 99.2%, whereas in the igneous rock
layer directly above is 99.6%.
Decay Curve for Potassium-40.
How old is the fossilized megalodon tooth?
The fossilized tooth is between a minimum of .......... Ma
and a maximum of .......... Ma years old.


Rocks—and the fossils they contain—hold the secrets of Earth’s past history.

By analyzing the characteristics of rocks and their distribution into strata, we can reveal the geological
events that took place in the past, as well as know some of the organisms that roamed the Earth long
before humans first appeared.

To locate these events in time, we use dating techniques:

Relative dating techniques such as the analysis of rock layers and their vertical distribution allow
us to order the events chronologically.

Absolute dating techniques such as radiometric dating allow us to predict the age of past events
in a relatively accurate manner. 13

A History of Changes
Earth has never stayed the same: there is evidence that it has undergone
enormous changes throughout its long history of approximately 4.5 bil-
lion years (Ga).
These changes have affected—and continue to affect—the four systems
Gallery that make up the Earth.
These four systems are interrelated: changes in one system have an effect
on the other three.

Changes in the distribution of continents over the last Variation of the sea level over the last 500 Ma.
600 million years (Ma).
relative to current level (m)

Variation of sea level

Continental crust above sea level
Continental crust below sea level 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Oceanic crust Million years before current time

Changes in the Geosphere Changes in the Hydrosphere

Throughout the history of Earth, the geosphere has undergone impor- There’s evidence that the sea level, temperature, and amount of ice
tant changes
Hace millonesaffecting both landforms and the shape and position of have changed throughout Earth’s history.
de años
Average air temperature of Earth’s surface over the last 600 Ma. Number of genus of aquatic organisms on Earth over the last 550 Ma.

Average surface temperature (°C)

Number of genus of aquatic

25 ºC

17 ºC 2,000


10 ºC 0
600 500 400 300 200 100 0 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Million years before current time Million years before current time

Changes in the Atmosphere Changes in the Biosphere

We know the chemical composition of the atmosphere, temperature, The fossil record shows that Earth has accommodated species
and circulation of air masses have changed throughout Earth’s history. other than the ones currently living on the planet throughout its
history. Periods of speciation have alternated with periods of mas-
sive extinctions.

How do Changes on Earth Occur?
Earth’s history is embedded in its rocks. By analyzing the rocks’ char-
acteristics, geologists obtain information of the processes that have
formed and modified them.
To do that, they draw on uniformitarianism. According to this scientific
principle, the geological processes acting on the past are the same ones
that act on the Earth today.
The Scottish geologist James Hutton (1726-1797), considered the father
of modern geology, was the first to apply this principle.
Observing the processes acting today on Earth—and on other planets Gallery
in the solar system—has allowed us to infer that the changes the Earth
has undergone are due to:

Gradual processes Catastrophic processes

These slow-moving processes act con- These unusual geological processes are
tinuously over very long time spans— very intense and and act over short pe-
billions of years—, and include ero- riods of time—from seconds to a few
sion, sedimentation, or tectonic plate years—, such as a meteorite impact or
motion. River erosion and runoff has a volcanic eruption. A meteorite impact
dug the Grand Canyon over a period of some 66 Ma ago triggered a massive ex-
6 Ma. tinction of species.

The Age of the Earth

A great collaborative effort has been made in the scientific community
to determine the age of the Earth, one involving scientists across differ-
ent disciplines.
The discovery of natural radioactivity allowed scientists, during the first
half of the nineteenth century, to establish and refine a reliable dating
method to know the age of minerals and rocks (including meteorite

The results obtained with this method point to the idea that
Earth was formed approximately around 4.5 billion years ago.
Over the years, philosophers and scientists have tried to determine the
age of the Earth with varying success, including:

Initial page of James Ussher (1650)

the book where The earliest ideas about Earth’s age have a marked religious influence: Earth was understood as the
James Ussher home of humanity, so it could not be much older than humanity itself.
published his
calculations in So, a literal interpretation of the Bible led archbishop James Ussher in 1650 to estimate that the
1650. origin of Earth was in 4004 BC. Ussher’s calculations had a powerful effect on society.

Outline of Charles Lyell (1830)

Principles of In 1830, Charles Lyell published Principles of Geology, which developed and popularized James Hutton’s
Geology, by
Charles Lyell
uniformitarian ideas.
(1857, second According to this principle, Earth was moulded by the same geological processes acting today.
American If these extremely slow processes had moulded the Earth’s relief, then Earth’s origin should be much
edition). more remote than just a few thousands of years. Although Lyell did not make an estimate of the Earth’s
age, his acolytes believed it could be hundreds of millions or even billions of years old. 15
Lord Kelvin (1862)
In 1862, British physicist William Thomson—better known as Lord Kelvin—estimated the Earth’s
age by applying the scientific method.
Lord Kelvin hypothesized that, originally, Earth was a sphere of molten rock that cooled slowly until
it reached its present temperature. Later in life, and after having refined his calculations over the
years, Kelvin established that Earth’s age ranged between 20 and 40 million years. The scientific
model Lord Kelvin based his work on did not consider the existence of layers in the geosphere, nor phe-
nomena of natural radioactivity—which make up for the cooling by conduction.

John Joly (1899)

In 1899, Irish physicist and geologist John Joly tried to determine the Earth’s age from the rate at which
oceans accumulate salt through erosion on continental rocks. He estimated then that the age must
be between 80 and 100 million years. Joly’s calculations did not consider that oceans also lose salt in
subduction zones.

Geological Dating
Determining when rocks and landforms on Earth formed is necessary if
we are to learn more about Earth’s history. To do that, Earth scientists use
dating techniques.

Dating is the process of locating a specific event or material in time.

There are two types of dating processes:

Absolute dating, which consists in providing a numerical age or
Although we may not know the date range for a given event or material.
when a baby boy was born (absolute Relative dating, which allows us to order the events or materials
dating), we can safely say that he
chronologically, without establishing the numerical date when they
was born after his parents (relative
dating). occurred.

Absolute Dating
Radiometric Dating: Radioactive Isotopes
Radiometric dating is a dating method based in natural radioactivity.
Each particular chemical element has its isotope variants, types of at-
oms which differ only in neutron number. Some isotopes are radioac-
tive: they emit energy and subatomic particles spontaneously. Through
this process, called decay, these isotopes end up becoming isotopes of
other elements.
Radioactive isotopes are known as parent isotopes, and the ones re-
sulting from this decay, daughter isotopes.
Each type of radioactive isotope is characterized by its half-life (t1/2), the
time required for one-half of the radioactive parent atoms in a sample to
convert to the stable daughter products.
The more unstable the isotope, the shorter its half-life.


Parent isotope Parent isotope

Daughter isotope Daughter isotope
Parent Parent
isotope isotope
atoms: atoms:

50 25
5,730 5,730
0 10,000 0 10,000
Time (years) t1/2 = 5,730 years Time (years) t1/2 = 5,730 years

After the half-life period has passed, the num- After another half-life period, the number
ber of radioactive atoms has gone from 100 to of radioactive atoms has decreased from 50
50, that is, they have decreased by half. to 25, that is, they have decreased by half

Application of Radiometric Dating

Through radiometric dating, the age of a sample can be determined Graph
The half-life (t1/2) of a given radioactive iso-
tope contained in a sample.
The proportion of parent isotopes which 100%
have not transformed into daughter prod-
% of parent isotope atoms remaining

ucts yet.
Using these pieces of data we can calculate the
time elapsed since a sample began decaying
until the present time. 50%
In geology, this technique is commonly used to
determine the age of igneous rocks—such as
basalt and granite—, since the radioactivity in 25%
these rocks begins at the time of their forma-
tion, when magma has cooled enough for the 12.5%
minerals to crystallize.
1 · t1/2 2 · t1/2 3 · t1/2 4 · t1/2
However, this method cannot be used to date
the formation of sedimentary rocks, since the Time
grains making up the rock are not the same
age and belong to older rocks. Percent of radioactive atoms remaining against the time elapsed.

Other Dating Methods

There are other methods of absolute dating, such as dendrochronol-
ogy and analyzing ice cores.
Unlike radiometric methods, these methods are not used to determine
the age of such old events. Instead, they are used to date events related
to Earth’s past climatic and atmospheric conditions. 17

Dendrochronology is the dating of growth rings in trees.

