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Think about it, write about it!

MSU-CELC Test of English
Writing Ability


For this section of the test, a proctor has given you a special answer form.

Using a Number 2 pencil only, write as much as you can, as well as you can, in an original composition
on 9ne of the two topics below. You have 35 minutes to complete the composition.

1. Superheroes are imaginary characters that save people from dangerous situations. Why do
you think the public loves superheroes so much? Can you describe a favorite superhero and
why you like this h_ero so much? Be sure to support your answer with examples, reasons and

OR ,

2. Some students believe they should spend their free time studying or doing an activity that will
s claim that they should just relax and do nothing in their free time.
help them be sma rt er. Other
. . . to you? Be sure to support your answer with examples, reasons
Which opinion makes sense •
and explanations.


Part 1 - Short conversations ,,

For each question in your test bo kl
. ;
to tell you what it is about f
et, you_w,11 hear a short conversation. Each conversation has a short title
after the words "Here ·•s t,ho ~wed _by a bnef description of the situation that is also printed in the test booklet
' e situation." n
You will listen to the conversatio

yourself. Use your pencil


appears in your test bookl t y, n a~d choose the letter of the choice that best answers the question that
ou will not hear the question; you will see it and read it. You will read it quietly to
mark your answer on your answer sheet. ...en
Example X: U'I

X. Walking the dog

When did Jim last walk the dog?
H~re is the situation: You are visiting your friend a. this morning
Brianna and her father has just walked into the room.
b. last weekend
He wants to ask her mother about walking their dog.
c. last night

1. The accountant
4. A new sports bag
Here is the situation: Mrs. Abrams is the manager Here is the situation: Jim has just bought a new
of an advertising company. She is talking to her sports bag. He is about to go to school and is asking
assistant, Mr. Williams, about the accountant's visit his sister, Joanne, about his bag.
What does Joanne say will happen?
When does Mrs. Abrams need some of the accounts a. Jim will have to buy himself a new bag.
b. Their mother will solve the problem.
a. by 5:00 p.m.
c. Joanne will take better care of the puppy.
b. by 12:00 p.m .
c. by 9:00 a.m. 5. At the courier's office
Here is the situation: Mr. Matthews was expecting
2. Car repairs an envelope yesterday. He is speaking to an
Here is the situation: Kate Smith is your classmate. employee at the courier's office right now to find out
Recently, her family car has broken down. She is why he hasn't received it yet.
in the kitchen having breakfast and her parents are What happened to Mr. Mathews' envelope?
talking about the car repairs. a. It was never delivered.
Why does Mr. Smith advise Mrs. Smith not to do b. His son has received it.
anything? c. It was lost.
a. He thinks the repair is too expensive.
b. He doesn't trust the new mechanic. 6. Making a salad
c. He wants her to check something first. Here is the situation: Karen has invited Steve over
for dinner. She is preparing a salad when Steve
3. New brochure asks her about it.
Here is the situation: Janet has juSt designed a Which place has the least expensive vegetables?
brochure for her company. Her boss, Mr. Chan, has a. the new supermarket
asked to talk to her about it. b. the organic market
Why does Mr. Chan want less information on the c. the corner store
a. to save money on printing
b. so as not to waste time
c. because he thinks it's unnecessary

_ __________________________
Part 2 - Longer conversations .
. has a short title to tell you what it is
. E ch conversa t ion
In this section you will hear longer conversations. a . . ted in the test booklet after the words
· r
about, followed by a brief description of the s1tua ion
that Is also prm
. read 2 to 4 questions. Listen to each
. to each conversation you WI 11
"Here is the situation." Before listening
. r test booklet.
conversation and answer the questions that appear m you

Wh is Chris happy that it won't snow?

