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Author's purpose writing the house of life

- I think the author’s purpose in writing the House of Life is that he wants to convey to his
readers to look beyond life, look deeper and understand life as it is. That we should also muster
up our courage to fight our own battles, not to go astray and failed our mission to be a strong
one. And that we should always be patient enough and be respectful as always. There maybe
tons of challenges along the way, but instead of running we should fight in and most
importantly, win it. Another purpose of the author is that he wants to tell his readers not to
force things out to work out, and appreciate life always.

2. Difference between crowd and mystic


- A humble one and knows the word respect

- Knows how to understand things
- The mystic is also patient enough
- The mystic knows how to follow statutes and commandments
- When the mystic looked to the House of Life, he found something
- He was inside the house and went out in the evening
- He was given a chance to speak to the master of life


- When he entered the House of Life without knocking on the door, it was empty
- He’s not humble and don’t know the word respect
- Doesn’t know how to understand things
- Decides without thinking about the consequences afterwards
- He’s not patient
- Don’t know how to follow statutes and commandments
- He stayed outside while mystic was inside the house
- Wasn’t given a chance to the master of life at first when he entered the house for the first time

3. If I were to choose between mystic and crowd I would choose mystic. He has so many good
characteristics just like being a patient being, a humble one, knows how to understand things, knows
how to follow rules and most especially knows the word “respect”.

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