Every year, trees grow in diameter and add a layer of new wood under the bark. If the tree
is felled and the trunk examined, we can see concentric rings showing, each corresponding
to one year’s growth. The tree’s age can be determined by counting the rings. We know that
wet conditions produce wide rings, whereas dry conditions produce narrow rings. Then,
dendrochronology looks at tree rings and gives us information about climate conditions
of the recent past.
It is possible to rebuild series of several thousands of years by overlapping the growth rings of
Tree growth rings showing in wood. different trees.

Analysis of Ice Cores

An ice core is a cylindrical sample of ice obtained from vertically drilling a large mass of ice.

These ice masses form from the incremental buildup and compression of snow over the
years. The deeper ice layers are, therefore, the oldest. The solid particles and gas bubbles
trapped in the ice provide information about the atmospheric conditions of each parti-
cular period in time. Thanks to this, we can analyze the climate of times past, date volcanic
eruptions, etc
Through ice core drilling, the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) has documented
the climatic and atmospheric record of the last 740,000 years.
Scientists at the Vostok Station,

Relative Dating
Principles of Stratigraphy
The analysis of rock layers—or strata—is the main method of relative
Rock layers are the horizontal layers originating from accumulation
and compaction of sediments that give rise to sedimentary rocks.
Stratigraphy is concerned with the study of geologic strata.
Each layer or stratum is distinguished by the characteristics of the sedi-
ments forming it. At the same time, these characteristics depend on the
conditions under which it accumulated.
For example, a rock layer of limestone reflects sedimentation in a marine
environment, whereas a layer of conglomerate reflects the action of a
river in its upper course.
Stratigraphic dating is based on two principles:

Years Principle of Superposition of Strata

Since sediments are deposited and compacted due to gravitational settling, we
0 200,000
can infer that rock layers are ordered on the vertical axis by age.

Any given rock layer is older than the one above it and younger than
the one below.

Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships
The law of superposition of strata is not applicable when, after their deposition,
the action of geological processes such as faults, folds, magma intrusions, or
differential erosion move them into different positions.
The principle of cross-cutting relationships explains these cases:

A geological process is more recent than the rocks it affects and older
than the rocks it doesn’t affect.

Correlation of Rock Layers

There is no sedimentary basin on Earth that has a complete record of
Earth’s history. The sequence of rock layers in a specific sedimentary en-
vironment only corresponds to a very brief period of Earth’s history and
it may also exhibit interruptions.
By tying together rock layers from different landforms, we can try to ob-
tain a record of longer sequences of events. This process is called strati-
graphic correlation, and it is done according to these principles: Outlines

Index Key Bed


Lateral Continuity. Correlating strata using index fossils. Correlating strata using key beds.

Lateral Continuity Index Fossils Key Beds

The principle of lateral continuity is Index fossils are fossils that are Through analyzing key beds we can relate layers of
used to correlate two sequences of rock widespread geographically and that rock formed over a widespread area.
layers from the same sedimentary basin, can be used as time indicators to Key beds are strata with distinctive, easy-to-spot charac-
that is, from two relatively close locations. match rock layers of the same age. teristics, which formed over a widespread area during a
Index fossils are species or groups of spe- relatively brief period of time. The rock layers formed of a
According to this principle, we cies that lived over a very large area, but bed of volcanic ash that settled over an area of millions of
can trace the exposed layers for relatively short periods of time. square kilometers as a result of a powerful volcanic explo-
in an outcrop laterally and link sion are examples of key beds.
them to equivalent layers in If the same index fossils are found
nearby local sequences. in rock layers of two distinct land- Identifying the same key bed in two distant geo-
forms, we can affirm that they are logical landforms serves as an age marker that
the same age. can be used to match strata.

Fossil Formation
The study of fossils, or paleontology, provides key information about
the history of Earth since life emerged on it. 19
Fossils are the remains or traces of past life on Earth that have
been preserved in rocks.

Fossilization—fossil formation—is an exceptional process which only

occurs under very specific conditions in the sedimentary environments
where sedimentary rocks form.

In general, organic remains are quickly consumed by decomposers and

therefore no fossils can be formed. However, mineral structures such as
bones and shells are better preserved.

It is estimated that the vast majority of species that have inhab-

Fossilization is the process by which ited the Earth have disappeared, leaving no fossils behind.
remains or traces of past life give rise
to fossils.

Importance of Fossils in Geology

Outline The fossil record shows that Earth was inhabited by species other than
those that are currently living. Fossil species can be dated, which is a
way of knowing the period of time they inhabited Earth:
Trilobites as index fossils.
251Ma Fossils become a part of sedimentary rocks, therefore
Cheiropyge stratigraphy can be used to determine whether they
are recent, or old.
299 Ma
Cummingella Radiometric dating of the igneous rocks above and be-
low rocks containing fossils allows us to determine the
359 Ma range of years in which these living organisms inhabited
Odontochile the Earth.
416 Ma
If a time period can be associated with a fossil species, then
we can use fossils for dating rocks. This is extremely useful in
444 Ma
the case of index fossils.
488 Ma Trilobites are extinct aquatic arthropods. Different forms of
trilobites dominated the seas worldwide over relatively brief
Olenellus periods of time, so they can be considered good index fos-
542 Ma sils.

The Stages of Earth’s History

The history of Earth spans approximately 4.5 billion years. To make it
easier to study, it is divided into:
Eons Eras Periods

The limits between these divisions correspond to great tectonic, atmo-

spheric, or biological changes that have affected the planet.
The most remote ages have few divisions, simply because we have very
little information about them.
We are currently in the Phanerozoic Eon, the Cenozoic Era, and the
Quaternary Period.

The history of Earth is divided into four great eons:
Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic.

The first three eons are often grouped into a supe-




reon called Precambrian, which is the time that




preceded the Cambrian, the first period of the Pha-
nerozoic eon.
Eras -500 Ma 0 Ma
Except for the Hadean, each eon is divided into eras.

The eras of the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic eons are



in turn divided into periods.











-4,000 Ma -3,000 Ma -2,000 Ma -1,000 Ma 0 Ma



The Hadean Eon

The Hadean Eon began with the formation of Earth 4.55 billion
years ago.
The young Earth was a sphere of molten material, subject to con-

4.55 - 4.00 Ga ago

stant bombardment by asteroids. The atmosphere was made up
of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water vapor.
As the Hadean progressed, the rate of meteorite impacts de-
creased and the planet began to cool down. As a result of this:
The planet’s surface solidified and the Earth’s crust formed,
with intense volcanic activity.
The water vapor in the atmosphere condensed and fell as
rain. Continuous rainfall gave rise to the first oceans.
Without the existence of stable masses of liquid water, life as we
know it would not have been able to emerge.

The Archean Eon

4.00 - 2.50 Ga ago

A key event in the planet’s history marks the start of the Arche-
an Eon: the appearance of life.
During Archean times, there was no oxygen (O2 ) on Earth. The
first evidence of primitive life forms appears without this gas.
Life is likely to have appeared around seafloor hydrothermal
vents, as this was the ideal environment for the spontaneous for- 21
mation of organic molecules. Some of these molecules prob-
ably organized into protocells, extremely simple structures ca-
pable of exchanging matter and energy with their environment
and reproducing. The earliest cells—prokaryotes—evolved
from these protocells.
Prokaryotes dominated the planet throughout the Archean,
and with them, the main chemical processes of cells—such as
photosynthesis—evolved and diversified.
Some fossilized prokaryotes lived more than 3.5 Ga ago

The Proterozoic Eon

Cyanobacteria thrived and diversified during the Proterozoic.
2.50 - 0.54 Ga ago

These photosynthesizing organisms produced large amounts of

oxygen. After oxidizing minerals on the Earth’s surface, oxygen
accumulated in the atmosphere and caused the extinction of
many prokaryotes, since it was a toxic gas.
Over time, a group of bacteria that used oxygen for cellular
respiration evolved from other oxygen-tolerant bacteria. This
allowed them to extract much more energy from organic mat-
ter than all other prokaryotes and spread across the planet, rel-
egating the remaining prokaryotes to localized, anoxic environ-
Later on—around 1.8 billion years ago—, the symbiosis be-
tween prokaryotic cells gave rise to the earliest eukaryotic cell.
This cell type evolved into complex multicellular organisms in
Pannotia late Proterozoic times.
The supercontinent Rodinia formed at the beginning of the
Continental crust above sea level Distribution of continents about Proterozoic. Throughout the eon, this continent broke up and
Continental crust below sea level
Oceanic crust
600 Ma ago assembled again, forming Pannotia.