7 - 10. Forest school 12. Y h'
Here is the situation: Questions 7 through 10 are a. He needs to use Is car.
b. He will be outdoors.
based on the following conversation. You are waiting
in line at the post office, next to a man named Tim C. He dislikes snow.
and a woman named Lily. They are talking about the
new forest school that has opened up in your area. 13 _ What will Kate do?
You are interested in this new school so you listen to a. go hiking
their conversation.
b. call off her plans
c. go and see a client
7. Where was Tim's son today?
a. on an excursion
b. at a new school
14-17. Buying a CD
Here is the situation: Questions 14 through 17
c. home in bed
are based on the following conversation. Your best
friend, Jason, collects various types of CDs. Lately
8. What does Lily say about forest schools? he has been searching for a specific type of music
a. They are in fashion right now. that is not easy to find. He is at a CD shgp that i§
b. She's never heard of them. downtown and he is talking to the salesclerk.
c. They are better than regular schools.
14. What type of CD is Jason looking for?
9. What is one reason Tim likes forest schools? a. one ;r;ith his grandfather's songs
a. They make kids memorize more things. b. one with traditional Hungarian music
b. They get kids to learn through experience. c. one with gypsy orchestra music
c. They are much cheaper than other
15. What does the CD store have a reputation for?
a. selling uncommon CDs
10. What best describes Lily's attitude at the end
b. being less expensive than others
of the conversation?
c. having helpful staff
a. unconvinced
b. enthusiastic
c. bored 16. Where is Romani music played?
a. only in Romania
11 - 13. Unpredictable weather b. mostly in Hungary
Here is the situation: Questions 11 through 13 are c. in many countries
based on the following conversation. Kate and her
brother Chris are having lunch together. Kate has 17
· How will Jason find out if there are more CDs
just heard the weather forecast and is discussing it like this one?
with Chris. a. by checking online

b. by having the salesclerk check for him

11. What will the weather be like tomorrow? C.
by making a phone call
a. warmer during the day, but colder at night
b. sunny, but windier than usual
c. much warmer than expected
Part 3 - Extended discourse
In this section you Will hear a spee h .

have time to read the questions E h
. c and a long conversation . Before listening to each passage, you will
· ; 11
1 th n
. .
descnplion ° .
will listen toeeach
· ac Passage has a short title to tell you what it is about, followed by a brief
that is
passage tw·also Printed
d h in the test
. booklet after the words '. "Here is the situation."
test booklet. CD

ice, an t en you will answer a series of questions that appear in your
18 - 23. Being a Big Buddy UI

Here is the situation: You are worried about 22. What is the purpose of the speaker's talk?
bullying and are interested in becoming a Big Buddy a. to teach people how to stop being bullies
at your school. Last week, you saw a notice on b. to inform students about being a Big Buddy
your school website. It looked interesting, so you c. to encourage students to become
decide to attend the first meeting for volunteers. The Little Buddies
teacher in :'.'harge of the group is giving information
about ·w:·1.: ' t .stng a Big Buddy is all about. 23 _ How will being a Big Buddy help students when
they are in high school?
18. VVrfr:; , of the following is an option for a. It will give them community service hours.
6' 0 gracisrs?
b. It will teach them to be stronger.
a. to become a Big Buddy this year c. It will allow them to graduate with a
b. to stay for the talk higher grade.
C. to attend the Big Buddy meetings

19 . W hat does the speaker say about Little

a. They are mostly girls.
b. They go to other schools.
C. They are 1st and 2nd graders.

20. What does "you are not avengers" mean?.

Big Buddies should not stay ·m groups .
:: Being a Big Buddy is more dangerous than
it looks. .
c. . s h O uld never use v10 1ence.
Big Buddies

21 . What will Big Buddies

. d o at the Friday
meetings? .
They will watch movies.
a. They will talk to each other.
C. They will listen to lectures.

