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AUGUST 18, 2023


"Enforcement of Guarantor System Rules by the Ghanaian Electoral

Commission: Ensuring Fairness and Integrity in Voter Registration"

The Electoral Commission of Ghana has reaffirmed its commitment to upholding the integrity of
the electoral process by enforcing regulations pertaining to the guarantor system in the upcoming
voter exercise. This system allows individuals to vouch for the eligibility of others during voter
registration. Concerns about potential misuse of the system have prompted the Commission to
announce its intention to treat violations as criminal offenses, with a specific focus on cases
where an individual serves as a guarantor for over 10 applicants. While the guarantor system is
crucial for enabling citizens without necessary identification documents to register, its misuse
could lead to fraudulent practices and the inclusion of ineligible voters. By imposing stricter
limits on the number of applicants a single person can vouch for, the Electoral Commission aims
to strike a balance between accessibility and preventing abuse. This initiative underscores the
Commission's commitment to maintaining transparency, fairness, and public trust in the electoral
process, ensuring that the upcoming voter exercise is conducted with credibility and adherence to
the rule of law.

"Electoral Cycle Adjustments in Nkoranza South and North Districts: A

Response to Security Concerns and Implications for Local Elections"
Due to security concerns, the districts of Nkoranza South and North in the Bono East Region of
Ghana will not be participating in the upcoming district-level election scheduled for December
19, 2023. The absence of these districts from the electoral process is a consequence of the
district-level election not being held in 2019. This hiatus in 2019 was a precautionary measure
taken to ensure safety. However, both districts successfully conducted their district-level
elections in 2021. As a result of this adjusted electoral cycle, Nkoranza South and North will not
be involved in elections until the year 2025. This decision exemplifies the intersection of security
considerations and electoral planning, where disruptions in prior electoral cycles can
significantly impact the scheduling of future elections in specific regions.
"Chief of Staff of Niger in Refuge in Ghana Denies Coup Legitimacy, Asserts
Ousted President's Recognition"

The Chief of Staff of Niger, currently seeking refuge in Ghana, is vehemently rejecting the
legitimacy of the presidential guards who orchestrated the coup in Niger. Despite their
assumption of power, he is resolute in his belief that this new leadership lacks recognition within
the international community and among a faction of the Nigerien community in Niger. In a
strong assertion, he maintains that the ousted president remains the internationally recognized
leader of Niger. This stance highlights the ongoing political turmoil in Niger following the coup
and underscores the division between the coup leaders and those loyal to the deposed president.
The Chief of Staff's denial and insistence on the legitimacy of the previous administration
accentuate the complexity of the situation and the diplomatic challenges that have emerged since
the power transition

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