–500 Ma
The Phanerozoic Eon

SILURIAN The Phanerozoic is the eon extending to the present, which


–400 Ma spans about 542 Ma. The name derives from the Greek for abun-
DEVONIAN dance of macroscopic life forms. This eon is divided into three
0.54 - 0 Ga ago

The Paleozoic. This era sees the emergence of all animal phyla

–300 Ma
PERMIAN in the sea and life forms colonizing land environments, under
very changing climatic conditions. Pannotia breaks up and
TRIASSIC from its fragments Pangea is assembled.
–200 Ma The Mesozoic. Earth’s flora and fauna diversify greatly during

this era in generally warm climates. Pangea breaks apart.

The Cenozoic. During this era—the present era—, Earth under-
–100 Ma CRETACEOUS goes various glacial periods, and birds and mammals diversify.
The continents adjust to their present positions and the main
PALEOGENE mountain ranges that characterize today’s relief rise.


The Paleozoic Era
The Cambrian Period (542 - 485 Ma)
During the Cambrian, the first period of the
Paleozoic, the greatest diversification of
macroscopic life during Earth’s history oc-
Such an extreme diversification occurred in
shallow seas with abundant algae, which re-
sulted in the rise and proliferation of species
of all main groups of invertebrates: sponges,
cnidarians, annelids, arthropods—such as Distribution of continents about
500 Ma ago
trilobites, for example—, mollusks, echino-
derms, etc.
Continental Siberia
Tectonic plate motions during the Cambrian resulted crust above
sea level
in the breakup of Pannotia into four continents—Lau- Continental
rentia, Baltica, Siberia, and Gondwana. This favored the crust below Baltica Gondwana
sea level
extension of continental platforms, covered with shal- Oceanic
low seas, the ideal environment for life to thrive. crust

The Ordivician Period (485 - 444 Ma ago)

During the Ordovician Period, aquatic life
kept diversifying in shallow seas. Large-sized
arthropod predators appeared; echinoderms
and cephalopods with external shells—
which dominated the seas—diversified, and
so did the first group of vertebrates, jawless
fish. Small plants, similar to currently living
hepatics, started to grow on land.
The supercontinent of Pannotia no longer
breaks apart during the Ordovician. Sea lev-
els were very high during most of the period.
However, glaciation at the end of the pe- Distribution of continents about
riod caused a decrease in sea levels, so many 460 Ma ago
shallow seas withdrew.
Continental Siberia
This may have triggered the great extinction event that crust above
sea level
took place when the period came to a close: more than Continental
half the genera of all aquatic animals became extinct. crust below Baltica Gondwana
sea level

The Silurian Period (444 - 416 Ma ago)

After the extinction event by the end of the
Ordovician, the Silurian saw the prolifera-
tion of, among many other invertebrates,
coral reefs. Jawless fish thrived and diversi-
fied, and the first jawed fish appeared. Vas-
cular plants appeared on land, and there’s
evidence of fungi and arthropods (such as
arachnids and millipedes). 23
Region where Distribution of continents about 380 Ma ago
the Caledonian
orogeny is In geological terms, Laurentia and Baltica—
fragments of the ancient Pannotia—collided,
Continental Laurentia resulting in the Caledonian orogeny, the rise
crust above Baltica
sea level of a large mountain range with highly eroded
Continental remains still present in the British Isles, Green-
crust below
sea level land, Canada, and Scandinavia.

The Devonian Period

Land environment (416 - 359 Ma ago)
During the Devonian Period, jawed fish di-
versified in the seas, and the first sharks and
armored fish appeared. Together with 20%
of the families of aquatic animals, armored
fish became extinct by the end of the peri-
od because of a great extinction event we
don’t know much about.
The evolution of vascular plants on land
gave rise to the appearance of tree ferns,
which formed the first forests. The first
Aquatic environment insects also evolved during this period, as
did amphibians, the first land vertebrates.
As far as plate motion is concerned, the
Caledonian orogeny ended with the com-
ing together of Laurentia and Baltica and
subsequent formation of the Euramerica
continent, which slowly drifted closer to

crust above
sea level Euramerica
crust below
sea level Gondwana
crust Distribution of continents about 420 Ma ago

The Carboniferous Period

(359 - 299 Ma ago)
During the Carboniferous Period, most
of the land was covered in dense forests
of ferns. Because the Earth was warm and
swampy, these forests produced large
amounts of organic matter—which in turn
gave rise to the planet’s main coal depos-
its—and oxygen. It was in this period that
the highest oxygen levels in the atmosphere
were reached. Flying insects and amphib-
ians thrived and diversified in these humid

forests. The climate at the end of the period Region where
was drier and the first reptiles and the first orogeny is
seed-bearing plants appeared. Sharks also
Continental Euramerica
proliferated in the seas. crust above
sea level
In terms of the geosphere, the collision be-
tween Gondwana and Euramerica resulted crust below
sea level
in multiple orogenies—such as the Herc- Gondwana
ynian orogeny—that gave rise to mountain crust Distribution of continents about 340 Ma ago
ranges whose reliefs have made it to our
days, although highly eroded. The formation
of Pangaea was being forged.

The Permian Period (299 - 251 Ma ago)

The Permian Period signifies the end of the
Paleozoic era.
Reptiles and seed-bearing plants began to
diversify under increasingly dry climates, as
they are better adapted to these conditions
than amphibians and ferns. The period ends
with the largest extinction event in Earth’s
history, with various possible causes—an as-
teroid impact, massive vulcanism, the release
of large amounts of methane gas, a dramatic
climate change, and so on. It wiped out 95%
of all marine species—including the last trilo-
bites—and about 70% of all land vertebrates,
as well as many insect species. crust above Pangea
sea level
During the Permian period, the Pangaea su- Continental
percontinent was formed. crust below
sea level
crust Distribution of continents about 260 Ma ago
The Mesozoic Era
The Triassic Period (251 - 201 Ma ago)
The Mesozoic, known as the era of reptiles,
begins with the Triassic Period.
In this period of barren and warm climate,
with large deserts, the biosphere diversi-
fied again after the massive extinction that
brought the Paleozoic to a close. Plant life was
dominated by coniferous and other seed-
bearing plants, and land vertebrates thrived
and diversified, giving rise to multiple groups
of reptiles, including the earliest dinosaurs, Distribution of continents
about 220 Ma ago
and to the first mammals.The Triassic also
ended with another massive extinction—of unclear
causes—which wiped out half of the known species. Continental
crust above Panthalassa Pangaea Tethys sea
sea level
During the Triassic, Pangaea extended from pole to Continental
pole, surrounded by a single ocean called Panthalassa. crust below
sea level
A branch of Panthalassa, the Tethys Sea, began to pen- Oceanic
etrate through Pangaea from the East. 25
Land environment
The Jurassic Period (201 - 145 Ma Ago)
During the Jurassic, the global climate was
warm and increasingly damp. The desserts
from the Triassic gave rise to tropical forests
with coniferous and ferns. The extinction
event that ended the Triassic brought about
the dominance of dinosaurs—which diversi-
fied and were found in all land ecosystems—,
together with giant flying reptiles (ptero-
saurs) and aquatic reptiles such as ichthyo-
Aquatic environment saurs and plesiosaurs. By the end of the Juras-
sic, a group of dinosaurs gave rise to the first
bird species.
Aquatic environments were highly diverse,
underpinned by an abundant production of
plankton, which would become the base for
future oil and gas deposits.
Geologically, the formation of the new oce-
anic crust under the Tethys Sea signified the
dismemberment of Pangaea into two large
continents: Laurasia to the north and Gond-
wana to the south.
crust above
sea level Gondwana
The Cretaceous Period
crust below (145 - 66 Ma ago)
sea level
Distribution of continents about 150 Ma ago In the Cretaceous, the first angiosperms—
flowering plants with fruits—thrived and di-
versified. The evolution of their flowers par-
alleled the evolution of pollinating insects.
Land environment Small mammals and birds also proliferated,
but still under the looming dominance of
large reptiles.
The Cretaceous Period ends with yet an-
other massive extinction, triggered by an
asteroid impact which wiped out 75% of all
species, including the dinosaurs and large
reptiles. This paved the way for the diversifi-
cation of mammals and birds.
In geological terms, Gondwana started to
break apart into South America, Africa, India,
Aquatic environment Australia, and Antartica, and Laurasia into
North America, Greenland, Europe, and Asia.
Half the world’s oil and gas reserves originat-
ed by the mid Cretaceous from the buildup
of organic remains in seabeds.