Part 3 - Extended discourse, continued

24 - 30. Talk at the principal's office 27. Why does Mrs. Wilkins like the neighborhood
they live in now?
Here is the situation: There is a new boy at school,
a. Steven has more friends there.
Steven Wilkins, who has become a friend of yours.
Mrs. Wilkins, his mother, has been called into the b. The schools are stricter.
principal's office. The principal is worried about Steve. C. She used to live there.
This is the conversation they have in his office.
28. What does Mrs. Wilkins say about Steven's
24. Why has Mrs. Wilkins been called into old friends?
the office? a. They had a bad effect on him.
a. Her son is having problems with his b. They treated him roughly.
classes. They were very gentle kids.
b. A teacher has made a complaint about
her son.
29. What compromise does Mrs. Wilkins suggest?
c. Her son has hit another student.
a. taking Steven back to visit his old friends
b. moving back to their old neighborhood
25. What does Mrs. Wilkins say about her son?
c. asking his father to move back home
a. He does not communicate with her.
b. He is addicted to his computer.
30 . Why does the principal suggest they talk to the
c. He has lost his appetite.
guldsncEJ counselor?
a. She understands Steven better than
26. What does the principal say about the
anyone else.
b. She will help them talk about their
a. He already knew that Steven's father
problems calmly.
had left.
c. She specializes in dealing with violent
b. Steven is probably angry at his father.
c. Steven's problem seems to be with his


31. Tim Brown ___ late for work. 37. His father wanted to talk to him - -
a. wasn't being the problems he was having at school.
b. has never been a. about
c. not been b. for
d. never to be c. that
d. to
32. Those boxes are
- - - to lift. We need to call
some professional movers. 38. I don't appreciate like a child.
a. heavy enough a. treating
b. such heavy b. to treat
c. too heavy C. being treated
d. so heavy d. that you treat

33. The teacher showed her ___ with the 39. _ _ _ it was dark outside, Jack managed
children's behavior by making them stay to find the campsite without a flashlight.
after school. a. But
a. dissatisfied b. Although
b. dissatisfaction C. However
C. dissatisfy d. Despite
d. dissatisfying
40. That jacket isn't _ _ _ . Please put on a
34. _ _ _ you made an effort is more important heavier one.
than the result. a. warm enough
a. The fact that b. wa rmer tt1an
b. What C. enough warm
C. Having d. warmed
d. This that

41. He recently transferred to a new school, but

35. None of the kids could wait their he _ _ _ a lot of friends already.
Christmas gifts.
a. had had
a. have opened
b. has made
b. opening
c. makes
C. open
d. will make
d. to open
42 · The workers haven't decided to go
36. You go ahead and I'll wait for
on strike.
a. others
a. what
b. other
b. so
C. the other
c. that
d. the others
d. whether

llllllllilwll MSU-CELC PRACTICE TESTS ---- //

43 _ we had ori~inally planned to watch a movie, 49. That man has five kids, ?
but we decided to go to a cafe a. he has
a. rather ---·
b. doesn't he
b. better C. isn't he
c. instead d. won't he
d. not
50. You will only succeed if
44. I'm not sure if Katherine is in town. 1sent her a. you try your best
an email last week, but I haven't heard from b. you will try your best
her since _ __ C. your best you try
a. now d. you had tried your best
b. then
c. that 51. hungry is one of the main reasons
d. which people turn to crime.
a. Been
45. What do you think you ___ at this time next b. Being
year? I hope to be in another country! c. Be
a. will be doing d. Have been
b. have done
52. I wish people ___ how serious the problem
c. do
d. are doing of global warming is.
a. are realizing
46. Jenna, please come _ __ you can. Your dog b. realize
is very sick and we should take her to the vet. c. would realize
d. will realize
a. faster as
b. as fast
53. Please do ___ you're told. This will only
c. as fast as
work if everyone cooperates.
d. fast
a. like
47. Keri, ___ mom is my homeroom teacher, is b. which
c. this
one of my closest friends.
d. as
a. who
b. which 54. I can't help you with your homework. You'll just
C. whose have to do it _ __
d. that a. you
b. yours
48. Oh, no! Who let the cat ___ outside? She
c. self
may never come back! d. yourself
a. go
b. going
c. to go
d. went

------------------------------ - - -- --===
55. Have you eaten the entire steak ? You
must have been starving!
a. already
b. still
C. yet
d. since

56. This part of the book cannot

i author does some more research.
unless the

a. write
b. writing
C. have written
d. be written

57. School regulations forbid T-shirts to be

worn on the school premises.
a. the kinds
b. these kinds of
C. of this kind
d. the kind which

58. The children were late getting to the party, and

most of their friends already left.
a. were
b. did
C. had
d. could

59. Everyone in this world to be loved by

someone else.
a. need
b. needs
C. are needed
d. have needed

60. Carol promised her mother ___ a lie again.

a. not telling
b. to tell not
c. won't tell
d. not to tell

_ _ _ _ _ _ __

Reading Activity 1
::.; ; :j I
,·. •>, ·! Here is the situation: Jeanie and Kylie are cousins who live in_ different states. Aller not seeing ••ch Ollie,
for many years, Kylie Will visit Jeanie in Chicago during the Christmas break. Read the email and •nswe, th
questions that follow. e

Jeanie's Email
From: Jeanie
To: Kylie
Date: Friday, November 1
Subject: Christmas visit

Dear Kylie,

How are you? I'm so excited about your upcoming visit.

I can 't believe we're finally going to see each other after so long.

I want to ask you about what you'd like to see while in Chicago. I love sightseeing! We definitely have to go to
the Willis Tower (the old Sears Tower). It's no longer the world's tallest building, I'm afraid. But ii was from 197
to 1998! The best part of the Tower is the elevator ride going up - it covers 1,600 feet in a minute! It's a bit 4
pricey, but I think we should go, mainly because there are great views of the city.

The other thing we have to do is walk the Magnificent Mile. It's supposed to be one of the best shopping
districts in the world, although average people like you and me can't really afford to buy anything from the
stores there. But as we walk the Mag Mile, we'll also pass by the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Chicago
Water Tower and the Wrigley Building. These are all major sights. Look them up online and tell me which you
want to see.

The reason I'm asking you all of this is because depending on what you want to see, it might be worth getting a
CityPass, which gives us 50% off eight sights. It costs $25, but if we go to three of the attractions they feature,
we get our money back. ff we go to all of them, we'll save about $65 each.

One place I really want to take you is Millennium Park. It's gorgeous, and it's free! It's full of modern sculptures,
and there's an ice rink for us to skate on. When it was being built, there were all kinds of problems. Some
people doubted if anyone would use it, but in the end it's really popular. It's full of greenery and open spaces,
and it even has a pavilion for outdoor concerts. (Though with the freezing weather, this won't be an option.)

So let me know! And tell me if there's a chance your brother will be coming. There's plenty of room for him to
stay with us.

Talk to you soon!



I: Ii _ ..
t ! I • .: •:

.:.;. ·.· 1-~



61. What does Jeanie say about Willis Tower?

65. How will the CityPass save them money?
a. It is an inexpensive sightseeing attraction.
a. All sights are free if they buy it. . ....
b. She has never been there before.
c. It's a great place to have lunch.
b. It only costs $65 to see eight attractions.
C. It offers a 50% discount on 8 sights.

d. It used to be the world's highest d. Three of the sights will cost only $ 25 ·
66. Why were there problems when Millennium
62. What is the disadvantage of the Magnificent Park was being built?
Mile? a. It was very expensive to build.
a. It's a very tiring walk. b. No license was issued to build it.
b. The stores are very expensive. C. It took too long to build.
C. The sidewalks are very crowded. d. People said it wouldn't be popular.
d. It's difficult to reach.
67. Why won't Jeanie and Kylie go to a concert
63. Which of the following is closest in meaning in Millennium Park?
to average in Paragraph 3? a. It's too cold.
a. young b. It's too expensive.
b. normal C. They don't like the performers.
C. tourist d. They don't like concerts.
d. selective
68. What is the main reason that Jeanie is writing?
64. What should Kylie do to choose the sights she a. to invite
wants to see? b. to warn
a. make phone calls C. to answer
b. ask her friends d. to inquire
C. look on the Internet
d. do research at the library