crust above
sea level Gondwana
crust below
sea level
crust Appearance of Earth roughly about 120 Ma ago

The Cenozoic Era
The Paleogene and Neogene Periods
(66 - 2.6 Ma ago)
The Cenozoic begins with the Paleogene
and the Neogene, two periods traditionally
grouped into a single one called Tertiary.
During these periods, the mammals surviv-
ing the great extinction at the end of the
Mezosoic diversified and took over the eco-
systems that once belonged to large reptiles.
Also birds, angiosperms, and bony fish
started to diversify greatly. The Neogene
saw the evolution of the earliest hominids, Region where
Alpine orogeny
and by the end of the period, the evolution of aus- is produced
tralopithecus, which included our direct ancestors. Continental
crust above
As for the continental drift, the collision between tec- sea level
tonic plates at the start of the Paleogene produced Continental
crust below
the Alpine orogeny, with the rise of the main moun- sea level
tain ranges in Southern Europe, Northern Africa, and Oceanic
Distribution of continents about 40 Ma ago
Asia, including the Himalaya. At the end of the Neo-
gene, South America and North America became
connected through the isthmus of Panama.

The Quaternary Period

(2.6 - 0 Ma ago) Land environment A

The Quaternary is the present period. Earth,

in this period, has undergone various gla-
ciations. Modern humans (Homo sapiens)
appeared in Africa about 300,000 years
ago—although the earliest species of the
Homo genus date back to the beginning of
the Quaternary. Over the last 100,000 years,
Homo sapiens have colonized the planet
and become the dominant species.
Coinciding with the end of the last glacia-
tion, about 10,000 years ago, a significant Land environment B
extinction wiped out large mammals such
as mammoths and saber-toothed cats. Evi-
dence seems to indicate that human expan-
sion could be related to this extinction.
Since the origin of life, different species
or groups of species have dominated the
planet. However, there is only one type of
organism that has prevailed in spite of all
the extinctions: bacteria.

crust above
sea level
crust below
sea level
crust Present distribution of continents 27

The Hallway of Earth's History

The length of geologic time is so large that it’s hard to get your head
around it. Even if the 4.5 billion years of Earth’s history are divided into
eons, eras, and periods, these divisions are still extremely lengthy.
To try to have a better understanding of geologic time and the length
of its divisions, you will construct a geologic and biological timeline
of the Earth. Given that this covers such a great timespan, you will
surely need more than just one sheet of paper to present its history in
a comprehensible manner.

So, we will use a hallway in your school to build the geologic

timeline. We will obviously name it the hallway of Earth’s his-

By doing that, other students in your school will also learn about Earth’s
amazing time scale


a. The first thing you need to do is choose a suitable hallway for your time
scale. Make sure it is long and wide enough for students to walk down the
hallway and check on it
Describe the location chosen for your time scale.
Indicate its measurements, exact location in the school, and the characteristics
that make it ideal (proper lighting, sufficiently spacious, etc.).

b. The next step is to calculate the space that will be allocated to each divi-
sion, considering both the duration of each time scale division and the total Interactivity
length of the hallway.
Complete the table in the digital version with the results of your calcula-
Express the results in the units indicated and, if necessary, correct to two deci-
mal places.

c. The next step is agreeing on the structure of the timeline, that is, the in-
formation the geologic and biological time scale of the Earth must include
and how to best represent it.

Your timeline must indicate the age and name of each of the divisions. Also,
place the main events related to the distribution of the continents and the
evolution of biodiversity on the timeline.

Agree with the other students whether you also want to include images or
draw diagrams. Think also how to organize the information related to most
recent periods since, comparatively, you will have much less room to use.

Write down a list with the main pieces of information you will include in
your time scale.

d. At this point, get in pairs or groups of three students, so that each group
works specifically on one time scale division.

Follow these steps to prepare your division:

1. Look up and select information.

2. Write short descriptions in a clear manner.
3. Prepare the images, diagrams or maps.

e. Finally, build your time scale.

Build your division of the geologic time scale in the hallway and make a
brief presentation to your classmates.
Distribute the content of your time scale in an orderly manner and in the
space that is allocated to your division. 29
A History of Changes
1. A History of Changes 5,000

Sea level variation relative to

a. Look at the graph and indicate whether these 4,000

today’s level (m)

statements about the sea levels over the last 3,000 Number of gen-
500 Ma of Earth’s history are true or false. 2,000 era of aquatic
1,000 species over the
400 last 550 Ma.
Sea level variation relative to

300 550 450 350 250 150 100 0

today’s level (m)

Millions of years before present time

How do Changes on Earth Occur?
0 Sea level
-100 variation 2. Gradual and Catastrophic Changes
500 400 300 200 100 0 over the last Indicate whether the following statements are true
Millions of years before present time 500 Ma.
or false.
The maximum sea level during this period is Earth changes through gradual processes as
4 m higher than today’s. well as rare, random catastrophic events.
The current sea level is one of the highest of The action of slow geological processes over
the last 500 Ma. very long periods of time can result in relevant
The current sea level is one of the lowest of the changes on the Earth’s relief.
last 500 Ma. Uniformitarianism defends the idea that Earth
The sea level has been increasing gradually. has always been the same unchanged planet.
b. Look at the graph and indicate whether these Catastrophic processes are more frequent
statements about Earth’s average temperature over than gradual processes.
the last 600 Ma are true or false. The formation of mountain ranges is the result
of catastrophic processes occurring over a few
dozen years.
Average temperature on

Earth’s surface ( ºC)

Average The gradual and catastrophic processes we

temperature of know today have also acted on Earth in the
Earth’s surface
over the last
10 600 Ma. Almost all changes the Earth has experienced
600 500 400 300 200 100 200 are due to cataclysmic events such as asteroid
Millions of years before present time impacts.

At times, Earth’s average temperature appears

Geological Dating
to have been over 25 °C.
There have been oscillations in temperature of 3. Absolute or Relative?
over 20 °C. What dating process is used in each of the follow-
Earth’s average temperature appears to have ing statements?
been below 0 °C. [Relative dating / Absolute dating]
c. Look at the graph and indicate whether these The first transcontinental flight took place in
statements about the biodiversity in Earth’s oceans 1919. ...........
over the last 550 Ma are true or false.
The expedition sailed past the Azores Islands
Biodiversity has not stopped increasing over before docking at the port in Plymouth. ............
the last 550 Ma. Humans have been farming the land for
There appear to be periods of massive extinc- 10,000 years. ............
tion events. Paul is younger than his sister. .............
Today, there are more than 4 million genera of The school team won its last basketball champi-
aquatic organisms. onship 5 years ago today. ............

4. Tracks in the Sand c. A different sample contains 8 · 1024 atoms of
the same radioactive isotope. Complete the table
with the number of atoms of the parent isotope
that will remain after a period of 1, 2, and 3 years.
To calculate the value of a row, use the value directly
above it and the half-life.
Time Atoms of the
elapsed parent isotope
0 years 8 · 1024
1 year .......... · 1024
a. Look at the wheel tracks in the image and put 2 years .......... · 1024
them in order, from most recent to oldest. 3 years .......... · 1024
A. Track 1 B. Track 2 C. Track 3
d. This time, write the number of atoms of the
b. What dating method have you used to rank the daughter isotope that will remain in the same
tire tracks in chronological order? sample after a period of 1, 2, and 3 years.
q Relative dating q Absolute dating Time Atoms of the
elapsed daughter isotope
c. How did you decide the chronological order in
which the tire tracks were left in the sand? 0 years 0
1 year .......... · 1024
The tire track that is not interrupted by any
2 years .......... · 1024
other track is the [most recent / oldest].
3 years .......... · 1024
The tire track that is interrupted by the other
tracks is the [most recent / oldest]. 7. Isotopes Used in Radiometric Dating
These are some of the most commonly isotopes
Radiometric Dating: Radioactive Isotopes used in radiometric dating, and their half-lives.