Reading Activity 2
Here ist· the situafion.. W hrle
inter . reading a magazine on technology trends, you come across thrs . article.
. You fi
th es rng. becaus · · R
e you want to buy a cell phone and your parents are against it. ea d th e article and ans ind it
e questions that follow. Wer

More than Just a Telephone

text messaging to organize their schedules , ..,,..,a ke

appointments and chat. A recent survey found that
nearly half of US teenagers thought their social lif
would be ruined if they did not have a cell phone. e

Also, consider that teena~ers need t~e convenie~

of being able to communicate at all trmes regardless
of where they are. Their phone makes it easy to alter
plans quickly, and this makes their lives easier. One
of the most important aspects of this when you are a
teenager is letting your parents know about changes
to your schedule. 95% of teenagers agree that cell
phones give them more freedom because they can
reach their parents no matter where they are.
Teens have always had a burning need to have the
latest of everything: clothes, running shoes, and This brings us to the final and most important
gadgets, for example. Marketers have long been function of cell ph ones for teens: having a cell phone
aware of this, and many items on sale are targeted with thmr• t,ff?.rs them a sense of safety. Teenagers
only for teenagers. r·eQvi'; ;,,:c!:nfi 3 greater sense of security when they
,,rt.: out t ,~,,;ause they know help is only the press of
In the last decade another item has been added a buai:,n &Nv'ay.

to the list of teenage essentials - the cell phone.

It has gotten to the point where today's teenagers So the type and brand of phone teenagers want may
cannot imagine an existence without them. Some change depending on fashion, but the phone itself is
of you may think that this is an exaggeration or no longer an option. It's an essential part of their lives
just another passing fad, but you would be hugely that is here to stay.
mistaken. Having the right cell phone may be a
fashion statement, but for 21 stcentury teenagers, cell
phones are more than just a status symbol.

To begin with, mobile devices these days are not just

phones. They are portable entertainment units that
provide access to music, images, games and video.
88% of teens use their phones to take pictures.

Our children also see their phone as essential for

maintaining a healthy social life. Teenagers use



69. How do teenagers feel about their cell pho ?

nes. 73. How do cell phones make teens' lives easier?
a. They cannot live without them.
a. They help them save money.
b. They don't need them all the time.
b. They allow them to buy whatever they
c. They understand that they are useful.
d. They are afraid that they are an addiction. c. They let them change their schedules.
d. They help them commute more easily.
70. Which of the following is closest in meaning to
an exaggeration in Paragraph 2? 74. What is the general opinion of the author?
a. an untrue statement a. Cell phones are unnecessary in young
b. a sad fact
people's lives.
c. an admirable truth b. Soon teens won't need cell phones
d. an important rule anymore.
C. Fashion is essential to people when
71. Accon:!ing to the article, how does a cell phone they are young.
eifl\"-1r.'~ z, ~~enager's social life? d. Cell phones are a permanent feature
~. 1't l~<tJ·eases their level of happiness. of a teen's life.
b, )' rn;ai,es them more popular at school.
c;. /~ r·ielps them plan their schedules. 75. Who is this article probably aimed at?
d. ii destroys their social relationships. a. teenagers
b. parents
72. Which of the following is closest in meaning to c. teachers
convenience in Paragraph 5? d. younger children
a. ease
b. safety
c. feature
d. pleasure


Reading Activity 3 . .
. t rt our own blog with recipes and the histo
Here is the situation: You love baking and you've deci~ed to s a y rt 'th an article about the history of ry
of each type of recipe. Your first blog will be about cookies so you sta WI
cookies. Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

My Baking Blog: The History of th e Cookie
immigrants came to America, they brought their
beloved cookies with them. Each country added
its own local products to the original formula. The
shapes and baking methods also evolved, leading to
the many different types of cookies we have today.