Parent Daughter Table of

5. Facts about Natural Background Radiation Half-life the most
isotope isotope
Indicate whether the following statements about commonly
natural radiation are true or false Rubidium-87 Strontium-87 48,800 Ma used
When a radioactive isotope decays, it disap- Uranium-238 Lead-206 4,510 Ma isotopes in
pears completely. geologic
After one half-life, the amount of radioactive Potassium-40 Argon-40 1,280 Ma dating.
isotope atoms of a sample is reduced by half.
Carbon-14 Nitrogen-14 5,730 Ma
The half-life of a given isotope may vary.
The more stable the isotope is, the longer its
a. Rank them in increasing order of stability.
When a radioactive isotope decays, it trans- A. Carbon-14 B. Uranium-238
forms into an isotope of another element. C. Potassium-40 D. Rubidium-87
After two half-lives, all parent isotope atoms b. Complete the following statements: [lower
present in a sample will have disintegrated. than / the same as / greater than].
6. Calculations Using Half-Lives In a sample where radioactivity began
a. A sample contains 6 · 1020 atoms of a radioac- 4,000 Ma ago, the amount of rubidium-87 will
tive isotope. This isotope has a half-life of be ......... that of strontium-87.
1 year. How many atoms of the parent isotope In a sample where radioactivity began
will remain after 1 year? 3,000 Ma ago, the amount of uranium-238 will
b. Another sample contains 8 · 1022 atoms of the be .......... that of lead-206.
same isotope. How many atoms of the parent In a sample where radioactivity began
isotope will remain in this sample after 1 year? 2,000 Ma ago, the amount of potassium-40 will
be .......... that of argon-40. 31
Application of Radiometric Dating Granite A, with 55% of potassium-40 atoms and
45% of argon-40 atoms: ........... Ma
8. Radioactive Decay of Iodine-131 Granite B, with 80% of potassium-40 atoms and
a. Represent in the digital resource the pace 20% of argon-40 atoms: ........... Ma
at which a sample containing iodine-131 (131I)
decays. Granite C, with 90% of potassium-40 atoms and
10% of argon-40 atoms: ........... Ma
Time (days) Atoms of I (%)

0 100 10. Earth’s Age and Radiometric Dating

4 74 Carefully read the following text and answer the
8 50
12 35 questions on the following pages.
16 25
20 18 The age of the Earth is 4.54 billion years (Ga or
24 13 Gyr), a number which geologists have determined
28 9 by several independent radiometric datation
32 6 methods. Because of the recycling of crustal rocks
by plate tectonics, no direct material from the ear-
b. What’s the half-life of iodine? Express your liest Earth still exists. However, geologists are able
answer as a whole number. to analyze meteorites and lunar rocks returned by
the Apollo missions.
c. A sample has 60% of the atoms of iodine-131 it
contained originally.How many days have passed Methods
since the initial situation until this measurement? Rocks in the 4-5 Ga range may be dated by mea-
Express your answer as a whole number. suring ratios of isotopes of uranium/lead, rubid-
ium/strontium, potassium/argon, and neodym-
9. Dating Granite ium/samarium. One way to judge the reliability
Granite is a rock that forms when large masses of a radiometric measurement is to compare the
of magma in the Earth’s crust slowly cool down. results of different measurement techniques for
Feldspar, one of its most abundant components the same sample.
is a potassium-rich mineral.
Note that these methods do not include carbon
The atoms of the radioactive isotope potas- dating. Creationists frequently describe carbon
sium-40 decay into argon-40 with a half-life of being used to date rocks; in fact, it cannot be used
1,280 Ma. in that way, as rocks do not accumulate carbon
in the manner that living material does. Also, the
relatively brief half-life of 14C (5,730 years) means
that after ~50,000 years, so little 14C remains that
the machine used to measure isotopes, a mass
spectrometer, cannot reliably detect this amount
within its normal background error.

Meteorites are pieces of the primordial solar sys-
tem. They formed at the same time as Earth and
a. At what point in time will the amount of potas- the other planets. Meteorites test within a narrow
sium-40 atoms in the rock be at its highest? time range between 4.48-4.56 Ga.
q The amount of potassium-40 does not change Lunar materials
over time. The Apollo missions returned 382 kg of lunar
q 1,280 Ma years after its formation. materials. Although much of this consisted of rela-
q Right after having formed. tively young volcanic flows, older crustal highland
rocks ranged from 4.3-4.5 Ga. In 2005, research-
b. In the digital version use the interactive decay ers used a refined technique involving tungsten
curve graph of potassium-40 to determine the isotopes and hafnium to find a lunar formation
age of the following pieces of granite. date of 4.527 Ga.

Timeline d. In what way is meteorite dating useful to know
1. Minimum age of the solar system: the age of Earth?
4.57 Ga
Since Earth formed from the accretion of
Based on radiometric dating using207Pb/206Pb-
meteorites, we can assume that Earth is slightly
younger than the meteorites.
2. Age of the Earth: 4.54 Ga Meteorites allow us to estimate when the solar
Numerous meteorite samples. system was formed.
Meteorites contain Earth’s materials.
3. Age of moon formation, 4.527 Ga.
e. What information can we obtain from studying
Note that lunar rocks are slightly younger than the
the Moon?
Earth, reflecting their origin as a piece of Earth’s
mantle hurtled into orbit during a collision. The age of lunar rocks is inferred from the hy-
pothesis that the Moon formed, like the Earth,
4. Oldest mineral yet discovered on Earth: 4.408 from the accretion of meteorites.
Lunar rocks are younger than Earth’s.
Zircon crystal in sediment, Jack Hills, Australia.
The age of lunar rocks is inferred from the
5. Oldest rock yet identified on Earth: hypothesis that the Moon is a part of Earth’s
4.031 Ga mantle.
Acasta gneiss, Slave Craton, Canada.
f. Rank these elements according to age, from old-
Adapted from Steven Newton, “How Old is est to youngest.
the Earth?,” National Center for Science Edu-
cation website, A. Solar system
science/how-old-is-earth, October 17, 2008 B. Earth’s oldest rock
a. What types of dating methods are mentioned in C. The Moon
the text? D. Earth’s oldest mineral
q Relative dating methods. E. Earth
q Absolute dating methods.
11. Carbon-14 Dating
b. What are the limitations we are faced with when Carbon-14 is an unstable isotope of carbon with
trying to determine Earth’s age? a half-life of 5,730 years. Living organisms store a
q All of Earth’s crust rocks have been subject to small amount of that isotope in their body.
melting or transformation due to the effect of The amount of carbon-14 present in the body of
plate tectonics. a living organism remains constant throughout
q Dating methods are too inaccurate to mea- its life, as it is incorporated and eliminated at the
sure Earth’s age. same rate.
q Meteorite impacts make radiometric dating of However, when a living organism dies, it no
the Earth’s crust rocks too difficult. longer incorporates carbon-14 atoms. As time
passes, the amount of that isotope in the organ-
c. What is radiocarbon dating’s major limitation?
ism decreases as it decays into nitrogen-14.
q The amount of atoms of 14C in materials older
than 50,000 years is so small that it can not be Therefore, we can know the age of biologi-
measured with precision. cal remains by analyzing the amount of
q Rocks contain no carbon. carbon-14 remaining in the sample and
comparing it to the original amount.
q It can ony measure the amount of atoms of 14C
in materials more recent than 5,730 Ma. 33
a. Which statements about carbon-14 are correct? borer can be used to drill from the bark into the
center of a tree to remove a long narrow cylinder
It only allows us to know the age of biological of wood. In these cylinders—called core sam-
remains that are less than 5,730 years old. ples—, the rings appear as bands.
It measures the time elapsed since the birth of
the organism being studied. a. Observe the core sample extracted in the winter
of 2017 of a pine tree nearby the cabin. How many
It only allows us to know the age of biological
rings are there in the sample? When counting, do
remains that are less than 11,460 years old.
not include the core band or the bark.
It measures the time elapsed since the organ-
ism’s death.

b. A sample of a feather found in an archeological

site contains about 25% of the concentration of car-
bon-14 present in the feathers of a living bird. Look
at the graph and calculate the age of the feather. bark
Core sample extracted from the trunk of a tree near the
The feather is about .......... years old.
cabin in 2017.
b. When was the first annual growth ring formed in
the pine tree? Recall that the outermost ring corre-
sponds to the annual growth of 2017.
% of 14C atoms remaining

c. Based on the width of its rings, the core sample

shows seven regions, each represented with a letter.
How many sequences of dry years has this pine tree
d. Now observe the core sample obtained from
one of the wooden beams that was used to build
the cabin. How old was the tree that was cut down
to make the wooden beam? When counting, do not
include the core band or the bark.
Time elapsed since the organism’s death (in years)
Decay curve for carbon-14.