Chocolate had been used as an ingredient in

cookies for a long time. However, the advent of the
chocolate chip cookie did not occur until the 1930s.
Ruth Graves Wakefield was baking cookies at her
husband's establishment, the Toll House Inn, when
she realized that she had run out of bitter chocolate.
Hello everyone and welcome to my first blog about
She substituted it with some semi-sweet chocolate
everyone's favorite sweet delight: cookies! They're
that Andrew Nestle, owner of the Nestle chocolate
so easy to make and such a great snack. But do you
company, had given her as a gift. The new recipe
know how long they've been around?
turned out to be a great success.

The fascinating story of the cookie started in Persia

Until the 19OOs housewives had to either bake their
over 1,000 years ago. The production of sugar
own cookies or buy them at a bakery. During World
had just begun in the area, and local bakers made
War I the Australian Army used tin cans to send
sweet breads by adding it to their regular dough .
biscuits to its troops in Turkey, proving that cookies
As sugar became more common, cakes and other
couid be shipped overseas without a problem. Today
types of pastries appeared. These delicacies were
enjoying your favorite snack is as easy as visiting
baked in wood-fired ovens that did not have a
your nearest supermarket and choosing your favorite
built-in thermometer. Therefore, bakers had to test
flavor from an endless selection of ready-made
the temperature using small bits of dough. These
bite-sized cakes were typically made of flour, sugar,
butter and spices. It was soon realized that they were
delicious, and hence the cookie was born.

The cookie could last a very long time if it was

preserved under the right conditions, so it became
the ideal food for travelers, soldiers and nomads. As
they moved from place to place, they spread cookie
recipes across continents. England, Scotland and
the Netherlands were the first countries to embrace
the cookie. As a result, when Dutch and British



76. Why did Persians make sweetened baked .,,.

goods? 80. Which of the following is closest in meaning to
a. They had more advanced technology. substituted in Paragraph 4? n
b. Persian bakers had access to sugar. a. improved
C. b. fixed

A Persian housewife came up with recipes.
d. The Persians loved sweet pastries. C. changed
d. replaced

77. What was the original use of cookies? (II

81 . What was Ruth Graves Wakefield famous for?
a. They were offered to important guests.
a. inventing the chocolate chip cookie
b. They were used to test the temperature
b. bringing the recipe for cookies to America
of an oven.
C. being the first to use chocolate in cookies
C. They were used to make sweet breads.
d. owning a chocolate company
d. They were given to soldiers of the Persian
82. In general, many of the developments of the
cookie happened
78. Why did travelers take cookies with them? a. by chance
a. They wanted to give the recipe to other b. because of world politics
people. C. before people started traveling
b. They needed food that wouldn't spoil fast. d. to suit wealthy people
c. Cookies were very healthy snacks.
d. Cookies were very inexpensive to make.

79. Why did cookies change over the years?

a. The original recipe did not taste good.
b. Cookies did not last very long.
c. Each country made them in a different
d. The main ingredients were hard to find.

Reading Activity 4
. K ea She booked it with a local tra
Here 1s the situation: Janice Greyson took a tour while visiting Seo~I,or · the agency sent her a Vel
agency but was not happy with it. She posted a negative review and in response, 1 n
·1 h' t·10ns that fol ow.
emai , w 1ch she replied to. Read the two emails and answer the ques

From: Janice Greyson

From: Global Korea Tourism Office
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2016
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2016
To: Samantha Chun
To: Janice Greyson
Subject: Poor Review
Subject: Poor Review