Other Dating Methods

12. Dating a Log Cabin
Suppose you want to determine the year when Core sample extracted from one of the cabin’s wooden
a cabin was built in a pine forest. Since the cabin beams.
was built using wood from the same forest, you
take samples of the tree trunks nearby to com- e. Compare the two core samples and
pare them with the wooden beams in the cabin. find out whether the ring pattern of the
Each year, growth is represented by a ring consisting wooden beam can be matched with the
of a light part (beginning of the growth period) and a ring pattern of the pine tree.What does
dark part (end of the growth period). matching mean?
q That the pine that was used as a beam and the
Ring width depends on the environmental pine from which a core sample was extracted in
conditions surrounding the tree. So, warm 2017 are the same age.
and moist conditions increase growth, q That, over a period of some years, the pine that
producing a wider ring, whereas cold and was used as a beam and the pine from which
dry conditions decrease growth, producing a a core sample was extracted in 2017 coincided
narrower ring. in the forest.
q Ring patterns cannot be overlapped because
You do not need to chop a tree down to observe
the core samples are obtained from different
its rings: a hollow instrument called increment
pine trees.

f. By matching the tree-ring sequences in the 14. Geological Cross Section of a Canyon
previous step, we can work out the year the pine This geological cross section corresponds to the
tree was cut down to build the log cabin. Recall mountainsides of a canyon that resulted from the
that the core sample of the tree nearby the cabin erosive action of a river’s water flow.
was extracted in 2017.
The tree that was used to make the wooden
beam for the log cabin was felled in the winter
of .......... .

Principles of Stratigraphy
13. Relative Dating and Principles
Geological cross section of the mountainside of a canyon.
a. Which rock layer is the oldest out of all of the
layers? a. Rank the geological processes that formed it in
order of occurrence.
A. Deformation of strata A-E by tectonic forces
B. Sedimentation and lithification of strata F-G
C. Erosion of strata C-E
D. Sedimentation and lithification of strata A-E
E. Formation of a narrow valley due to river erosion
b. Look at the magma intrusion (H). When did it

qA qB qC qD qE [Before / After] the formation of strata A-E and

[before / after] their deformation.
b. And which one is the most recent?
qA qB qC qD qE 15. Ordering Processes

c. Which principle did you use to answer questions

a and b?
q Principle of cross-cutting relationships
q Principle of superposition of strata

d. Rank the following geologic processes accord-

ing to age, from oldest to most recent.
a. Rank the geological processes that have given
rise to this geological structure according to age,
from oldest to most recent (image to the left).
A. Formation of rock layer C B. Formation of rock layer D
C. Formation of rock layer B D. Formation of rock layer A
E. Erosion of the surface of rock layer B F. Formation of the fault
b. Rank the geological processes that have given
rise to this geological structure according to age,
from oldest to most recent (image to the right).
A. Formation of rock layer A
A. Formation of rock layer C B. Formation of rock layer D
B. Formation of rock layer B
C. Formation of rock layer B D. Formation of rock layer A
C. Formation of rock layer C
E. Inclination of rock layers C and D F. Formation of the fault
D. Inclination of the strata
G. Erosion of rock layers C and D
H. Erosion of rock layers A and D, and formation of a river basin 35
Correlation of Rock Layers Fossils tend to accumulate in igneous rocks.
Fossils inform us about almost every living
16. Matching Rock Layers organism that has roamed the Earth in the past.
These two geological cross sections correspond The most common fossils are of organisms with
to two landforms a few dozen kilometers apart. mineral parts.
The layer of volcanic ash in both landforms—in
black—was dated and it was the same age in Importance of Fossils in Geology
both cases.
18. Other Index Fossils
Apart from trilobites, there are many other index
fossils. Look up information about a different type
of index fossil and find out:
The period when the organism inhabited the
The type of living organisms it is related to.
The environment in which the organism lived.
19. Absolute Dating and Fossils
Two geological cross sections. Because of the way in which fossils are formed,
they are contained in sedimentary rocks.
a. Correlate the layers from the two cross sections.
a. In general, can we apply absolute dating tech-
[H / I / J / K / it does not correlate with any
niques to strata containing fossils?
other layer.]
q No, since absolute dating methods cannot be
Rock layer A: ............ Rock layer E: ............ used to date materials as old as fossils.
Rock layer B: ............ Rock layer F: ............
q Yes, since remains of igneous and meta-
Rock layer C: ............ Rock layer G: ............
Rock layer D: ............ morphic rocks can always be found among
sedimentary rocks.
b. How can you explain that the rock layer E of q No, since sedimentary are formed of rocks of
the cross section to the left is not present in the different, older ages.
cross section to the right? Indicate whether or not
these explanations are plausible. b. A rock layer containing fossils may be caught
The rock layer did form, but it experienced more between two other strata formed by the accumu-
intense erosion than the layer in the landform to lation of basalt and ash from volcanic eruptions.
the left, and was therefore eliminated. Radiometric dating can be applied to these two
strata. So, how can you infer the age of the fossils
In the landform to the right, the sediments cor- in between the other two strata?
responding to layer E were not deposited.
The fossils are [younger than / older than /
the same age as] the layer of volcanic material
Fossil Formation above them, and [younger than / older than /
the same age as] the volcanic materials right
17. Facts about Fossilization
below them.
Indicate whether the following statements are
true or false. c. What conditions must the following fossils
The quicker the organic remains are buried, the meet to be able to use them in absolute dating
more readily they decompose. for strata in other parts of the world?
The characteristics of a fossil informs us about q Under no circumstances can fossils be used to
the environment the fossilized organism lived in. determine the absolute age of a rock layer.
Traces or evidence of past life are also consid- q Fossils must include the softer, organic parts of
ered fossils. the organism.
In fossils, the organism’s matter is modified
through a process called mineralization.

q The fossil species must have lived during a In the Hadean Eon, the atmosphere did not
relatively brief period of Earth’s history. contain oxygen.
q The fossil species must have had a wide geo- The end of the Hadean coincided with the end
graphical distribution, including several regions of the asteroid bombardment on Earth.
across the planet. During the Hadean, the geosphere, hydro-
sphere, and atmosphere formed.
The intensity of the asteroid bombardment
The Stages of Earth’s History
increased throughout the eon.
20. Order and Length of Eons The Hadean was named after the Greek god of
a. Rank the eons of Earth’s history in chronologi- the underworld, Hades.
cal order, from oldest to most recent. During the Hadean, the Earth had no atmo-
A. Proterozoic B. Phanerozoic
C. Hadean D. Archean The Archean Eon
b. Indicate the approximate time span of the
eons of Earth’s history. 23. Facts about the Archean
Indicate whether the following statements about
[about 550 Ma / about 1,500 Ma / about 2,500 Ma] the Archean are true or false.
Archean: ............ No evolution takes place during the Archean.
Phanerozoic: ............ Life appears on Earth at the beginning of the
Hadean: ............ Archean.
Proterozoic: ............ During the Archean, the living organisms are
21. Facts about the Divisions of Earth’s His- prokaryotes, that is, cells without a nucleus or
tory organelles.
Indicate whether the following statements are Life appears during the Archean due to an
true or false. increase of oxygen levels in the atmosphere.
The Cambrian is the first period of the Paleozoic The oldest known fossils of living organisms
which, in turn, is the first era of the Phanerozoic. date back to the end of the Archean.
All divisions of Earth’s history have a similar The first animals on Earth appeare during the
duration. Archean.
The Precambrian is the era preceding the The Archean is the longest eon.
Cambrian. Organic molecules appear after the earliest
In general, the more recent periods are shorter protocells.
than the older ones. 24. Reproduce the Origin of Life
Eons are divided into eras. During the 1920s, Alexander Oparin and John
Periods are divided into eras. Haldane proposed one of the main theories
We have more information about the Pha- about the origin of life on Earth. The theory was
nerozoic than the Proterozoic, so more specific, based on the following points:
smaller subdivisions can be made of it. 1. The chemical composition of Earth’s primordi-
al atmosphere was very different than today’s.
The Hadean Eon Originally, the atmosphere did not contain
oxidizing components such as oxygen, but it
22. Facts about the Hadean did have gases such as water vapor, ammonia,
Indicate whether the following statements are and methane.
true or false.
No life appeared on Earth throughout the 2. Through exposure to various forms of external
Hadean. energy—electric discharges from thunder-
storms, for example—, the inorganic com-
The Hadean Eon lasted about 500 years. pounds reacted with one another to give rise
to simple organic molecules. 37
3. These organic compounds accumulated in Organic molecules can organize into protocells
oceanic waters and began to concentrate at with the ability to self-replicate.
various locations, giving rise to what is known Under appropriate conditions, biomolecule
as the primordial soup. components can be spontaneously formed from
4. These molecules then reacted among them- inorganic molecules.
selves, producing more complex organic
Today, there’s little evidence to support the claim
molecules that in turn grouped into protocells
that the composition of the early atmosphere at
that had the ability to self-replicate.
the beginning of the Archean was the one that
In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey designed Miller and Urey used in their experiment. Also, con-
an experiment to test Oparin-Haldane’s hypoth- sider that in this ozone-free atmosphere, the action of
esis. Their idea was to simulate the conditions of UV rays from the Sun would have partly destroyed the
Earth’s early atmosphere by combining the gases molecules that accumulated in shallow waters.
that were supposed to have formed the earliest
atmosphere. However, the hydrothermal vents on the
a. Read the following explanation of the experi- seafloor would have had the conditions
ment and indicate the elements on the diagram needed for the abiotic synthesis of organic
that are described. molecules.

B c. Another theory on the origin of life is called

panspermia. Look up information about pansper-
Electrodes mia and write a short summary on this theory.

A Condenser

The Proterozoic Eon

C 25. Facts about the Proterozoic
Indicate whether the following statements about
Miller-Urey’s experimental device. the Proterozoic are true or false.
Chamber [A / B / C] contains the following Pannotia is the first supercontinent of Earth’s
gases: methane, hydrogen, and ammonia. history.
The pool of water in chamber [A / B / C] is The Proterozoic is the longest eon of Earth’s
evaporated and directed as water vapor to history.
chamber [A / B / C]. The earliest prokaryotic cell appears during this
Electrodes are used to deliver a current to eon.
trigger chemical reactions among the gases in During the Proterozoic, the amount of oxygen in
chamber [A / B / C]. Earth’s atmosphere increases, causing important
Finally, the mixture cools down in the condens- changes in the biosphere.
er. The condensed water drags the products of Cyanobacteria are responsible for the increase in
the reaction to chamber [A / B / C]. the planet’s O2 levels.
b. A week after conducting the experiment, the The earliest complex multicellular organisms
scientists noticed that chamber C contained a appear at the end of this eon.
dark mixture. Upon closer examination, they real- Bacteria that use oxygen for cellular respiration
ized it contained amino acids, the components of thrive and diversify during the Proterozoic.
proteins.What conclusions can you draw from this
In the Proterozoic, cyanobacteria do not perform
Through exposure to energy forms, a meth-
26. Changes in the Atmosphere
ane, hydrogen, ammonia, and water vapor
The graph shows the evolution in the concentra-
atmosphere can end up producing organic
tion of two gases in the atmosphere during the
The results of the experiment confirm all of
Oparin-Haldane’s hypothesis.

Concentration in the atmosphere

The Cambrian Period

28. Facts about the Cambrian
Indicate whether the following statements
Gas 1
12.5% about the Cambrian are true or false.
Gas 2
The continents of Laurentia, Baltica, Gond-
wana, and Siberia come together during this
The Cambrian explosion is the event that
2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500
occurs in this period during which there is a
Millions of years before present day massive diversification of life.
Concentration of two gases in the atmosphere during the
The Cambrian is the first period of the Paleo-
zoic era.
a. What gas corresponds to each line?
During the Cambrian, life is restricted to
Gas 1: [carbon dioxide / oxygen] aquatic environments.
Gas 2: [carbon dioxide / oxygen] The Cambrian explosion is the event that
b. Complete the following statements: occurs in this period during which the conti-
The concentration of [carbon dioxide / oxy- nents break apart.
gen] decreases because this gas is consumed Life thrives and diversifies mainly in seafloors
by the [cyanobacteria / heterotrophic bacteria far from the continents.
/ plants / animals] in the [photosynthesis / cel- Trilobites are aquatic arthropods widely
lular respiration]. present in the Cambrian seas.
The concentration of [carbon dioxide / oxy-
gen] increases because this gas is produced The Ordovician Period
by the [cyanobacteria / heterotrophic bacteria
29. Facts about the Ordovician
/ plants / animals] in the [photosynthesis / cel-
Indicate whether the following statements
lular respiration].
about the Ordovician are true or false.
Pangaea forms by the end of the Ordovician.
The Phanerozoic Eon
During the Ordovician, the first plants colo-
27. Facts about the Phanerozoic nize the land environment.
Indicate if the following statements about the
The earliest forms of jawed fish appear dur-
Phaneorzoic are true or false.
ing the Ordovician.
The Phanerozoic is the current eon.
A major extinction occurs by the end of the
During the Paleozoic, life begins to colonize Ordovician.
land environments.
The earliest jawless fish evolve during the
Dinosaurs dominate the planet during the Ordovician.
All jawless fish become extinct by the end of
All great groups of invertebrates appear during the Ordovician.
the Paleozoic.
A meteorite impact causes the extinction
No tectonic displacement occurs during the event which markes the end of the Ordovician.
entire Phanerozoic.
Several groups of invertebrates diversify dur-
Multicellular organisms appear during the ing the Ordovician.
The first eukaryotic cells appears during the The Silurian Period
30. Facts about the Silurian
The Quaternary is the period that marks the Indicate whether the following statements
beginning of the Phanerozoic. about the Silurian are true or false.
The Cenozoic is the era of mammals and birds. Animal life is still exclusively present in the
aquatic media. 39
Coral reefs thrive and diversify in the Silurian The first ever reptiles appear by the end of
seas. this period.
The collision between two fragments of old The land environment is covered by large
Pannotia causes the formation of a large forests during this period.
mountain system between both.
The Permian Period
The first vascular plants (with a root, stem, and
leaves) appear on land. 33. Facts about the Permian
Indicate whether the following statements about
The land is covered by dense tropical forests. the Permian are true or false.
We know that, during this period, some The supercontinent Pangaea consolidates.
arthropod species start inhabiting the land
environment. The earliest reptiles appear during this period.
Reptiles thrive and diversify during the Perm-
The first jawed fish appear in this period. ian.
The Devonian Period Seed plants begin to thrive and diversify
because they are better adapted to drought
31. Facts about the Devonian than ferns.
Indicate whether the following statements about The Permian is the first period of the Mesozoic
the Devonian are true or false. era.
Sharks cause the extinction of armored jawed The largest mass extinction event in Earth’s
fish. history occurs at the end of this period.
The earliest forests in Earth’s history appear, The extinction that hits Earth at the end of
consisting of fern trees. the Permian also means the end of trilobites,
The first mammals appear in Devonian seas. which have inhabited the seas throughout the
The earliest forms of insects and amphibians Paleozoic.
begin to colonize the land environment.
The Triassic Period
An extinction event at the end of the period
kills off 80% of all life forms on Earth. 34. Facts about the Triassic
The continents of Laurentia and Baltica con- Indicate whether the following statements about
solidate their assembly forming Euramerica. the Triassic are true or false.
Euramerica, a new continent, emerges from Dinosaurs are but one of the many groups of
the sea during this period. reptiles appearing in this period.
The earliest mammals appear during this period.
The Carboniferous Period Pangaea is surrounded by the Tethys Sea.
32. Facts about the Carboniferous The Triassic is a warm, dry period.
Indicate whether the following statements about The Triassic begins after the greatest mass ex-
the Carboniferous are true or false. tinction of Earth’s history and ends with another
The collision of Gondwana and Euramerica massive extinction.
marks the beginning of the formation of Amphibians dominate the forests of the Triassic.
Pangaea. Vegetation in this period is dominated by conif-
Current oil reserves are formed during that erous and other gymnosperms.
period. Dinosaurs diversify rapidly and dominate all
Flying insects and amphibians thrive and habitats on Earth.
diversify in the humid forests of the Carbonif-
erous. The Jurassic Period
Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere
reaches levels that have never been reached 35. Facts about the Jurassic
again. Indicate whether the following statements about
the Jurassic are true or false.
Except for the end of the period, the climate
of this period is cold and dry.