Dear Ms. Greyson, Dear Ms. Chun,

I just received your email asking me to amend my

We are writing to you about the review you posted
review. Since my review did not make it obvious to
on our website. You took our one-day tour of Seoul,
you why I was dissatisfied with my tour, allow me to
Korea, on December 16, and afterwards you gave
it only one star. Please allow me to address your explain in greater detail.
comments. First of all, the majority of good reviews are from
last summer, so they are not current. As I later
To begin with, we are very sorry that you did not
discovered, the closing of the Traditional Village is
have a pleasant experience. As you can see
a common phenomenon in winter months, so there
from the majority of other reviewers, you are an
should have been a sati sfactory alternative offered.
exception to the rule . You complained that the tour
Other tour groups take their guests to a museum
to the Traditional Village was canceled, but that was
or other cultural attraction. Your tour company took
due to weather. When it rains, the Village itself is
not open to visitors, so I'm afraid there was nothing us to a store selling jade, and we spent two hours
being h.~rnS§oci by insistent sales people. I did not
we could do about that.
buy anything , but l wasted two valuable hours of my
Finally, you also mentioned that "the restau rant had time in Seoul.
an unpleasant smell." I want to inform you that we
go out of our way to take our clients to the best In closing, I will not amend my review. Please do
restaurants. Pasha is a famous traditional eatery in your best to improve this tour. Personally, I will not
Seoul and the strong smell that you mention is due recommend your services to my friends or family
to the garlic used in most dishes. This is not the and will avoid using your services in future.
fault of the tour company.
I would ask you to please consider revising your
Janice Greyson
review. It has lowered the rating of this entire tour.

Thank you very much,

Samantha Chun
83. What is the main reason that Samantha Ch -a
h .
wrote er email?
un 87. How does Janice explain the fact that other
a. to offer a partial refund
reviews were positive? n
a. They were not authentic reviews.
b. to make a complaint
b. They reviewed a different tour.

c. to express gratitude for a review
C. They were from a different time period.
d. to respond to complaints
d. The reviewers were much younger. en
84. What does Samantha say about the other U'I
88. What is Janice's complaint about the Traditional
Village part of the tour?
a. They had positive comments.
a. The Village should not have been closed.
b. They were angry about Janice's
b. She should have received a refund for that
part of the tour.
C. Their comments were more negative than The guide should have taken them there
Janice's. anyway.
d. They have been affected by Janice's d. They should have been taken to
review. someplace similar.

85. Why didn't Janice's tour group visit the 89. Which of the following is closest in meaning to
Traditional Village? harassed in the second paragraph of Janice's
a. It was closed because of the weather. email?
b. No one wanted to walk in the rain. a. assisted
C. The tour guide refused to take them there. b. bothered
d. It wasn't a feature of Janice's tour C. cheated
package. d. ignored

86. Which of the following is closest in meaning 90. What does Janice say that she will do?
to go out of our way in the third paragraph a. make more complaints
of Samantha's email? b. rewrite her review
a. avoid in every way C. not use this travel agency again
b. do everything possible d. recommend the agency to her friends
C. travel long distances
d. think creatively


Talk about it!

MSU-CELC Test of
English Speaking Ability

Warm-up Phase (1 minute) the fOII Ow·ng·


Exchange greetings, verify identity and ask one or more questions trom ·

• Do you have any hobbies?

• How did you get here today?
• Do you have any plans for the Christmas / summer break?
• Are you a student? What are your favorite subjects?
• What are you doing at this stage of your life?
• Do you work? What do you do?

"Task 1: Description (1 minute)

• Can you describe a pet to us? (It can either be your pet or a friend's pet. )

Task 2: Narration (1-2 minute)

• Have you ever traveled by plane (ship/train)? Was it a fun experiencfl'?

Task 3: Narration (1-2 minutes)

• Tell us about a time when you learned a new sport or activity. Was it difficult to learn?

Task 4: Supported opinion (2-3 minutes)

• Should young people help their parents with chores around the house?

Task 5: Supported opinion (2-3 minutes)

• Do you believe that subjects like history and art should be tau 9ht ·in h'1g h school?

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