The marine ecosystems during the Jurassic are extinction. What’s the evidence for this asteroid
widely diverse and productive. impact? A thin dark line found in layers of sediment
around the world; evidence that something dev-
The wood produced in Jurassic forests gives rise
astating happened to the planet 66 million years
to the main oil reserves of the planet.
ago. This line is known as the K-Pg boundary.
The first birds appear at the end of this period,
from the evolution of a group of dinosaurs. Above the K-Pg boundary, fossils of dinosaurs and
other species disappear completely, whereas those
Mammals become extinct during the Jurassic.
of mammals begin to grow in numbers and diver-
The popular Tyrannosaurus rex lives during the sity. The boundary marks the end of the Cretaceous
Jurassic. period (usually abbreviated K) and the beginning
During the Jurassic, Pangaea begins to break of the Paleogene (abbreviated Pg, hence the name
into two large continents. of the boundary K-Pg).

Dinosaurs diversify and dominate all land eco- When physicist Luis Alvarez and geologist Walter
systems. Alvarez studied the K-Pg boundary around the
world in 1980, they found that it had a much
The Cretaceous Period higher concentration of iridium than normal—
between 30-130 times the amount of iridium you
36. Facts about the Cretaceous would expect. Iridium is rare on Earth but can still
Indicate whether the following statements about be found in large concentrations in asteroids. The
the Cretaceous are true or false. researchers went as far as to estimate the size of
The extinction that marks the end of the Mezo- the asteroid that must have impacted the Earth—
soic is the greatest in Earth’s history. about 10 km in diameter—from the layer of debris
that had been scattered across the entire planet.
The evolution of pollinating insects parallels the
evolution of flowers.
When that asteroid struck the Earth 66 million
Flowering plants with fruit appear during this years ago, it destroyed a region thousands of kilo-
period. meters across, but also threw up a dust cloud that
The popular Velociraptor lives during the Creta- obscured sunlight for years. That blocked photo-
ceous. synthesis in plants—the base of the food chain—
Mammals from the Cretaceous are still small and eventually starved out the dinosaurs.
Researchers now think that the asteroid strike that
The only dinosaurs that survive the extinction
created the K-Pg boundary was probably to blame
that marks the end of the Cretaceous are some
for the formation of the Chicxulub crater. This is a
bird species.
massive impact crater, buried under Chicxulub on
During this period, half the reserves of the the coast of Yucatan, Mexico, and therefore not
known oil and gas reserves forms. visible to the naked eye. The crater measures
180 kilometers across, and occurred about 66 mil-
37. The K-Pg Limit
Read the text and answer the questions on the lion years ago.
following pages.
Geologists aren’t completely in agreement about
What killed the dinosaurs? That’s a question the connection between the Chicxulub impact
that has puzzled paleontologists since dinosaurs and the extinction of the dinosaurs. Some believe
were first discovered. Maybe the global climate that other catastrophic events might have helped
changed, maybe they were killed by disease, volca- push the dinosaurs over the edge, such as massive
noes, or the rise of mammals. volcanism, or a series of impact events.

But in the last few decades, a new theory has Adapted from Frasier Cain, “K-T BOUNDARY,”
arisen; an asteroid strike millions of years ago dras- Universe Today website, https://www.univer-
tically changed the Earth’s environment. It was this, Septem-
event that pushed the dinosaurs over the edge into ber 10, 2009 41
a. Indicate whether, according to the text, the fol- The Quaternary Period
lowing statements are true or false.
The asteroid hypothesis has been around for at 39. Facts about the Quaternary
least a century. Indicate whether the following statements about
The first mammal fossils appear above the K-Pg the Quaternary are true or false.
boundary. The last glaciation occurs about 100,000 years
The high levels of iridium around the K-Pg ago.
boundary is key evidence of the impact of a Modern human beings (Homo sapiens) have
large asteroid on Earth right before the forma- dominated the Earth since the beginning of the
tion of this stratum. Quaternary.
The crater that was formed from the impact was The genus Homo appears during the Quater-
hard to identify, since it is buried. nary.
There’s absolute agreement that the impact of Various glaciations occur during the Quaternary.
a large asteroid with Earth was the only event The Quaternary is the last period of the Phanero-
responsible for the major extinction event of the zoic Eon.
Species no longer become extinct during the
By the end of the Cretaceous, only the largest Quaternary.
dinosaurs became extinct.
Continental drift no longer acts around the
b. The K-Pg boundary can be found across distant planet during the Quaternary.
locations around the world. It is consistently The Quaternary is the shortest period in Earth’s
found with similar thicknesses and characteristics. history.
Also, it is easy to recognize because of its high
amounts of iridium, only found in this layer.
40. Mass Extinctions
What do you call a rock layer with such character-
istics? A mass extinction is a sudden decrease in
A ......... bed. biodiversity on Earth.

The fossil record is used to assess changes in

The Paleogene and Neogene Periods biodiversity in the past. By studying the known
fossils and using dating methods we can deter-
38. Facts about the Paleogene and the Neo-
mine the appearance and disappearance of a
fossil species. The fossil record is clear evidence
Indicate whether the following statements about
that species have come and gone throughout
the Paleogene and the Neogene are true or false.
Earth’s history.
Coniferous plants diversify during the Paleogene
and the Neogene. However, there are five stages in Earth’s history
when a great number of species have disap-
During these periods, Alpine orogeny originates
peared, known as the five mass extinctions.
large mountain ranges such as the Alps.
A massive extinction at the end of the Paleo- 5,000
Genera of marine organisms

gene causes the final disappearance of reptiles.

North America and South America do not come
together until the end of the Neogene. 3,000
The first forms of australopithecus appear at the 2,000
end of the Neogene.
The Neogene is the first period of the Cenozoic
Era. 0
550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Mammals diversify notably during these periods. Millions of years before present day (Ma)
The Paleogene is the first period of the present-
day era. The five great mass extinction events in the history of life on

a. Observe the graph in the previous page and complete the following table about the five great ex-
tinction events of the Phanerozoic.
1) [2.6 / 66 / 145 / 201 / 251 / 299 / 359 / 416 / 444 / 485 / 542]
2) [Cambrian / Ordovician / Silurian / Devonian / Carboniferous / Permian / Triassic / Jurassic / Cretaceous
/ Paleogene / Neogene / Quaternary]
3) [Cambrian / Ordovician / Silurian / Devonian / Carboniferous / Permian / Triassic / Jurassic / Cretaceous
/ Paleogene / Neogene / Quaternary]

1) Ocurred about... 2) Marks the end of the... 3) Marks the beginning of...

1st extinction ........... Ma ago ........... ...........

2nd extinction ........... Ma ago ........... ...........

3rd extinction ........... Ma ago ........... ...........

4th extinction ........... Ma ago ........... ...........

5th extinction ........... Ma ago ........... ...........

b. The third mass extinction of the Phanerozoic c. Scientists today think that, over the last
is considered the largest ever: about 96% of all 10,000 years, we’ve been involved in yet another
marine species and 70% of land species became great mass extinction. This 6th extinction, which
extinct. began with the extinction of large mammals, is
believed to be ongoing. Human expansion would
Which of the following groups of animals com-
be its main cause.
pletely vanished from the face of the Earth during
this extinction? Look up information and describe a case of a spe-
If necessary, look up the information. cies that has vanished in relatively recent history.
Be sure to include the plausible causes for such
q Trilobites q Eurypterids an extinction.
q Dinosaurs q Mammals Look up the information and write a short summary.
q Belemnoids q Ammonites 43

History of the Earth

Related Units:

Evolution Minerals and Rocks

Earth's External Processes Earth's Internal Processes

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